Coq语言 Final Exam

(* Final Exam (Paper A) — January 4, 2021 *)
Require Import Nat.
Require Import List.

Notation “[ ]” := nil.
Notation “[ x ; … ; y ]” := (cons x … (cons y nil) …).

Definition admit {T: Type} : T. Admitted.

(* 1. Prove the following fact about natural numbers.
Hint: You may search and use some properties about the plus function
in the standard library of Coq. *)

Lemma mul_3_r : forall n : nat, n * 3 = n + n + n.
Proof. (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.

(* 2. Complete the following definition so that (div2021 n) returns true
iff n is divisible by 2021.
Hint: You may find the leb function useful. *)

Fixpoint div2021 (n : nat ) : bool :=
(* FILL IN HERE *) admit.

Example div2021_test1: div2021 4042 = true.
Proof. (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.

Example div2021_test2: div2021 2027 = false.
Proof. (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.

(* 3. Define a function createList such that (createList n) returns
a list of numbers in the form: [n;(n-1);…;2;1;2;…;(n-1);n], for any n > 0. *)

Definition createList (n : nat) : list nat :=
  (* FILL IN HERE *) admit.

Example createList_test : createList 6 = [6;5;4;3;2;1;2;3;4;5;6].
Proof. (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.

(* 4. Let oddn and evenn be the predicates that test whether a given number
is odd or even. Show that the sum of an odd number with an even number is odd. *)

Inductive oddn : nat -> Prop :=
 | odd1 : oddn 1
 | odd2 : forall n, oddn n -> oddn (S (S n)).

Inductive evenn : nat -> Prop :=
 | even1 : evenn 0
 | even2 : forall n, evenn n -> evenn (S (S n)).

Theorem odd_add : forall n m, oddn n -> evenn m -> oddn (n + m).
Proof. (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.

(* 5. Write a function (partition):

partition : list nat -> list (list nat )

which partitions a list into a list of 3 sublists. The first sublist
contains all even numbers in the original list. The second sublist
contains all odd numbers divisible by 5 in the original list. The last
sublist contains all other elements. The order of elements in the
three sublists should be the same as their order in the original list.

Hint: You may use the Coq function (filter).

Definition partition (l : list nat) : list (list nat) :=
(* FILL IN HERE *) admit .

Example partition_test: partition [1;2;3;9;4;5;6;15;8] = [[2;4;6;8]; [5;15]; [1;3;9]].
Proof. (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.

(* 6. Prove the following fact about excluded middle. *)

Theorem excluded_middle : 
  (forall P Q : Prop, (P -> Q) -> (~P \/ Q)) -> (forall P, P \/ ~P).
Proof. (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.

(* 7. Let a sequence of numbers F(n) be given as follows.
F(0) = 0
F(n) = F(n-1) + 2 * n for n > 0.

Define the function Seq such that (Seq n) returns the sequence

[0; F(1); 2; F(3); 4; F(5); … ; 2n; F(2n + 1)].

Fixpoint Seq (n: nat) : list nat :=
(* FILL IN HERE *) admit.

Example Seq_test :  Seq 5 = [0; 2; 2; 12; 4; 30; 6; 56; 8; 90; 10; 132].
Proof. (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.

(* 8. Consider the following type:

Inductive btree : Set :=
| leaf : nat -> btree
| node : nat -> btree -> btree -> btree.

Define a function taking as argument a tree t: btree and returning
the sum of all numbers occurring in the tree. *)

Inductive btree : Set :=
 | leaf : nat -> btree 
 | node : nat -> btree -> btree -> btree.

Fixpoint sum (t: btree) : nat :=
(* FILL IN HERE *) admit.

Example bt_test : sum (node 5 (node 1 (leaf 0) (node 3 (leaf 2) (leaf 4))) 
                              (node 9 (node 7 (leaf 6) (leaf 8)) (leaf 10))) 
                  = 55.
Proof. (* FILL IN HERE *)  Admitted.

(* 9. Write in Coq a function that rotates a list. Namely, the call to
(rotate l) returns a new list that is the same as l except that the last
element of l instead appears as the first element of the new list. *)

Fixpoint rotate (l : list nat) : list nat :=
(* FILL IN HERE *) admit.

Example rotate_test : rotate [1;2;3;4;5] = [5;1;2;3;4].
Proof. (* FILL IN HERE *)  Admitted.

(* 10. The following definitions specify the abstract syntax of
some arithmetic expressions and an evaluation function. *)

Inductive aexp : Type :=
  | ANum : nat -> aexp
  | APlus : aexp -> aexp -> aexp
  | AMinus : aexp -> aexp -> aexp
  | AMult : aexp -> aexp -> aexp.

Fixpoint aeval (a : aexp) : nat :=
  match a with
  | ANum n => n
  | APlus a1 a2 => (aeval a1) + (aeval a2)
  | AMinus a1 a2 => (aeval a1) - (aeval a2)
  | AMult a1 a2 => (aeval a1) * (aeval a2)

(* Suppose we define a function that takes an arithmetic expression 
   and slightly simplifies it, changing every occurrence of [e + 0]
   and [e - 0] into just [e], and [e * 1] into [e]. *)

Fixpoint optimize (a:aexp) : aexp :=
  (* FILL IN HERE *) admit.

(* Prove the following theorem that states the correctness of the 
optimization with respect to the evaluation of arithmetic expressions. *)

Theorem optimize_mult1_sound: forall a,
  aeval (optimize a) = aeval a.
Proof. (* FILL IN HERE *) Admitted.
评论 2




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