python数据结构第十一章课后习题答案 (一)



from abc import ABC
from collections import MutableMapping

class Tree:
    """Abstract base class representing a tree structure."""

    # ----------------------------nested Position class -----------------------------
    class Position:
        """An abstraction representing the location of a single element."""

        def element(self):
            """return the element stored at this Position"""
            raise NotImplementedError("must be implemented by subclass")

        def __eq__(self, other):
            """Return True if other Position represents the same location."""
            raise NotImplementedError("must be implemented by subclass")

        def __ne__(self, other):
            """Return True if other does not represent the same location."""
            return not (self == other)

    # ---------- abstract methods that concrete subclass must support------------

    def root(self):
        """Return Position representing the tree's root (or None if empty)."""
        raise NotImplementedError("must be implemented by subclass")

    def parent(self, p):
        """Return Position representing p's parent """
        return NotImplementedError("must be implemented by subclass")

    def num_children(self, p):
        """Return the number of children that Position p has."""
        raise NotImplementedError("must be implemented by subclass")

    def children(self, p):
        """Generate an iteration of Positions representing p's children."""
        raise NotImplementedError("must be implemented by subclass")

    def __len__(self):
        """Return the total number of elements in the tree."""
        raise NotImplementedError("must be implemented by subclass")

    # --------------------- concrete methods implemented in this class --------------
    def is_root(self, p):
        "Return True if Position p represents the root of the tree."
        return self.root() == p

    def is_leaf(self, p):
        """Return True if Position p does not have any children."""
        return self.num_children(p) == 0

    def is_empty(self):
        """Return True if the tree is empty."""
        return len(self) == 0

    def depth(self, p):
        """Return the number of levels separating Position p from the root."""
        if self.is_root(p):
            return 0
            return 1 + self.depth(self.parent(p))

    # 定义 树的高度等于所有叶子结点的深度中的最大值
    # 时间复杂度为n**2
    def _height1(self):
        """Return the height of the tree."""
        return max(self.depth(p) for p in self.positions() if self.is_leaf(p))

    # 从根节点,自顶向下,效率比height快
    # 时间复杂度为n
    def _height2(self, p):
        if self.is_leaf(p):
            return 0
            return 1 + max(self._height2(c) for c in self.children(p))

    def height(self, p=None):
        """Return the height of the subtree rooted at Position p.
        If p is None,return height of the entire tree.
        if p is None:
            p = self.root()
        return self._height2(p)  # start_height2 recursion

    def __iter__(self):
        """Generate an iteration of the tree's elements."""
        for p in self.positions():  # use same order as positions()
            yield p.element()  # but yield each element

class BinaryTree(Tree):
    """Abstract base class representing a binary tree structure."""

    # -------------------additional abstract methods -------------------------
    def left(self, p):
        """Return a Position representing p's left child.
        Return None if p does not have a left child.
        raise NotImplementedError("must be implemented by subclass")

    def right(self, p):
        """Return a Position representing p's right child.
        Return None if p does not have a right child.
        raise NotImplementedError("must be implemented by subclass")

    # ----------------------------concrete  mehtods implemented in this class ===========
    def sibling(self, p):
        """Return a Position representing p's sibling (or None if no sibling)。"""
        parent = self.parent(p)
        if parent is None:  # p must be the root
            return None  # root has no sibling
            if p == self.left(parent):
                return self.right(parent)  # possibly None
                return self.left(parent)  # possibly None

    def children(self, p):
        """Generate an iteraiton of Positions representing p's children."""
        if self.left(p) is not None:
            yield self.left(p)
        if self.right(p) is not None:
            yield self.right(p)

class LinkedBinaryTree(BinaryTree):
    """Linked representation of binary tree structure."""

    class _Node:  # Lightweight ,nonpublic class for storing a node.
        __slots__ = "_element", "_parent", "_left", "_right"

        def __init__(self, element, parent=None, left=None, right=None):
            self._element = element
            self._parent = parent
            self._left = left
            self._right = right

    class Position(BinaryTree.Position):
        """ An abstraction representing the location of a single element."""

        def __init__(self, container, node):
            """Constructor should not be invoked by user."""
            self._container = container
            self._node = node

        def element(self):
            """Return the element stored at this Position."""
            return self._node._element

        def __eq__(self, other):
            """Return True if other is a Position representing the same location."""
            return type(other) is type(self) and other._node is self._node

    def _validate(self, p):
        """Return associated node ,if position is valid."""
        if not isinstance(p, self.Position):
            raise TypeError("p must be proper Position type")
        if p._container is not self:
            raise ValueError("p does not belong to this container")
        if p._node._parent is p._node:  # convention for deprecated nodes
            raise ValueError("p is no longer valid")
        return p._node

    def _make_position(self, node):
        """Return Position instance for given node (or None if no node)."""
        return self.Position(self, node) if node is not None else None

    # ------------------------ binary tree constructor --------------------
    def __init__(self):
        """Create an initially empty binary tree."""
        self._root = None
        self._size = 0

    # --------------------public accessors ---------------------
    def __len__(self):
        """return the total number of elements in the tree."""
        return self._size

    def root(self):
        """Return the root Position of the tree(or None if tree is empty)"""
        return self._make_position(self._root)

    def parent(self, p):
        node = self._validate(p)
        return self._make_position(node._parent)

    def left(self, p):
        """Return the Position of p's left child (or None if no left child)."""
        node = self._validate(p)
        return self._make_position(node._left)

    def right(self, p):
        """Return the Position of p's right child (or None if no right child)."""
        node = self._validate(p)
        return self._make_position(node._right)

    def num_children(self, p):
        """Return the number of children of Position p."""
        node = self._validate(p)
        count = 0
        if node._left is not None:
            count += 1
        if node._right is not None:
            count += 1
        return count

    def _add_root(self, e):
        """Place element e at the root of an empty tree and return new Position.
        Raise ValueError if tree nonempty.
        if self._root is not None:
            raise ValueError("Root exists")
        self._size += 1
        self._root = self._Node(e)
        return self._make_position(self._root)

    def _add_left(self, p, e):
        """Create a new left child for Position p,storing element e.
        Return the Position of new node.
        Raise ValueError if Position p is invalid or p already has a left child.
        node = self._validate(p)
        if node._left is not None:
            raise ValueError("Left child exists.")
        self._size += 1
        node._left = self._Node(e, node)
        return self._make_position(node._left)

    def _add_right(self, p, e):
        """Create a new right child for Position p,storing element e.
                Return the Position of new node.
                Raise ValueError if Position p is invalid or p already has a left child.
        node = self._validate(p)
        if node._right is not None:
            raise ValueError("Right child exists")
        self._size += 1
        node._right = self._Node(e, node)
        return self._make_position(node._right)

    def _replace(self, p, e):
        """Replace the element at position p with e , and return old element."""
        node = self._validate(p)
        old = node._element
        node._element = e
        return old

    def _delete(self, p):
        """Delete the node at Position p , and replace it with its child, if any.
        Return the element that had been stored at Position p.
        Raise ValueError if Position p is invalid or p has two children.
        node = self._validate(p)
        if self.num_children(p) == 2:
            raise ValueError("p has two children")
        child = node._left if node._left else node._right  # might be None
        if child is not None:
            child._parent = node._parent  # child's grandparent becomes parent
        if node is self._root:
            self._root = child  # child becomes root
            parent = node._parent
            if node is parent._left:
                parent._left = child
                parent._right = child
        self._size -= 1
        node._parent = node  # convention for deprecated node 丢弃该节点
        return node._element

    def _attach(self, p, t1, t2):
        """Attach trees t1 and t2 as left and right subtrees of external p."""
        node = self._validate(p)
        if not self.is_leaf(p):
            raise ValueError('position must be leaf')
        if not type(self) is type(t1) is type(t2):
            raise TypeError("Tree types must match")
        self._size += len(t1) + len(t2)
        if not t1.is_empty():  # attached t1 as left subtree of node
            t1._root._parent = node
            node._left = t1._root
            t1._root = None
            t1._size = 0
        if not t2.is_empty():  # attached t2 as right subtree of node
            t2._root._parent = node
            node._right = t2._root
            t2._root = None
            t2._size = 0

class MapBase(MutableMapping, ABC):
    """Our own abstract base class that includes a nonpublic _Item class"""

    # ---------------------nested _Item class ---------------
    class _Item:
        """Lightweight composite to store key-value pairs as map items."""
        __slots__ = '_key', '_value'

        def __init__(self, k, v):
            self._key = k
            self._value = v

        def __eq__(self, other):
            return self._key == other._key  # compare items based on their keys

        def __ne__(self, other):
            return not (self == other)  # opposite of __eq__

        def __lt__(self, other):
            return self._key < other._key  # compare items based on their keys

class TreeMap(LinkedBinaryTree, MapBase):
    """Sorted map implementation using a binary search tree."""

    # ------------override Position class -------------------

    class Position(LinkedBinaryTree.Position):
        def key(self):
            """Return key of map's key-value pair."""
            return self.element()._key

        def value(self):
            """Return value of map's key-value pair."""
            return self.element()._value

    def _subtree_search(self, p, k):
        """Return Position of p's subtree having key k, or last node searched."""
        if k == p.key():  # found match
            return p
        elif k < p.key():
            if self.left(p) is not None:
                return self._subtree_search(self.left(p), k)
            if self.right(p) is not None:
                return self._subtree_search(self.right(p), k)
        return p

    def _subtree_first_position(self, p):
        """Return Position of first item in subtree rooted at p."""
        walk = p
        while self.left(walk) is not None:
            walk = self.left(walk)  # keep walking left
        return walk

    def _subtree_last_position(self, p):
        """Return Position of last item in subtree rooted at p."""
        walk = p
        while self.right(walk) is not None:  # walk walking right
            walk = self.right(walk)
        return walk

    def first(self):
        """Return the first Position in the tree(or None if empty)."""
        return self._subtree_first_position(self.root()) if len(self) > 0 else None

    def last(self):
        """Return the last Position in the tree (or None if empty)."""
        return self._subtree_last_position(self.root()) if len(self) > 0 else None

    def before(self, p):
        """Return the Position just before p in the natural order.
        Return None if p is the first position
        self._validate(p)  # inherited from LinkedBinaryTree
        if self.left(p):
            return self._subtree_last_position(self.left(p))
            # walk upward
            walk = p
            above = self.parent(walk)
            while above is not None and walk == self.left(above):
                walk = above
                above = self.parent(walk)
            return above

    def after(self, p):
        """Return the Position just after p in the natural order.
        Return None if p is the last position.
        # symmetric to before(p)
        if self.right(p):
            return self._subtree_first_position(self.right(p))
            walk = p
            above = self.parent(walk)
            while above is not None and self.right(above) == walk:
                walk = above
                above = self.parent(walk)
            return above

    def find_position(self, k):
        """Return position with key k , or else neighbor (or None if empty)."""
        if self.is_empty():
            return None
            p = self._subtree_search(self.root(), k)
            # self._rebalance_access(p)  # hook for balanced tree subclasses
            return p

    def find_min(self):
        """Return (key,value) pair with minimum key (or None if empty)."""
        if self.is_empty():
            return None
            p = self.first()
            return p.key(), p.value()

    def find_ge(self, k):
        """Return (key,value) pair with least key greater than or equal to k.
        Return None if there does not exist such a key.
        if self.is_empty():
            return None
            p = self.find_position(k)  # may not find exact match
            if p.key() < k:
                p = self.after(p)
            return (p.key(), p.value()) if p is not None else None

    def find_range(self, start, stop):
        """Iterate all (key , value ) pairs such that start <= key < stop.
        If start is None ,iteration begins with minimum key of map.
        If stop is None,iteration continues through the maximum key of map.
        if not self.is_empty():
            if start is None:
                p = self.first()
                # we initialize p with logic similar to find_ge
                p = self.find_position(start)
                if p.key() < start:
                    p = self.after(p)
            while p is not None and (stop is None or p.key() < stop):
                yield p.key(), p.value()
                p = self.after(p)

    def __getitem__(self, item):
        """Return value associated with key k (raise KeyError if not fount)."""
        if self.is_empty():
            raise KeyError("Key Error: " + repr(item))
            p = self._subtree_search(self.root(), item)
            # self._rebalance_access(p)  # hook for balanced tree subclassed
            if item != p.key():
                raise KeyError('Key Error:' + repr(item))
            return p.value()

    def __setitem__(self, key, value):
        """Assign value v to key k, overwriting existing value if present."""
        if self.is_empty():
            leaf = self._add_root(self._Item(key, value))  # from LinkedBinaryTree
            p = self._subtree_search(self.root(), key)
            if p.key() == key:
                p.element()._value = value  # replace existing item's value
                # self._rebalance_access(p)  # hook for balanced tree subclasses
                item = self._Item(key, value)
                if p.key() < key:
                    leaf = self._add_right(p, item)  # inherited from LinkedBinaryTree
                    leaf = self._add_left(p, item)  # inherited from LinkedBinaryTree
        # self._rebalance_insert(leaf)  # hook for balanced tree subclasses

    def __iter__(self):
        """Generate an iteration of all keys in the map in order."""
        p = self.first()
        while p is not None:
            yield p.key(), p.value()
            p = self.after(p)

    def delete(self, p):
        """Remove the item at given Position."""
        self._validate(p)  # inherited from LinkedBinaryTree
        if self.left(p) and self.right(p):  # p has two children
            replacement = self._subtree_last_position(self.left(p))
            self._replace(p, replacement.element())  # from LinkedBinaryTree
            p = replacement
        # now p has at most one child
        parent = self.parent(p)
        self._delete(p)  # inherited from LinkedBinaryTree
        # self._rebalance_delete(parent)  # if root deleted,parent is None

    def __delitem__(self, key):
        """Remove item associated with key k (raise KeyError if not found)."""
        if not self.is_empty():
            p = self._subtree_search(self.root(), key)
            if key == p.key():
                self.delete(p)  # rely on positional version
                return  # successful deletion complete
            # self._rebalance_access(p)  # hook for balanced tree subclasses
        raise KeyError("Key Error: " + repr(key))

if __name__ == '__main__':
    tree = TreeMap()
    tree[1] = 'A'
    tree[2] = 'B'
    tree[3] = 'C'
    tree[4] = 'D'
    tree[5] = 'E'
    for leaf in tree:


from abc import ABC
from collections import MutableMapping

class Tree:
    """Abstract base class representing a tree structure."""

    # ----------------------------nested Position class -----------------------------
    class Position:
        """An abstraction representing the location of a single element."""

        def element(self):
            """return the element stored at this Position"""
            raise NotImplementedError("must be implemented by subclass")

        def __eq__(self, other):
            """Return True if other Position represents the same location."""
            raise NotImplementedError("must be implemented by subclass")

        def __ne__(self, other):
            """Return True if other does not represent the same location."""
            return not (self == other)

    # ---------- abstract methods that concrete subclass must support------------

    def root(self):
        """Return Position representing the tree's root (or None if empty)."""
        raise NotImplementedError("must be implemented by subclass")

    def parent(self, p):
        """Return Position representing p's parent """
        return NotImplementedError("must be implemented by subclass")

    def num_children(self, p):
        """Return the number of children that Position p has."""
        raise NotImplementedError("must be implemented by subclass")

    def children(self, p):
        """Generate an iteration of Positions representing p's children."""
        raise NotImplementedError("must be implemented by subclass")

    def __len__(self):
        """Return the total number of elements in the tree."""
        raise NotImplementedError("must be implemented by subclass")

    # --------------------- concrete methods implemented in this class --------------
    def is_root(self, p):
        "Return True if Position p represents the root of the tree."
        return self.root() == p

    def is_leaf(self, p):
        """Return True if Position p does not have any children."""
        return self.num_children(p) == 0

    def is_empty(self):
        """Return True if the tree is empty."""
        return len(self) == 0

    def depth(self, p):
        """Return the number of levels separating Position p from the root."""
        if self.is_root(p):
            return 0
            return 1 + self.depth(self.parent(p))

    # 定义 树的高度等于所有叶子结点的深度中的最大值
    # 时间复杂度为n**2
    def _height1(self):
        """Return the height of the tree."""
        return max(self.depth(p) for p in self.positions() if self.is_leaf(p))

    # 从根节点,自顶向下,效率比height快
    # 时间复杂度为n
    def _height2(self, p):
        if self.is_leaf(p):
            return 0
            return 1 + max(self._height2(c) for c in self.children(p))

    def height(self, p=None):
        """Return the height of the subtree rooted at Position p.
        If p is None,return height of the entire tree.
        if p is None:
            p = self.root()
        return self._height2(p)  # start_height2 recursion

    def __iter__(self):
        """Generate an iteration of the tree's elements."""
        for p in self.positions():  # use same order as positions()
            yield p.element()  # but yield each element

class BinaryTree(Tree):
    """Abstract base class representing a binary tree structure."""

    # -------------------additional abstract methods -------------------------
    def left(self, p):
        """Return a Position representing p's left child.
        Return None if p does not have a left child.
        raise NotImplementedError("must be implemented by subclass")

    def right(self, p):
        """Return a Position representing p's right child.
        Return None if p does not have a right child.
        raise NotImplementedError("must be implemented by subclass")

    # ----------------------------concrete  mehtods implemented in this class ===========
    def sibling(self, p):
        """Return a Position representing p's sibling (or None if no sibling)。"""
        parent = self.parent(p)
        if parent is None:  # p must be the root
            return None  # root has no sibling
            if p == self.left(parent):
                return self.right(parent)  # possibly None
                return self.left(parent)  # possibly None

    def children(self, p):
        """Generate an iteraiton of Positions representing p's children."""
        if self.left(p) is not None:
            yield self.left(p)
        if self.right(p) is not None:
            yield self.right(p)

class LinkedBinaryTree(BinaryTree):
    """Linked representation of binary tree structure."""

    class _Node:  # Lightweight ,nonpublic class for storing a node.
        __slots__ = "_element", "_parent", "_left", "_right"

        def __init__(self, element, parent=None, left=None, right=None):
            self._element = element
            self._parent = parent
            self._left = left
            self._right = right

    class Position(BinaryTree.Position):
        """ An abstraction representing the location of a single element."""

        def __init__(self, container, node):
            """Constructor should not be invoked by user."""
            self._container = container
            self._node = node

        def element(self):
            """Return the element stored at this Position."""
            return self._node._element

        def __eq__(self, other):
            """Return True if other is a Position representing the same location."""
            return type(other) is type(self) and other._node is self._node

    def _validate(self, p):
        """Return associated node ,if position is valid."""
        if not isinstance(p, self.Position):
            raise TypeError("p must be proper Position type")
        if p._container is not self:
            raise ValueError("p does not belong to this container")
        if p._node._parent is p._node:  # convention for deprecated nodes
            raise ValueError("p is no longer valid")
        return p._node

    def _make_position(self, node):
        """Return Position instance for given node (or None if no node)."""
        return self.Position(self, node) if node is not None else None

    # ------------------------ binary tree constructor --------------------
    def __init__(self):
        """Create an initially empty binary tree."""
        self._root = None
        self._size = 0

    # --------------------public accessors ---------------------
    def __len__(self):
        """return the total number of elements in the tree."""
        return self._size

    def root(self):
        """Return the root Position of the tree(or None if tree is empty)"""
        return self._make_position(self._root)

    def parent(self, p):
        node = self._validate(p)
        return self._make_position(node._parent)

    def left(self, p):
        """Return the Position of p's left child (or None if no left child)."""
        node = self._validate(p)
        return self._make_position(node._left)

    def right(self, p):
        """Return the Position of p's right child (or None if no right child)."""
        node = self._validate(p)
        return self._make_position(node._right)

    def num_children(self, p):
        """Return the number of children of Position p."""
        node = self._validate(p)
        count = 0
        if node._left is not None:
            count += 1
        if node._right is not None:
            count += 1
        return count

    def _add_root(self, e):
        """Place element e at the root of an empty tree and return new Position.
        Raise ValueError if tree nonempty.
        if self._root is not None:
            raise ValueError("Root exists")
        self._size += 1
        self._root = self._Node(e)
        return self._make_position(self._root)

    def _add_left(self, p, e):
        """Create a new left child for Position p,storing element e.
        Return the Position of new node.
        Raise ValueError if Position p is invalid or p already has a left child.
        node = self._validate(p)
        if node._left is not None:
            raise ValueError("Left child exists.")
        self._size += 1
        node._left = self._Node(e, node)
        return self._make_position(node._left)

    def _add_right(self, p, e):
        """Create a new right child for Position p,storing element e.
                Return the Position of new node.
                Raise ValueError if Position p is invalid or p already has a left child.
        node = self._validate(p)
        if node._right is not None:
            raise ValueError("Right child exists")
        self._size += 1
        node._right = self._Node(e, node)
        return self._make_position(node._right)

    def _replace(self, p, e):
        """Replace the element at position p with e , and return old element."""
        node = self._validate(p)
        old = node._element
        node._element = e
        return old

    def _delete(self, p):
        """Delete the node at Position p , and replace it with its child, if any.
        Return the element that had been stored at Position p.
        Raise ValueError if Position p is invalid or p has two children.
        node = self._validate(p)
        if self.num_children(p) == 2:
            raise ValueError("p has two children")
        child = node._left if node._left else node._right  # might be None
        if child is not None:
            child._parent = node._parent  # child's grandparent becomes parent
        if node is self._root:
            self._root = child  # child becomes root
            parent = node._parent
            if node is parent._left:
                parent._left = child
                parent._right = child
        self._size -= 1
        node._parent = node  # convention for deprecated node 丢弃该节点
        return node._element

    def _attach(self, p, t1, t2):
        """Attach trees t1 and t2 as left and right subtrees of external p."""
        node = self._validate(p)
        if not self.is_leaf(p):
            raise ValueError('position must be leaf')
        if not type(self) is type(t1) is type(t2):
            raise TypeError("Tree types must match")
        self._size += len(t1) + len(t2)
        if not t1.is_empty():  # attached t1 as left subtree of node
            t1._root._parent = node
            node._left = t1._root
            t1._root = None
            t1._size = 0
        if not t2.is_empty():  # attached t2 as right subtree of node
            t2._root._parent = node
            node._right = t2._root
            t2._root = None
            t2._size = 0

class MapBase(MutableMapping, ABC):
    """Our own abstract base class that includes a nonpublic _Item class"""

    # ---------------------nested _Item class ---------------
    class _Item:
        """Lightweight composite to store key-value pairs as map items."""
        __slots__ = '_key', '_value'

        def __init__(self, k, v):
            self._key = k
            self._value = v

        def __eq__(self, other):
            return self._key == other._key  # compare items based on their keys

        def __ne__(self, other):
            return not (self == other)  # opposite of __eq__

        def __lt__(self, other):
            return self._key < other._key  # compare items based on their keys

class TreeMap(LinkedBinaryTree, MapBase):
    """Sorted map implementation using a binary search tree."""

    # ------------override Position class -------------------

    class Position(LinkedBinaryTree.Position):
        def key(self):
            """Return key of map's key-value pair."""
            return self.element()._key

        def value(self):
            """Return value of map's key-value pair."""
            return self.element()._value

    def _subtree_search(self, p, k):
        """Return Position of p's subtree having key k, or last node searched."""
        node = p
        while node:
            if k == node.key():
                return node
            elif k < node.key():
                if self.left(node) is not None:
                    node = self.left(node)
                if self.right(node) is not None:
                    node = self.right(node)

        return node

    def _subtree_first_position(self, p):
        """Return Position of first item in subtree rooted at p."""
        walk = p
        while self.left(walk) is not None:
            walk = self.left(walk)  # keep walking left
        return walk

    def _subtree_last_position(self, p):
        """Return Position of last item in subtree rooted at p."""
        walk = p
        while self.right(walk) is not None:  # walk walking right
            walk = self.right(walk)
        return walk

    def first(self):
        """Return the first Position in the tree(or None if empty)."""
        return self._subtree_first_position(self.root()) if len(self) > 0 else None

    def last(self):
        """Return the last Position in the tree (or None if empty)."""
        return self._subtree_last_position(self.root()) if len(self) > 0 else None

    def before(self, p):
        """Return the Position just before p in the natural order.
        Return None if p is the first position
        self._validate(p)  # inherited from LinkedBinaryTree
        if self.left(p):
            return self._subtree_last_position(self.left(p))
            # walk upward
            walk = p
            above = self.parent(walk)
            while above is not None and walk == self.left(above):
                walk = above
                above = self.parent(walk)
            return above

    def after(self, p):
        """Return the Position just after p in the natural order.
        Return None if p is the last position.
        # symmetric to before(p)
        if self.right(p):
            return self._subtree_first_position(self.right(p))
            walk = p
            above = self.parent(walk)
            while above is not None and self.right(above) == walk:
                walk = above
                above = self.parent(walk)
            return above

    def find_position(self, k):
        """Return position with key k , or else neighbor (or None if empty)."""
        if self.is_empty():
            return None
            p = self._subtree_search(self.root(), k)
            # self._rebalance_access(p)  # hook for balanced tree subclasses
            return p

    def find_min(self):
        """Return (key,value) pair with minimum key (or None if empty)."""
        if self.is_empty():
            return None
            p = self.first()
            return p.key(), p.value()

    def find_ge(self, k):
        """Return (key,value) pair with least key greater than or equal to k.
        Return None if there does not exist such a key.
        if self.is_empty():
            return None
            p = self.find_position(k)  # may not find exact match
            if p.key() < k:
                p = self.after(p)
            return (p.key(), p.value()) if p is not None else None

    def find_range(self, start, stop):
        """Iterate all (key , value ) pairs such that start <= key < stop.
        If start is None ,iteration begins with minimum key of map.
        If stop is None,iteration continues through the maximum key of map.
        if not self.is_empty():
            if start is None:
                p = self.first()
                # we initialize p with logic similar to find_ge
                p = self.find_position(start)
                if p.key() < start:
                    p = self.after(p)
            while p is not None and (stop is None or p.key() < stop):
                yield p.key(), p.value()
                p = self.after(p)

    def __getitem__(self, item):
        """Return value associated with key k (raise KeyError if not fount)."""
        if self.is_empty():
            raise KeyError("Key Error: " + repr(item))
            p = self._subtree_search(self.root(), item)
            # self._rebalance_access(p)  # hook for balanced tree subclassed
            if item != p.key():
                raise KeyError('Key Error:' + repr(item))
            return p.value()

    def __setitem__(self, key, value):
        """Assign value v to key k, overwriting existing value if present."""
        if self.is_empty():
            leaf = self._add_root(self._Item(key, value))  # from LinkedBinaryTree
            p = self._subtree_search(self.root(), key)
            if p.key() == key:
                p.element()._value = value  # replace existing item's value
                # self._rebalance_access(p)  # hook for balanced tree subclasses
                item = self._Item(key, value)
                if p.key() < key:
                    leaf = self._add_right(p, item)  # inherited from LinkedBinaryTree
                    leaf = self._add_left(p, item)  # inherited from LinkedBinaryTree
        # self._rebalance_insert(leaf)  # hook for balanced tree subclasses

    def __iter__(self):
        """Generate an iteration of all keys in the map in order."""
        p = self.first()
        while p is not None:
            yield p.key(), p.value()
            p = self.after(p)

    def delete(self, p):
        """Remove the item at given Position."""
        self._validate(p)  # inherited from LinkedBinaryTree
        if self.left(p) and self.right(p):  # p has two children
            replacement = self._subtree_last_position(self.left(p))
            self._replace(p, replacement.element())  # from LinkedBinaryTree
            p = replacement
        # now p has at most one child
        parent = self.parent(p)
        self._delete(p)  # inherited from LinkedBinaryTree
        # self._rebalance_delete(parent)  # if root deleted,parent is None

    def __delitem__(self, key):
        """Remove item associated with key k (raise KeyError if not found)."""
        if not self.is_empty():
            p = self._subtree_search(self.root(), key)
            if key == p.key():
                self.delete(p)  # rely on positional version
                return  # successful deletion complete
            # self._rebalance_access(p)  # hook for balanced tree subclasses
        raise KeyError("Key Error: " + repr(key))

if __name__ == '__main__':
    tree = TreeMap()
    tree[1] = 'A'
    tree[2] = 'B'
    tree[3] = 'C'
    tree[4] = 'D'
    tree[5] = 'E'
    for leaf in tree:


from abc import ABC
from collections import MutableMapping

class Tree:
    """Abstract base class representing a tree structure."""

    # ----------------------------nested Position class -----------------------------
    class Position:
        """An abstraction representing the location of a single element."""

        def element(self):
            """return the element stored at this Position"""
            raise NotImplementedError("must be implemented by subclass")

        def __eq__(self, other):
            """Return True if other Position represents the same location."""
            raise NotImplementedError("must be implemented by subclass")

        def __ne__(self, other):
            """Return True if other does not represent the same location."""
            return not (self == other)

    # ---------- abstract methods that concrete subclass must support------------

    def root(self):
        """Return Position representing the tree's root (or None if empty)."""
        raise NotImplementedError("must be implemented by subclass")

    def parent(self, p):
        """Return Position representing p's parent """
        return NotImplementedError("must be implemented by subclass")

    def num_children(self, p):
        """Return the number of children that Position p has."""
        raise NotImplementedError("must be implemented by subclass")

    def children(self, p):
        """Generate an iteration of Positions representing p's children."""
        raise NotImplementedError("must be implemented by subclass")

    def __len__(self):
        """Return the total number of elements in the tree."""
        raise NotImplementedError("must be implemented by subclass")

    # --------------------- concrete methods implemented in this class --------------
    def is_root(self, p):
        "Return True if Position p represents the root of the tree."
        return self.root() == p

    def is_leaf(self, p):
        """Return True if Position p does not have any children."""
        return self.num_children(p) == 0

    def is_empty(self):
        """Return True if the tree is empty."""
        return len(self) == 0

    def depth(self, p):
        """Return the number of levels separating Position p from the root."""
        if self.is_root(p):
            return 0
            return 1 + self.depth(self.parent(p))

    # 定义 树的高度等于所有叶子结点的深度中的最大值
    # 时间复杂度为n**2
    def _height1(self):
        """Return the height of the tree."""
        return max(self.depth(p) for p in self.positions() if self.is_leaf(p))

    # 从根节点,自顶向下,效率比height快
    # 时间复杂度为n
    def _height2(self, p):
        if self.is_leaf(p):
            return 0
            return 1 + max(self._height2(c) for c in self.children(p))

    def height(self, p=None):
        """Return the height of the subtree rooted at Position p.
        If p is None,return height of the entire tree.
        if p is None:
            p = self.root()
        return self._height2(p)  # start_height2 recursion

    def __iter__(self):
        """Generate an iteration of the tree's elements."""
        for p in self.positions():  # use same order as positions()
            yield p.element()  # but yield each element

class BinaryTree(Tree):
    """Abstract base class representing a binary tree structure."""

    # -------------------additional abstract methods -------------------------
    def left(self, p):
        """Return a Position representing p's left child.
        Return None if p does not have a left child.
        raise NotImplementedError("must be implemented by subclass")

    def right(self, p):
        """Return a Position representing p's right child.
        Return None if p does not have a right child.
        raise NotImplementedError("must be implemented by subclass")

    # ----------------------------concrete  mehtods implemented in this class ===========
    def sibling(self, p):
        """Return a Position representing p's sibling (or None if no sibling)。"""
        parent = self.parent(p)
        if parent is None:  # p must be the root
            return None  # root has no sibling
            if p == self.left(parent):
                return self.right(parent)  # possibly None
                return self.left(parent)  # possibly None

    def children(self, p):
        """Generate an iteraiton of Positions representing p's children."""
        if self.left(p) is not None:
            yield self.left(p)
        if self.right(p) is not None:
            yield self.right(p)

class LinkedBinaryTree(BinaryTree):
    """Linked representation of binary tree structure."""

    class _Node:  # Lightweight ,nonpublic class for storing a node.
        __slots__ = "_element", "_parent", "_left", "_right"

        def __init__(self, element, parent=None, left=None, right=None):
            self._element = element
            self._parent = parent
            self._left = left
            self._right = right

    class Position(BinaryTree.Position):
        """ An abstraction representing the location of a single element."""

        def __init__(self, container, node):
            """Constructor should not be invoked by user."""
            self._container = container
            self._node = node

        def element(self):
            """Return the element stored at this Position."""
            return self._node._element

        def __eq__(self, other):
            """Return True if other is a Position representing the same location."""
            return type(other) is type(self) and other._node is self._node

    def _validate(self, p):
        """Return associated node ,if position is valid."""
        if not isinstance(p, self.Position):
            raise TypeError("p must be proper Position type")
        if p._container is not self:
            raise ValueError("p does not belong to this container")
        if p._node._parent is p._node:  # convention for deprecated nodes
            raise ValueError("p is no longer valid")
        return p._node

    def _make_position(self, node):
        """Return Position instance for given node (or None if no node)."""
        return self.Position(self, node) if node is not None else None

    # ------------------------ binary tree constructor --------------------
    def __init__(self):
        """Create an initially empty binary tree."""
        self._root = None
        self._size = 0

    # --------------------public accessors ---------------------
    def __len__(self):
        """return the total number of elements in the tree."""
        return self._size

    def root(self):
        """Return the root Position of the tree(or None if tree is empty)"""
        return self._make_position(self._root)

    def parent(self, p):
        node = self._validate(p)
        return self._make_position(node._parent)

    def left(self, p):
        """Return the Position of p's left child (or None if no left child)."""
        node = self._validate(p)
        return self._make_position(node._left)

    def right(self, p):
        """Return the Position of p's right child (or None if no right child)."""
        node = self._validate(p)
        return self._make_position(node._right)

    def num_children(self, p):
        """Return the number of children of Position p."""
        node = self._validate(p)
        count = 0
        if node._left is not None:
            count += 1
        if node._right is not None:
            count += 1
        return count

    def _add_root(self, e):
        """Place element e at the root of an empty tree and return new Position.
        Raise ValueError if tree nonempty.
        if self._root is not None:
            raise ValueError("Root exists")
        self._size += 1
        self._root = self._Node(e)
        return self._make_position(self._root)

    def _add_left(self, p, e):
        """Create a new left child for Position p,storing element e.
        Return the Position of new node.
        Raise ValueError if Position p is invalid or p already has a left child.
        node = self._validate(p)
        if node._left is not None:
            raise ValueError("Left child exists.")
        self._size += 1
        node._left = self._Node(e, node)
        return self._make_position(node._left)

    def _add_right(self, p, e):
        """Create a new right child for Position p,storing element e.
                Return the Position of new node.
                Raise ValueError if Position p is invalid or p already has a left child.
        node = self._validate(p)
        if node._right is not None:
            raise ValueError("Right child exists")
        self._size += 1
        node._right = self._Node(e, node)
        return self._make_position(node._right)

    def _replace(self, p, e):
        """Replace the element at position p with e , and return old element."""
        node = self._validate(p)
        old = node._element
        node._element = e
        return old

    def _delete(self, p):
        """Delete the node at Position p , and replace it with its child, if any.
        Return the element that had been stored at Position p.
        Raise ValueError if Position p is invalid or p has two children.
        node = self._validate(p)
        if self.num_children(p) == 2:
            raise ValueError("p has two children")
        child = node._left if node._left else node._right  # might be None
        if child is not None:
            child._parent = node._parent  # child's grandparent becomes parent
        if node is self._root:
            self._root = child  # child becomes root
            parent = node._parent
            if node is parent._left:
                parent._left = child
                parent._right = child
        self._size -= 1
        node._parent = node  # convention for deprecated node 丢弃该节点
        return node._element

    def _attach(self, p, t1, t2):
        """Attach trees t1 and t2 as left and right subtrees of external p."""
        node = self._validate(p)
        if not self.is_leaf(p):
            raise ValueError('position must be leaf')
        if not type(self) is type(t1) is type(t2):
            raise TypeError("Tree types must match")
        self._size += len(t1) + len(t2)
        if not t1.is_empty():  # attached t1 as left subtree of node
            t1._root._parent = node
            node._left = t1._root
            t1._root = None
            t1._size = 0
        if not t2.is_empty():  # attached t2 as right subtree of node
            t2._root._parent = node
            node._right = t2._root
            t2._root = None
            t2._size = 0

class MapBase(MutableMapping, ABC):
    """Our own abstract base class that includes a nonpublic _Item class"""

    # ---------------------nested _Item class ---------------
    class _Item:
        """Lightweight composite to store key-value pairs as map items."""
        __slots__ = '_key', '_value'

        def __init__(self, k, v):
            self._key = k
            self._value = v

        def __eq__(self, other):
            return self._key == other._key  # compare items based on their keys

        def __ne__(self, other):
            return not (self == other)  # opposite of __eq__

        def __lt__(self, other):
            return self._key < other._key  # compare items based on their keys

class TreeMap(LinkedBinaryTree, MapBase):
    """Sorted map implementation using a binary search tree."""

    # ------------override Position class -------------------

    class Position(LinkedBinaryTree.Position):
        def key(self):
            """Return key of map's key-value pair."""
            return self.element()._key

        def value(self):
            """Return value of map's key-value pair."""
            return self.element()._value

    def _subtree_search(self, p, k):
        """Return Position of p's subtree having key k, or last node searched."""
        if k == p.key():  # found match
            return p
        elif k < p.key():
            if self.left(p) is not None:
                return self._subtree_search(self.left(p), k)
            if self.right(p) is not None:
                return self._subtree_search(self.right(p), k)
        return p

    def _subtree_first_position(self, p):
        """Return Position of first item in subtree rooted at p."""
        walk = p
        while self.left(walk) is not None:
            walk = self.left(walk)  # keep walking left
        return walk

    def _subtree_last_position(self, p):
        """Return Position of last item in subtree rooted at p."""
        walk = p
        while self.right(walk) is not None:  # walk walking right
            walk = self.right(walk)
        return walk

    def first(self):
        """Return the first Position in the tree(or None if empty)."""
        return self._subtree_first_position(self.root()) if len(self) > 0 else None

    def last(self):
        """Return the last Position in the tree (or None if empty)."""
        return self._subtree_last_position(self.root()) if len(self) > 0 else None

    def before(self, p):
        """Return the Position just before p in the natural order.
        Return None if p is the first position
        self._validate(p)  # inherited from LinkedBinaryTree
        if self.left(p):
            return self._subtree_last_position(self.left(p))
            # walk upward
            walk = p
            above = self.parent(walk)
            while above is not None and walk == self.left(above):
                walk = above
                above = self.parent(walk)
            return above

    def after(self, p):
        """Return the Position just after p in the natural order.
        Return None if p is the last position.
        # symmetric to before(p)
        if self.right(p):
            return self._subtree_first_position(self.right(p))
            walk = p
            above = self.parent(walk)
            while above is not None and self.right(above) == walk:
                walk = above
                above = self.parent(walk)
            return above

    def find_position(self, k):
        """Return position with key k , or else neighbor (or None if empty)."""
        if self.is_empty():
            return None
            p = self._subtree_search(self.root(), k)
            # self._rebalance_access(p)  # hook for balanced tree subclasses
            return p

    def find_min(self):
        """Return (key,value) pair with minimum key (or None if empty)."""
        if self.is_empty():
            return None
            p = self.first()
            return p.key(), p.value()

    def find_ge(self, k):
        """Return (key,value) pair with least key greater than or equal to k.
        Return None if there does not exist such a key.
        if self.is_empty():
            return None
            p = self.find_position(k)  # may not find exact match
            if p.key() < k:
                p = self.after(p)
            return (p.key(), p.value()) if p is not None else None

    def find_range(self, start, stop):
        """Iterate all (key , value ) pairs such that start <= key < stop.
        If start is None ,iteration begins with minimum key of map.
        If stop is None,iteration continues through the maximum key of map.
        if not self.is_empty():
            if start is None:
                p = self.first()
                # we initialize p with logic similar to find_ge
                p = self.find_position(start)
                if p.key() < start:
                    p = self.after(p)
            while p is not None and (stop is None or p.key() < stop):
                yield p.key(), p.value()
                p = self.after(p)

    def __getitem__(self, item):
        """Return value associated with key k (raise KeyError if not fount)."""
        if self.is_empty():
            raise KeyError("Key Error: " + repr(item))
            p = self._subtree_search(self.root(), item)
            # self._rebalance_access(p)  # hook for balanced tree subclassed
            if item != p.key():
                raise KeyError('Key Error:' + repr(item))
            return p.value()

    def setdefault(self, key, value):
        if self.is_empty():
            leaf = self._add_root(self._Item(key, value))  # from LinkedBinaryTree
            p = self._subtree_search(self.root(), key)
            if p.key() == key:
                p.element()._value = value  # replace existing item's value
                # self._rebalance_access(p)  # hook for balanced tree subclasses
                item = self._Item(key, value)
                if p.key() < key:
                    leaf = self._add_right(p, item)  # inherited from LinkedBinaryTree
                    leaf = self._add_left(p, item)  # inherited from LinkedBinaryTree
        # self._rebalance_insert(leaf)  # hook for balanced tree subclasses

    def __setitem__(self, key, value):
        """Assign value v to key k, overwriting existing value if present."""
        if self.is_empty():
            leaf = self._add_root(self._Item(key, value))  # from LinkedBinaryTree
            p = self._subtree_search(self.root(), key)
            if p.key() == key:
                p.element()._value = value  # replace existing item's value
                # self._rebalance_access(p)  # hook for balanced tree subclasses
                item = self._Item(key, value)
                if p.key() < key:
                    leaf = self._add_right(p, item)  # inherited from LinkedBinaryTree
                    leaf = self._add_left(p, item)  # inherited from LinkedBinaryTree
        # self._rebalance_insert(leaf)  # hook for balanced tree subclasses

    def __iter__(self):
        """Generate an iteration of all keys in the map in order."""
        p = self.first()
        while p is not None:
            yield p.key(), p.value()
            p = self.after(p)

    def delete(self, p):
        """Remove the item at given Position."""
        self._validate(p)  # inherited from LinkedBinaryTree
        if self.left(p) and self.right(p):  # p has two children
            replacement = self._subtree_last_position(self.left(p))
            self._replace(p, replacement.element())  # from LinkedBinaryTree
            p = replacement
        # now p has at most one child
        parent = self.parent(p)
        self._delete(p)  # inherited from LinkedBinaryTree
        # self._rebalance_delete(parent)  # if root deleted,parent is None

    def __delitem__(self, key):
        """Remove item associated with key k (raise KeyError if not found)."""
        if not self.is_empty():
            p = self._subtree_search(self.root(), key)
            if key == p.key():
                self.delete(p)  # rely on positional version
                return  # successful deletion complete
            # self._rebalance_access(p)  # hook for balanced tree subclasses
        raise KeyError("Key Error: " + repr(key))

    def _relink(self, parent, child, make_left_child):
        """Relink parent node with child node (we allow child to be None)."""
        if make_left_child:  # make it a left child
            parent._left = child
        else:  # make it a right child
            parent._right = child
        if child is not None:  # make child point to parent
            child._parent = parent

    def _rotate(self, p):
        """Rotate Position p above its parent."""
        x = p._node
        y = x._parent  # we assume this exist
        z = y._parent  # grandparent (possibly None)
        if z is None:
            self._root = x  # x becomes root
            x._parent = None
            self._relink(z, x, y == z._left)  # x becomes a direct child of z
        # now rotate x and y ,including transfer of middle subtree
        if x == y._left:
            self._relink(y, x._right, True)  # x._right becomes left child of y
            self._relink(x, y, False)  # y becomes right child of x
            self._relink(y, x._left, False)  # x._left becomes right child of y
            self._relink(x, y, True)  # y becomes left child of x

    def _restructure(self, x):
        """Perform trinode restructure of Position x with parent/grandparent."""
        y = self.parent(x)
        z = self.parent(y)
        if (x == self.right(y)) == (y == self.right(z)):  # matching alignments
            self._rotate(y)  # single rotation (of y)
            return y
            return x  # x is new subtree root

if __name__ == '__main__':
    tree = TreeMap()
    for i in range(10):
    for node in tree:


from abc import ABC
from collections import MutableMapping

class Tree:
    """Abstract base class representing a tree structure."""

    # ----------------------------nested Position class -----------------------------
    class Position:
        """An abstraction representing the location of a single element."""

        def element(self):
            """return the element stored at this Position"""
            raise NotImplementedError("must be implemented by subclass")

        def __eq__(self, other):
            """Return True if other Position represents the same location."""
            raise NotImplementedError("must be implemented by subclass")

        def __ne__(self, other):
            """Return True if other does not represent the same location."""
            return not (self == other)

    # ---------- abstract methods that concrete subclass must support------------

    def root(self):
        """Return Position representing the tree's root (or None if empty)."""
        raise NotImplementedError("must be implemented by subclass")

    def parent(self, p):
        """Return Position representing p's parent """
        return NotImplementedError("must be implemented by subclass")

    def num_children(self, p):
        """Return the number of children that Position p has."""
        raise NotImplementedError("must be implemented by subclass")

    def children(self, p):
        """Generate an iteration of Positions representing p's children."""
        raise NotImplementedError("must be implemented by subclass")

    def __len__(self):
        """Return the total number of elements in the tree."""
        raise NotImplementedError("must be implemented by subclass")

    # --------------------- concrete methods implemented in this class --------------
    def is_root(self, p):
        "Return True if Position p represents the root of the tree."
        return self.root() == p

    def is_leaf(self, p):
        """Return True if Position p does not have any children."""
        return self.num_children(p) == 0

    def is_empty(self):
        """Return True if the tree is empty."""
        return len(self) == 0

    def depth(self, p):
        """Return the number of levels separating Position p from the root."""
        if self.is_root(p):
            return 0
            return 1 + self.depth(self.parent(p))

    # 定义 树的高度等于所有叶子结点的深度中的最大值
    # 时间复杂度为n**2
    def _height1(self):
        """Return the height of the tree."""
        return max(self.depth(p) for p in self.positions() if self.is_leaf(p))

    # 从根节点,自顶向下,效率比height快
    # 时间复杂度为n
    def _height2(self, p):
        if self.is_leaf(p):
            return 0
            return 1 + max(self._height2(c) for c in self.children(p))

    def height(self, p=None):
        """Return the height of the subtree rooted at Position p.
        If p is None,return height of the entire tree.
        if p is None:
            p = self.root()
        return self._height2(p)  # start_height2 recursion

    def __iter__(self):
        """Generate an iteration of the tree's elements."""
        for p in self.positions():  # use same order as positions()
            yield p.element()  # but yield each element

class BinaryTree(Tree):
    """Abstract base class representing a binary tree structure."""

    # -------------------additional abstract methods -------------------------
    def left(self, p):
        """Return a Position representing p's left child.
        Return None if p does not have a left child.
        raise NotImplementedError("must be implemented by subclass")

    def right(self, p):
        """Return a Position representing p's right child.
        Return None if p does not have a right child.
        raise NotImplementedError("must be implemented by subclass")

    # ----------------------------concrete  mehtods implemented in this class ===========
    def sibling(self, p):
        """Return a Position representing p's sibling (or None if no sibling)。"""
        parent = self.parent(p)
        if parent is None:  # p must be the root
            return None  # root has no sibling
            if p == self.left(parent):
                return self.right(parent)  # possibly None
                return self.left(parent)  # possibly None

    def children(self, p):
        """Generate an iteraiton of Positions representing p's children."""
        if self.left(p) is not None:
            yield self.left(p)
        if self.right(p) is not None:
            yield self.right(p)

class LinkedBinaryTree(BinaryTree):
    """Linked representation of binary tree structure."""

    class _Node:  # Lightweight ,nonpublic class for storing a node.
        __slots__ = "_element", "_parent", "_left", "_right"

        def __init__(self, element, parent=None, left=None, right=None):
            self._element = element
            self._parent = parent
            self._left = left
            self._right = right

    class Position(BinaryTree.Position):
        """ An abstraction representing the location of a single element."""

        def __init__(self, container, node):
            """Constructor should not be invoked by user."""
            self._container = container
            self._node = node

        def element(self):
            """Return the element stored at this Position."""
            return self._node._element

        def __eq__(self, other):
            """Return True if other is a Position representing the same location."""
            return type(other) is type(self) and other._node is self._node

    def _validate(self, p):
        """Return associated node ,if position is valid."""
        if not isinstance(p, self.Position):
            raise TypeError("p must be proper Position type")
        if p._container is not self:
            raise ValueError("p does not belong to this container")
        if p._node._parent is p._node:  # convention for deprecated nodes
            raise ValueError("p is no longer valid")
        return p._node

    def _make_position(self, node):
        """Return Position instance for given node (or None if no node)."""
        return self.Position(self, node) if node is not None else None

    # ------------------------ binary tree constructor --------------------
    def __init__(self):
        """Create an initially empty binary tree."""
        self._root = None
        self._size = 0

    # --------------------public accessors ---------------------
    def __len__(self):
        """return the total number of elements in the tree."""
        return self._size

    def root(self):
        """Return the root Position of the tree(or None if tree is empty)"""
        return self._make_position(self._root)

    def parent(self, p):
        node = self._validate(p)
        return self._make_position(node._parent)

    def left(self, p):
        """Return the Position of p's left child (or None if no left child)."""
        node = self._validate(p)
        return self._make_position(node._left)

    def right(self, p):
        """Return the Position of p's right child (or None if no right child)."""
        node = self._validate(p)
        return self._make_position(node._right)

    def num_children(self, p):
        """Return the number of children of Position p."""
        node = self._validate(p)
        count = 0
        if node._left is not None:
            count += 1
        if node._right is not None:
            count += 1
        return count

    def _add_root(self, e):
        """Place element e at the root of an empty tree and return new Position.
        Raise ValueError if tree nonempty.
        if self._root is not None:
            raise ValueError("Root exists")
        self._size += 1
        self._root = self._Node(e)
        return self._make_position(self._root)

    def _add_left(self, p, e):
        """Create a new left child for Position p,storing element e.
        Return the Position of new node.
        Raise ValueError if Position p is invalid or p already has a left child.
        node = self._validate(p)
        if node._left is not None:
            raise ValueError("Left child exists.")
        self._size += 1
        node._left = self._Node(e, node)
        return self._make_position(node._left)

    def _add_right(self, p, e):
        """Create a new right child for Position p,storing element e.
                Return the Position of new node.
                Raise ValueError if Position p is invalid or p already has a left child.
        node = self._validate(p)
        if node._right is not None:
            raise ValueError("Right child exists")
        self._size += 1
        node._right = self._Node(e, node)
        return self._make_position(node._right)

    def _replace(self, p, e):
        """Replace the element at position p with e , and return old element."""
        node = self._validate(p)
        old = node._element
        node._element = e
        return old

    def _delete(self, p):
        """Delete the node at Position p , and replace it with its child, if any.
        Return the element that had been stored at Position p.
        Raise ValueError if Position p is invalid or p has two children.
        node = self._validate(p)
        if self.num_children(p) == 2:
            raise ValueError("p has two children")
        child = node._left if node._left else node._right  # might be None
        if child is not None:
            child._parent = node._parent  # child's grandparent becomes parent
        if node is self._root:
            self._root = child  # child becomes root
            parent = node._parent
            if node is parent._left:
                parent._left = child
                parent._right = child
        self._size -= 1
        node._parent = node  # convention for deprecated node 丢弃该节点
        return node._element

    def _attach(self, p, t1, t2):
        """Attach trees t1 and t2 as left and right subtrees of external p."""
        node = self._validate(p)
        if not self.is_leaf(p):
            raise ValueError('position must be leaf')
        if not type(self) is type(t1) is type(t2):
            raise TypeError("Tree types must match")
        self._size += len(t1) + len(t2)
        if not t1.is_empty():  # attached t1 as left subtree of node
            t1._root._parent = node
            node._left = t1._root
            t1._root = None
            t1._size = 0
        if not t2.is_empty():  # attached t2 as right subtree of node
            t2._root._parent = node
            node._right = t2._root
            t2._root = None
            t2._size = 0

class MapBase(MutableMapping, ABC):
    """Our own abstract base class that includes a nonpublic _Item class"""

    # ---------------------nested _Item class ---------------
    class _Item:
        """Lightweight composite to store key-value pairs as map items."""
        __slots__ = '_key', '_value'

        def __init__(self, k, v):
            self._key = k
            self._value = v

        def __eq__(self, other):
            return self._key == other._key  # compare items based on their keys

        def __ne__(self, other):
            return not (self == other)  # opposite of __eq__

        def __lt__(self, other):
            return self._key < other._key  # compare items based on their keys

class TreeMap(LinkedBinaryTree, MapBase):
    """Sorted map implementation using a binary search tree."""

    # ------------override Position class -------------------

    class Position(LinkedBinaryTree.Position):
        def key(self):
            """Return key of map's key-value pair."""
            return self.element()._key

        def value(self):
            """Return value of map's key-value pair."""
            return self.element()._value

    def _subtree_search(self, p, k):
        """Return Position of p's subtree having key k, or last node searched."""
        if k == p.key():  # found match
            return p
        elif k < p.key():
            if self.left(p) is not None:
                return self._subtree_search(self.left(p), k)
            if self.right(p) is not None:
                return self._subtree_search(self.right(p), k)
        return p

    def _subtree_first_position(self, p):
        """Return Position of first item in subtree rooted at p."""
        walk = p
        while self.left(walk) is not None:
            walk = self.left(walk)  # keep walking left
        return walk

    def _subtree_last_position(self, p):
        """Return Position of last item in subtree rooted at p."""
        walk = p
        while self.right(walk) is not None:  # walk walking right
            walk = self.right(walk)
        return walk

    def first(self):
        """Return the first Position in the tree(or None if empty)."""
        return self._subtree_first_position(self.root()) if len(self) > 0 else None

    def last(self):
        """Return the last Position in the tree (or None if empty)."""
        return self._subtree_last_position(self.root()) if len(self) > 0 else None

    def before(self, p):
        """Return the Position just before p in the natural order.
        Return None if p is the first position
        self._validate(p)  # inherited from LinkedBinaryTree
        if self.left(p):
            return self._subtree_last_position(self.left(p))
            # walk upward
            walk = p
            above = self.parent(walk)
            while above is not None and walk == self.left(above):
                walk = above
                above = self.parent(walk)
            return above

    def after(self, p):
        """Return the Position just after p in the natural order.
        Return None if p is the last position.
        # symmetric to before(p)
        if self.right(p):
            return self._subtree_first_position(self.right(p))
            walk = p
            above = self.parent(walk)
            while above is not None and self.right(above) == walk:
                walk = above
                above = self.parent(walk)
            return above

    def find_position(self, k):
        """Return position with key k , or else neighbor (or None if empty)."""
        if self.is_empty():
            return None
            p = self._subtree_search(self.root(), k)
            # self._rebalance_access(p)  # hook for balanced tree subclasses
            return p

    def find_min(self):
        """Return (key,value) pair with minimum key (or None if empty)."""
        if self.is_empty():
            return None
            p = self.first()
            return p.key(), p.value()

    def find_ge(self, k):
        """Return (key,value) pair with least key greater than or equal to k.
        Return None if there does not exist such a key.
        if self.is_empty():
            return None
            p = self.find_position(k)  # may not find exact match
            if p.key() < k:
                p = self.after(p)
            return (p.key(), p.value()) if p is not None else None

    def find_range(self, start, stop=None):
        """Iterate all (key , value ) pairs such that start <= key < stop.
        If start is None ,iteration begins with minimum key of map.
        If stop is None,iteration continues through the maximum key of map.
        if not self.is_empty():
            if start is None:
                p = self.first()
                # we initialize p with logic similar to find_ge
                p = self.find_position(start)
                if p.key() < start:
                    p = self.after(p)
            while p is not None and (stop is None or p.key() < stop):
                yield p.key(), p.value()
                p = self.after(p)

    def __getitem__(self, item):
        """Return value associated with key k (raise KeyError if not fount)."""
        if self.is_empty():
            raise KeyError("Key Error: " + repr(item))
            p = self._subtree_search(self.root(), item)
            # self._rebalance_access(p)  # hook for balanced tree subclassed
            if item != p.key():
                raise KeyError('Key Error:' + repr(item))
            return p.value()

    def __setitem__(self, key, value):
        """Assign value v to key k, overwriting existing value if present."""
        if self.is_empty():
            leaf = self._add_root(self._Item(key, value))  # from LinkedBinaryTree
            p = self._subtree_search(self.root(), key)
            if p.key() == key:
                p.element()._value = value  # replace existing item's value
                # self._rebalance_access(p)  # hook for balanced tree subclasses
                item = self._Item(key, value)
                if p.key() < key:
                    leaf = self._add_right(p, item)  # inherited from LinkedBinaryTree
                    leaf = self._add_left(p, item)  # inherited from LinkedBinaryTree
        self._rebalance_insert(leaf)  # hook for balanced tree subclasses

    def __iter__(self):
        """Generate an iteration of all keys in the map in order."""
        p = self.first()
        while p is not None:
            yield p.key(), p.value()
            p = self.after(p)

    def delete(self, p):
        """Remove the item at given Position."""
        self._validate(p)  # inherited from LinkedBinaryTree
        if self.left(p) and self.right(p):  # p has two children
            replacement = self._subtree_last_position(self.left(p))
            self._replace(p, replacement.element())  # from LinkedBinaryTree
            p = replacement
        # now p has at most one child
        parent = self.parent(p)
        self._delete(p)  # inherited from LinkedBinaryTree
        self._rebalance_delete(parent)  # if root deleted,parent is None

    def __delitem__(self, key):
        """Remove item associated with key k (raise KeyError if not found)."""
        if not self.is_empty():
            p = self._subtree_search(self.root(), key)
            if key == p.key():
                self.delete(p)  # rely on positional version
                return  # successful deletion complete
            self._rebalance_access(p)  # hook for balanced tree subclasses
        raise KeyError("Key Error: " + repr(key))

    def _relink(self, parent, child, make_left_child):
        """Relink parent node with child node (we allow child to be None)."""
        if make_left_child:  # make it a left child
            parent._left = child
        else:  # make it a right child
            parent._right = child
        if child is not None:  # make child point to parent
            child._parent = parent

    def _rotate(self, p):
        """Rotate Position p above its parent."""
        x = p._node
        y = x._parent  # we assume this exist
        z = y._parent  # grandparent (possibly None)
        if z is None:
            self._root = x  # x becomes root
            x._parent = None
            self._relink(z, x, y == z._left)  # x becomes a direct child of z
        # now rotate x and y ,including transfer of middle subtree
        if x == y._left:
            self._relink(y, x._right, True)  # x._right becomes left child of y
            self._relink(x, y, False)  # y becomes right child of x
            self._relink(y, x._left, False)  # x._left becomes right child of y
            self._relink(x, y, True)  # y becomes left child of x

    def _restructure(self, x):
        """Perform trinode restructure of Position x with parent/grandparent."""
        y = self.parent(x)
        m, n = y.key(), y.value()
        z = self.parent(y)
        p, q = z.key(), z.value()
        if (x == self.right(y)) == (y == self.right(z)):  # matching alignments
            self._rotate(y)  # single rotation (of y)
            return y
            return x  # x is new subtree root

class AVLTreeMap(TreeMap):
    """Sorted map implementation using an AVL tree."""

    # ------------------ nested _Node class -------------------
    class _Node(TreeMap._Node):
        """Node class for AVL maintains height value for balancing."""
        __slots__ = '_height'

        def __init__(self, element, parent=None, left=None, right=None):
            super().__init__(element, parent, left, right)
            self._height = 0  # will be recomputed during balancing

        def left_height(self):
            return self._left._height if self._left is not None else 0

        def right_height(self):
            return self._right._height if self._right is not None else 0

    # --------------positional-based utility methods ---------------------
    def _recompute_height(p):
        p._node._height = 1 + max(p._node.left_height(), p._node.right_height())

    def _isbalanced(p):
        return abs(p._node.left_height() - p._node.right_height()) <= 1

    def _tall_child(self, p, favorleft=False):  # parameter controls tiebreaker
        if p._node.left_height() + (1 if favorleft else 0) > p._node.right_height():
            return self.left(p)
            return self.right(p)

    def _tall_grandchild(self, p):
        child = self._tall_child(p)
        # if child is on left, favor left grandchild ; else favor right grandchild
        alignment = (child == self.left(p))
        return self._tall_child(child, alignment)

    def _rebalance(self, p):
        while p is not None:
            old_height = p._node._height  # trivially 0 if new node
            if not self._isbalanced(p):  # imbalance detected!
                # perform trinode restructuring,setting p to resulting root,
                # and recompute new local heights after the restructuring
                p = self._restructure(self._tall_grandchild(p))
            self._recompute_height(p)  # adjust for recent changes
            if p._node._height == old_height:  # has height changed?
                p = None  # no further changes needed
                p = self.parent(p)  # repeat with parent

    # ----------- override balancing hooks ------------------------
    def _rebalance_insert(self, p):

    def _rebalance_delete(self, p):

    def remove_range(self, start, stop=None):
        if not self.is_empty():
            if stop is None:
                p, stop = self.first(), start
                # we initialize p with logic similar to find_ge
                p = self.find_position(start)
                if p.key() < start:
                    p = self.after(p)
            while p is not None and (stop is None or p.key() < stop):
                node = p
                p = self.after(node)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    avlTree = AVLTreeMap()
    for index in [62, 44, 78, 17, 50, 88, 48, 54, 52]:
        avlTree[index] = 1
    for tree in avlTree:
    # for tree in avlTree.find_range(50):
    #     print(tree)


from abc import ABC
from collections import MutableMapping

class Tree:
    """Abstract base class representing a tree structure."""

    # ----------------------------nested Position class -----------------------------
    class Position:
        """An abstraction representing the location of a single element."""

        def element(self):
            """return the element stored at this Position"""
            raise NotImplementedError("must be implemented by subclass")

        def __eq__(self, other):
            """Return True if other Position represents the same location."""
            raise NotImplementedError("must be implemented by subclass")

        def __ne__(self, other):
            """Return True if other does not represent the same location."""
            return not (self == other)

    # ---------- abstract methods that concrete subclass must support------------

    def root(self):
        """Return Position representing the tree's root (or None if empty)."""
        raise NotImplementedError("must be implemented by subclass")

    def parent(self, p):
        """Return Position representing p's parent """
        return NotImplementedError("must be implemented by subclass")

    def num_children(self, p):
        """Return the number of children that Position p has."""
        raise NotImplementedError("must be implemented by subclass")

    def children(self, p):
        """Generate an iteration of Positions representing p's children."""
        raise NotImplementedError("must be implemented by subclass")

    def __len__(self):
        """Return the total number of elements in the tree."""
        raise NotImplementedError("must be implemented by subclass")

    # --------------------- concrete methods implemented in this class --------------
    def is_root(self, p):
        "Return True if Position p represents the root of the tree."
        return self.root() == p

    def is_leaf(self, p):
        """Return True if Position p does not have any children."""
        return self.num_children(p) == 0

    def is_empty(self):
        """Return True if the tree is empty."""
        return len(self) == 0

    def depth(self, p):
        """Return the number of levels separating Position p from the root."""
        if self.is_root(p):
            return 0
            return 1 + self.depth(self.parent(p))

    # 定义 树的高度等于所有叶子结点的深度中的最大值
    # 时间复杂度为n**2
    def _height1(self):
        """Return the height of the tree."""
        return max(self.depth(p) for p in self.positions() if self.is_leaf(p))

    # 从根节点,自顶向下,效率比height快
    # 时间复杂度为n
    def _height2(self, p):
        if self.is_leaf(p):
            return 0
            return 1 + max(self._height2(c) for c in self.children(p))

    def height(self, p=None):
        """Return the height of the subtree rooted at Position p.
        If p is None,return height of the entire tree.
        if p is None:
            p = self.root()
        return self._height2(p)  # start_height2 recursion

    def __iter__(self):
        """Generate an iteration of the tree's elements."""
        for p in self.positions():  # use same order as positions()
            yield p.element()  # but yield each element

class BinaryTree(Tree):
    """Abstract base class representing a binary tree structure."""

    # -------------------additional abstract methods -------------------------
    def left(self, p):
        """Return a Position representing p's left child.
        Return None if p does not have a left child.
        raise NotImplementedError("must be implemented by subclass")

    def right(self, p):
        """Return a Position representing p's right child.
        Return None if p does not have a right child.
        raise NotImplementedError("must be implemented by subclass")

    # ----------------------------concrete  mehtods implemented in this class ===========
    def sibling(self, p):
        """Return a Position representing p's sibling (or None if no sibling)。"""
        parent = self.parent(p)
        if parent is None:  # p must be the root
            return None  # root has no sibling
            if p == self.left(parent):
                return self.right(parent)  # possibly None
                return self.left(parent)  # possibly None

    def children(self, p):
        """Generate an iteraiton of Positions representing p's children."""
        if self.left(p) is not None:
            yield self.left(p)
        if self.right(p) is not None:
            yield self.right(p)

class LinkedBinaryTree(BinaryTree):
    """Linked representation of binary tree structure."""

    class _Node:  # Lightweight ,nonpublic class for storing a node.
        __slots__ = "_element", "_parent", "_left", "_right"

        def __init__(self, element, parent=None, left=None, right=None):
            self._element = element
            self._parent = parent
            self._left = left
            self._right = right

    class Position(BinaryTree.Position):
        """ An abstraction representing the location of a single element."""

        def __init__(self, container, node):
            """Constructor should not be invoked by user."""
            self._container = container
            self._node = node

        def element(self):
            """Return the element stored at this Position."""
            return self._node._element

        def __eq__(self, other):
            """Return True if other is a Position representing the same location."""
            return type(other) is type(self) and other._node is self._node

    def _validate(self, p):
        """Return associated node ,if position is valid."""
        if not isinstance(p, self.Position):
            raise TypeError("p must be proper Position type")
        if p._container is not self:
            raise ValueError("p does not belong to this container")
        if p._node._parent is p._node:  # convention for deprecated nodes
            raise ValueError("p is no longer valid")
        return p._node

    def _make_position(self, node):
        """Return Position instance for given node (or None if no node)."""
        return self.Position(self, node) if node is not None else None

    # ------------------------ binary tree constructor --------------------
    def __init__(self):
        """Create an initially empty binary tree."""
        self._root = None
        self._size = 0

    # --------------------public accessors ---------------------
    def __len__(self):
        """return the total number of elements in the tree."""
        return self._size

    def root(self):
        """Return the root Position of the tree(or None if tree is empty)"""
        return self._make_position(self._root)

    def parent(self, p):
        node = self._validate(p)
        return self._make_position(node._parent)

    def left(self, p):
        """Return the Position of p's left child (or None if no left child)."""
        node = self._validate(p)
        return self._make_position(node._left)

    def right(self, p):
        """Return the Position of p's right child (or None if no right child)."""
        node = self._validate(p)
        return self._make_position(node._right)

    def num_children(self, p):
        """Return the number of children of Position p."""
        node = self._validate(p)
        count = 0
        if node._left is not None:
            count += 1
        if node._right is not None:
            count += 1
        return count

    def _add_root(self, e):
        """Place element e at the root of an empty tree and return new Position.
        Raise ValueError if tree nonempty.
        if self._root is not None:
            raise ValueError("Root exists")
        self._size += 1
        self._root = self._Node(e)
        return self._make_position(self._root)

    def _add_left(self, p, e):
        """Create a new left child for Position p,storing element e.
        Return the Position of new node.
        Raise ValueError if Position p is invalid or p already has a left child.
        node = self._validate(p)
        if node._left is not None:
            raise ValueError("Left child exists.")
        self._size += 1
        node._left = self._Node(e, node)
        return self._make_position(node._left)

    def _add_right(self, p, e):
        """Create a new right child for Position p,storing element e.
                Return the Position of new node.
                Raise ValueError if Position p is invalid or p already has a left child.
        node = self._validate(p)
        if node._right is not None:
            raise ValueError("Right child exists")
        self._size += 1
        node._right = self._Node(e, node)
        return self._make_position(node._right)

    def _replace(self, p, e):
        """Replace the element at position p with e , and return old element."""
        node = self._validate(p)
        old = node._element
        node._element = e
        return old

    def _delete(self, p):
        """Delete the node at Position p , and replace it with its child, if any.
        Return the element that had been stored at Position p.
        Raise ValueError if Position p is invalid or p has two children.
        node = self._validate(p)
        if self.num_children(p) == 2:
            raise ValueError("p has two children")
        child = node._left if node._left else node._right  # might be None
        if child is not None:
            child._parent = node._parent  # child's grandparent becomes parent
        if node is self._root:
            self._root = child  # child becomes root
            parent = node._parent
            if node is parent._left:
                parent._left = child
                parent._right = child
        self._size -= 1
        node._parent = node  # convention for deprecated node 丢弃该节点
        return node._element

    def _attach(self, p, t1, t2):
        """Attach trees t1 and t2 as left and right subtrees of external p."""
        node = self._validate(p)
        if not self.is_leaf(p):
            raise ValueError('position must be leaf')
        if not type(self) is type(t1) is type(t2):
            raise TypeError("Tree types must match")
        self._size += len(t1) + len(t2)
        if not t1.is_empty():  # attached t1 as left subtree of node
            t1._root._parent = node
            node._left = t1._root
            t1._root = None
            t1._size = 0
        if not t2.is_empty():  # attached t2 as right subtree of node
            t2._root._parent = node
            node._right = t2._root
            t2._root = None
            t2._size = 0

class MapBase(MutableMapping, ABC):
    """Our own abstract base class that includes a nonpublic _Item class"""

    # ---------------------nested _Item class ---------------
    class _Item:
        """Lightweight composite to store key-value pairs as map items."""
        __slots__ = '_key', '_value'

        def __init__(self, k, v):
            self._key = k
            self._value = v

        def __eq__(self, other):
            return self._key == other._key  # compare items based on their keys

        def __ne__(self, other):
            return not (self == other)  # opposite of __eq__

        def __lt__(self, other):
            return self._key < other._key  # compare items based on their keys

class TreeMap(LinkedBinaryTree, MapBase):
    """Sorted map implementation using a binary search tree."""

    # ------------override Position class -------------------

    class Position(LinkedBinaryTree.Position):
        def key(self):
            """Return key of map's key-value pair."""
            return self.element()._key

        def value(self):
            """Return value of map's key-value pair."""
            return self.element()._value

    def _subtree_search(self, p, k):
        """Return Position of p's subtree having key k, or last node searched."""
        if k == p.key():  # found match
            return p
        elif k < p.key():
            if self.left(p) is not None:
                return self._subtree_search(self.left(p), k)
            if self.right(p) is not None:
                return self._subtree_search(self.right(p), k)
        return p

    def _subtree_first_position(self, p):
        """Return Position of first item in subtree rooted at p."""
        walk = p
        while self.left(walk) is not None:
            walk = self.left(walk)  # keep walking left
        return walk

    def _subtree_last_position(self, p):
        """Return Position of last item in subtree rooted at p."""
        walk = p
        while self.right(walk) is not None:  # walk walking right
            walk = self.right(walk)
        return walk

    def first(self):
        """Return the first Position in the tree(or None if empty)."""
        return self._subtree_first_position(self.root()) if len(self) > 0 else None

    def last(self):
        """Return the last Position in the tree (or None if empty)."""
        return self._subtree_last_position(self.root()) if len(self) > 0 else None

    def before(self, p):
        """Return the Position just before p in the natural order.
        Return None if p is the first position
        self._validate(p)  # inherited from LinkedBinaryTree
        if self.left(p):
            return self._subtree_last_position(self.left(p))
            # walk upward
            walk = p
            above = self.parent(walk)
            while above is not None and walk == self.left(above):
                walk = above
                above = self.parent(walk)
            return above

    def after(self, p):
        """Return the Position just after p in the natural order.
        Return None if p is the last position.
        # symmetric to before(p)
        if self.right(p):
            return self._subtree_first_position(self.right(p))
            walk = p
            above = self.parent(walk)
            while above is not None and self.right(above) == walk:
                walk = above
                above = self.parent(walk)
            return above

    def find_position(self, k):
        """Return position with key k , or else neighbor (or None if empty)."""
        if self.is_empty():
            return None
            p = self._subtree_search(self.root(), k)
            # self._rebalance_access(p)  # hook for balanced tree subclasses
            return p

    def find_min(self):
        """Return (key,value) pair with minimum key (or None if empty)."""
        if self.is_empty():
            return None
            p = self.first()
            return p.key(), p.value()

    def find_ge(self, k):
        """Return (key,value) pair with least key greater than or equal to k.
        Return None if there does not exist such a key.
        if self.is_empty():
            return None
            p = self.find_position(k)  # may not find exact match
            if p.key() < k:
                p = self.after(p)
            return (p.key(), p.value()) if p is not None else None

    def find_range(self, start, stop=None):
        """Iterate all (key , value ) pairs such that start <= key < stop.
        If start is None ,iteration begins with minimum key of map.
        If stop is None,iteration continues through the maximum key of map.
        if not self.is_empty():
            if start is None:
                p = self.first()
                # we initialize p with logic similar to find_ge
                p = self.find_position(start)
                if p.key() < start:
                    p = self.after(p)
            while p is not None and (stop is None or p.key() < stop):
                yield p.key(), p.value()
                p = self.after(p)

    def __getitem__(self, item):
        """Return value associated with key k (raise KeyError if not fount)."""
        if self.is_empty():
            raise KeyError("Key Error: " + repr(item))
            p = self._subtree_search(self.root(), item)
            # self._rebalance_access(p)  # hook for balanced tree subclassed
            if item != p.key():
                raise KeyError('Key Error:' + repr(item))
            return p.value()

    def __setitem__(self, key, value):
        """Assign value v to key k, overwriting existing value if present."""
        if self.is_empty():
            leaf = self._add_root(self._Item(key, value))  # from LinkedBinaryTree
            p = self._subtree_search(self.root(), key)
            if p.key() == key:
                p.element()._value = value  # replace existing item's value
                # self._rebalance_access(p)  # hook for balanced tree subclasses
                item = self._Item(key, value)
                if p.key() < key:
                    leaf = self._add_right(p, item)  # inherited from LinkedBinaryTree
                    leaf = self._add_left(p, item)  # inherited from LinkedBinaryTree
        self._rebalance_insert(leaf)  # hook for balanced tree subclasses

    def __iter__(self):
        """Generate an iteration of all keys in the map in order."""
        p = self.first()
        while p is not None:
            yield p.key(), p.value()
            p = self.after(p)

    def delete(self, p):
        """Remove the item at given Position."""
        self._validate(p)  # inherited from LinkedBinaryTree
        if self.left(p) and self.right(p):  # p has two children
            replacement = self._subtree_last_position(self.left(p))
            self._replace(p, replacement.element())  # from LinkedBinaryTree
            p = replacement
        # now p has at most one child
        parent = self.parent(p)
        self._delete(p)  # inherited from LinkedBinaryTree
        self._rebalance_delete(parent)  # if root deleted,parent is None

    def __delitem__(self, key):
        """Remove item associated with key k (raise KeyError if not found)."""
        if not self.is_empty():
            p = self._subtree_search(self.root(), key)
            if key == p.key():
                self.delete(p)  # rely on positional version
                return  # successful deletion complete
            self._rebalance_access(p)  # hook for balanced tree subclasses
        raise KeyError("Key Error: " + repr(key))

    def _relink(self, parent, child, make_left_child):
        """Relink parent node with child node (we allow child to be None)."""
        if make_left_child:  # make it a left child
            parent._left = child
        else:  # make it a right child
            parent._right = child
        if child is not None:  # make child point to parent
            child._parent = parent

    def _rotate(self, p):
        """Rotate Position p above its parent."""
        x = p._node
        y = x._parent  # we assume this exist
        z = y._parent  # grandparent (possibly None)
        if z is None:
            self._root = x  # x becomes root
            x._parent = None
            self._relink(z, x, y == z._left)  # x becomes a direct child of z
        # now rotate x and y ,including transfer of middle subtree
        if x == y._left:
            self._relink(y, x._right, True)  # x._right becomes left child of y
            self._relink(x, y, False)  # y becomes right child of x
            self._relink(y, x._left, False)  # x._left becomes right child of y
            self._relink(x, y, True)  # y becomes left child of x

    def _restructure(self, x):
        """Perform trinode restructure of Position x with parent/grandparent."""
        y = self.parent(x)
        m, n = y.key(), y.value()
        z = self.parent(y)
        p, q = z.key(), z.value()
        if (x == self.right(y)) == (y == self.right(z)):  # matching alignments
            self._rotate(y)  # single rotation (of y)
            return y
            return x  # x is new subtree root

class AVLTreeMap(TreeMap):
    """Sorted map implementation using an AVL tree."""

    # ------------------ nested _Node class -------------------
    class _Node(TreeMap._Node):
        """Node class for AVL maintains height value for balancing."""
        __slots__ = '_height', '_num_node'

        def __init__(self, element, parent=None, left=None, right=None):
            super().__init__(element, parent, left, right)
            self._height = 0  # will be recomputed during balancing
            self._num_node = 1

        def left_height(self):
            return self._left._height if self._left is not None else 0

        def right_height(self):
            return self._right._height if self._right is not None else 0

        def left_num(self):
            return self._left._num_node if self._left is not None else 0

        def right_num(self):
            return self._right._num_node if self._right is not None else 0

    # --------------positional-based utility methods ---------------------
    def _recompute_height(p):
        p._node._height = 1 + max(p._node.left_height(), p._node.right_height())

    def _recompute_num_code(p):
        p._node._num_node = 1 + sum([p._node.left_num(), p._node.right_num()])

    def _isbalanced(p):
        return abs(p._node.left_height() - p._node.right_height()) <= 1

    def _tall_child(self, p, favorleft=False):  # parameter controls tiebreaker
        if p._node.left_height() + (1 if favorleft else 0) > p._node.right_height():
            return self.left(p)
            return self.right(p)

    def _tall_grandchild(self, p):
        child = self._tall_child(p)
        # if child is on left, favor left grandchild ; else favor right grandchild
        alignment = (child == self.left(p))
        return self._tall_child(child, alignment)

    def _rebalance(self, p):
        while p is not None:
            old_height = p._node._height  # trivially 0 if new node
            if not self._isbalanced(p):  # imbalance detected!
                # perform trinode restructuring,setting p to resulting root,
                # and recompute new local heights after the restructuring
                p = self._restructure(self._tall_grandchild(p))
            self._recompute_height(p)  # adjust for recent changes
            if p._node._height == old_height:  # has height changed?
                p = None  # no further changes needed
                p = self.parent(p)  # repeat with parent

    # ----------- override balancing hooks ------------------------
    def _rebalance_insert(self, p):

    def _rebalance_delete(self, p):

    def remove_range(self, start, stop=None):
        if not self.is_empty():
            if stop is None:
                p, stop = self.first(), start
                # we initialize p with logic similar to find_ge
                p = self.find_position(start)
                if p.key() < start:
                    p = self.after(p)
            while p is not None and (stop is None or p.key() < stop):
                node = p
                p = self.after(node)

    def count_range(self, start, stop=None) -> int:
        if not self.is_empty():
            if stop is None:
                p, stop = self.first(), start
                p = self.find_position(start)
                if p.key() < start:
                    p = self.after(p)
            count = 0
            node = p
            if node.key() == start:
                count += 1
            if self.right(node):  # 检查该点的下面部分
                node = self.right(node)
                while node:
                    if node.key() == stop:
                        count += 1
                        count += node._node.left_num()
                    elif node.key() < stop:
                        count += 1
                        count += node._node.left_num()
                        node = self.right(node)
                        node = self.left(node)
            if self.parent(p):
                parent = self.parent(p)
                while parent:  # 处理上面部分
                    if self.right(parent) == p:
                        p = parent
                        last_node = self._subtree_last_position(parent)
                        if last_node.key() == stop:
                            count += 1
                            count += parent._node.right_num()
                        elif last_node.key() < stop:
                            count += 1
                            count += parent._node.right_num()
                            p = parent
                            node = self.right(parent)
                            while node:
                                if node.key() == stop:
                                    count += 1
                                    count += node._node.left_num()
                                elif node.key() < stop:
                                    count += 1
                                    count += node._node.left_num()
                                    node = self.right(node)
                                    node = self.left(node)
                    parent = self.parent(parent)
            return count

if __name__ == '__main__':
    avlTree = AVLTreeMap()
    for index in [30, 19, 43, 12, 21, 35, 67, 14, 20, 28, 41]:
        avlTree[index] = 1
    print(avlTree.count_range(20, 40))
    # for tree in avlTree:
    #     print(tree)


from abc import ABC
from collections import MutableMapping

class Tree:
    """Abstract base class representing a tree structure."""

    # ----------------------------nested Position class -----------------------------
    class Position:
        """An abstraction representing the location of a single element."""

        def element(self):
            """return the element stored at this Position"""
            raise NotImplementedError("must be implemented by subclass")

        def __eq__(self, other):
            """Return True if other Position represents the same location."""
            raise NotImplementedError("must be implemented by subclass")

        def __ne__(self, other):
            """Return True if other does not represent the same location."""
            return not (self == other)

    # ---------- abstract methods that concrete subclass must support------------

    def root(self):
        """Return Position representing the tree's root (or None if empty)."""
        raise NotImplementedError("must be implemented by subclass")

    def parent(self, p):
        """Return Position representing p's parent """
        return NotImplementedError("must be implemented by subclass")

    def num_children(self, p):
        """Return the number of children that Position p has."""
        raise NotImplementedError("must be implemented by subclass")

    def children(self, p):
        """Generate an iteration of Positions representing p's children."""
        raise NotImplementedError("must be implemented by subclass")

    def __len__(self):
        """Return the total number of elements in the tree."""
        raise NotImplementedError("must be implemented by subclass")

    # --------------------- concrete methods implemented in this class --------------
    def is_root(self, p):
        "Return True if Position p represents the root of the tree."
        return self.root() == p

    def is_leaf(self, p):
        """Return True if Position p does not have any children."""
        return self.num_children(p) == 0

    def is_empty(self):
        """Return True if the tree is empty."""
        return len(self) == 0

    def depth(self, p):
        """Return the number of levels separating Position p from the root."""
        if self.is_root(p):
            return 0
            return 1 + self.depth(self.parent(p))

    # 定义 树的高度等于所有叶子结点的深度中的最大值
    # 时间复杂度为n**2
    def _height1(self):
        """Return the height of the tree."""
        return max(self.depth(p) for p in self.positions() if self.is_leaf(p))

    # 从根节点,自顶向下,效率比height快
    # 时间复杂度为n
    def _height2(self, p):
        if self.is_leaf(p):
            return 0
            return 1 + max(self._height2(c) for c in self.children(p))

    def height(self, p=None):
        """Return the height of the subtree rooted at Position p.
        If p is None,return height of the entire tree.
        if p is None:
            p = self.root()
        return self._height2(p)  # start_height2 recursion

    def __iter__(self):
        """Generate an iteration of the tree's elements."""
        for p in self.positions():  # use same order as positions()
            yield p.element()  # but yield each element

class BinaryTree(Tree):
    """Abstract base class representing a binary tree structure."""

    # -------------------additional abstract methods -------------------------
    def left(self, p):
        """Return a Position representing p's left child.
        Return None if p does not have a left child.
        raise NotImplementedError("must be implemented by subclass")

    def right(self, p):
        """Return a Position representing p's right child.
        Return None if p does not have a right child.
        raise NotImplementedError("must be implemented by subclass")

    # ----------------------------concrete  mehtods implemented in this class ===========
    def sibling(self, p):
        """Return a Position representing p's sibling (or None if no sibling)。"""
        parent = self.parent(p)
        if parent is None:  # p must be the root
            return None  # root has no sibling
            if p == self.left(parent):
                return self.right(parent)  # possibly None
                return self.left(parent)  # possibly None

    def children(self, p):
        """Generate an iteraiton of Positions representing p's children."""
        if self.left(p) is not None:
            yield self.left(p)
        if self.right(p) is not None:
            yield self.right(p)

class LinkedBinaryTree(BinaryTree):
    """Linked representation of binary tree structure."""

    class _Node:  # Lightweight ,nonpublic class for storing a node.
        __slots__ = "_element", "_parent", "_left", "_right"

        def __init__(self, element, parent=None, left=None, right=None):
            self._element = element
            self._parent = parent
            self._left = left
            self._right = right

    class Position(BinaryTree.Position):
        """ An abstraction representing the location of a single element."""

        def __init__(self, container, node):
            """Constructor should not be invoked by user."""
            self._container = container
            self._node = node

        def element(self):
            """Return the element stored at this Position."""
            return self._node._element

        def __eq__(self, other):
            """Return True if other is a Position representing the same location."""
            return type(other) is type(self) and other._node is self._node

    def _validate(self, p):
        """Return associated node ,if position is valid."""
        if not isinstance(p, self.Position):
            raise TypeError("p must be proper Position type")
        if p._container is not self:
            raise ValueError("p does not belong to this container")
        if p._node._parent is p._node:  # convention for deprecated nodes
            raise ValueError("p is no longer valid")
        return p._node

    def _make_position(self, node):
        """Return Position instance for given node (or None if no node)."""
        return self.Position(self, node) if node is not None else None

    # ------------------------ binary tree constructor --------------------
    def __init__(self):
        """Create an initially empty binary tree."""
        self._root = None
        self._size = 0

    # --------------------public accessors ---------------------
    def __len__(self):
        """return the total number of elements in the tree."""
        return self._size

    def root(self):
        """Return the root Position of the tree(or None if tree is empty)"""
        return self._make_position(self._root)

    def parent(self, p):
        node = self._validate(p)
        return self._make_position(node._parent)

    def left(self, p):
        """Return the Position of p's left child (or None if no left child)."""
        node = self._validate(p)
        return self._make_position(node._left)

    def right(self, p):
        """Return the Position of p's right child (or None if no right child)."""
        node = self._validate(p)
        return self._make_position(node._right)

    def num_children(self, p):
        """Return the number of children of Position p."""
        node = self._validate(p)
        count = 0
        if node._left is not None:
            count += 1
        if node._right is not None:
            count += 1
        return count

    def _add_root(self, e):
        """Place element e at the root of an empty tree and return new Position.
        Raise ValueError if tree nonempty.
        if self._root is not None:
            raise ValueError("Root exists")
        self._size += 1
        self._root = self._Node(e)
        return self._make_position(self._root)

    def _add_left(self, p, e):
        """Create a new left child for Position p,storing element e.
        Return the Position of new node.
        Raise ValueError if Position p is invalid or p already has a left child.
        node = self._validate(p)
        if node._left is not None:
            raise ValueError("Left child exists.")
        self._size += 1
        node._left = self._Node(e, node)
        return self._make_position(node._left)

    def _add_right(self, p, e):
        """Create a new right child for Position p,storing element e.
                Return the Position of new node.
                Raise ValueError if Position p is invalid or p already has a left child.
        node = self._validate(p)
        if node._right is not None:
            raise ValueError("Right child exists")
        self._size += 1
        node._right = self._Node(e, node)
        return self._make_position(node._right)

    def _replace(self, p, e):
        """Replace the element at position p with e , and return old element."""
        node = self._validate(p)
        old = node._element
        node._element = e
        return old

    def _delete(self, p):
        """Delete the node at Position p , and replace it with its child, if any.
        Return the element that had been stored at Position p.
        Raise ValueError if Position p is invalid or p has two children.
        node = self._validate(p)
        if self.num_children(p) == 2:
            raise ValueError("p has two children")
        child = node._left if node._left else node._right  # might be None
        if child is not None:
            child._parent = node._parent  # child's grandparent becomes parent
        if node is self._root:
            self._root = child  # child becomes root
            parent = node._parent
            if node is parent._left:
                parent._left = child
                parent._right = child
        self._size -= 1
        node._parent = node  # convention for deprecated node 丢弃该节点
        return node._element

    def _attach(self, p, t1, t2):
        """Attach trees t1 and t2 as left and right subtrees of external p."""
        node = self._validate(p)
        if not self.is_leaf(p):
            raise ValueError('position must be leaf')
        if not type(self) is type(t1) is type(t2):
            raise TypeError("Tree types must match")
        self._size += len(t1) + len(t2)
        if not t1.is_empty():  # attached t1 as left subtree of node
            t1._root._parent = node
            node._left = t1._root
            t1._root = None
            t1._size = 0
        if not t2.is_empty():  # attached t2 as right subtree of node
            t2._root._parent = node
            node._right = t2._root
            t2._root = None
            t2._size = 0

class MapBase(MutableMapping, ABC):
    """Our own abstract base class that includes a nonpublic _Item class"""

    # ---------------------nested _Item class ---------------
    class _Item:
        """Lightweight composite to store key-value pairs as map items."""
        __slots__ = '_key', '_value'

        def __init__(self, k, v):
            self._key = k
            self._value = v

        def __eq__(self, other):
            return self._key == other._key  # compare items based on their keys

        def __ne__(self, other):
            return not (self == other)  # opposite of __eq__

        def __lt__(self, other):
            return self._key < other._key  # compare items based on their keys

class TreeMap(LinkedBinaryTree, MapBase):
    """Sorted map implementation using a binary search tree."""

    # ------------override Position class -------------------

    class Position(LinkedBinaryTree.Position):
        def key(self):
            """Return key of map's key-value pair."""
            return self.element()._key

        def value(self):
            """Return value of map's key-value pair."""
            return self.element()._value

    def _subtree_search(self, p, k):
        """Return Position of p's subtree having key k, or last node searched."""
        if k == p.key():  # found match
            return p
        elif k < p.key():
            if self.left(p) is not None:
                return self._subtree_search(self.left(p), k)
            if self.right(p) is not None:
                return self._subtree_search(self.right(p), k)
        return p

    def _subtree_first_position(self, p):
        """Return Position of first item in subtree rooted at p."""
        walk = p
        while self.left(walk) is not None:
            walk = self.left(walk)  # keep walking left
        return walk

    def _subtree_last_position(self, p):
        """Return Position of last item in subtree rooted at p."""
        walk = p
        while self.right(walk) is not None:  # walk walking right
            walk = self.right(walk)
        return walk

    def first(self):
        """Return the first Position in the tree(or None if empty)."""
        return self._subtree_first_position(self.root()) if len(self) > 0 else None

    def last(self):
        """Return the last Position in the tree (or None if empty)."""
        return self._subtree_last_position(self.root()) if len(self) > 0 else None

    def before(self, p):
        """Return the Position just before p in the natural order.
        Return None if p is the first position
        self._validate(p)  # inherited from LinkedBinaryTree
        if self.left(p):
            return self._subtree_last_position(self.left(p))
            # walk upward
            walk = p
            above = self.parent(walk)
            while above is not None and walk == self.left(above):
                walk = above
                above = self.parent(walk)
            return above

    def after(self, p):
        """Return the Position just after p in the natural order.
        Return None if p is the last position.
        # symmetric to before(p)
        if self.right(p):
            return self._subtree_first_position(self.right(p))
            walk = p
            above = self.parent(walk)
            while above is not None and self.right(above) == walk:
                walk = above
                above = self.parent(walk)
            return above

    def find_position(self, k):
        """Return position with key k , or else neighbor (or None if empty)."""
        if self.is_empty():
            return None
            p = self._subtree_search(self.root(), k)
            # self._rebalance_access(p)  # hook for balanced tree subclasses
            return p

    def find_min(self):
        """Return (key,value) pair with minimum key (or None if empty)."""
        if self.is_empty():
            return None
            p = self.first()
            return p.key(), p.value()

    def find_ge(self, k):
        """Return (key,value) pair with least key greater than or equal to k.
        Return None if there does not exist such a key.
        if self.is_empty():
            return None
            p = self.find_position(k)  # may not find exact match
            if p.key() < k:
                p = self.after(p)
            return (p.key(), p.value()) if p is not None else None

    def find_range(self, start, stop=None):
        """Iterate all (key , value ) pairs such that start <= key < stop.
        If start is None ,iteration begins with minimum key of map.
        If stop is None,iteration continues through the maximum key of map.
        if not self.is_empty():
            if start is None:
                p = self.first()
                # we initialize p with logic similar to find_ge
                p = self.find_position(start)
                if p.key() < start:
                    p = self.after(p)
            while p is not None and (stop is None or p.key() < stop):
                yield p.key(), p.value()
                p = self.after(p)

    def __getitem__(self, item):
        """Return value associated with key k (raise KeyError if not fount)."""
        if self.is_empty():
            raise KeyError("Key Error: " + repr(item))
            p = self._subtree_search(self.root(), item)
            # self._rebalance_access(p)  # hook for balanced tree subclassed
            if item != p.key():
                raise KeyError('Key Error:' + repr(item))
            return p.value()

    def __setitem__(self, key, value):
        """Assign value v to key k, overwriting existing value if present."""
        if self.is_empty():
            leaf = self._add_root(self._Item(key, value))  # from LinkedBinaryTree
            p = self._subtree_search(self.root(), key)
            if p.key() == key:
                p.element()._value = value  # replace existing item's value
                # self._rebalance_access(p)  # hook for balanced tree subclasses
                item = self._Item(key, value)
                if p.key() < key:
                    leaf = self._add_right(p, item)  # inherited from LinkedBinaryTree
                    leaf = self._add_left(p, item)  # inherited from LinkedBinaryTree
        self._rebalance_insert(leaf)  # hook for balanced tree subclasses

    def __iter__(self):
        """Generate an iteration of all keys in the map in order."""
        p = self.first()
        while p is not None:
            yield p.key(), p.value()
            p = self.after(p)

    def delete(self, p):
        """Remove the item at given Position."""
        self._validate(p)  # inherited from LinkedBinaryTree
        if self.left(p) and self.right(p):  # p has two children
            replacement = self._subtree_last_position(self.left(p))
            self._replace(p, replacement.element())  # from LinkedBinaryTree
            p = replacement
        # now p has at most one child
        parent = self.parent(p)
        self._delete(p)  # inherited from LinkedBinaryTree
        self._rebalance_delete(parent)  # if root deleted,parent is None

    def __delitem__(self, key):
        """Remove item associated with key k (raise KeyError if not found)."""
        if not self.is_empty():
            p = self._subtree_search(self.root(), key)
            if key == p.key():
                self.delete(p)  # rely on positional version
                return  # successful deletion complete
            self._rebalance_access(p)  # hook for balanced tree subclasses
        raise KeyError("Key Error: " + repr(key))

    def _relink(self, parent, child, make_left_child):
        """Relink parent node with child node (we allow child to be None)."""
        if make_left_child:  # make it a left child
            parent._left = child
        else:  # make it a right child
            parent._right = child
        if child is not None:  # make child point to parent
            child._parent = parent

    def _rotate(self, p):
        """Rotate Position p above its parent."""
        x = p._node
        y = x._parent  # we assume this exist
        z = y._parent  # grandparent (possibly None)
        if z is None:
            self._root = x  # x becomes root
            x._parent = None
            self._relink(z, x, y == z._left)  # x becomes a direct child of z
        # now rotate x and y ,including transfer of middle subtree
        if x == y._left:
            self._relink(y, x._right, True)  # x._right becomes left child of y
            self._relink(x, y, False)  # y becomes right child of x
            self._relink(y, x._left, False)  # x._left becomes right child of y
            self._relink(x, y, True)  # y becomes left child of x

    def _restructure(self, x):
        """Perform trinode restructure of Position x with parent/grandparent."""
        y = self.parent(x)
        m, n = y.key(), y.value()
        z = self.parent(y)
        p, q = z.key(), z.value()
        if (x == self.right(y)) == (y == self.right(z)):  # matching alignments
            self._rotate(y)  # single rotation (of y)
            return y
            return x  # x is new subtree root

class AVLTreeMap(TreeMap):
    """Sorted map implementation using an AVL tree."""

    # ------------------ nested _Node class -------------------
    class _Node(TreeMap._Node):
        """Node class for AVL maintains height value for balancing."""
        __slots__ = '_height', '_num_node'

        def __init__(self, element, parent=None, left=None, right=None):
            super().__init__(element, parent, left, right)
            self._height = 0  # will be recomputed during balancing
            self._num_node = 1

        def left_height(self):
            return self._left._height if self._left is not None else 0

        def right_height(self):
            return self._right._height if self._right is not None else 0

        def left_num(self):
            return self._left._num_node if self._left is not None else 0

        def right_num(self):
            return self._right._num_node if self._right is not None else 0

    # --------------positional-based utility methods ---------------------
    def _recompute_height(p):
        p._node._height = 1 + max(p._node.left_height(), p._node.right_height())

    def _recompute_num_code(p):
        p._node._num_node = 1 + sum([p._node.left_num(), p._node.right_num()])

    def _isbalanced(p):
        return abs(p._node.left_height() - p._node.right_height()) <= 2

    def _tall_child(self, p, favorleft=False):  # parameter controls tiebreaker
        if p._node.left_height() + (1 if favorleft else 0) > p._node.right_height():
            return self.left(p)
            return self.right(p)

    def _tall_grandchild(self, p):
        child = self._tall_child(p)
        # if child is on left, favor left grandchild ; else favor right grandchild
        alignment = (child == self.left(p))
        return self._tall_child(child, alignment)

    def _rebalance(self, p):
        while p is not None:
            old_height = p._node._height  # trivially 0 if new node
            if not self._isbalanced(p):  # imbalance detected!
                # perform trinode restructuring,setting p to resulting root,
                # and recompute new local heights after the restructuring
                p = self._restructure(self._tall_grandchild(p))
            self._recompute_height(p)  # adjust for recent changes
            if p._node._height == old_height:  # has height changed?
                p = None  # no further changes needed
                p = self.parent(p)  # repeat with parent

    # ----------- override balancing hooks ------------------------
    def _rebalance_insert(self, p):

    def _rebalance_delete(self, p):

    def remove_range(self, start, stop=None):
        if not self.is_empty():
            if stop is None:
                p, stop = self.first(), start
                # we initialize p with logic similar to find_ge
                p = self.find_position(start)
                if p.key() < start:
                    p = self.after(p)
            while p is not None and (stop is None or p.key() < stop):
                node = p
                p = self.after(node)

    def count_range(self, start, stop=None) -> int:
        if not self.is_empty():
            if stop is None:
                p, stop = self.first(), start
                p = self.find_position(start)
                if p.key() < start:
                    p = self.after(p)
            count = 0
            node = p
            if node.key() == start:
                count += 1
            if self.right(node):  # 检查该点的下面部分
                node = self.right(node)
                while node:
                    if node.key() == stop:
                        count += 1
                        count += node._node.left_num()
                    elif node.key() < stop:
                        count += 1
                        count += node._node.left_num()
                        node = self.right(node)
                        node = self.left(node)
            if self.parent(p):
                parent = self.parent(p)
                while parent:  # 处理上面部分
                    if self.right(parent) == p:
                        p = parent
                        last_node = self._subtree_last_position(parent)
                        if last_node.key() == stop:
                            count += 1
                            count += parent._node.right_num()
                        elif last_node.key() < stop:
                            count += 1
                            count += parent._node.right_num()
                            p = parent
                            node = self.right(parent)
                            while node:
                                if node.key() == stop:
                                    count += 1
                                    count += node._node.left_num()
                                elif node.key() < stop:
                                    count += 1
                                    count += node._node.left_num()
                                    node = self.right(node)
                                    node = self.left(node)
                    parent = self.parent(parent)
            return count

if __name__ == '__main__':
    avlTree = AVLTreeMap()
    for index in [30, 19, 43, 12, 21, 35, 67, 14, 20, 28, 41]:
        avlTree[index] = 1
    print(avlTree.count_range(20, 40))
    for tree in avlTree:


from abc import ABC
from collections import MutableMapping

class Tree:
    """Abstract base class representing a tree structure."""

    # ----------------------------nested Position class -----------------------------
    class Position:
        """An abstraction representing the location of a single element."""

        def element(self):
            """return the element stored at this Position"""
            raise NotImplementedError("must be implemented by subclass")

        def __eq__(self, other):
            """Return True if other Position represents the same location."""
            raise NotImplementedError("must be implemented by subclass")

        def __ne__(self, other):
            """Return True if other does not represent the same location."""
            return not (self == other)

    # ---------- abstract methods that concrete subclass must support------------

    def root(self):
        """Return Position representing the tree's root (or None if empty)."""
        raise NotImplementedError("must be implemented by subclass")

    def parent(self, p):
        """Return Position representing p's parent """
        return NotImplementedError("must be implemented by subclass")

    def num_children(self, p):
        """Return the number of children that Position p has."""
        raise NotImplementedError("must be implemented by subclass")

    def children(self, p):
        """Generate an iteration of Positions representing p's children."""
        raise NotImplementedError("must be implemented by subclass")

    def __len__(self):
        """Return the total number of elements in the tree."""
        raise NotImplementedError("must be implemented by subclass")

    # --------------------- concrete methods implemented in this class --------------
    def is_root(self, p):
        "Return True if Position p represents the root of the tree."
        return self.root() == p

    def is_leaf(self, p):
        """Return True if Position p does not have any children."""
        return self.num_children(p) == 0

    def is_empty(self):
        """Return True if the tree is empty."""
        return len(self) == 0

    def depth(self, p):
        """Return the number of levels separating Position p from the root."""
        if self.is_root(p):
            return 0
            return 1 + self.depth(self.parent(p))

    # 定义 树的高度等于所有叶子结点的深度中的最大值
    # 时间复杂度为n**2
    def _height1(self):
        """Return the height of the tree."""
        return max(self.depth(p) for p in self.positions() if self.is_leaf(p))

    # 从根节点,自顶向下,效率比height快
    # 时间复杂度为n
    def _height2(self, p):
        if self.is_leaf(p):
            return 0
            return 1 + max(self._height2(c) for c in self.children(p))

    def height(self, p=None):
        """Return the height of the subtree rooted at Position p.
        If p is None,return height of the entire tree.
        if p is None:
            p = self.root()
        return self._height2(p)  # start_height2 recursion

    def __iter__(self):
        """Generate an iteration of the tree's elements."""
        for p in self.positions():  # use same order as positions()
            yield p.element()  # but yield each element

class BinaryTree(Tree):
    """Abstract base class representing a binary tree structure."""

    # -------------------additional abstract methods -------------------------
    def left(self, p):
        """Return a Position representing p's left child.
        Return None if p does not have a left child.
        raise NotImplementedError("must be implemented by subclass")

    def right(self, p):
        """Return a Position representing p's right child.
        Return None if p does not have a right child.
        raise NotImplementedError("must be implemented by subclass")

    # ----------------------------concrete  mehtods implemented in this class ===========
    def sibling(self, p):
        """Return a Position representing p's sibling (or None if no sibling)。"""
        parent = self.parent(p)
        if parent is None:  # p must be the root
            return None  # root has no sibling
            if p == self.left(parent):
                return self.right(parent)  # possibly None
                return self.left(parent)  # possibly None

    def children(self, p):
        """Generate an iteraiton of Positions representing p's children."""
        if self.left(p) is not None:
            yield self.left(p)
        if self.right(p) is not None:
            yield self.right(p)

class LinkedBinaryTree(BinaryTree):
    """Linked representation of binary tree structure."""

    class _Node:  # Lightweight ,nonpublic class for storing a node.
        __slots__ = "_element", "_parent", "_left", "_right"

        def __init__(self, element, parent=None, left=None, right=None):
            self._element = element
            self._parent = parent
            self._left = left
            self._right = right

    class Position(BinaryTree.Position):
        """ An abstraction representing the location of a single element."""

        def __init__(self, container, node):
            """Constructor should not be invoked by user."""
            self._container = container
            self._node = node

        def element(self):
            """Return the element stored at this Position."""
            return self._node._element

        def __eq__(self, other):
            """Return True if other is a Position representing the same location."""
            return type(other) is type(self) and other._node is self._node

    def _validate(self, p):
        """Return associated node ,if position is valid."""
        if not isinstance(p, self.Position):
            raise TypeError("p must be proper Position type")
        if p._container is not self:
            raise ValueError("p does not belong to this container")
        if p._node._parent is p._node:  # convention for deprecated nodes
            raise ValueError("p is no longer valid")
        return p._node

    def _make_position(self, node):
        """Return Position instance for given node (or None if no node)."""
        return self.Position(self, node) if node is not None else None

    # ------------------------ binary tree constructor --------------------
    def __init__(self):
        """Create an initially empty binary tree."""
        self._root = None
        self._size = 0

    # --------------------public accessors ---------------------
    def __len__(self):
        """return the total number of elements in the tree."""
        return self._size

    def root(self):
        """Return the root Position of the tree(or None if tree is empty)"""
        return self._make_position(self._root)

    def parent(self, p):
        node = self._validate(p)
        return self._make_position(node._parent)

    def left(self, p):
        """Return the Position of p's left child (or None if no left child)."""
        node = self._validate(p)
        return self._make_position(node._left)

    def right(self, p):
        """Return the Position of p's right child (or None if no right child)."""
        node = self._validate(p)
        return self._make_position(node._right)

    def num_children(self, p):
        """Return the number of children of Position p."""
        node = self._validate(p)
        count = 0
        if node._left is not None:
            count += 1
        if node._right is not None:
            count += 1
        return count

    def _add_root(self, e):
        """Place element e at the root of an empty tree and return new Position.
        Raise ValueError if tree nonempty.
        if self._root is not None:
            raise ValueError("Root exists")
        self._size += 1
        self._root = self._Node(e)
        return self._make_position(self._root)

    def _add_left(self, p, e):
        """Create a new left child for Position p,storing element e.
        Return the Position of new node.
        Raise ValueError if Position p is invalid or p already has a left child.
        node = self._validate(p)
        if node._left is not None:
            raise ValueError("Left child exists.")
        self._size += 1
        node._left = self._Node(e, node)
        return self._make_position(node._left)

    def _add_right(self, p, e):
        """Create a new right child for Position p,storing element e.
                Return the Position of new node.
                Raise ValueError if Position p is invalid or p already has a left child.
        node = self._validate(p)
        if node._right is not None:
            raise ValueError("Right child exists")
        self._size += 1
        node._right = self._Node(e, node)
        return self._make_position(node._right)

    def _replace(self, p, e):
        """Replace the element at position p with e , and return old element."""
        node = self._validate(p)
        old = node._element
        node._element = e
        return old

    def _delete(self, p):
        """Delete the node at Position p , and replace it with its child, if any.
        Return the element that had been stored at Position p.
        Raise ValueError if Position p is invalid or p has two children.
        node = self._validate(p)
        if self.num_children(p) == 2:
            raise ValueError("p has two children")
        child = node._left if node._left else node._right  # might be None
        if child is not None:
            child._parent = node._parent  # child's grandparent becomes parent
        if node is self._root:
            self._root = child  # child becomes root
            parent = node._parent
            if node is parent._left:
                parent._left = child
                parent._right = child
        self._size -= 1
        node._parent = node  # convention for deprecated node 丢弃该节点
        return node._element

    def _attach(self, p, t1, t2):
        """Attach trees t1 and t2 as left and right subtrees of external p."""
        node = self._validate(p)
        if not self.is_leaf(p):
            raise ValueError('position must be leaf')
        if not type(self) is type(t1) is type(t2):
            raise TypeError("Tree types must match")
        self._size += len(t1) + len(t2)
        if not t1.is_empty():  # attached t1 as left subtree of node
            t1._root._parent = node
            node._left = t1._root
            t1._root = None
            t1._size = 0
        if not t2.is_empty():  # attached t2 as right subtree of node
            t2._root._parent = node
            node._right = t2._root
            t2._root = None
            t2._size = 0

class MapBase(MutableMapping, ABC):
    """Our own abstract base class that includes a nonpublic _Item class"""

    # ---------------------nested _Item class ---------------
    class _Item:
        """Lightweight composite to store key-value pairs as map items."""
        __slots__ = '_key', '_value'

        def __init__(self, k, v):
            self._key = k
            self._value = v

        def __eq__(self, other):
            return self._key == other._key  # compare items based on their keys

        def __ne__(self, other):
            return not (self == other)  # opposite of __eq__

        def __lt__(self, other):
            return self._key < other._key  # compare items based on their keys

class TreeMap(LinkedBinaryTree, MapBase):
    """Sorted map implementation using a binary search tree."""

    # ------------override Position class -------------------

    class Position(LinkedBinaryTree.Position):
        def key(self):
            """Return key of map's key-value pair."""
            return self.element()._key

        def value(self):
            """Return value of map's key-value pair."""
            return self.element()._value

    def __init__(self):
        self.min_node = None

    def _subtree_search(self, p, k):
        """Return Position of p's subtree having key k, or last node searched."""
        if k == p.key():  # found match
            return p
        elif k < p.key():
            if self.left(p) is not None:
                return self._subtree_search(self.left(p), k)
            if self.right(p) is not None:
                return self._subtree_search(self.right(p), k)
        return p

    def _subtree_first_position(self, p):
        """Return Position of first item in subtree rooted at p."""
        walk = p
        while self.left(walk) is not None:
            walk = self.left(walk)  # keep walking left
        return walk

    def _subtree_last_position(self, p):
        """Return Position of last item in subtree rooted at p."""
        walk = p
        while self.right(walk) is not None:  # walk walking right
            walk = self.right(walk)
        return walk

    def first(self):
        """Return the first Position in the tree(or None if empty)."""
        return self._subtree_first_position(self.root()) if len(self) > 0 else None

    def last(self):
        """Return the last Position in the tree (or None if empty)."""
        return self._subtree_last_position(self.root()) if len(self) > 0 else None

    def before(self, p):
        """Return the Position just before p in the natural order.
        Return None if p is the first position
        self._validate(p)  # inherited from LinkedBinaryTree
        if self.left(p):
            return self._subtree_last_position(self.left(p))
            # walk upward
            walk = p
            above = self.parent(walk)
            while above is not None and walk == self.left(above):
                walk = above
                above = self.parent(walk)
            return above

    def after(self, p):
        """Return the Position just after p in the natural order.
        Return None if p is the last position.
        # symmetric to before(p)
        if self.right(p):
            return self._subtree_first_position(self.right(p))
            walk = p
            above = self.parent(walk)
            while above is not None and self.right(above) == walk:
                walk = above
                above = self.parent(walk)
            return above

    def find_position(self, k):
        """Return position with key k , or else neighbor (or None if empty)."""
        if self.is_empty():
            return None
            p = self._subtree_search(self.root(), k)
            # self._rebalance_access(p)  # hook for balanced tree subclasses
            return p

    def find_min(self):
        """Return (key,value) pair with minimum key (or None if empty)."""
        if self.is_empty():
            return None
            return self.min_node.key(), self.min_node.value()

    def find_ge(self, k):
        """Return (key,value) pair with least key greater than or equal to k.
        Return None if there does not exist such a key.
        if self.is_empty():
            return None
            p = self.find_position(k)  # may not find exact match
            if p.key() < k:
                p = self.after(p)
            return (p.key(), p.value()) if p is not None else None

    def find_range(self, start, stop=None):
        """Iterate all (key , value ) pairs such that start <= key < stop.
        If start is None ,iteration begins with minimum key of map.
        If stop is None,iteration continues through the maximum key of map.
        if not self.is_empty():
            if start is None:
                p = self.first()
                # we initialize p with logic similar to find_ge
                p = self.find_position(start)
                if p.key() < start:
                    p = self.after(p)
            while p is not None and (stop is None or p.key() < stop):
                yield p.key(), p.value()
                p = self.after(p)

    def __getitem__(self, item):
        """Return value associated with key k (raise KeyError if not fount)."""
        if self.is_empty():
            raise KeyError("Key Error: " + repr(item))
            p = self._subtree_search(self.root(), item)
            # self._rebalance_access(p)  # hook for balanced tree subclassed
            if item != p.key():
                raise KeyError('Key Error:' + repr(item))
            return p.value()

    def __setitem__(self, key, value):
        """Assign value v to key k, overwriting existing value if present."""
        if self.is_empty():
            leaf = self._add_root(self._Item(key, value))  # from LinkedBinaryTree
            p = self._subtree_search(self.root(), key)
            if p.key() == key:
                p.element()._value = value  # replace existing item's value
                # self._rebalance_access(p)  # hook for balanced tree subclasses
                item = self._Item(key, value)
                if p.key() < key:
                    leaf = self._add_right(p, item)  # inherited from LinkedBinaryTree
                    leaf = self._add_left(p, item)  # inherited from LinkedBinaryTree
                    parent = self.parent(leaf)
                    node = leaf
                    while parent:
                        if node != self.left(parent):
                        node = parent
                        parent = self.parent(node)
                        self.min_node = leaf

        self._rebalance_insert(leaf)  # hook for balanced tree subclasses

    def __iter__(self):
        """Generate an iteration of all keys in the map in order."""
        p = self.first()
        while p is not None:
            yield p.key(), p.value()
            p = self.after(p)

    def delete(self, p):
        """Remove the item at given Position."""
        self._validate(p)  # inherited from LinkedBinaryTree
        if self.left(p) and self.right(p):  # p has two children
            replacement = self._subtree_last_position(self.left(p))
            self._replace(p, replacement.element())  # from LinkedBinaryTree
            p = replacement
        # now p has at most one child
        parent = self.parent(p)
        self._delete(p)  # inherited from LinkedBinaryTree
        self._rebalance_delete(parent)  # if root deleted,parent is None

    def __delitem__(self, key):
        """Remove item associated with key k (raise KeyError if not found)."""
        if not self.is_empty():
            p = self._subtree_search(self.root(), key)
            if key == p.key():
                self.delete(p)  # rely on positional version
                return  # successful deletion complete
            self._rebalance_access(p)  # hook for balanced tree subclasses
        raise KeyError("Key Error: " + repr(key))

    def _relink(self, parent, child, make_left_child):
        """Relink parent node with child node (we allow child to be None)."""
        if make_left_child:  # make it a left child
            parent._left = child
        else:  # make it a right child
            parent._right = child
        if child is not None:  # make child point to parent
            child._parent = parent

    def _rotate(self, p):
        """Rotate Position p above its parent."""
        x = p._node
        y = x._parent  # we assume this exist
        z = y._parent  # grandparent (possibly None)
        if z is None:
            self._root = x  # x becomes root
            x._parent = None
            self._relink(z, x, y == z._left)  # x becomes a direct child of z
        # now rotate x and y ,including transfer of middle subtree
        if x == y._left:
            self._relink(y, x._right, True)  # x._right becomes left child of y
            self._relink(x, y, False)  # y becomes right child of x
            self._relink(y, x._left, False)  # x._left becomes right child of y
            self._relink(x, y, True)  # y becomes left child of x

    def _restructure(self, x):
        """Perform trinode restructure of Position x with parent/grandparent."""
        y = self.parent(x)
        m, n = y.key(), y.value()
        z = self.parent(y)
        p, q = z.key(), z.value()
        if (x == self.right(y)) == (y == self.right(z)):  # matching alignments
            self._rotate(y)  # single rotation (of y)
            return y
            return x  # x is new subtree root

class AVLTreeMap(TreeMap):
    """Sorted map implementation using an AVL tree."""

    # ------------------ nested _Node class -------------------
    class _Node(TreeMap._Node):
        """Node class for AVL maintains height value for balancing."""
        __slots__ = '_height', '_num_node'

        def __init__(self, element, parent=None, left=None, right=None):
            super().__init__(element, parent, left, right)
            self._height = 0  # will be recomputed during balancing
            self._num_node = 1

        def left_height(self):
            return self._left._height if self._left is not None else 0

        def right_height(self):
            return self._right._height if self._right is not None else 0

        def left_num(self):
            return self._left._num_node if self._left is not None else 0

        def right_num(self):
            return self._right._num_node if self._right is not None else 0

    # --------------positional-based utility methods ---------------------
    def _recompute_height(p):
        p._node._height = 1 + max(p._node.left_height(), p._node.right_height())

    def _recompute_num_code(p):
        p._node._num_node = 1 + sum([p._node.left_num(), p._node.right_num()])

    def _isbalanced(p):
        return abs(p._node.left_height() - p._node.right_height()) <= 1

    def _tall_child(self, p, favorleft=False):  # parameter controls tiebreaker
        if p._node.left_height() + (1 if favorleft else 0) > p._node.right_height():
            return self.left(p)
            return self.right(p)

    def _tall_grandchild(self, p):
        child = self._tall_child(p)
        # if child is on left, favor left grandchild ; else favor right grandchild
        alignment = (child == self.left(p))
        return self._tall_child(child, alignment)

    def _rebalance(self, p):
        while p is not None:
            old_height = p._node._height  # trivially 0 if new node
            if not self._isbalanced(p):  # imbalance detected!
                # perform trinode restructuring,setting p to resulting root,
                # and recompute new local heights after the restructuring
                p = self._restructure(self._tall_grandchild(p))
            self._recompute_height(p)  # adjust for recent changes
            if p._node._height == old_height:  # has height changed?
                p = None  # no further changes needed
                p = self.parent(p)  # repeat with parent

    # ----------- override balancing hooks ------------------------
    def _rebalance_insert(self, p):

    def _rebalance_delete(self, p):

    def remove_range(self, start, stop=None):
        if not self.is_empty():
            if stop is None:
                p, stop = self.first(), start
                # we initialize p with logic similar to find_ge
                p = self.find_position(start)
                if p.key() < start:
                    p = self.after(p)
            while p is not None and (stop is None or p.key() < stop):
                node = p
                p = self.after(node)

    def count_range(self, start, stop=None) -> int:
        if not self.is_empty():
            if stop is None:
                p, stop = self.first(), start
                p = self.find_position(start)
                if p.key() < start:
                    p = self.after(p)
            count = 0
            node = p
            if node.key() == start:
                count += 1
            if self.right(node):  # 检查该点的下面部分
                node = self.right(node)
                while node:
                    if node.key() == stop:
                        count += 1
                        count += node._node.left_num()
                    elif node.key() < stop:
                        count += 1
                        count += node._node.left_num()
                        node = self.right(node)
                        node = self.left(node)
            if self.parent(p):
                parent = self.parent(p)
                while parent:  # 处理上面部分
                    if self.right(parent) == p:
                        p = parent
                        last_node = self._subtree_last_position(parent)
                        if last_node.key() == stop:
                            count += 1
                            count += parent._node.right_num()
                        elif last_node.key() < stop:
                            count += 1
                            count += parent._node.right_num()
                            p = parent
                            node = self.right(parent)
                            while node:
                                if node.key() == stop:
                                    count += 1
                                    count += node._node.left_num()
                                elif node.key() < stop:
                                    count += 1
                                    count += node._node.left_num()
                                    node = self.right(node)
                                    node = self.left(node)
                    parent = self.parent(parent)
            return count

if __name__ == '__main__':
    avlTree = AVLTreeMap()
    for index in [30, 19, 43, 12, 21, 35, 67, 14, 20, 28, 41]:
        avlTree[index] = 1





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