DHCP log

09-17 17:49:19.788733  1087  4785 D DhcpClient: Broadcasting DHCPDISCOVER
09-17 17:49:19.798737   806   820 I WifiService: getSupportedFeatures uid=1000
09-17 17:49:19.798983   806   820 D WifiAsyncChannel.WifiService: sendMessageSynchronously sendMessageSynchronously.send message=131133
09-17 17:49:19.799326   806   949 D WifiClientModeImpl:  DefaultState CMD_GET_SUPPORTED_FEATURES screen=on uid=1000 0 0
09-17 17:49:19.799842   806   820 D WifiAsyncChannel.WifiService: sendMessageSynchronously sendMessageSynchronously.recv message=131133 sendingUid=1000
09-17 17:49:19.800344   806   820 I WifiService: getSupportedFeatures uid=1000
09-17 17:49:19.800575   806   820 D WifiAsyncChannel.WifiService: sendMessageSynchronously sendMessageSynchronously.send message=131133
09-17 17:49:19.800877   806   949 D WifiClientModeImpl:  DefaultState CMD_GET_SUPPORTED_FEATURES screen=on uid=1000 0 0
09-17 17:49:19.803465   806   820 D WifiAsyncChannel.WifiService: sendMessageSynchronously sendMessageSynchronously.recv message=131133 sendingUid=1000
09-17 17:49:19.804103   467   467 I SurfaceFlinger: screenshot (com.android.settings/com.android.settings.Settings$WifiSettingsActivity#0)
09-17 17:49:19.804194   806   820 I WifiService: getSupportedFeatures uid=1000
09-17 17:49:19.804420   806   820 D WifiAsyncChannel.WifiService: sendMessageSynchronously sendMessageSynchronously.send message=131133
09-17 17:49:19.804896   806   949 D WifiClientModeImpl:  DefaultState CMD_GET_SUPPORTED_FEATURES screen=on uid=1000 0 0
09-17 17:49:19.805425   806   820 D WifiAsyncChannel.WifiService: sendMessageSynchronously sendMessageSynchronously.recv message=131133 sendingUid=1000
09-17 17:49:19.811061  1195  4809 I WifiTracker: Fetched scan results: [SSID: NVRAM WARNING: Err = 0x10, BSSID: ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff, capabilities: [ESS], level: 0, frequency: 2412, timestamp: 84431379, distance: ?(cm), distanceSd: ?(cm), passpoint: no, ChannelBandwidth: 0, centerFreq0: 0, centerFreq1: 0, 80211mcResponder: is not supported, Carrier AP: no, Carrier AP EAP Type: -1, Carrier name: null, Radio Chain Infos: null, SSID: 小米10, BSSID: 1e:a0:7b:23:84:84, capabilities: [WPA2-PSK-CCMP][RSN-PSK-CCMP][ESS], level: -29, frequency: 2472, timestamp: 84431281, distance: ?(cm), distanceSd: ?(cm), passpoint: no, ChannelBandwidth: 0, centerFreq0: 0, centerFreq1: 0, 80211mcResponder: is not supported, Carrier AP: no, Carrier AP EAP Type: -1, Carrier name: null, Radio Chain Infos: null, SSID: am-guest, BSSID: d4:68:ba:89:d8:a3, capabilities: [ESS], level: -45, frequency: 5180, timestamp: 84431300, distance: ?(cm), distanceSd: ?(cm), passpoint: no, ChannelBandwidth: 0, centerFreq0: 0, centerFreq1: 0, 80211mcResponder: is not supported, Carrier AP: no, Carrier AP EAP Type: -1, Carrier name: null, Radio Chain Infos: null, SSID: am, BSSID: d4:68:ba:81:d8:a3, capabilities: [ESS], level: -45, frequency: 5180, timestamp: 84431289, distance: ?(cm), distanceSd: ?(cm), passpoint: no, ChannelBandwidth: 0, centerFreq0: 0, centerFreq1: 0, 80211mcResponder: is not supported, Carri
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说明: 1, 暂未实现重传机制, 所以若抓包无响应, 请尝试停止后重发. 2, dhcp状态显示采用1s定时器刷新, 所以状态显示可能存在延时的情况; 3, xcap通过pcap导入报文会有部分字段自动变化, 且导入的报文DHCP数据部分无法正常解析, 建议通过新建的方式解决; 4, 添加报文格式举例: 1,2 说明: 1表示报文组1, 选中报文组后, 在状态栏会显示报文组的索引, 2表示第三个报文, 即索引为3的报文. 版本记录: V1.0.1(基础版本) 1, 支持连接xcap并读取报文功能; 2, 支持刷新按钮自动更新报文功能; 3, 支持选择网卡功能; 4, 支持通过pcap文件打开报文功能(已废弃); 5, 支持指定服务器交互; 6, 支持dhcp交互状态显示; 7, 支持输入框通过正则表达式限制输入字符; 8, 支持选择特定报文操作; V1.0.2 1, 将状态修改为自动显示, 即动态识别报文类型并显示结果; 2, 解决解析option字段, 若字段中存在多个value时存在丢失的问题; 3, 增加鼠标点击状态显示气泡信息; 4, 增加隔行显示不同颜色; V1.0.3 1, 修改dhcp的状态机, 之前的版本是收到报文则发送request, 之后收到报文则认为收到ack. 现修改为只有收到offer报文才发送request报文 , 收到ack报文才结束. 2, 增加dhcpv6功能; 3, 优化代码; V1.0.4 1, 修改request报文由于校验和和报文长度未初始化导致构造错误的问题 V1.0.5 1, 增加服务器地址的气泡提示; 2, 增加自动填充的气泡提示; 3, 添加的报文默认为选中状态; 4, 选择网卡下拉框中将虚拟网卡排放靠后; 5, 关闭程序时自动保存设置; V1.0.6 1, 优化代码, 将字段设置使用统一的函数处理; 2, 状态气泡显示格式化; 3, 双击表格表头实现全选和反选; 4, 增加renew(50%), rebind(87.5%)和release的自动发送功能; 5, 增加手动释放按钮和实现; 6, 增加部分打印信息用于调试; 暂未实现报文重传机制, 计划下一个版本实现 V1.0.7 1, 实现discover/solicit报文自动重传机制 2, renew, rebind以及release修改为手动发送 3, 解决报文发送错乱问题 4, 增加decline报文的发送 5, 解决设备无故发送discover报文问题 问题解决: 1, 停止后再次发送数据会出现数据错乱 分析: 停止客户端的时候, 删除过滤器是通过callback函数删除的, 这里应该是通过filter来进行删除. self.widget.sniff.del_filter(self.callback)修改为 self.widget.sniff.del_filter(self.filter) 2, 设备无故发送discover问题 分析: 由于发送discover报文使用的定时器, 定时器是通过判断当前的direction来确定是否重传的, 而当定时器老化时, 可能正好收到报文导 致direction被修改, 所以导致错误的发送discover报文的问题. 将接收逻辑修改为重传时判断当前状态是否为discover报文, 若是则重传, 否则不重传. V1.0.8 1, 增加inform实现 V1.0.9 1, 增加报文五元组的源mac地址和xid的气泡显示; 2, 增加步长和报文限制功能; 问题解决: 1, 修改ipv6报文添加失败的问题. 由于ipv4报文为xid, ipv6报文为trid, 需要区分处理. V1.0.10 1, 在发送dhcpv6报文之前, 先发送na报文触发服务器学习nd消息. V1.0.11 1, 增加发送solicit/request前, 自动响应ns报文. 自动响应ns报文的目标地址为solicit/request报文源mac地址生成的ipv6地址 2, 实现dhcpv6的renew续约功能. 3, 解决ipv6地址转换格式化不正确, 导致无法响应ns报文问题. 4, 增加日志输出到dhcp.log文件. V1.0.12 1, 增加dhcpv6的续约功能, 通过renew和rebind实现续约, 增加release、decline报文的实现; V1.0.13 1, 解决服务器无法设置ipv6地址的问题. 之前的输入框只允许输入数字和., 修改为运行输入数字.:和a-f 2, 解决多个客户端时, 若选中其中的部分客户端发送时报错. 由于客户端采用的是列表中包含元组的形式, 即[(row, [client1, client2])], 这样实际客户端无法直接通过row索引到clients, 导致列表读 取时溢出. 譬如有1、2、3三行数据, 这里只选中了第三行, 限制为1, 那么如果点击发送, 则clients = [(row, [client1]], 此时clients[2] 就会溢出. 所以这里讲clients修改为字典, 即通过row来索引客户端client = {3: [client1]} 3, 将数据发送放到线程中, 规避模拟大量客户端时界面假死的问题. 4, 当客户端限制小于等于50, 则气泡显示trid和ip地址信息. 当大于50, 则气泡显示获取ip地址的数量. V1.0.14 1, 解决监听报文使用的网卡不正确问题. V1.0.15 1, 解决dhcpv6的响应报文的IANA中包含Status code选项导致程序无法解析的问题. 兼容性处理, 即option为IAAddress时按照IAAddress解析, 当option为status code时按照Status code解析 V1.0.16 1, 解决DHCPv6的client_id的duid处理, 支持任意格式的duid.
DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) is a network protocol that is used to assign IP addresses and other network configuration parameters to devices on a network automatically. CentOS is a Linux distribution that is widely used in servers and workstations. In this article, we will discuss how to install and configure DHCP server on CentOS. Step 1: Install DHCP Server on CentOS To install DHCP server on CentOS, follow these steps: 1. Open a terminal window and log in as root or use the sudo command. 2. Type the following command to install the DHCP server package: ``` yum install dhcp ``` 3. Once the installation is complete, you can verify it by typing the following command: ``` rpm -qa | grep dhcp ``` You should see a package named dhcp-<version> installed. Step 2: Configure DHCP Server on CentOS To configure DHCP server on CentOS, follow these steps: 1. Open the DHCP server configuration file using your preferred text editor. In this example, we will use nano: ``` nano /etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf ``` 2. Uncomment the following lines to define the network settings: ``` subnet netmask { range; option routers; option domain-name-servers; } ``` The above configuration defines a subnet with a range of IP addresses from to It also specifies the router's IP address and the domain name server's IP address. 3. Save the changes and exit the editor. 4. Start the DHCP server service by typing the following command: ``` systemctl start dhcpd ``` 5. Check the status of the DHCP server service by typing the following command: ``` systemctl status dhcpd ``` You should see a message indicating that the service is active and running. Step 3: Test DHCP Server on CentOS To test DHCP server on CentOS, follow these steps: 1. Connect a device to the network that is configured to obtain IP address automatically. 2. Check the IP address assigned to the device by typing the following command: ``` ip addr show ``` You should see an IP address in the range specified in the DHCP server configuration file. That's it! You have successfully installed and configured DHCP server on CentOS. You can now use this server to automatically assign IP addresses to devices on your network.


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