【FAQ】加密保护软件 WinLicense 注册常见问题解答(七)





A:你可以创建一个有效期为12个月的许可证(并且你可以在许可证到期时控制该事件,方法是转到Customized Dialog面板并选中“Display by SDK or not display”以获取特定的到期消息,例如“MsgID17:Trial date expired”)。也就是说,即使许可证过期,你的应用程序也将继续运行。

如你所知,许可证是否已过期,可以通过调用WLRegGetStatus来检查。当许可证过期时,你将存储当前版本号(使用WinLicense SDK中的Trial Custom Counter来存储)。当应用程序过期时,如果当前应用程序的版本大于存储在“Trial Custom Counter”中的版本,程序将拒绝运行。



A:WinLicense许可证的基础是“Registration Unique Key(注册唯一密钥)”。 每个软件都有一个唯一的“License Unique Key(许可证唯一密钥)”(在软件面板中生成)。

当你在WinLicense的“License Manager ”中生成许可证时,必须确保选择的是指定软件,只有这样,许可证才会对受保护的应用程序起作用。


A:从WinLicense 2.0.6开始,你可以在运行时更改文件位置和文件名。你可以通过“Control Messages from external DLL”选项(Customized Dialog面板)来执行此操作。请按照以下步骤操作:

1)创建一个简单的DLL(此DLL将通过“Control Messages from external DLL”选项包含在受保护的应用程序中)



  WLDefaultLicenseFolder 是你希望许可证所在的位置
  WLDefaultLicenseName 是你希望的许可证名称

3)在Customized Dialog面板的“Function Handlers(函数处理程序)”中选择该函数





WinLicense combines the same protection-level as Themida with the power of advanced license control, offering the most powerful and flexible technology that allows developers to securely distribute trial and registered versions of their applications. WinLicense is a powerful protection system designed for software developers who wish to protect their applications against advanced reverse-engineering and software cracking. Developers do not need any source code changes or programming experience to protect their applications with WinLicense. WinLicense uses SecureEngine? protection technology, which is able to run its code at the highest priority level to implement never before seen protection techniques; this protects any application with the highest level of security. Here are just a few of WinLicense's protection features: * Multilevel encryption to protect code and data in an application. * Advanced detection of cracking tools. * Execution of code the highest level of priority to implement never before seen protection techniques. * Scrambles executable code, data, and APIs in the application to avoid any possible reconstruction of the original application. * Protection against all disassemblers and debuggers. * SDK offers two-way communication with SecureEngine? and the protected application. * Advanced technology which prevents dumping from memory to disk. * Fully customizable protection options and dialogs. The main objective of WinLicense is to cover all current vulnerabilities in software protection. Most software protection programs claim to be the perfect solution against cracking, but this is far from reality. In the following list, we present the two main weaknesses in most software protectors and how WinLicense covers them. ? Obsolete protection techniques: Normally, software protectors use obsolete protection techniques that can be easily defeated with newest cracking tools. Even the newest software protectors are just a copy of older software protectors with just some new and not-very powerful techniques against software cracking. WinLicense uses a new and very advanced technology that detects any possible cracking attempt of an application and ensures each application is uniquely protected to avoid general attacks. ? Restricted execution by the OS: Current software protectors can only run their code with a “normal” privileges level. This means that they cannot implement advanced protection techniques which can only be executed in Kernel Mode, the highest operating system priority level. WinLicense runs parts of its code in Kernel Mode to implement the most advanced techniques against modern cracking, making it a unique protector. WinLicense offers the widest range of options and features to create both trial and registered versions for an application. Developers can communicate with WinLicense to check the current state of the trial or registered versions of their application through a complete SDK. WinLicense also offers the capability to automatically handle all possible situations, such as when an application expires, a license is corrupted, etc., saving developers from including extra code into their applications. Some of the most important licensing features included in WinLicense are: * Possibility to create Trial versions with multiple different expiration types like: expiration by days, by executions, by specific date, by minutes, by runtime, etc. * Possibility to extend the trial period in an application with Trial Extension Keys. * Powerful engine to store the trial status in the system to avoid trial period resetting by possible attackers. * Possibility to create different types of license keys for different developer needs. * Lock trial and license keys to a specific country. * Machine binding, which allows an application to run on a specific computer only. * Custom trial counters to keep control of limited resources in your trial versions. * Independent password protection for both Trial and Registered versions. * Possibility to create your own automation system with help from the external WinLicense DLL. * Complete SDK with over 50 different functions. * .NET SDK support for Trial and Registered versions. * Database-driven implementation to keep safe records of all your software, customers and licenses. * Embedded generators to create license keys, trial extension keys, and passwords for an application. * Customization for all trial/registration messages with possibility to include/exclude them from being displayed.




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