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原创 左关联查询修改
UPDATE th_quarterly_attendance_statistics tqLEFT JOIN th_department td ON tq.department_id_one = td.idSET tq.department_type = td.department_type
2021-07-13 09:23:56 160
原创 8-32个字符,大写字母、小写字母、数字、特殊字符4类中至少3类 亲测
public static boolean containsNewPassWord(Object obj) {Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("(?![a-zA-Z]+$)(?![A-Z0-9]+$)(?![A-Z\W_!@#$%^&*`~()-+=]+$)(?![a-z0-9]+$)(?![a-z\W_!@#$%&*~()-+=]+$)(?![0-9\\W_!@#$%^&*()-+=]+$)[a-zA-Z0-9\W_!@#$%^&*`(
2021-06-08 08:31:26 2551
原创 查询一个时间段与数据库存在得时间段是否有交集
SELECTcount( id )FROMth_flow_part_timeWHERE((start_time between #{startTime} and #{endTime})or(end_time between #{startTime} and #{endTime})or(start_time > #{startTime} and end_time < #{endTime})or(start_time < #{startTime}.
2020-12-29 08:39:17 329
原创 根据车牌号获取省份
case left(ucc.car_num,1)when ‘京’ then ‘北京市’when ‘津’ then ‘天津市’when ‘冀’ then ‘河北省’when ‘晋’ then ‘山西省’when ‘蒙’ then ‘内蒙古自治区’when ‘辽’ then ‘辽宁省’when ‘吉’ then ‘吉林省’when ‘黑’ then ‘黑龙江省’when ‘沪’ th...
2019-12-07 15:31:55 1041
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