

#include <stdlib.h>
#include “darknet.h”
#include “network.h”
#include “region_layer.h”
#include “cost_layer.h”
#include “utils.h”
#include “parser.h”
#include “box.h”
#include “demo.h”
#include “option_list.h”

#ifndef __COMPAR_FN_T
#define __COMPAR_FN_T
typedef int (__compar_fn_t)(const void, const void*);
#ifdef __USE_GNU
typedef __compar_fn_t comparison_fn_t;

#include “http_stream.h”

int check_mistakes = 0;

static int coco_ids[] = { 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,27,28,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40,41,42,43,44,46,47,48,49,50,51,52,53,54,55,56,57,58,59,60,61,62,63,64,65,67,70,72,73,74,75,76,77,78,79,80,81,82,84,85,86,87,88,89,90 };

char *GetFilename(char *p)
static char name[100]={""};
char *q = strrchr(p,’\’) + 1;
//printf("%s\n", q)
return name;

void train_detector(char *datacfg, char *cfgfile, char *weightfile, int gpus, int ngpus, int clear, int dont_show, int calc_map, int mjpeg_port, int show_imgs, int benchmark_layers, char chart_path)
list *options = read_data_cfg(datacfg);
char *train_images = option_find_str(options, “train”, “data/train.txt”);
char *valid_images = option_find_str(options, “valid”, train_images);
char *backup_directory = option_find_str(options, “backup”, “/backup/”);

network net_map;
if (calc_map) {
    FILE* valid_file = fopen(valid_images, "r");
    if (!valid_file) {
        printf("\n Error: There is no %s file for mAP calculation!\n Don't use -map flag.\n Or set valid=%s in your %s file. \n", valid_images, train_images, datacfg);
    else fclose(valid_file);

    printf(" Prepare additional network for mAP calculation...\n");
    net_map = parse_network_cfg_custom(cfgfile, 1, 1);
    net_map.benchmark_layers = benchmark_layers;
    const int net_classes = net_map.layers[net_map.n - 1].classes;

    int k;  // free memory unnecessary arrays
    for (k = 0; k < net_map.n - 1; ++k) free_layer_custom(net_map.layers[k], 1);

    char *name_list = option_find_str(options, "names", "data/names.list");
    int names_size = 0;
    char **names = get_labels_custom(name_list, &names_size);
    if (net_classes != names_size) {
        printf("\n Error: in the file %s number of names %d that isn't equal to classes=%d in the file %s \n",
            name_list, names_size, net_classes, cfgfile);
        if (net_classes > names_size) getchar();
    free_ptrs((void**)names, net_map.layers[net_map.n - 1].classes);

char *base = basecfg(cfgfile);
printf("%s\n", base);
float avg_loss = -1;
network* nets = (network*)xcalloc(ngpus, sizeof(network));

int seed = rand();
int k;
for (k = 0; k < ngpus; ++k) {

#ifdef GPU
nets[k] = parse_network_cfg(cfgfile);
nets[k].benchmark_layers = benchmark_layers;
if (weightfile) {
load_weights(&nets[k], weightfile);
if (clear) {
*nets[k].seen = 0;
*nets[k].cur_iteration = 0;
nets[k].learning_rate *= ngpus;
network net = nets[0];

const int actual_batch_size = net.batch * net.subdivisions;
if (actual_batch_size == 1) {
    printf("\n Error: You set incorrect value batch=1 for Training! You should set batch=64 subdivision=64 \n");
else if (actual_batch_size < 8) {
    printf("\n Warning: You set batch=%d lower than 64! It is recommended to set batch=64 subdivision=64 \n", actual_batch_size);

int imgs = net.batch * net.subdivisions * ngpus;
printf("Learning Rate: %g, Momentum: %g, Decay: %g\n", net.learning_rate, net.momentum, net.decay);
data train, buffer;

layer l = net.layers[net.n - 1];

int classes = l.classes;
float jitter = l.jitter;

list *plist = get_paths(train_images);
int train_images_num = plist->size;
char **paths = (char **)list_to_array(plist);

const int init_w = net.w;
const int init_h = net.h;
const int init_b = net.batch;
int iter_save, iter_save_last, iter_map;
iter_save = get_current_iteration(net);
iter_save_last = get_current_iteration(net);
iter_map = get_current_iteration(net);
float mean_average_precision = -1;
float best_map = mean_average_precision;

load_args args = { 0 };
args.w = net.w;
args.h = net.h;
args.c = net.c;
args.paths = paths;
args.n = imgs;
args.m = plist->size;
args.classes = classes;
args.flip = net.flip;
args.jitter = jitter;
args.num_boxes = l.max_boxes;
net.num_boxes = args.num_boxes;
net.train_images_num = train_images_num;
args.d = &buffer;
args.type = DETECTION_DATA;
args.threads = 64;    // 16 or 64

args.angle = net.angle;
args.gaussian_noise = net.gaussian_noise;
args.blur = net.blur;
args.mixup = net.mixup;
args.exposure = net.exposure;
args.saturation = net.saturation;
args.hue = net.hue;
args.letter_box = net.letter_box;
if (dont_show && show_imgs) show_imgs = 2;
args.show_imgs = show_imgs;

#ifdef OPENCV
args.threads = 6 * ngpus; // 3 for - Amazon EC2 Tesla V100: p3.2xlarge (8 logical cores) - p3.16xlarge
//args.threads = 12 * ngpus; // Ryzen 7 2700X (16 logical cores)
mat_cv* img = NULL;
float max_img_loss = 5;
int number_of_lines = 100;
int img_size = 1000;
char windows_name[100];
sprintf(windows_name, “chart_%s.png”, base);
img = draw_train_chart(windows_name, max_img_loss, net.max_batches, number_of_lines, img_size, dont_show, chart_path);
#endif //OPENCV
if (net.track) {
args.track = net.track;
args.augment_speed = net.augment_speed;
if (net.sequential_subdivisions) args.threads = net.sequential_subdivisions * ngpus;
else args.threads = net.subdivisions * ngpus;
args.mini_batch = net.batch / net.time_steps;
printf("\n Tracking! batch = %d, subdiv = %d, time_steps = %d, mini_batch = %d \n", net.batch, net.subdivisions, net.time_steps, args.mini_batch);
//printf(" imgs = %d \n", imgs);

pthread_t load_thread = load_data(args);

int count = 0;
double time_remaining, avg_time = -1, alpha_time = 0.01;

//while(i*imgs < N*120){
while (get_current_iteration(net) < net.max_batches) {
    if (l.random && count++ % 10 == 0) {
        float rand_coef = 1.4;
        if (l.random != 1.0) rand_coef = l.random;
        printf("Resizing, random_coef = %.2f \n", rand_coef);
        float random_val = rand_scale(rand_coef);    // *x or /x
        int dim_w = roundl(random_val*init_w / net.resize_step + 1) * net.resize_step;
        int dim_h = roundl(random_val*init_h / net.resize_step + 1) * net.resize_step;
        if (random_val < 1 && (dim_w > init_w || dim_h > init_h)) dim_w = init_w, dim_h = init_h;

        int max_dim_w = roundl(rand_coef*init_w / net.resize_step + 1) * net.resize_step;
        int max_dim_h = roundl(rand_coef*init_h / net.resize_step + 1) * net.resize_step;

        // at the beginning (check if enough memory) and at the end (calc rolling mean/variance)
        if (avg_loss < 0 || get_current_iteration(net) > net.max_batches - 100) {
            dim_w = max_dim_w;
            dim_h = max_dim_h;

        if (dim_w < net.resize_step) dim_w = net.resize_step;
        if (dim_h < net.resize_step) dim_h = net.resize_step;
        int dim_b = (init_b * max_dim_w * max_dim_h) / (dim_w * dim_h);
        int new_dim_b = (int)(dim_b * 0.8);
        if (new_dim_b > init_b) dim_b = new_dim_b;

        args.w = dim_w;
        args.h = dim_h;

        int k;
        if (net.dynamic_minibatch) {
            for (k = 0; k < ngpus; ++k) {
                (*nets[k].seen) = init_b * net.subdivisions * get_current_iteration(net); // remove this line, when you will save to weights-file both: seen & cur_iteration
                nets[k].batch = dim_b;
                int j;
                for (j = 0; j < nets[k].n; ++j)
                    nets[k].layers[j].batch = dim_b;
            net.batch = dim_b;
            imgs = net.batch * net.subdivisions * ngpus;
            args.n = imgs;
            printf("\n %d x %d  (batch = %d) \n", dim_w, dim_h, net.batch);
            printf("\n %d x %d \n", dim_w, dim_h);

        pthread_join(load_thread, 0);
        train = buffer;
        load_thread = load_data(args);

        for (k = 0; k < ngpus; ++k) {
            resize_network(nets + k, dim_w, dim_h);
        net = nets[0];
    double time = what_time_is_it_now();
    pthread_join(load_thread, 0);
    train = buffer;
    if (net.track) {
        net.sequential_subdivisions = get_current_seq_subdivisions(net);
        args.threads = net.sequential_subdivisions * ngpus;
        printf(" sequential_subdivisions = %d, sequence = %d \n", net.sequential_subdivisions, get_sequence_value(net));
    load_thread = load_data(args);

    int k;
    for(k = 0; k < l.max_boxes; ++k){
    box b = float_to_box(train.y.vals[10] + 1 + k*5);
    if(!b.x) break;
    printf("loaded: %f %f %f %f\n", b.x, b.y, b.w, b.h);
    image im = float_to_image(448, 448, 3, train.X.vals[10]);
    int k;
    for(k = 0; k < l.max_boxes; ++k){
    box b = float_to_box(train.y.vals[10] + 1 + k*5);
    printf("%d %d %d %d\n", truth.x, truth.y, truth.w, truth.h);
    draw_bbox(im, b, 8, 1,0,0);
    save_image(im, "truth11");

    const double load_time = (what_time_is_it_now() - time);
    printf("Loaded: %lf seconds", load_time);
    if (load_time > 0.1 && avg_loss > 0) printf(" - performance bottleneck on CPU or Disk HDD/SSD");

    time = what_time_is_it_now();
    float loss = 0;

#ifdef GPU
if (ngpus == 1) {
int wait_key = (dont_show) ? 0 : 1;
loss = train_network_waitkey(net, train, wait_key);
else {
loss = train_networks(nets, ngpus, train, 4);
loss = train_network(net, train);
if (avg_loss < 0 || avg_loss != avg_loss) avg_loss = loss; // if(-inf or nan)
avg_loss = avg_loss*.9 + loss*.1;

    const int iteration = get_current_iteration(net);
    //i = get_current_batch(net);

    int calc_map_for_each = 4 * train_images_num / (net.batch * net.subdivisions);  // calculate mAP for each 4 Epochs
    calc_map_for_each = fmax(calc_map_for_each, 100);
    int next_map_calc = iter_map + calc_map_for_each;
    next_map_calc = fmax(next_map_calc, net.burn_in);
    //next_map_calc = fmax(next_map_calc, 400);
    if (calc_map) {
        printf("\n (next mAP calculation at %d iterations) ", next_map_calc);
        if (mean_average_precision > 0) printf("\n Last accuracy mAP@0.5 = %2.2f %%, best = %2.2f %% ", mean_average_precision * 100, best_map * 100);

    if (net.cudnn_half) {
        if (iteration < net.burn_in * 3) fprintf(stderr, "\n Tensor Cores are disabled until the first %d iterations are reached.", 3 * net.burn_in);
        else fprintf(stderr, "\n Tensor Cores are used.");
    printf("\n %d: %f, %f avg loss, %f rate, %lf seconds, %d images, %f hours left\n", iteration, loss, avg_loss, get_current_rate(net), (what_time_is_it_now() - time), iteration*imgs, avg_time);

    int draw_precision = 0;
    if (calc_map && (iteration >= next_map_calc || iteration == net.max_batches)) {
        if (l.random) {
            printf("Resizing to initial size: %d x %d ", init_w, init_h);
            args.w = init_w;
            args.h = init_h;
            int k;
            if (net.dynamic_minibatch) {
                for (k = 0; k < ngpus; ++k) {
                    for (k = 0; k < ngpus; ++k) {
                        nets[k].batch = init_b;
                        int j;
                        for (j = 0; j < nets[k].n; ++j)
                            nets[k].layers[j].batch = init_b;
                net.batch = init_b;
                imgs = init_b * net.subdivisions * ngpus;
                args.n = imgs;
                printf("\n %d x %d  (batch = %d) \n", init_w, init_h, init_b);
            pthread_join(load_thread, 0);
            train = buffer;
            load_thread = load_data(args);
            for (k = 0; k < ngpus; ++k) {
                resize_network(nets + k, init_w, init_h);
            net = nets[0];

        copy_weights_net(net, &net_map);

        // combine Training and Validation networks
        //network net_combined = combine_train_valid_networks(net, net_map);

        iter_map = iteration;
        mean_average_precision = validate_detector_map(datacfg, cfgfile, weightfile, 0.25, 0.5, 0, net.letter_box, &net_map);// &net_combined);
        printf("\n mean_average_precision (mAP@0.5) = %f \n", mean_average_precision);
        if (mean_average_precision > best_map) {
            best_map = mean_average_precision;
            printf("New best mAP!\n");
            char buff[256];
            sprintf(buff, "%s/%s_best.weights", backup_directory, base);
            save_weights(net, buff);

        draw_precision = 1;
    time_remaining = (net.max_batches - iteration)*(what_time_is_it_now() - time + load_time) / 60 / 60;
    // set initial value, even if resume training from 10000 iteration
    if (avg_time < 0) avg_time = time_remaining;
    else avg_time = alpha_time * time_remaining + (1 -  alpha_time) * avg_time;

#ifdef OPENCV
draw_train_loss(windows_name, img, img_size, avg_loss, max_img_loss, iteration, net.max_batches, mean_average_precision, draw_precision, “mAP%”, dont_show, mjpeg_port, avg_time);
#endif // OPENCV

    //if (i % 1000 == 0 || (i < 1000 && i % 100 == 0)) {
    //if (i % 100 == 0) {
    if (iteration >= (iter_save + 1000) || iteration % 1000 == 0) {
        iter_save = iteration;

#ifdef GPU
if (ngpus != 1) sync_nets(nets, ngpus, 0);
char buff[256];
sprintf(buff, “%s/%s_%d.weights”, backup_directory, base, iteration);
save_weights(net, buff);

    if (iteration >= (iter_save_last + 100) || (iteration % 100 == 0 && iteration > 1)) {
        iter_save_last = iteration;

#ifdef GPU
if (ngpus != 1) sync_nets(nets, ngpus, 0);
char buff[256];
sprintf(buff, “%s/%s_last.weights”, backup_directory, base);

评论 1




当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


