


  1. THreadLocal是一个线程内部的数据存储类,通过它可以在指定的线程中获取数据,数据存储以后,只有在指定线程中可以获取到存储的数据,对于其他线程 来说,则无法获取到数据。

  2. 使用场景:

    ① 当某些数据是以线程为作用域并且不同的线程具有不同的Looper,这时候通过ThreadLocal就可以轻松实现Looper在线程中的存取。


  3. 示例:

public static final String TAG = "StudyTest";
    private ThreadLocal<Boolean> mThreadLocal = new ThreadLocal<Boolean>();

    public void useAppContext() {
        Log.d(TAG,"[ThreadLocal#main] mThreadLocal = " + mThreadLocal.get() );

        new Thread("Thread1"){
            public void run() {
                Log.d(TAG,"[Thread#1] mThreadLocal = " + mThreadLocal.get());

        new Thread("Thread2"){
            public void run() {
                Log.d(TAG,"[Thread#2] mThreadLocal = " + mThreadLocal.get());
D/StudyTest: [ThreadLocal#main] mThreadLocal = true
D/StudyTest: [Thread#1] mThreadLocal = false
D/StudyTest: [Thread#2] mThreadLocal = null


​ ThreadLocal之所以有这么神奇的效果,是因为不同线程访问同一个THreadLocal的get方法,ThreadLocal内部会从各自的线程中取出一个数组,然后再从数组中根据当前ThreadLocal的索引去查找对应的value的值。

​ 显然不同的线程中的数组是不同的,这就是为什么通过ThreadLocal的索引去查找出对应的value值。

  1. ThreadLocal内部实现

    ThreadLocal 是一个泛型类。

    ThreadLocal set方法

     * Sets the current thread's copy of this thread-local variable
     * to the specified value.  Most subclasses will have no need to
     * override this method, relying solely on the {@link #initialValue}
     * method to set the values of thread-locals.
     * @param value the value to be stored in the current thread's copy of
     *        this thread-local.
public void set(T value) {
        Thread t = Thread.currentThread();
        ThreadLocalMap map = getMap(t);
        if (map != null)
            map.set(this, value);
            createMap(t, value);

ThreadLocalMap set方法

         * Set the value associated with key.
         * @param key the thread local object
         * @param value the value to be set
        private void set(ThreadLocal<?> key, Object value) {

            // We don't use a fast path as with get() because it is at
            // least as common to use set() to create new entries as
            // it is to replace existing ones, in which case, a fast
            // path would fail more often than not.

            Entry[] tab = table;
            int len = tab.length;
            int i = key.threadLocalHashCode & (len-1);

            for (Entry e = tab[i];
                 e != null;
                 e = tab[i = nextIndex(i, len)]) {
                ThreadLocal<?> k = e.get();

                if (k == key) {
                    e.value = value;

                if (k == null) {
                    replaceStaleEntry(key, value, i);

            tab[i] = new Entry(key, value);
            int sz = ++size;
            if (!cleanSomeSlots(i, sz) && sz >= threshold)

ThreadLocal get方法

     * Returns the value in the current thread's copy of this
     * thread-local variable.  If the variable has no value for the
     * current thread, it is first initialized to the value returned
     * by an invocation of the {@link #initialValue} method.
     * @return the current thread's value of this thread-local
    public T get() {
        Thread t = Thread.currentThread();
        ThreadLocalMap map = getMap(t);
        if (map != null) {
            ThreadLocalMap.Entry e = map.getEntry(this);
            if (e != null) {
                T result = (T)e.value;
                return result;
        return setInitialValue();

     * Variant of set() to establish initialValue. Used instead
     * of set() in case user has overridden the set() method.
     * @return the initial value
    private T setInitialValue() {
        T value = initialValue();
        Thread t = Thread.currentThread();
        ThreadLocalMap map = getMap(t);
        if (map != null)
            map.set(this, value);
            createMap(t, value);
        return value;

     * Create the map associated with a ThreadLocal. Overridden in
     * InheritableThreadLocal.
     * @param t the current thread
     * @param firstValue value for the initial entry of the map
    void createMap(Thread t, T firstValue) {
        t.threadLocals = new ThreadLocalMap(this, firstValue);

二、 消息队列工作原理

​ 消息队列指的是 MessageQueue,MessageQueue主要包含两个操作:插入和读取。 读取操作本身会伴随着删除操作,插入和读取对应的方法分别是enqueueMessage()和next()方法的实现。


enqueueMessage 方法

boolean enqueueMessage(Message msg, long when) {
        if (msg.target == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Message must have a target.");

        synchronized (this) {
            if (msg.isInUse()) {
                throw new IllegalStateException(msg + " This message is already in use.");

            if (mQuitting) {
                IllegalStateException e = new IllegalStateException(
                        msg.target + " sending message to a Handler on a dead thread");
                Log.w(TAG, e.getMessage(), e);
                return false;

            msg.when = when;
            Message p = mMessages;
            boolean needWake;
            if (p == null || when == 0 || when < p.when) {
                // New head, wake up the event queue if blocked.
                msg.next = p;
                mMessages = msg;
                needWake = mBlocked;
            } else {
                // Inserted within the middle of the queue.  Usually we don't have to wake
                // up the event queue unless there is a barrier at the head of the queue
                // and the message is the earliest asynchronous message in the queue.
                needWake = mBlocked && p.target == null && msg.isAsynchronous();
                Message prev;
                for (;;) {
                    prev = p;
                    p = p.next;
                    if (p == null || when < p.when) {
                    if (needWake && p.isAsynchronous()) {
                        needWake = false;
                msg.next = p; // invariant: p == prev.next
                prev.next = msg;

            // We can assume mPtr != 0 because mQuitting is false.
            if (needWake) {
        return true;


Message next() {
        // Return here if the message loop has already quit and been disposed.
        // This can happen if the application tries to restart a looper after quit
        // which is not supported.
        final long ptr = mPtr;
        if (ptr == 0) {
            return null;

        int pendingIdleHandlerCount = -1; // -1 only during first iteration
        int nextPollTimeoutMillis = 0;
        for (;;) {
            if (nextPollTimeoutMillis != 0) {

            nativePollOnce(ptr, nextPollTimeoutMillis);

            synchronized (this) {
                // Try to retrieve the next message.  Return if found.
                final long now = SystemClock.uptimeMillis();
                Message prevMsg = null;
                Message msg = mMessages;
                if (msg != null && msg.target == null) {
                    // Stalled by a barrier.  Find the next asynchronous message in the queue.
                    do {
                        prevMsg = msg;
                        msg = msg.next;
                    } while (msg != null && !msg.isAsynchronous());
                if (msg != null) {
                    if (now < msg.when) {
                        // Next message is not ready.  Set a timeout to wake up when it is ready.
                        nextPollTimeoutMillis = (int) Math.min(msg.when - now, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
                    } else {
                        // Got a message.
                        mBlocked = false;
                        if (prevMsg != null) {
                            prevMsg.next = msg.next;
                        } else {
                            mMessages = msg.next;
                        msg.next = null;
                        if (DEBUG) Log.v(TAG, "Returning message: " + msg);
                        return msg;
                } else {
                    // No more messages.
                    nextPollTimeoutMillis = -1;

                // Process the quit message now that all pending messages have been handled.
                if (mQuitting) {
                    return null;

                // If first time idle, then get the number of idlers to run.
                // Idle handles only run if the queue is empty or if the first message
                // in the queue (possibly a barrier) is due to be handled in the future.
                if (pendingIdleHandlerCount < 0
                        && (mMessages == null || now < mMessages.when)) {
                    pendingIdleHandlerCount = mIdleHandlers.size();
                if (pendingIdleHandlerCount <= 0) {
                    // No idle handlers to run.  Loop and wait some more.
                    mBlocked = true;

                if (mPendingIdleHandlers == null) {
                    mPendingIdleHandlers = new IdleHandler[Math.max(pendingIdleHandlerCount, 4)];
                mPendingIdleHandlers = mIdleHandlers.toArray(mPendingIdleHandlers);

            // Run the idle handlers.
            // We only ever reach this code block during the first iteration.
            for (int i = 0; i < pendingIdleHandlerCount; i++) {
                final IdleHandler idler = mPendingIdleHandlers[i];
                mPendingIdleHandlers[i] = null; // release the reference to the handler

                boolean keep = false;
                try {
                    keep = idler.queueIdle();
                } catch (Throwable t) {
                    Log.wtf(TAG, "IdleHandler threw exception", t);

                if (!keep) {
                    synchronized (this) {

            // Reset the idle handler count to 0 so we do not run them again.
            pendingIdleHandlerCount = 0;

            // While calling an idle handler, a new message could have been delivered
            // so go back and look again for a pending message without waiting.
            nextPollTimeoutMillis = 0;



​ Looper负责不停的从MessageQueue中查看是否有新消息,如果有新消息就会立刻处理,否则就一直阻塞在那里。下面是Looper的构造方法,在Looper创建时,他会自动创建一个消息队列,然后将当前线程的对象保存起来。

private Looper(boolean quitAllowed) {
        mQueue = new MessageQueue(quitAllowed);
        mThread = Thread.currentThread();

​ 创建Looper

new Thread("Thread2"){
            public void run() {
                Handler handler = new Handler();

​ Looper除了prepare方法外,还提供了prepareMainLooper方法,这个方法主要是给主线程也就是ActivityThread创建Looper使用的。其本质也是prepare方法。

​ 由于主线程的Looper比较特殊,所以Looper提供了一个getMainLooper方法,通过它可以在任何地方获取到主线程的Looper。

​ Looper退出方法:1. quit: 直接退出;2.quitSafely :设定一个退出标记,然后把消息队列中的已有消息处理完毕后才安全的退出。

​ Looper最重要的是loop方法,只有调用了loop方法后,消息系统才会真正的起作用。

public static void loop() {
        final Looper me = myLooper();
        if (me == null) {
            throw new RuntimeException("No Looper; Looper.prepare() wasn't called on this thread.");
        if (me.mInLoop) {
            Slog.w(TAG, "Loop again would have the queued messages be executed"
                    + " before this one completed.");

        me.mInLoop = true;
        final MessageQueue queue = me.mQueue;

        // Make sure the identity of this thread is that of the local process,
        // and keep track of what that identity token actually is.
        final long ident = Binder.clearCallingIdentity();

        // Allow overriding a threshold with a system prop. e.g.
        // adb shell 'setprop log.looper.1000.main.slow 1 && stop && start'
        final int thresholdOverride =
                        + Process.myUid() + "."
                        + Thread.currentThread().getName()
                        + ".slow", 0);

        boolean slowDeliveryDetected = false;

        for (;;) {
            Message msg = queue.next(); // might block
            if (msg == null) {
                // No message indicates that the message queue is quitting.

            // This must be in a local variable, in case a UI event sets the logger
            final Printer logging = me.mLogging;
            if (logging != null) {
                logging.println(">>>>> Dispatching to " + msg.target + " " +
                        msg.callback + ": " + msg.what);
            // Make sure the observer won't change while processing a transaction.
            final Observer observer = sObserver;

            final long traceTag = me.mTraceTag;
            long slowDispatchThresholdMs = me.mSlowDispatchThresholdMs;
            long slowDeliveryThresholdMs = me.mSlowDeliveryThresholdMs;
            if (thresholdOverride > 0) {
                slowDispatchThresholdMs = thresholdOverride;
                slowDeliveryThresholdMs = thresholdOverride;
            final boolean logSlowDelivery = (slowDeliveryThresholdMs > 0) && (msg.when > 0);
            final boolean logSlowDispatch = (slowDispatchThresholdMs > 0);

            final boolean needStartTime = logSlowDelivery || logSlowDispatch;
            final boolean needEndTime = logSlowDispatch;

            if (traceTag != 0 && Trace.isTagEnabled(traceTag)) {
                Trace.traceBegin(traceTag, msg.target.getTraceName(msg));

            final long dispatchStart = needStartTime ? SystemClock.uptimeMillis() : 0;
            final long dispatchEnd;
            Object token = null;
            if (observer != null) {
                token = observer.messageDispatchStarting();
            long origWorkSource = ThreadLocalWorkSource.setUid(msg.workSourceUid);
            try {
                if (observer != null) {
                    observer.messageDispatched(token, msg);
                dispatchEnd = needEndTime ? SystemClock.uptimeMillis() : 0;
            } catch (Exception exception) {
                if (observer != null) {
                    observer.dispatchingThrewException(token, msg, exception);
                throw exception;
            } finally {
                if (traceTag != 0) {
            if (logSlowDelivery) {
                if (slowDeliveryDetected) {
                    if ((dispatchStart - msg.when) <= 10) {
                        Slog.w(TAG, "Drained");
                        slowDeliveryDetected = false;
                } else {
                    if (showSlowLog(slowDeliveryThresholdMs, msg.when, dispatchStart, "delivery",
                            msg)) {
                        // Once we write a slow delivery log, suppress until the queue drains.
                        slowDeliveryDetected = true;
            if (logSlowDispatch) {
                showSlowLog(slowDispatchThresholdMs, dispatchStart, dispatchEnd, "dispatch", msg);

            if (logging != null) {
                logging.println("<<<<< Finished to " + msg.target + " " + msg.callback);

            // Make sure that during the course of dispatching the
            // identity of the thread wasn't corrupted.
            final long newIdent = Binder.clearCallingIdentity();
            if (ident != newIdent) {
                Log.wtf(TAG, "Thread identity changed from 0x"
                        + Long.toHexString(ident) + " to 0x"
                        + Long.toHexString(newIdent) + " while dispatching to "
                        + msg.target.getClass().getName() + " "
                        + msg.callback + " what=" + msg.what);


​ loop方法是一个死循环,唯一跳出循环的方式就是MessageQueue的next方法返回了null。当Looper的quit方法呗调用时,Looper就会调用MessageQueue的quit方法或者quitSafely方法来通知消息队列的退出,当消息队列被标记为退出状态时,next方法就会返回null.。也就是说Looper必须退出,否则loop方法无限循环下去。

​ loop方法回调用MessageQueue的next方法来获取消息,而next方法是一个阻塞操作,没有消息时,会一直阻塞在那里,也导致loop方法一直阻塞在那里。

​ 如果MessageQueue的next方法反悔了消息,Looper就会处理这条消息:msg.target.dispatchMessage(msg),这里的msg.target是发送这条消息的Handler对象,这样Handler发送的消息最终又交给它的dispatchMessage方法来处理了。这里不同的是,Handler的dispatchMessage方法是在创建Handler时所使用的Looper中执行的,这样就成功的将代码逻辑切换到指定线程中去了。


public boolean sendMessageAtTime(@NonNull Message msg, long uptimeMillis) {
        MessageQueue queue = mQueue;
        if (queue == null) {
            RuntimeException e = new RuntimeException(
                    this + " sendMessageAtTime() called with no mQueue");
            Log.w("Looper", e.getMessage(), e);
            return false;
        return enqueueMessage(queue, msg, uptimeMillis);
    private boolean enqueueMessage(@NonNull MessageQueue queue, @NonNull Message msg,
            long uptimeMillis) {
        msg.target = this;
        msg.workSourceUid = ThreadLocalWorkSource.getUid();

        if (mAsynchronous) {
        return queue.enqueueMessage(msg, uptimeMillis);


     * Handle system messages here.
    public void dispatchMessage(@NonNull Message msg) {
        if (msg.callback != null) {
        } else {
            if (mCallback != null) {
                if (mCallback.handleMessage(msg)) {



private static void handleCallback(Message message) {


     * Callback interface you can use when instantiating a Handler to avoid
     * having to implement your own subclass of Handler.
    public interface Callback {
         * @param msg A {@link android.os.Message Message} object
         * @return True if no further handling is desired
        boolean handleMessage(@NonNull Message msg);

​ 通过callback可采用如下方式来创建Handler对象: Handler h = new Handler(callback);

​ CallBack 的作用:可以用来创建一个Handler的实例但并不需要派生Handler的子类。

​ 最后,调用Handler的handleMessage方法来处理。Handler处理消息可以归纳为一个流程图:



     * Use the provided {@link Looper} instead of the default one.
     * @param looper The looper, must not be null.
    public Handler(@NonNull Looper looper) {
        this(looper, null, false);


 public Handler(@Nullable Callback callback, boolean async) {
            final Class<? extends Handler> klass = getClass();
            if ((klass.isAnonymousClass() || klass.isMemberClass() || klass.isLocalClass()) &&
                    (klass.getModifiers() & Modifier.STATIC) == 0) {
                Log.w(TAG, "The following Handler class should be static or leaks might occur: " +

        mLooper = Looper.myLooper();
        if (mLooper == null) {
            throw new RuntimeException(
                "Can't create handler inside thread " + Thread.currentThread()
                        + " that has not called Looper.prepare()");
        mQueue = mLooper.mQueue;
        mCallback = callback;
        mAsynchronous = async;


​ Android中的主线程就是ActivityThread,主线程的入口方法为main,在Main方法中系统会通过Looper.prepareMainLooper()来创建主线程的Looper以及MessageQueue,并通过Looper.loop()来开启主线程的 消息循环。

​ 主线程的消息循环开始以后,ActivityThread还需要一个Handler也就是ActivityThread.H,它内部定义了一组消息类型,主要包含了四大组件的启动和停止的过程。

class H extends Handler {
  5        public static final int BIND_APPLICATION        = 110;
  6        @UnsupportedAppUsage
  7        public static final int EXIT_APPLICATION        = 111;
  8        @UnsupportedAppUsage
  9        public static final int RECEIVER                = 113;
 10        @UnsupportedAppUsage
 11        public static final int CREATE_SERVICE          = 114;
 12        @UnsupportedAppUsage
 13        public static final int SERVICE_ARGS            = 115;
 14        @UnsupportedAppUsage
 15        public static final int STOP_SERVICE            = 116;
 17        public static final int CONFIGURATION_CHANGED   = 118;
 18        ...
 19        @UnsupportedAppUsage
 20        public static final int BIND_SERVICE            = 121;
 21        @UnsupportedAppUsage
 22        public static final int UNBIND_SERVICE          = 122;
 23        ...
 25        public static final int EXECUTE_TRANSACTION = 159;
 27        public static final int RELAUNCH_ACTIVITY = 160;
 28        public static final int PURGE_RESOURCES = 161;
 30        public void handleMessage(Message msg) {
 31            if (DEBUG_MESSAGES) Slog.v(TAG, ">>> handling: " + codeToString(msg.what));
 32            switch (msg.what) {
 33                case BIND_APPLICATION:
 34                    Trace.traceBegin(Trace.TRACE_TAG_ACTIVITY_MANAGER, "bindApplication");
 35                    AppBindData data = (AppBindData)msg.obj;
 36                    handleBindApplication(data);
 37                    Trace.traceEnd(Trace.TRACE_TAG_ACTIVITY_MANAGER);
 38                    break;
 39                case EXIT_APPLICATION:
 40                    if (mInitialApplication != null) {
 41                        mInitialApplication.onTerminate();
 42                    }
 43                    Looper.myLooper().quit();
 44                    break;
 45                case RECEIVER:
 46                    Trace.traceBegin(Trace.TRACE_TAG_ACTIVITY_MANAGER, "broadcastReceiveComp");
 47                    handleReceiver((ReceiverData)msg.obj);
 48                    Trace.traceEnd(Trace.TRACE_TAG_ACTIVITY_MANAGER);
 49                    break;
 50                case CREATE_SERVICE:
 51                    Trace.traceBegin(Trace.TRACE_TAG_ACTIVITY_MANAGER, ("serviceCreate: " + String.valueOf(msg.obj)));
 52                    handleCreateService((CreateServiceData)msg.obj);
 53                    Trace.traceEnd(Trace.TRACE_TAG_ACTIVITY_MANAGER);
 54                    break;
 55                case BIND_SERVICE:
 56                    Trace.traceBegin(Trace.TRACE_TAG_ACTIVITY_MANAGER, "serviceBind");
 57                    handleBindService((BindServiceData)msg.obj);
 58                    Trace.traceEnd(Trace.TRACE_TAG_ACTIVITY_MANAGER);
 59                    break;
 60                case UNBIND_SERVICE:
 61                    Trace.traceBegin(Trace.TRACE_TAG_ACTIVITY_MANAGER, "serviceUnbind");
 62                    handleUnbindService((BindServiceData)msg.obj);
 63                    schedulePurgeIdler();
 64                    Trace.traceEnd(Trace.TRACE_TAG_ACTIVITY_MANAGER);
 65                    break;
 66                case SERVICE_ARGS:
 67                    Trace.traceBegin(Trace.TRACE_TAG_ACTIVITY_MANAGER, ("serviceStart: " + String.valueOf(msg.obj)));
 68                    handleServiceArgs((ServiceArgsData)msg.obj);
 69                    Trace.traceEnd(Trace.TRACE_TAG_ACTIVITY_MANAGER);
 70                    break;
 71                case STOP_SERVICE:
 72                    Trace.traceBegin(Trace.TRACE_TAG_ACTIVITY_MANAGER, "serviceStop");
 73                    handleStopService((IBinder)msg.obj);
 74                    schedulePurgeIdler();
 75                    Trace.traceEnd(Trace.TRACE_TAG_ACTIVITY_MANAGER);
 76                    break;
 77                case CONFIGURATION_CHANGED:
 78                    handleConfigurationChanged((Configuration) msg.obj);
 79                    break;
 81                ...
 83                case EXECUTE_TRANSACTION:
 84                    final ClientTransaction transaction = (ClientTransaction) msg.obj;
 85                    mTransactionExecutor.execute(transaction);
 86                    if (isSystem()) {
 87                        // Client transactions inside system process are recycled on the client side
 88                        // instead of ClientLifecycleManager to avoid being cleared before this
 89                        // message is handled.
 90                        transaction.recycle();
 91                    }
 92                    // TODO(lifecycler): Recycle locally scheduled transactions.
 93                    break;
 94                case RELAUNCH_ACTIVITY:
 95                    handleRelaunchActivityLocally((IBinder) msg.obj);
 96                    break;
 97                case PURGE_RESOURCES:
 98                    schedulePurgeIdler();
 99                    break;
100            }
101            Object obj = msg.obj;
102            if (obj instanceof SomeArgs) {
103                ((SomeArgs) obj).recycle();
104            }
105            if (DEBUG_MESSAGES) Slog.v(TAG, "<<< done: " + codeToString(msg.what));
106        }
107    }

本篇到这就结束啦,这篇内容是今天学习《Android开发艺术探索》做的笔记! 希望不足之处大家多多补充和指正啊!在这里插入图片描述

评论 2




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