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原创 No module named ‘paddle.fluid 但是已经安装了paddle

一个可能的原因是因为没有安装paddlepaddle。只需要pip install paddle 即可。

2023-05-30 23:42:45 3152

原创 HDU - 1576

I 扩展欧几里得#include <iostream>#include <cmath>using namespace std;int main(){ int t; cin >> t; for(int i=1;i<=t;i++) {long long n; cin >> n; long lo

2019-01-29 23:13:54 117

原创 HDU 3533

H#include <stdio.h>#include <string.h>#include <queue>#include <algorithm>using namespace std;#define ads(x) (x<0?-x:x)int n, m, k, life;int to[5][2]

2019-01-29 23:12:54 230

原创 HDU 1010

#include <iostream>using namespace std;int fgo[4][2] = { 0,1, 1,0, 0,-1, -1,0,};int ok = 0;char maze[10][10];void fago( int n, int m, int x, int y, int dx,int dy,int t,int _t){ if (x...

2019-01-29 23:11:00 123

原创 HDU 1026

#include <iostream> #include <queue> using namespace std;#define M 105 struct ppp { int x; int y; int times; friend bool operator < (ppp a, ppp b) { return a.times > b....

2019-01-29 23:09:53 134

原创 UVA 11389

H#include<cstdio>#include<cstring>#include<algorithm>#include<iostream>using namespace std;bool cmp1(const int &a, const int &b){ return

2019-01-29 23:08:58 116

原创 HDU 1541


2019-01-29 23:08:05 181

原创 HDU 1394

#include<iostream> using namespace std;const int maxn = 5010; int num[maxn * 4]; int a[maxn]; int min(int a, int b) { if (a > b) return b; else return a; } void build(int l, in...

2019-01-29 23:07:08 229

原创 POJ 2421

H 最小生成树#include<iostream>#include<queue>#include<stdio.h>#define ll long longusing namespace std;const int maxn = 111;int a[maxn][maxn]

2019-01-29 23:05:52 201

原创 POJ 2031


2019-01-29 02:21:49 155

原创 HDU 2102


2019-01-29 02:07:04 160

原创 HDU 1213


2019-01-29 01:41:46 82

原创 HDU 1072


2019-01-29 01:07:22 154

原创 HDU 2068


2019-01-29 00:49:02 186

原创 HDU 2049


2019-01-29 00:37:33 72

原创 HDU 1241


2019-01-29 00:33:46 133

原创 UVA 424


2019-01-28 22:58:11 113

原创 POJ 3984


2019-01-28 22:57:59 73

原创 第二次周赛黄金组A题

Theatre Square in the capital city of Berland has a rectangular shape with the size n × m meters. On the occasion of the city’s anniversary, a decision was taken to pave the Square with square granite...

2018-12-21 19:27:40 108

原创 第二次周赛黄金组G题

Given a positive integer N, you should output the most right digit of N^N.InputThe input contains several test cases. The first line of the input is a single integer T which is the number of test ca...

2018-12-21 19:25:29 138

原创 第二次周赛黄金组F题

The least common multiple (LCM) of a set of positive integers is the smallest positive integer which is divisible by all the numbers in the set. For example, the LCM of 5, 7 and 15 is 105.InputInput...

2018-12-21 19:17:17 115

原创 第二次周赛黄金组D题

The digital root of a positive integer is found by summing the digits of the integer. If the resulting value is a single digit then that digit is the digital root. If the resulting value contains two ...

2018-12-21 16:56:36 365

原创 第二次周赛黄金组C题

在2×n的一个长方形方格中,用一个1× 2的骨牌铺满方格,输入n ,输出铺放方案的总数.例如n=3时,为2× 3方格,骨牌的铺放方案有三种,如下图:(请自行脑补~~)Input输入数据由多行组成,每行包含一个整数n,表示该测试实例的长方形方格的规格是2×n (0<n<=50)。Output对于每个测试实例,请输出铺放方案的总数,每个实例的输出占一行。Sample Inpu...

2018-12-21 16:23:31 102

原创 第二次周赛黄金组B题

有一只经过训练的蜜蜂只能爬向右侧相邻的蜂房,不能反向爬行。请编程计算蜜蜂从蜂房a爬到蜂房b的可能路线数。其中,蜂房的结构如下所示。ps:图可以不上吗?Input输入数据的第一行是一个整数N,表示测试实例的个数,然后是N 行数据,每行包含两个整数a和b(0<a<b<50)。Output对于每个测试实例,请输出蜜蜂从蜂房a爬到蜂房b的可能路线数,每个实例的输出占一行。S...

2018-12-20 21:39:12 89

原创 第二次周赛黄金组H题

I have a very simple problem for you. Given two integers A and B, your job is to calculate the Sum of A + B.InputThe first line of the input contains an integer T(1<=T<=20) which means the n...

2018-12-19 19:54:17 94

原创 王者组第三题

整除的尾数Time Limit: 1000/1000 MS (Java/Others) Memory Limit: 32768/32768 K (Java/Others)Total Submission(s): 52181 Accepted Submission(s): 22084Problem Description一个整数,只知道前几位,不知道末二位,被另一个整数除尽了,那...

2018-12-14 00:00:58 146

原创 王者组第一题由于是查了别人如何优化算法的,所以就不写了,这里是第二题

Climbing WormTime Limit: 2000/1000 MS (Java/Others) Memory Limit: 65536/32768 K (Java/Others)Total Submission(s): 23457 Accepted Submission(s): 16051Problem DescriptionAn inch worm is at the...

2018-12-13 22:06:15 70

原创 铂金钻石组第七题(还没写)


2018-12-13 17:27:08 67

原创 铂金钻石组第六题

数列有序!Time Limit: 2000/1000 MS (Java/Others) Memory Limit: 65536/32768 K (Java/Others)Total Submission(s): 121165 Accepted Submission(s): 50002Problem Description有n(n<=100)个整数,已经按照从小到大顺序排列...

2018-12-13 00:26:15 138

原创 铂金钻石组第五题

水仙花数Time Limit: 2000/1000 MS (Java/Others) Memory Limit: 65536/32768 K (Java/Others)Total Submission(s): 265416 Accepted Submission(s): 74493Problem Description春天是鲜花的季节,水仙花就是其中最迷人的代表,数学上有个水仙...

2018-12-13 00:07:17 82

原创 铂金钻石第四题

Let the Balloon RiseTime Limit: 2000/1000 MS (Java/Others) Memory Limit: 65536/32768 K (Java/Others)Total Submission(s): 153414 Accepted Submission(s): 60864Problem DescriptionContest time a...

2018-12-12 22:07:53 125

原创 铂金钻石第三题


2018-12-12 21:55:38 131

原创 铂金钻石组第二题

空心三角形Time Limit: 1000/1000 MS (Java/Others) Memory Limit: 32768/32768 K (Java/Others)Total Submission(s): 60229 Accepted Submission(s): 16000Problem Description把一个字符三角形掏空,就能节省材料成本,减轻重量,但关键是为...

2018-12-11 15:56:48 154

原创 铂金钻石组第一题

著名出题人小Q每次比赛后都会写一份《赛题分析》,包含比赛概况、每题的参考算法以及一些统计数值。对于一道题来说,小Q会统计最短的验题人代码长度(Shortest judge solution)以及赛内参赛队伍最短的AC代码长度(Shortest team solution)。统计验题人代码长度比较容易,因为验题人最多也不会超过2020个。但是统计选手代码长度就不容易了,因为大赛区动辄三四百支队伍...

2018-12-11 15:23:28 175

原创 第一题

String TaskPetya started to attend programming lessons. On the first lesson his task was to write a simple program. The program was supposed to do the following: in the given string, consisting if up...

2018-12-07 20:03:41 150

原创 第八题

A + B Problem TooThis problem is also a A + B problem,but it has a little difference,you should determine does (a+b) could be divided with 86.For example ,if (A+B)=98,you should output no for result....

2018-12-07 19:29:10 124

原创 第七题

计算球体积根据输入的半径值,计算球的体积。Input输入数据有多组,每组占一行,每行包括一个实数,表示球的半径。Output输出对应的球的体积,对于每组输入数据,输出一行,计算结果保留三位小数。Sample Input11.5Sample Output4.18914.137Hint#define PI 3.1415927问题分析:输入球半径,然后输出体积程序分析:写一...

2018-12-07 19:25:56 163

原创 第六题

ASCII码排序输入三个字符后,按各字符的ASCII码从小到大的顺序输出这三个字符。Input输入数据有多组,每组占一行,有三个字符组成,之间无空格。Output对于每组输入数据,输出一行,字符中间用一个空格分开。Sample InputqweasdzxcSample Outpute q wa d sc x z问题分析:就是输入多组字符,然后根据ascii码大小排序输出...

2018-12-07 19:22:28 126

原创 第五题(打完自闭)


2018-12-07 19:21:03 479

原创 第四题

A + B ProblemCalculate A + B.InputEach line will contain two integers A and B. Process to end of file.OutputFor each case, output A + B in one line.Sample Input1 1Sample Output2问题描述:……程序说明:...

2018-12-07 19:13:29 96



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