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原创 第二期训练题第三题

Problem Description一个整数,只知道前几位,不知道末二位,被另一个整数除尽了,那么该数的末二位该是什么呢?Input输入数据有若干组,每组数据包含二个整数a,b(0<a<10000, 10<b<100),若遇到0 0则处理结束。Output对应每组数据,将满足条件的所有尾数在一行内输出,格式见样本输出。同组数据的输出,其每个尾数之间空一格,行末没...

2018-12-14 15:16:08 162

原创 第二期训练题第二题

Problem DescriptionAn inch worm is at the bottom of a well n inches deep. It has enough energy to climb u inches every minute, but then has to rest a minute before climbing again. During the rest, it...

2018-12-14 15:13:03 142

原创 第二期训练题第1题

Problem Description在一个国家仅有1分,2分,3分硬币,将钱N兑换成硬币有很多种兑法。请你编程序计算出共有多少种兑法。Input每行只有一个正整数N,N小于32768。Output对应每个输入,输出兑换方法数。Sample Input293412553Sample Output71883113137761问题链接:http://acm.hdu.edu.cn...

2018-12-14 15:09:57 188

原创 周赛j题

给定一个日期,输出这个日期是该年的第几天。Input输入数据有多组,每组占一行,数据格式为YYYY/MM/DD组成,具体参见sample input ,另外,可以向你确保所有的输入数据是合法的。Output对于每组输入数据,输出一行,表示该日期是该年的第几天。Sample Input1985/1/202006/3/12Sample Output2071问题链接:https:/...

2018-12-14 15:07:56 96

原创 周赛I题

统计每个元音字母在字符串中出现的次数。Input输入数据首先包括一个整数n,表示测试实例的个数,然后是n行长度不超过100的字符串。Output对于每个测试实例输出5行,格式如下:a:num1e:num2i:num3o:num4u:num5多个测试实例之间由一个空行隔开。请特别注意:最后一块输出后面没有空行:)Sample Input2aeioumy name is ...

2018-12-14 15:05:01 121

原创 周赛H题

Someday, Drazil wanted to go on date with Varda. Drazil and Varda live on Cartesian plane. Drazil’s home is located in point (0, 0) and Varda’s home is located in point (a, b). In each step, he can mo...

2018-12-14 15:01:31 112

原创 周赛第四题

给定三条边,请你判断一下能不能组成一个三角形。Input输入数据第一行包含一个数M,接下有M行,每行一个实例,包含三个正数A,B,C。其中A,B,C <1000;Output对于每个测试实例,如果三条边长A,B,C能组成三角形的话,输出YES,否则NO。Sample Input21 2 32 2 2Sample OutputNOYES问题链接:https://vjud...

2018-12-14 14:51:56 108

原创 周赛第一题

One hot summer day Pete and his friend Billy decided to buy a watermelon. They chose the biggest and the ripest one, in their opinion. After that the watermelon was weighed, and the scales showed w ki...

2018-12-14 14:49:16 150

原创 ACM 第八题

A + B Problem TooTime limit 1000 msMemory limit 32768 kBOS WindowsThis problem is also a A + B problem,but it has a little difference,you should determine does (a+b) could be divided with 86.For ...

2018-12-07 14:37:15 146

原创 ACM 第七题

计算球体积Time limit 1000 msMemory limit 32768 kBOS Windows根据输入的半径值,计算球的体积。Input输入数据有多组,每组占一行,每行包括一个实数,表示球的半径。Output输出对应的球的体积,对于每组输入数据,输出一行,计算结果保留三位小数。Sample Input11.5Sample Output4.18914.13...

2018-12-07 14:33:56 150

原创 ACM 第6题

ASCII码排序Time limit 1000 msMemory limit 32768 kBOS Windows输入三个字符后,按各字符的ASCII码从小到大的顺序输出这三个字符。Input输入数据有多组,每组占一行,有三个字符组成,之间无空格。Output对于每组输入数据,输出一行,字符中间用一个空格分开。Sample InputqweasdzxcSamp...

2018-12-07 14:28:57 126

原创 ACM 第四题

A + B ProblemTime limit 1000 msMemory limit 32768 kBOS WindowsCalculate A + B.InputEach line will contain two integers A and B. Process to end of file.OutputFor each case, output A + B in ...

2018-12-07 14:24:18 101

原创 ACM 第三题

Stones on the TableTime limit2000 msMemory limit262144 kBThere are n stones on the table in a row, each of them can be red, green or blue. Count the minimum number of stones to take from the table ...

2018-12-07 14:19:33 96

原创 ACM 第二题

George and AccommodationTime limit1000 msMemory limit262144 kBGeorge has recently entered the BSUCP (Berland State University for Cool Programmers). George has a friend Alex who has also entered th...

2018-12-07 14:12:27 125

原创 ACM 第一题

Time limit:2000 msMemory limit:262144 kBProblem DescriptionPetya started to attend programming lessons. On the first lesson his task was to write a simple program. The program was supposed to do th...

2018-12-07 13:55:25 1089 1



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