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原创 寒假训练三第四题
2019-01-25 22:02:38 129
原创 寒假训练三第一题
https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/SQVymHCrYK/这题当n是偶数时,Y=n/2;当n为奇数是Y= (n - 1) / 2 - n。https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/Bzq46vwTtM/
2019-01-25 21:33:13 417
原创 2白银第一题
2018-12-21 23:34:19 117
原创 白银第二题
63/5000Create a dynamic array s, input s, and determine whether the string s is all capitalized except for the first letter. If so, uppercase plus 32, lowercase minus 32, and if not, output the same....
2018-12-14 19:26:28 111
原创 白银第一题
Create n of long integer type, judge n bit by bit by the method of finding the remainder, if there is a digit equal to 4 or 7, then a++. Finally, determine whether the value of a is 7 or 4, and output...
2018-12-14 19:16:09 91
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