#HDU 2852 KiKi‘s K-Number (二分 + 权值线段树)

KiKi's K-Number

Time Limit: 4000/2000 MS (Java/Others)    Memory Limit: 32768/32768 K (Java/Others)
Total Submission(s): 5052    Accepted Submission(s): 2333


Problem Description

For the k-th number, we all should be very familiar with it. Of course,to kiki it is also simple. Now Kiki meets a very similar problem, kiki wants to design a container, the container is to support the three operations.

Push: Push a given element e to container

Pop: Pop element of a given e from container

Query: Given two elements a and k, query the kth larger number which greater than a in container;

Although Kiki is very intelligent, she can not think of how to do it, can you help her to solve this problem?




Input some groups of test data ,each test data the first number is an integer m (1 <= m <100000), means that the number of operation to do. The next m lines, each line will be an integer p at the beginning, p which has three values:
If p is 0, then there will be an integer e (0 <e <100000), means press element e into Container.

If p is 1, then there will be an integer e (0 <e <100000), indicated that delete the element e from the container  

If p is 2, then there will be two integers a and k (0 <a <100000, 0 <k <10000),means the inquiries, the element is greater than a, and the k-th larger number.




For each deletion, if you want to delete the element which does not exist, the output "No Elment!". For each query, output the suitable answers in line .if the number does not exist, the output "Not Find!".



Sample Input


5 0 5 1 2 0 6 2 3 2 2 8 1 7 0 2 0 2 0 4 2 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 3 2 1 4



Sample Output


No Elment! 6 Not Find! 2 2 4 Not Find!

题目大意 : 有三种操作, 第一个操作是将一个数加入集合, 第二个操作是删掉一个数, 如果没有这个数, 输出 No Elment!。 第三个操作是输出第 K 大的数 (在X之后), 如果不存在, 输出Not Find!

思路 : 前两者操作很简单, 第一个直接更新, 第二个先判断是否有这个数, 可以用一个数组来维护某个数是否存在。第三种操作, 有两种情况, 如果该点不存在, 先将该点加入, 通过二分找到该点是区间第K大, 然后再将这个点删掉, 那么就是查找区间第K  + (输入的数) - 1大, 如果本身就存在, 那就是找区间第 K + (输入的数)大, 如果返回的是INF, 直接输出不存在该数

Accepted coded

using namespace std;

#define sc scanf
#define ls rt << 1
#define rs ls | 1
#define Min(x, y) x = min(x, y)
#define Max(x, y) x = max(x, y)
#define ALL(x) (x).begin(),(x).end()
#define SZ(x) ((int)(x).size())
#define MEM(x, b) memset(x, b, sizeof(x))
#define lowbit(x) ((x) & (-x))
#define P2(x) ((x) * (x))

typedef long long ll;
const int MOD = 1e9 + 7;
const int MAXN = 2e5 + 100;
const int INF = 0x3f3f3f3f;
inline ll fpow(ll a, ll b){ ll r = 1, t = a; while (b){ if (b & 1)r = (r*t) % MOD; b >>= 1; t = (t*t) % MOD; }return r; }

struct node
	int l, r, ans;
}t[MAXN * 4];
int p[MAXN], n, m;
void build(int rt, int l, int r) {
	t[rt].l = l, t[rt].r = r;
	t[rt].ans = 0;
	if (l == r) return;
	int mid = (l + r) >> 1;
	build(ls, l, mid);
	build(rs, mid + 1, r);
void Update(int rt, int x, int r) {
	if (t[rt].l == t[rt].r && t[rt].l == x) {
		t[rt].ans += r;  // 更新该点出现次数
	int mid = (t[rt].l + t[rt].r) >> 1;
	if (mid < x) Update(rs, x, r);
	else Update(ls, x, r);
	t[rt].ans = t[ls].ans + t[rs].ans;
int Query(int rt, int x) {
	if (t[rt].l == t[rt].r) {
		if (t[rt].ans < x) return INF;  // 超过范围
		else return t[rt].l;
	if (t[ls].ans >= x) return Query(ls, x);
	else return Query(rs, x - t[ls].ans);
int find_(int x) {
	int l = 1, r = 200010, scnt = INF;  // 二分部=查找该数是第几大
	while (l <= r) {
		int mid = (l + r) >> 1;
		if (Query(1, mid) <= x) scnt = mid, l = mid + 1;
		else r = mid - 1;
	return scnt;

int main()
	while (~sc("%d", &n)) {
		build(1, 1, 100010); MEM(p, 0);
		for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
			int ui, vi, op;
			sc("%d %d", &op, &ui);
			if (op == 0) Update(1, ui, 1), p[ui]++;
			else if (op == 1) {
				if (!p[ui]) cout << "No Elment!" << endl;
				else Update(1, ui, -1), p[ui]--;
			else {
				sc("%d", &vi); int tot, stot;
				if (!p[ui]) {
					Update(1, ui, 1);  // 先放进去
					tot = find_(ui);
					Update(1, ui, -1);  // 再删掉
					stot = tot + vi - 1;  // 实际第几大
				else tot = find_(ui), stot = tot + vi;
				stot = Query(1, stot);
				if (stot == INF) printf("Not Find!\n");
				else printf("%d\n", stot);
	return 0;






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钱包余额 0


