保研笔记 | 保研/考研英语面试必备问题


1. What are the main findings of your research?

Thanks for your question. My research questions are XXX(研究的问题). Based on the XXX method/model(介绍使用的方法), I studied XXX and concluded that for the first, XXX. Besides, XXX.(介绍研究的流程)
As the group leader(介绍自己的职责), I am mainly responsible for XXX.

2. What’s your biggest strength?

I feel that my strongest asset is my ability to stick to things to get them done. I feel a real sense of accomplishment when I finish a job and it turns out just as I planned. I’ve set some high goals for myself.
For example, I want to graduate with the highest distinction. And even though I had a slow start in my freshman year, I made up for it by XXX(介绍自己取得的成绩).

3. Describe your undergraduate school

My undergraduate school is XXX University, located in XXX province. Our school motto is “XXXX”(之后可以介绍一些学校精神对自己的深层影响)
One interesting thing about my school is that XXX.(这一部分可以介绍学校有趣的风光/校规/老师同学等等)
I have lots of great memory at my university. All my teachers and classmates are kind to me and help me improve. I sincerely appreciate that my school provides me the opportunities and platform.

4. What do you think of success?

My definition of success might be a little bit different from others. for me I think if you set a goal, work hard and enjoy the process, then you are a successful person. Compared to the outcome, it is more important for me whether I try my best. If I do, at least I fight and leave no regrets.

5. How to balance life and research?

I think it is very important to make a time schedule. First of all, I would make a list of things to do and rank them according to their urgency and importance. Usually, I would leave large blocks of time for study and research because I need to be very concentrated. Besides, as long as I set a plan, I would stick to it until it is completed. If necessary, I am willing to sacrifice my rest time to get things done.

6. Future Plan

If I were enrolled in my ideal research field, I hope I can build up a solid foundation in XXX especially in the fields of XXX(向往的专业方向). On the one hand, I want to enhance my professional knowledge and get a complete comprehension of correlative specialty. Therefore, I will take my studies seriously by making study schedules, taking good notes, and completing all of my assignments. On the other hand, I am dreaming of participating in some relevant projects of my major, because I want to get more experience in practice.
In short, I am looking forward to indulging myself in the academic world and enjoying my life as a postgraduate student.

7. Stressful experience

Last year, my team and I participated in the mathematics contest in modeling. It was quite stressful considering the time limitation and the complexity of the problem. At first, everyone focused on his own task and barely talked with others, so we were very inefficient and gradually far behind schedule. As the writer, I realized the issue and communicated with my teammates. We collected our thoughts and made a clear timeline together. In the remaining time, we worked step by step as a team and finished our paper successfully. As a result, our paper won the finalist prize. It was a great encouragement to me

8. Why choose our school/department?

First of all, the XXX(学校/学院) is well-known around the country, and it has cultivated many great scholars. I have a great passion for XXX(专业) and want to learn more from excellent professors at the university.
In addition, I really fancy the city of XXX because of the graceful scenery and delicious food there, it would be nice if I can live there for a few years.

9.What’s your greatest weakness?

My biggest shortcoming is that I always get panic during the interview and perform poorly. Like now, I am pretty nervous because I want to give you a good impression. In the future, I want to overcome this weakness by improving my speaking skills and practicing repeatedly with others.

10. Bad decision experience

I made a bad decision in my first time working on a group assignment because I was always trying to persuade others with my own ideas. At that time, I was confused why they didn’t understand my points. However, the truth is that I was overconfident and rejected any ideas from others.
In the end, we reached an agreement and finished our work, but wasted lots of time. I knew I made a huge mistake by showing no respect to other people’s ideas.
The only thing I can do is to reflect and find out the reasons for the problem, so as to avoid mistakes in the future.

11. Introduce your major

I choose XXXX as my major because I enjoy the process of learning, studying, and discussing with my classmates when I solve XXX prolems. It exercises my thinking ability and even influences my character.
In addition, XXX is important and widely used in many fields. (介绍自己和学科相关的经历). Therefore I want to get a complete comprehension of XXX and use what I learn to create value for society.

12. People difficult to work

I find it difficult to work with those who have no sense of responsibility. If people aren’t committed, they don’t take the initiative. When I work with my team, I expect to share ideas with them and combine different ideas instead of telling them everything needs to be done. It is really stressful to make all decisions alone.
Besides, people with no sense of duty may not be able to complete their parts of jobs, which would have a huge impact on the overall schedule. Therefore, I have to remind them before the deadline, which is also exhausted.

13. Introduce your hometown

My hometown is a small town in XXX Province. It is located XXX(介绍附近的有名的地方). I lived there for XX years and there remains a lot of my delighted memory. There are beautiful mountains and rivers, kind people, crowded streets and peaceful paths. Actually, everyone, there is friendly and kind, and all of them can get along well with each other. I enjoy my life in my hometown and I miss there already.

14. What’s your greatest advantage?

My greatest advantage is that I am a very energetic person. Not only do I have positive energy and lead an active life, but also I can bring energy to my friends. I like doing everything in real earnest because I want to make progress constantly. When my friends and I study together, I think I can motivate them with a positive attitude and encourage them to do better, so we can all work hard and improve ourselves.

15. What do you think of your progress in school?

To be honest, I am very satisfied with my progress so far. Back in high school, I was afraid to get hurt if I tried hard but didn’t get the results I wanted, so I pretended not to want anything,
After entering university, I was determined to change and have a fruitful life, I worked hard in my study, participated in various activities and competitions, and made great friends. I became a stronger person than I was, so I think it is a huge step.
But I know this isn’t the end, I will continue to try harder in the future.

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