ANSYS workbench-symmetry对称载荷(cyclic region and pre-meshed cyclic region循环区域和预网格循环区域)

1 Cyclic Region自动循环区域

(1)Make sure that you do not scope a Remote Displacement, Remote Force,or a Moment to a geometric entity that shares an edge, vertex, or node with either the specified High Boundary or Low Boundary properties of the Cyclic Region because the application could generate incorrect results.如果将远程力或力矩和循环区域的高低边界共享几何体(边缘、顶点和节点),最终会导致结果不正确。

(2)High Boundary and Low Boundary should be exactly same in shape and size, otherwise Mechanical will not be able to map nodes from Low Boundary to High Boundary to create full model from a single sector. 高低边界必须尺寸和形状必须一致,否则Mechanical不能将节点从低边界映射到高边界,进而建立单个扇区的完整模型。

(3)In similar fashion, you must define the Remote Point  for Moment loads so that its points of application lie along the cyclic axis (see warning below).   Set the Remote Point Behavior property to Deformable or Rigid. 必须为力矩加载定义远程点,使其应用点位于循环轴上; 将远程点行为属性设置为可变形或刚性。

图一 循环高低边界

图二 循环载荷(加扭矩)

图三 循环区域的变形量(动画不知道能不能播放)

2、Pre-Meshed Cyclic Region 预网格循环区域

(1)cyclic region and pre-meshed cyclic region循环区域和预网格循环区域的区别,具体如下:

The Pre-Meshed Cyclic Region is a symmetry option that does process the specified selections for the Low Boundary and High Boundary properties. Normally, the application uses these selections to specify the nodes to write cyclic constraint equations; however, this object instead uses the cycle angle to determine the nodes used to create cyclic symmetry.This option is used to define cyclic symmetry for cases where you cannot generate a matched mesh using the low and high boundaries. Not being able to match the mesh is often the case whenyou import mesh from an external source, such as Model Assembly, External Model, or ACP. To match your mesh, the Pre-Meshed Cyclic Region enables you to select the exact orientation of nodal coordinate systems on the sector boundaries. And the feature includes the additional property Relative Distance Tolerance that enables you to modify the automatic sector boundary detection of low and high boundary. 预网格循环区域是一个对称选项,处理低边界和高边界的指定选择。程序用指定的节点编写循环约束方程,用循环角确定用于创建循环对称的节点。预网格循环区域用于无法使用高低边界网格生成合适网格的情况。

(2)• The following support limitations and specifications must be observed: • The following boundary conditions are not supported:

– Bearing Load

– Hydrostatic Pressure

– Fluid Solid Interface (Supported for Static Acoustics but cannot be applied to the Low/High Boundary)

• The following remote boundary conditions are not supported:

– Joints

– Bearing 

(以上为Cyclic Region一些不支持的边界条件)

(3)The first illustration below depicts a Friction Support applied to the exterior faces of a symmetry model. Because this boundary condition shares topology with sector boundaries, it will not solve. 边界条件和扇形边界共享拓朴结构,所以无法求解。

(4)加载力矩边界条件都限制在轴向。因此,必须将边界条件define by属性设置为Components,只有Z轴属性可以非零并且边界条件的指定坐标系的Z轴必须和相应循环区域所使用的坐标系相匹配。




ANSYS Workbench中的网格划分工具平台是为不同物理场和求解器提供相应的网格文件。它集成了多种网格划分软件/应用程序,例如ICEM CFD、TGrid、CFX和Gambit等。网格划分种类有CFD(流体)和FEA(结构)两种,而WB网格划分的特点是以单个part为对象,不同的part可以匹配不同的网格尺寸,并通过接触产生关联。 WB网格划分的流程包括:确定网格划分物理环境(默认为FEA)、设定网格划分方法、控制网格参数(尺寸、控制、膨胀等)、结合后期处理、创建适当的选择集(Named Selection)、网格、适当调整并生成网络、检查网格质量。 WB中的网格类型种类包括杆单元、梁单元(两节点单元和三节点单元)、壳单元、平面单元(三角形单元和四边形单元)、体单元(四面体单元、楔形体单元、棱柱体单元和六面体单元)。其中,六面体单元的计算性能最优,其次是楔形体和棱柱体单元,最后是四面体单元。而低阶体单元Solid185和高阶体单元Solid186的区别在于节点数的不同,默认是使用Solid186,但计算量大,可以考虑降为Solid185。 要查看和修改WB中的单元类型,您可以使用下列步骤进行操作: 1. 在WB中选择适当的网格划分模块。 2. 通过选择“Mesh”或类似选项来进入网格划分界面。 3. 在界面中,可以找到一个“Element”或类似选项,该选项允许您查看和修改单元类型。 4. 点击“Element”,然后选择您想要查看或修改的单元类型。 5. 根据您的需求,您可以选择不同的单元类型,并进行相应的修改。
评论 3




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