mapbox-gl-draw API 最全文档 (MapboxDraw)

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API Reference

To use Draw

// Create a Mapbox GL JS map
var map = new Map(mapOptions);

// Create a Draw control
var draw = new MapboxDraw(drawOptions);

// Add the Draw control to your map

<clipboard-copy aria-label=“Copy” class=“ClipboardButton btn js-clipboard-copy m-2 p-0 tooltipped-no-delay” data-copy-feedback=“Copied!” data-tooltip-direction=“w” value="// Create a Mapbox GL JS map
var map = new Map(mapOptions);

// Create a Draw control
var draw = new MapboxDraw(drawOptions);

// Add the Draw control to your map
map.addControl(draw);" tabindex=“0” role=“button”>

Draw only works after the Mapbox GL JS map has loaded, so you must interact with Draw only after your map's load event:

map.on('load', function() {
  draw.add({ .. });


All of the following options are optional.

  • keybindings, boolean (default true): Whether or not to enable keyboard interactions for drawing.
  • touchEnabled, boolean (default true): Whether or not to enable touch interactions for drawing.
  • boxSelect, boolean (default true): Whether or not to enable box selection of features with shift+click+drag. If false, shift+click+drag zooms into an area.
  • clickBuffer, number (default: 2): Number of pixels around any feature or vertex (in every direction) that will respond to a click.
  • touchBuffer, number (default: 25): Number of pixels around any feature of vertex (in every direction) that will respond to a touch.
  • controls, Object: Hide or show individual controls. Each property's name is a control, and value is a boolean indicating whether the control is on or off. Available control names are point, line_string, polygon, trash, combine_features and uncombine_features. By default, all controls are on. To change that default, use displayControlsDefault.
  • displayControlsDefault, boolean (default: true): The default value for controls. For example, if you would like all controls to be off by default, and specify an allowed list with controls, use displayControlsDefault: false.
  • styles, Array<Object>: An array of map style objects. By default, Draw provides a map style for you. To learn about overriding styles, see the Styling Draw section below.
  • modes, Object: over ride the default modes with your own. MapboxDraw.modes can be used to see the default values. More information on custom modes can be found here.
  • defaultMode, String (default: 'simple_select'): the mode (from modes) that user will first land in.
  • userProperties, boolean (default: false): properties of a feature will also be available for styling and prefixed with user_, e.g., ['==', 'user_custom_label', 'Example']


By default MapboxDraw ships with a few modes. These modes aim to cover the basic needed functionally for MapboxDraw to create the core GeoJSON feature types. Along with these, MapboxDraw also supports custom modes. Click here for more details.

The mode name strings are available as an enum at Draw.modes.


Draw.modes.SIMPLE_SELECT === 'simple_select'

Lets you select, delete, and drag features.

In this mode, features can have their selected state changed by the user.

Draw is in simple_select mode by default, and will automatically transition into simple_select mode again every time the user finishes drawing a feature or exits direct_select mode.


Draw.modes.DIRECT_SELECT === 'direct_select'

Lets you select, delete, and drag vertices; and drag features.

direct_select mode does not apply to point features, because they have no vertices.

Draw enters direct_select mode when the user clicks a vertex of a selected line or polygon. So direct_select mode typically follows simple_select mode.


Draw.modes.DRAW_LINE_STRING === 'draw_line_string'

Lets you draw a LineString feature.


Draw.modes.DRAW_POLYGON === 'draw_polygon'

Lets you draw a Polygon feature.


Draw.modes.DRAW_POINT === 'draw_point'

Lets you draw a Point feature.

API Methods

new MapboxDraw() returns an instance of Draw with the following API:

add(geojson: Object) => Array<string>

This method takes either a GeoJSON Feature, FeatureCollection, or Geometry and adds it to Draw. It returns an array of ids for interacting with the added features. If a feature does not have its own id, one is automatically generated.

The supported GeoJSON feature types are supported: Point, LineString, Polygon, MultiPoint, MultiLineString, and MultiPolygon.

If you add() a feature with an id that is already in use, the existing feature will be updated and no new feature will be added.

Example without a specified feature id:

var feature = { type: 'Point', coordinates: [0, 0] };
var featureIds = draw.add(feature);
//=> ['some-random-string']

Example with a specified feature id:

var feature = {
  id: 'unique-id',
  type: 'Feature',
  properties: {},
  geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [0, 0] }
var featureIds = draw.add(feature);
//=> ['unique-id']

get(featureId: string): ?Feature

Returns the GeoJSON feature in Draw with the specified id, or undefined if the id matches no feature.


var featureIds = draw.add({ type: 'Point', coordinates: [0, 0] });
var pointId = featureIds[0];
//=> { type: 'Feature', geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [0, 0] } }

getFeatureIdsAt(point: { x: number, y: number }): Array<string>

Returns an array of feature ids for features currently rendered at the specified point.

Notice that the point argument requires x, y coordinates from pixel space, rather than longitude, latitude coordinates.

With this function, you can use the coordinates provided by mouse events to get information out of Draw.

var featureIds = Draw.getFeatureIdsAt({x: 20, y: 20});
//=> ['top-feature-at-20-20', 'another-feature-at-20-20']

getSelectedIds(): Array<string>

Returns an array of feature ids for features currently selected.

getSelected(): FeatureCollection

Returns a FeatureCollection of all the features currently selected.

getSelectedPoints(): FeatureCollection

Returns a FeatureCollection of Points representing all the vertices currently selected.

getAll(): FeatureCollection

Returns a FeatureCollection of all features.


draw.add({ type: 'Point', coordinates: [0, 0] });
draw.add({ type: 'Point', coordinates: [1, 1] });
draw.add({ type: 'Point', coordinates: [2, 2] });
// {
//   type: 'FeatureCollection',
//   features: [
//     {
//       id: 'random-0'
//       type: 'Feature',
//       geometry: {
//         type: 'Point',
//         coordinates: [0, 0]
//       }
//     },
//     {
//       id: 'random-1'
//       type: 'Feature',
//       geometry: {
//         type: 'Point',
//         coordinates: [1, 1]
//       }
//     },
//     {
//       id: 'random-2'
//       type: 'Feature',
//       geometry: {
//         type: 'Point',
//         coordinates: [2, 2]
//       }
//     }
//   ]
// }

delete(ids: string | Array<string>): draw

Removes features with the specified ids. Returns the draw instance for chaining.

In direct_select mode, deleting the active feature will exit that mode and revert to the simple_select mode.


var feature = { type: 'Point', coordinates: [0, 0] };
var ids = draw.add(feature);
// { type: 'FeatureCollection', features: [] }

deleteAll(): draw

Removes all features. Returns the draw instance for chaining.


draw.add({ type: 'Point', coordinates: [0, 0] });
// { type: 'FeatureCollection', features: [] }

set(featureCollection: FeatureCollection): Array<string>

Sets Draw's features to those in the specified FeatureCollection.

Performs whatever delete, create, and update actions are necessary to make Draw's features match the specified FeatureCollection. Effectively, this is the same as Draw.deleteAll() followed by Draw.add(featureCollection) except that it does not affect performance as much.


var ids = draw.set({
  type: 'FeatureCollection',
  features: [{
    type: 'Feature',
    properties: {},
    id: 'example-id',
    geometry: { type: 'Point', coordinates: [0, 0] }
// ['example-id']

trash(): draw

Invokes the current mode's trash action. Returns the draw instance for chaining.

In simple_select mode, this deletes all selected features.

In direct_select mode, this deletes the selected vertices.

In drawing modes, this cancels drawing and reverts Draw to simple_select mode.

If you want to delete features regardless of the current mode, use the delete or deleteAll function.

combineFeatures(): draw

Invokes the current mode's combineFeatures action. Returns the draw instance for chaining.

In simple_select mode, this combines all selected features into a single Multi* feature, as long as they are all of the same geometry type. For example:

  • Selection is two LineStrings => MultiLineString
  • Selection is a MultiLineString and a LineString => MultiLineString
  • Selection is two MultiLineStrings => MultiLineString

Calling this function when features of different geometry types are selected will not cause any changes. For example:

  • Selection is a Point and a LineString => no action taken
  • Selection is a MultiLineString and a MultiPoint => no action taken

In direct_select mode and drawing modes, no action is taken.

uncombineFeatures(): draw

Invokes the current mode's uncombineFeatures action. Returns the draw instance for chaining.

In simple_select mode, this splits each selected Multi* feature into its component feature parts, and leaves non-multifeatures untouched. For example:

  • Selection is MultiLineString of two parts => LineString, LineString
  • Selection is MultiLineString of three parts => LineString, LineString, LineString
  • Selection is MultiLineString of two parts and one Point => LineString, LineString, Point
  • Selection is LineString => LineString

In the direct_select and drawing modes, no action is taken.

getMode(): string

Returns Draw's current mode. For more about the modes, see above.

changeMode(mode: string, options?: Object): draw

Changes Draw to another mode. Returns the draw instance for chaining.

The mode argument must be one of the mode names described above and enumerated in Draw.modes.

simple_select, direct_select, and draw_line_string modes accept an options object.

// `simple_select` options
  // Array of ids of features that will be initially selected
  featureIds: Array<string>
// `direct_select` options
  // The id of the feature that will be directly selected (required)
  featureId: string
// `draw_line_string` options
  // The id of the LineString to continue drawing
  featureId: string,
  // The point to continue drawing from
  from: Feature<Point>|Point|Array<number>

setFeatureProperty(featureId: string, property: string, value: any): draw

Sets the value of a property on the feature with the specified id. Returns the draw instance for chaining.

This is helpful if you are using Draw's features as your primary data store in your application.


Draw fires a number of events. All of these events are namespaced with draw. and are emitted from the Mapbox GL JS map object. All events are all triggered by user interaction.

map.on('draw.create', function (e) {

If you programmatically invoke a function in the Draw API, any event that directly corresponds with that function will not be fired. For example, if you invoke draw.delete(), there will be no corresponding draw.delete event, since you already know what you've done. Subsequent events may fire, though, that do not directly correspond to the invoked function. For example, if you have a one feature selected and then invoke draw.changeMode('draw_polygon'), you will not see a draw.modechange event (because that directly corresponds with the invoked function) but you will see a draw.selectionchange event, since by changing the mode you indirectly deselected a feature.


Fired when a feature is created. The following interactions will trigger this event:

  • Finish drawing a feature. Simply clicking will create a Point. A LineString or Polygon is only created when the user has finished drawing it — i.e. double-clicked the last vertex or hit Enter — and the drawn feature is valid.

The event data is an object with the following shape:

  // Array of GeoJSON objects representing the features that were created
  features: Array<Object>


Fired when one or more features are deleted. The following interactions will trigger this event:

  • Click the trash button when one or more features are selected in simple_select mode.
  • Hit the Backspace or Delete keys when one or features are selected in simple_select mode.
  • Invoke draw.trash() when you have a feature selected in simple_select mode.

The event data is an object with the following shape:

  // Array of GeoJSON objects representing the features that were deleted
  features: Array<Feature>


Fired when features are combined. The following interactions will trigger this event:

  • Click the Combine button when more than one features are selected in simple_select mode.
  • Invoke draw.combineFeatures() when more than one features are selected in simple_select mode.

The event data is an object with the following shape:

  deletedFeatures: Array<Feature>, // Array of deleted features (those incorporated into new multifeatures)
  createdFeatures: Array<Feature> // Array of created multifeatures


Fired when features are uncombined. The following interactions will trigger this event:

  • Click the Uncombine button when one or more multifeatures are selected in simple_select mode. Non-multifeatures may also be selected.
  • Invoke draw.uncombineFeatures() when one or more multifeatures are selected in simple_select mode. Non-multifeatures may also be selected.

The event data is an object with the following shape:

  deletedFeatures: Array<Object>, // Array of deleted multifeatures (split into features)
  createdFeatures: Array<Object> // Array of created features


Fired when one or more features are updated. The following interactions will trigger this event, which can be subcategorized by action:

  • action: 'move'
    • Finish moving one or more selected features in simple_select mode. The event will only fire when the movement is finished (i.e. when the user releases the mouse button or hits Enter).
  • action: 'change_coordinates'
    • Finish moving one or more vertices of a selected feature in direct_select mode. The event will only fire when the movement is finished (i.e. when the user releases the mouse button or hits Enter, or her mouse leaves the map container).
    • Delete one or more vertices of a selected feature in direct_select mode, which can be done by hitting the Backspace or Delete keys, clicking the Trash button, or invoking draw.trash().
    • Add a vertex to the selected feature by clicking a midpoint on that feature in direct_select mode.

This event will not fire when a feature is created or deleted. To track those interactions, listen for draw.create and draw.delete events.

The event data is an object with the following shape:

  features: Array<Feature>, // Array of features that were updated
  action: string // Name of the action that triggered the update


Fired when the selection is changed (i.e. one or more features are selected or deselected). The following interactions will trigger this event:

  • Click on a feature to select it.
  • When a feature is already selected, shift-click on another feature to add it to the selection.
  • Click on a vertex to select it.
  • When a vertex is already selected, shift-click on another vertex to add it to the selection.
  • Create a box-selection that includes at least one feature.
  • Click outside the selected feature(s) to deselect.
  • Click away from the selected vertex(s) to deselect.
  • Finish drawing a feature (features are selected just after they are created).
  • When a feature is already selected, invoke draw.changeMode() such that the feature becomes deselected.
  • Use draw.changeMode('simple_select', { featureIds: [..] }) to switch to simple_select mode and immediately select the specified features.
  • Use draw.delete, draw.deleteAll or draw.trash to delete feature(s).

The event data is an object with the following shape:

  features: Array<Feature> // Array of features that are selected after the change


Fired when the mode is changed. The following interactions will trigger this event:

  • Click the point, line, or polygon buttons to begin drawing (enter a draw_* mode).
  • Finish drawing a feature (enter simple_select mode).
  • While in simple_select mode, click on an already selected feature (enter direct_select mode).
  • While in direct_select mode, click outside all features (enter simple_select mode).

This event is fired just after the current mode stops and just before the next mode starts. A render will not happen until after all event handlers have been triggered, so you can force a mode redirect by calling draw.changeMode() inside a draw.modechange handler.

The event data is an object with the following shape:

  mode: string // The next mode, i.e. the mode that Draw is changing to

simple_select and direct_select modes can be initiated with options specific to that mode (see above).


Fired just after Draw calls setData() on the Mapbox GL JS map. This does not imply that the set data call has finished updating the map, just that the map is being updated.


Fired as the state of Draw changes to enable and disable different actions. Following this event will enable you know if draw.trash(), draw.combineFeatures() and draw.uncombineFeatures() will have an effect.

  actions: {
    trash: true
    combineFeatures: false,
    uncombineFeatures: false

Styling Draw

Draw uses a map style that adheres to the Mapbox GL Style Spec with a few caveats.


The GL Style Spec requires each layer to have a source. However, do not provide a source when styling Draw.

Draw moves features between sources in order to fine-tune performance. Because of this, Draw will provide a source for you automatically.

The sources that Draw provides are named mapbox-gl-draw-hot and mapbox-gl-draw-cold.


The GL Style Spec also requires an id. You must provide an id. Draw will then add the suffixes .hot and .cold to your id.

In your custom style, you will want to use the following feature properties:

metafeature, midpoint, vertexmidpoint and vertex are used on points added to the map to communicate polygon and line handles. feature is used for all features.
activetrue, falseA feature is active when it is 'selected' in the current mode. true and false are strings.
modesimple_select, direct_select, draw_point, draw_line_string, draw_polygonIndicates which mode Draw is currently in.

Draw also provides a few more properties on features, but they should not be used for styling. For details on them, see "Using Draw with Mapbox GL JS's queryRenderedFeatures" below.

If opts.userProperties is set to true the properties of a feature will also be available for styling. All user properties are prefixed with user_ to make sure they do not clash with the Draw properties.

Example Custom Styles

See for examples of custom styles.

Using Draw with Mapbox GL JS's queryRenderedFeatures

idstringonly available when meta is feature
parentstringonly available when meta is not feature
coord_pathstringa . separated path to one [lon, lat] entity in the parents coordinates
lonnumberthe longitude value of a handle. Only available when meta is midpoint.
latnumberthe latitude value of a handle. Only available when meta is midpoint.
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### 回答1: mapbox-gl-draw的setSelected方法用于设置当前选中的绘制要素,其用例代码如下: ```javascript // 获取绘制管理器 var draw = new MapboxDraw({ // ... }); // 获取地图对象 var map = new mapboxgl.Map({ // ... }); // 设置选中的绘制要素 draw.setSelected('featureId'); // 监听选中要素的变化 map.on('draw.selectionchange', function(event) { var selectedFeatures = draw.getSelected(); console.log(selectedFeatures); }); ``` 其中,`setSelected`方法的参数为要素的ID,可以通过监听`draw.selectionchange`事件来获取当前选中的要素。 ### 回答2: mapbox-gl-draw是一个用于在Mapbox GL地图上绘制和编辑地理要素的Javascript库。其中的setSelected方法用于设置选中状态的要素。 以下是mapbox-gl-draw中setSelected的用例代码: ```javascript // 假设你已经初始化了地图和mapbox-gl-draw实例,并且添加了一些地理要素 // 获取mapbox-gl-draw实例 var draw = new MapboxDraw({ // 你的Mapbox GL地图实例 }); // 选中一个要素 var selectedFeature = draw.getSelected(); // 设置选中状态的要素 draw.setSelected(selectedFeature); // 获取设置后的选中状态的要素 var updatedFeature = draw.getSelected(); // 打印选中状态的要素ID console.log("选中状态的要素ID:",; ``` 在这个例子中,我们首先通过`getSelected`方法获取当前选中的要素。然后,我们再次使用`setSelected`方法将选中状态设置回选中的要素。最后,我们通过`getSelected`方法获取更新后的选中状态的要素,并将其ID打印到控制台中。 以上就是mapbox-gl-draw中setSelected的用例代码。希望对你有帮助! ### 回答3: mapbox-gl-draw是一个基于Mapbox GL JS的绘制工具库,可以在地图上进行绘制和编辑地理要素。setSelected是该库中的一个方法,用于设置选定的地理要素。 以下是使用setSelected的用例代码: 首先,需要确保引入了mapbox-gl-draw库,并创建了一个Mapbox GL JS地图对象。 ```html <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>Mapbox GL Draw使用setSelected</title> <link href="" rel="stylesheet"> <link href="" rel="stylesheet"> <script src=""></script> <script src=""></script> </head> <body> <div id="map"></div> <script> mapboxgl.accessToken = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'; var map = new mapboxgl.Map({ container: 'map', style: 'mapbox://styles/mapbox/streets-v11', center: [-122.4194, 37.7749], zoom: 12 }); var draw = new MapboxDraw({ displayControlsDefault: false, controls: { polygon: true, trash: true } }); map.addControl(draw); // 设置选定的地理要素 var selectedFeatureId = 'some_feature_id'; // 替换为具体的地理要素ID draw.setSelected(selectedFeatureId); </script> </body> </html> ``` 以上代码中,首先设置了地图的访问令牌,创建了一个Mapbox GL JS地图对象,并将它显示在指定的容器中。然后,创建了一个MapboxDraw实例并添加到地图上,通过配置controls属性,决定要显示的绘制工具。最后,使用setSelected方法设置选定的地理要素,需要替换`selectedFeatureId`为具体的地理要素的ID。 在实际使用时,可以根据需要在绘制或编辑地理要素之后调用setSelected方法来选择已绘制或已编辑的要素,从而进行后续的操作,比如删除要素或修改其属性等。


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