使用Soap Toolkit及Soap协议访问WebService

本文使用的soap toolkit 3.0直接上VB代码:

Sub SoapMethod()
On Error GoTo errhandler
    '方法1:使用soap toolkit,此方法需要安装soap toolkit3.0
    Dim soapclient As Object
    Set soapclient = CreateObject("MSSOAP.SoapClient30")
    soapclient .ClientProperty("ServerHTTPRequest") = True  '运行 ASP 页中的 MSXML HTTP 堆栈要求使用 ServerHTTPRequest 选项
    soapclient.mssoapinit "http://localhost:8087/?wsdl" '服务端地址
    ss$ = soapclient.HelloWorld  '直接调用服务端方法
    i% = soapclient.Sum(1, 2)
    Dim xmldoc As Object
    Set xmldoc = CreateObject("MSXML2.DOMDocument")
    Dim httprequest As Object
    Set httprequest = CreateObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP") '定义http对象,向服务器发送Post消息
    Dim strtest As String
    strtest = "<?xml version=""1.0"" encoding=""utf-8""?> "
    strtest = strtest + " <soapenv:Envelope "
    strtest = strtest + "xmlns:xsi=""http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"" "
    strtest = strtest + "xmlns:xsd=""http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"" "
    strtest = strtest + "xmlns:soapenv=""http://www.w3.org/2003/05/soap-envelope""> "
    strtest = strtest + " <soapenv:Body> "
    'strtest = strtest + " <HelloWorld xmlns=""http://tempuri.org/"" /> " '不带参数的方法
    strtest = strtest + " <sum xmlns=""http://tempuri.org/""> <a>1</a><b>2</b></sum> "  '带参数a、b,值分别为1、2的sum方法
    strtest = strtest + " </soapenv:Body> "
    strtest = strtest + " </soapenv:Envelope> "
    xmldoc.LoadXML strtest '加载xml文档用于解析

    httprequest.Open "POST", "http://localhost:8087/?wsdl", False
    httprequest.setRequestHeader "Content-Type", "text/xml"
    httprequest.send strtest
    While httprequest.readyState <> 4
    Dim httpresponse As String
    httpresponse = httprequest.responseText '获取应答报文
    'MsgBox httpresponse
    xmldoc.LoadXML httpresponse '加载xml文档用于解析
    Dim xmlRootElement As Object
    Set xmlRootElement = xmldoc.DocumentElement
    MsgBox xmlRootElement.Text
    Exit Sub
    MsgBox "err"
End Sub

1 使用MSSoap.SoapClient对象
访问WebService错误WSDLReader:Analyzing the WSDL file failed HRESULT=0x80004005
- WSDLReader:Initialization of service failed HRESULT=0x80004005
- WSDLService:Initialization of the port for service JaxRpcOutAccessService failed HRESULT=0x80004005
- WSDLPort:Analyzing the binding information for port VioOutAccess failed HRESULT=0x80004005
- WSDLPort:An operation for port VioOutAccess could not be initialized HRESULT=0x80004005
- WSDLOperation:Initializing of the input message failed for operation queryVioSurveil HRESULT=0x80004005
- WSDLOperation:Initialization of a SoapMapper for operation queryVioSurveil failed HRESULT=0x80004005
- SoapMapper:The SoapMapper for element string could not be created HRESULT=0x80004005
- SoapMapper:The schema definition with a targetnamespace of http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/ for SoapMapper string could not be found HRESULT=0x80004005


2 使用MSSOAPLib30.SoapClient30对象


访问WebService错误SoapMapper:The schema definition with a targetnamespace of http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/ for SoapMapper string could not be found HRESULT=0x80004005: 未指定的错误
- SoapMapper:The SoapMapper for element string could not be created HRESULT=0x80004005: 未指定的错误
- WSDLOperation:Initialization of a SoapMapper for operation queryVioSurveil failed HRESULT=0x80004005: 未指定的错误
- WSDLOperation:Initializing of the input message failed for operation queryVioSurveil HRESULT=0x80004005: 未指定的错误
- WSDLPort:An operation for port VioOutAccess could not be initialized HRESULT=0x80004005: 未指定的错误
- WSDLPort:Analyzing the binding information for port VioOutAccess failed HRESULT=0x80004005: 未指定的错误
- WSDLService:Initialization of the port for service JaxRpcOutAccessService failed HRESULT=0x80004005: 未指定的错误
- WSDLReader:Analyzing the WSDL file failed HRESULT=0x80004005: 未指定的错误
- Client:One of the parameters supplied is invalid. HRESULT=0x80070057: 参数不正确。

2.1 这个问题是因为,WSDL少type(WSDL描述可以看看这里),就是

 <schema targetNamespace="http://tempuri.org/xsd"
  elementFormDefault="qualified" >


2.2 上一个问题还有一个可能性就是WSDL命名空间(暂且这么叫)的问题。


<wsdl:definitions xmlns:wsdlsoap="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/soap/"


<wsdl:message name="xxx">
      <wsdl:part name="wsxlh" type="soapenc:string" />
      <wsdl:part name="xmlDoc" type="soapenc:string" />

里面的type=“soapenc:string”。现在这样的配置一般VB6.0不能正确的解析,如果要能正确额解析就要把xmlns:soapenc=“http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/” 改为xmlns:soapenc=“http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema” ;或是把type="soapenc:string"改为type=“xsd:string”。这样VB6.0就能正确的访问了。

Microsoft SOAP Toolkit v2_0 常见问题解答(SOAP 技术文章)


Private constr_new As String
'Const constr_new =  "driver=SQL server;server=CCT02030\CAF2ETSDB;uid=cimp_dbo;pwd=cimp_dbo;database=ATE_DB"
Const  adOpenKeyset =   1   
Const  adLockOptimistic = 3   
Private gsLogFile		As String
Private gsScriptName		As String

Const WSDL_URL = ""
Const WSDL_URL_Return = ""

' Sub: ComLogMsg()
' Notes: Logs a message to a log file. The current date "_mmm-yyyy.txt"
'		 is added to the end of the given file name.
Private Sub ComLogMsg(ByVal vsLogFile As String,ByVal strScriptName As String,ByVal errCode As Long,ByVal errLine As Long,ByVal vsMsg As String)

	Dim iFileNum  As Integer
	Dim sFileName As String

	On Error GoTo Error_Exit

	iFileNum = FreeFile()
	sFileName = vsLogFile & "_" & Format(Now(), "yyyy-mm-dd") & ".txt"

	Open sFileName For Append Access Write Lock Write As iFileNum
	Write iFileNum, Format(Now(), "yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss"), vsMsg & " err=" & errCode & " erl=" & errLine
	Close iFileNum
	'Exit Sub

	'Trace Time$ & " " & strScriptName & " vsMsg=" & vsMsg
	LogStatus CIM_FAILURE, strScriptName,vsMsg,errCode,errLine
End Sub

'When the SQL statement fails, save it as a error file and continue execution next time
Sub SaveFile(strArray() As String,strFilePath As String,strBackupPath As String)

	Dim  strErrorCount	  As String
	Dim errocount As Integer

    Dim iLBound As Integer
	Dim iUBound As Integer
	Dim iIndex As Integer

On Error GoTo ErrorHandler

	iLBound=  LBound(strArray)
	iUBound = UBound(strArray)
	iIndex = 0	  
	errocount = 0

	strErrorCount = ReadIni$("Errcount","count", strFilePath)
	If strErrorCount = "" Then strErrorCount = "0"
	errocount = CINT(strErrorCount)  

	errocount = errocount	+ 1

	If errocount > 10 Then
		CleanFile strArray,strFilePath,strBackupPath
		For i=iLBound To iUBound
			If(trim(strArray(i)) <> "") Then
				iIndex = iIndex + 1
				WriteIni "strSql" & iIndex,"str",strArray(i),strFilePath
			End If
		Next i
		WriteIni "strSqlCount","count",iIndex,strFilePath
	 	WriteIni "Errcount","count",errocount,strFilePath
	End If
 	Exit Sub 
	Call ComLogMsg(gsLogFile,gsScriptName,err,erl,error$)
End Sub

'backing up the error file
Sub CleanFile(strArray() As String,strFilePath As String,strBackupPath As String)
	Dim timestring As string
	timestring = format(now,"YYYY-MM-DD-hh-mm-ss") 
	SaveFile strArray,strBackupPath & timestring & ".ini",strFilePath 
	WriteIni "Errcount","count",0,strFilePath
End Sub

'Check if the error file has failed execution records 
Function HasCacheStrSql(strFilePath As String)	As Boolean
	Dim  strErrorCount	  As String
	Dim strCount As Integer
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler

	strCount = 0
	strErrorCount = ReadIni$("Errcount","count", strFilePath)
	If strErrorCount = "" Then strErrorCount = "0"
	strCount = CINT(strErrorCount)
	If ( strCount > 0 ) Then
	 	HasCacheStrSql  = TRUE
		HasCacheStrSql = FALSE
	End If
	Exit Function
	HasCacheStrSql = FALSE
	Call ComLogMsg(gsLogFile,gsScriptName,err,erl,error$)
End Function

'****  Name	     ExecuteSqlArray	     **********************************
'****  Function					         Save data to database*************
'****  Parameter: String @strArray()     SQL statements********************
'****  Return:    String                 "OK" means  **********************
'*********                              SQL statement executed successfully
Function ExecuteSqlArray( strArray() As String,strFilePath As String,strBackupPath As String,connectString As String) As String
	Dim iLBound As Integer
	Dim iUBound As Integer

	iLBound=  LBound(strArray)
	iUBound = UBound(strArray)
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
	Set conODBC = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
	conODBC.Open connectString		 

	For i=iLBound To iUBound
		If(trim(strArray(i)) <> "") Then
    		Set ExecResult = conODBC.Execute(strArray(i))
			Set ExecResult = Nothing
		End If
	Next i
	ExecuteSqlArray = "OK" 
	WriteIni "Errcount","count",0,strFilePath	 

 	Exit Function 
	SaveFile strArray,strFilePath,strBackupPath  
	ExecuteSqlArray = "ErrNumber " _
						& err.number & "ErrSource " & err.Source _
						& " ErrDescription " & err.Description
	Call ComLogMsg(gsLogFile,gsScriptName,err,erl,error$)
	If conODBC.State = 1 Then conODBC.Close
End Function

'****Analyze NGAVSInfo******
Function AnalyzeNgvsInfo_New(strNgsInfo As String) As String
	Dim strSql As String
	Dim strSqlResult As String
	Dim strVIN As String
	Dim strSequenceTime As String
	Dim strCartypeid As String 
	Dim strCatCode As String
	Dim strSN As String
	Set conODBC = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
	Set adoRS = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")											 
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
	conODBC.Open constr_new	
	If (left( strNgsInfo,1) <> "$" ) Or _
	   (right(strNgsInfo,1) <> "@" ) Then
	   strSqlResult = "insert into [ATE_NGVS_DEBUG]([ngvsinfo],[updatetime])" _
	   	& " values('Analyze Failed:" & strNgsInfo & "',getdate())"
		Call ComLogMsg(gsLogFile,gsScriptName,err,erl,error$ & "Analyze Failed,Get More Information from SQL DataTable ATE_NGVS_DEBUG")
	   strVIN =  Mid(strNgsInfo,4,17)
	   strSequenceTime = Mid(strNgsInfo,117,16)
	   strCatCode = Mid(strNgsInfo,21,5) 
	   strSN = 	 Mid(strNgsInfo,161,4)

	   strSql = "SELECT [CarTypeid] FROM [dbo].[ATE_CATCODE_TYPE] where [CatCode] = '" & strCatCode & "'"
		adoRS.Open strSql, conODBC, adOpenKeyset, adLockOptimistic
		If adoRS.EOF = False Then
			strCartypeid = adoRS.Fields(0)
	   		strSqlResult = "insert into ATE_CAR_INFOR(VIN,CatCode,car_type_id," _
				& "VIN_Sequence,Entry_On,printSerNum,comments,ngvsinfo) values('" & strVIN & "','" & strCatCode & "','"_
				& strCartypeid & "','" & strSequenceTime & "',getdate(),'" & strSN & "','','" & strNgsInfo & "')"	
	   		strSqlResult = "insert into [ATE_NGVS_DEBUG]([ngvsinfo],[updatetime])" _
	   			& " values('Can not find CarType:" & strVIN & "',getdate())"		 
			Call ComLogMsg(gsLogFile,gsScriptName,err,erl,error$ & "Can not find CarType,Get More Information from SQL DataTable ATE_NGVS_DEBUG")
		End If

	End If
	AnalyzeNgvsInfo_New = strSqlResult
 	Exit Function
 	AnalyzeNgvsInfo_New = "insert into [ATE_NGVS_DEBUG]([ngvsinfo],[updatetime])" _
	   	& " values('" & error$ & "',getdate())"
	Call ComLogMsg(gsLogFile,gsScriptName,err,erl,error$)
	If adoRS.State = 1 Then adoRS.Close
	If conODBC.State = 1 Then conODBC.Close
End	Function

Sub ReturnFileNameToDataPower(strFileName As String)
    Dim xmldoc_return As Object
    Dim httprequest_return As Object
On Error GoTo errhandler
    Set xmldoc_return = CreateObject("MSXML2.DOMDocument")
    Set httprequest_return = CreateObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP") '定义http对象,向服务器发送Post消息
    Dim strRequest_return As String
    strRequest_return = "<?xml version=""1.0"" encoding=""utf-8""?> "
    strRequest_return = strRequest_return + " <SOAP-ENV:Envelope "
    strRequest_return = strRequest_return + "xmlns:SOAP-ENV=""http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"" "
    strRequest_return = strRequest_return + "xmlns:SOAP-ENC=""http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/"" "
    strRequest_return = strRequest_return + "xmlns:xsi=""http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"" "
    strRequest_return = strRequest_return + "xmlns:xsd=""http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema""> "
    'strRequest_return = strRequest_return + "xmlns:ns=""urn:datapower"" "
    strRequest_return = strRequest_return + " <SOAP-ENV:Body SOAP-ENV:encodingStyle=""http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/""> "
    'strRequest_return = strRequest_return + " <HelloWorld xmlns=""http://tempuri.org/"" /> " '不带参数的方法
    'strRequest_return = strRequest_return + " <sum xmlns=""http://tempuri.org/""> <a>1</a><b>2</b></sum> "  '带参数a、b,值分别为1、2的sum方法
    strRequest_return = strRequest_return + " <return> <filename>" + strFileName + "</filename> </return> " 
    strRequest_return = strRequest_return + " </SOAP-ENV:Body> "
    strRequest_return = strRequest_return + " </SOAP-ENV:Envelope> "
    'xmldoc_return.LoadXML strRequest_return '加载xml文档用于解析

    httprequest_return.Open "POST", WSDL_URL_Return, False
    httprequest_return.setRequestHeader "Content-Type", "text/xml"
    httprequest_return.send strRequest_return
	Dim count_return As Integer
	count_return = 0
    While httprequest_return.readyState <> 4
		If count_return < 1 Then
			sleep 3000
			count_return = count_return + 1
			Set xmldoc_return = Nothing
			Set httprequest_return = Nothing
			Call ComLogMsg(gsLogFile,gsScriptName,err,erl,"获取应答数据超时")
			Exit Sub
		End If	
    'Dim httpresponse_return As String
    'httpresponse_return = httprequest_return.responseText '获取应答报文
    'MsgBox httpresponse_return
    'xmldoc_return.LoadXML httpresponse_return '加载xml文档用于解析
    'Dim xmlRootElement_return As Object
    'Set xmlRootElement_return = xmldoc_return.DocumentElement
    'MsgBox xmlRootElement_return.Text
	'Call ComLogMsg(gsLogFile,gsScriptName,err,erl,xmlRootElement_return.Text)
	Set xmldoc_return = Nothing
	Set httprequest_return = Nothing

    Exit Sub
	Set xmldoc_return = Nothing
	Set httprequest_return = Nothing
	Call ComLogMsg(gsLogFile,gsScriptName,err,erl,error$)
End Sub

Function GetDataFromDataPower() As String
    Dim xmldoc As Object
    Dim httprequest As Object
	Dim xmlNode_msg As Object
	Dim xmlNode_filename As Object
	Dim sMsg As String
	Dim sFileName As String
On Error GoTo errhandler
	GetDataFromDataPower = ""

    '方法1:使用soap toolkit,此方法需要安装soap toolkit3.0
    'Dim soapclient As Object
    'Set soapclient = CreateObject("MSSOAP.SoapClient30")
    'soapclient.mssoapinit WSDL_URL '服务端地址	   需要服务器有生成wsdl文件	  
    'ss$ = soapclient.getmsg("ATEE")  '直接调用服务端方法
    Set xmldoc = CreateObject("MSXML2.DOMDocument")
    Set httprequest = CreateObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP") '定义http对象,向服务器发送Post消息
    Dim strRequest As String
    strRequest = "<?xml version=""1.0"" encoding=""utf-8""?> "
    strRequest = strRequest + " <SOAP-ENV:Envelope "
    strRequest = strRequest + "xmlns:SOAP-ENV=""http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"" "
    strRequest = strRequest + "xmlns:SOAP-ENC=""http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/"" "
    strRequest = strRequest + "xmlns:xsi=""http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"" "
    strRequest = strRequest + "xmlns:xsd=""http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema""> "
    'strRequest = strRequest + "xmlns:ns=""urn:datapower"" "
    strRequest = strRequest + " <SOAP-ENV:Body SOAP-ENV:encodingStyle=""http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/""> "
    'strRequest = strRequest + " <HelloWorld xmlns=""http://tempuri.org/"" /> " '不带参数的方法
    'strRequest = strRequest + " <sum xmlns=""http://tempuri.org/""> <a>1</a><b>2</b></sum> "  '带参数a、b,值分别为1、2的sum方法
    strRequest = strRequest + " <getmsg> <name>ATEENew</name> </getmsg> " 
    strRequest = strRequest + " </SOAP-ENV:Body> "
    strRequest = strRequest + " </SOAP-ENV:Envelope> "
    'xmldoc.LoadXML strRequest '加载xml文档用于解析

    httprequest.Open "POST", WSDL_URL, False
    httprequest.setRequestHeader "Content-Type", "text/xml"
    httprequest.send strRequest
	Dim count As Integer
	count = 0
    While httprequest.readyState <> 4
		If count < 1 Then
			sleep 3000
			count = count + 1
			Set xmldoc = Nothing
			Set httprequest = Nothing
			Set xmlNode_msg = Nothing
			Set xmlNode_filename = Nothing
			Call ComLogMsg(gsLogFile,gsScriptName,err,erl,"获取应答数据超时")
			Exit Function
		End If	
    Dim httpresponse As String
    httpresponse = httprequest.responseText '获取应答报文
    'MsgBox httpresponse
	'Call ComLogMsg(gsLogFile,gsScriptName,err,erl,httpresponse)
    xmldoc.LoadXML httpresponse '加载xml文档用于解析
    'Dim xmlRootElement As Object
    'Set xmlRootElement = xmldoc.DocumentElement	   '获取根节点下所有数据
    'MsgBox xmlRootElement.Text
	Set xmlNode_msg = xmldoc.selectSingleNode("//msg")		'获取根节点下msg部分的数据
	sMsg = xmlNode_msg.Text
	If sMsg<>"null" Then
		GetDataFromDataPower = sMsg
		Set xmlNode_filename = xmldoc.selectSingleNode("//filename")		'获取根节点下filename部分的数据
		sFileName = xmlNode_filename.Text
		ReturnFileNameToDataPower sFileName
	End If
	Set xmldoc = Nothing
	Set httprequest = Nothing
	Set xmlNode_msg = Nothing
	Set xmlNode_filename = Nothing
    Exit Function
	Set xmldoc = Nothing
	Set httprequest = Nothing
	Set xmlNode_msg = Nothing
	Set xmlNode_filename = Nothing
	Call ComLogMsg(gsLogFile,gsScriptName,err,erl,error$)
End Function

Sub Main()
	Dim hasesql  As Boolean
   	Dim strSqlRead() As String
	Dim strSqlCount As String
	Dim sqlCount As Integer

	Dim strNgvsInfo As String
	Dim strSqlList_New(1) As String
	Dim strResult As String
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
	'If PointGet("COMMON_IS_GETTING_NGVS_INFO") = true Then Exit Sub
	sqlCount = 0
	Dim filepath_new As String
	Dim backuppath_new As String
	filepath_new = Environ("SITE_ROOT") & "NGVS_CaChe\NGVS_NEW.ini"   
	backuppath_new = Environ("SITE_ROOT") & "NGVS_CaChe\NGVS_NEW_"
	gsScriptName  = "GetVINFromNGAVS.bcl"
	gsLogFile	  = Environ("SITE_ROOT") & "log\" & Mid(gsScriptName,1,Len(gsScriptName)-4)
	constr_new = "driver=SQL server;" & PointGet("CONNECTION_STRING") 

	hasesql = 	 HasCacheStrSql (filepath_new) 
	If  hasesql = true  Then
		strSqlCount = ReadIni$("strSqlCount","count", filepath_new)
		sqlCount = CINT(strSqlCount)  

		ReDim  strSqlRead(sqlCount)
		For i= 1 To sqlCount
			strSqlRead(i-1) =  ReadIni$("strSql" & i,"str", filepath_new)
		Next i

		'execute strsql
   	   	strResult = ExecuteSqlArray(strSqlRead,filepath_new,backuppath_new,constr_new)
		Exit Sub 
	End If

	strNgvsInfo = GetDataFromDataPower()
   	'strNgvsInfo = "$02LVSHCFDB1DE42027387BFZO 62BDUMMYL 5C511399   YABQE420273  X2P  WCH        7  AA   A       B  A   O 167   P100HS902013110100:14:12                    B       4485                                      @"
	If strNgvsInfo <> "null" And strNgvsInfo <> "" Then
   		strSqlList_New(0) = "insert into ATE_NGVS_DEBUG([ngvsinfo],[updatetime]) " _
   						& "values('" & strNgvsInfo & "',getdate())"
	   	strResult = ExecuteSqlArray(strSqlList_New,filepath_new,backuppath_new,constr_new)   	
	   	strSqlList_New(0) = AnalyzeNgvsInfo_New(strNgvsInfo)
	   	strResult = ExecuteSqlArray(strSqlList_New,filepath_new,backuppath_new,constr_new)   
	End If
	Exit Sub
	Call ComLogMsg(gsLogFile,gsScriptName,err,erl,error$)
End Sub




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