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以下是 Lua 5.1 版本的 http 模块码,可以用来实现 HTTP 客户端请求: ```lua ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- LuaSocket module for HTTP/1.1 client support -- Diego Nehab, et al. -- 04/11/2007 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- local base = _G local string = require("string") local math = require("math") local socket = require("socket") local url = require("socket.url") module("socket.http") -- the default user agent string USERAGENT = "LuaSocket 2.0.2" -- timeout values TIMEOUT = 60 TIMEOUT_CONNECT = socket._TIMEOUT -- code 204 is no content, but the server sent a response header -- code 304 is not modified, so there's no need to resend the content -- code 205 is a reset content request, we must accept the new content -- code 206 is a partial content response, we must adjust our range -- code 301 is a redirect, we must look for the location header -- code 302 is a redirect, but some buggy servers send content along -- code 303 is a redirect, but with a get method -- code 307 is a redirect, but we must keep the method -- code 401 is a authentication request, we must resend with proper creds -- code 407 is a proxy authentication request, same as 401 NOCONTENT_CODES = "204 304 205 206" REDIRECT_CODES = "301 302 303 307" AUTHREQUIRED_CODES = "401 407" DEFAULT_REDIRECT_TIMES = 5 -- the default port for each protocol PORT = { http = 80, https = 443, } -- get a connection object local function get_connection(u, redir) local proxy = base._PROXY or socket._PROXY local conn = { try = socket.tcp(), proxy = proxy and url.parse(proxy), ssl = u.scheme == "https", live = true, redirected = false, redirectcount = 0, redirectstring = "", host = u.host, port = u.port or PORT[u.scheme], method = "GET", url = u, sink = nil, headers = { ["user-agent"] = USERAGENT, ["host"] = u.host, }, source = socket.source("close-when-done", conn.try) } if conn.proxy then conn.host = conn.proxy.host conn.port = conn.proxy.port conn.headers["host"] = u.authority end if redir then conn.redirected = true conn.redirectcount = redir.redirectcount + 1 conn.redirectstring = redir.redirectstring.."\n"..u.request end return conn end -- close a connection local function close_connection(c) if c.try then c.try:close() end c.try = nil c.live = nil end -- receive a line from a connection or a sink local function receive(fd, pat, t) local st, chunk local buffer = {} local receive_chunk = fd.receive or fd.read or fd t = t or TIMEOUT repeat st, chunk = receive_chunk(fd, pat) if st then buffer[#buffer + 1] = chunk else return nil, chunk end until string.find(buffer[#buffer] or "", pat, nil, true) or st == nil return table.concat(buffer) end -- send data through a connection or a source local function send(fd, data) if not fd.send then if type(fd) ~= "function" then error("invalid send source") end fd(data) else fd:send(data) end end -- convert headers to a string local function headers_to_string(headers) local buffer = {} for field, value in pairs(headers) do buffer[#buffer + 1] = string.format("%s: %s", field, value) end buffer[#buffer + 1] = "" return table.concat(buffer, "\r\n") end -- convert headers from a string to a table local function headers_from_string(header_string) local headers = {} local pos = 1 local eol = string.find(header_string, "\n", pos, true) while eol do local line = string.sub(header_string, pos, eol - 1) line = string.gsub(line, "[\r\n]+$", "") pos = eol + 1 eol = string.find(header_string, "\n", pos, true) if line ~= "" then local field, value = string.match(line, "^(.-):%s*(.*)$") if field then field = string.lower(field) if headers[field] then headers[field] = headers[field]..", "..value else headers[field] = value end end else break end end return headers end -- perform a generic HTTP request local function request(req) local u = url.parse(req.url) local c = get_connection(u, req.redirection) if not c.try then return nil, "unable to connect to "..u.host end c.try:settimeout(TIMEOUT_CONNECT, "t") local res = { } local pat = "^(.-)\r?\n" -- send request line local reqline = string.format("%s %s HTTP/1.1", req.method, u.path or "/") if u.query then reqline = reqline.."?"..u.query end send(c.try, string.format("%s\r\n", reqline)) -- add headers if req.source then c.headers["transfer-encoding"] = "chunked" c.headers["connection"] = "close" c.headers["expect"] = "100-continue" end for i, header in ipairs(req.headers) do local name, value = string.match(header, "^(.-):%s*(.*)$") if name then c.headers[string.lower(name)] = value end end if not c.headers["host"] then c.headers["host"] = u.authority end send(c.try, headers_to_string(c.headers)) send(c.try, "\r\n") -- send request body if req.source then local source = req.source while true do local chunk = source() if not chunk then send(c.try, "0\r\n\r\n") break end send(c.try, string.format("%x\r\n", string.len(chunk))) send(c.try, chunk) send(c.try, "\r\n") end end c.try:settimeout(TIMEOUT, "t") -- receive response local status local headers = {} local body status = receive(c.try, pat) if status then local ver, code, message = string.match(status, "^(%S+)%s+(%S+)%s+(.-)\r?$") if ver and code and message then status = { major = tonumber(string.match(ver, "HTTP/(%d)%.%d")), minor = tonumber(string.match(ver, "HTTP/%d%.(%d)")), code = tonumber(code), message = message } -- receive headers local header_string, err = receive(c.try, "\r?\n\r?\n") if header_string then headers = headers_from_string(header_string) -- handle 100 Continue responses if status.code == 100 then status, headers, body = request(req) -- handle 300 redirects elseif string.find(REDIRECT_CODES, code, 1, true) then local location = headers.location if location then location = url.absolute(u, location) if req.redirection then if req.redirection.redirectcount >= DEFAULT_REDIRECT_TIMES then return nil, "too many redirections" end if req.redirection.redirectstring:find(location.request, 1, true) then return nil, "infinite redirection loop" end else req.redirection = { redirectcount = 0, redirectstring = req.url.request, } end req.url = location close_connection(c) return request(req) end -- handle 401 and 407 authentication requests elseif string.find(AUTHREQUIRED_CODES, code, 1, true) then if req.auth and c.headers.authorization then return nil, "invalid authentication credentials" end local auth = headers["www-authenticate"] or headers["proxy-authenticate"] if auth then local realm = string.match(auth, "realm=\"([^\"]*)\"") if not realm then realm = string.match(auth, "realm=([^,]*)") end if realm then local user, password = req.auth(realm) if user then c.headers.authorization = socket.try(socket.url.build({ scheme = "basic", user = user, password = password })) close_connection(c) return request(req) end end end end -- get response body local length = tonumber(headers["content-length"]) if headers["transfer-encoding"] == "chunked" then local decoder = socket.protect(function(chunk) local size = tonumber(chunk, 16) if size == 0 then return "" end return receive(c.try, string.format("^([^\r\n]*)\r?\n(.*)\r?\n.{0,%d}$", size - 1), TIMEOUT) end) body = socket.sink("into-string") while true do local chunk, err = decoder() if err or chunk == "" then break end body(chunk) end elseif length then body = receive(c.try, string.format("^%(.{%d})$", length), TIMEOUT) elseif headers.connection == "close" then body = receive(c.try, nil, TIMEOUT) end end else status = nil end if not status then close_connection(c) return nil, "invalid server response" end res.status = status res.headers = headers res.body = body res.request = req return res else close_connection(c) return nil, "unable to receive status line" end end -- HTTP/1.1 methods function request_uri(u, req) req = req or {} req.method = req.method or "GET" req.headers = req.headers or {} req.url = url.absolute(u, req.url) return request(req) end function request_string(u, s) local req = { method = "GET", headers = {}, url = u, source = socket.source("string", s), } req.headers["content-length"] = string.len(s) return request(req) end function request_file(u, f) local req = { method = "PUT", headers = {}, url = u, source = socket.source("file", f), } req.headers["content-length"] = socket.filesize(f) return request(req) end -- HTTP/1.0.0 methods function get(u, headers) return request_uri(u, { method = "GET", headers = headers or {} }) end function post(u, body, headers) return request_uri(u, { method = "POST", headers = headers or {}, source = socket.source("string", body), }) end function put(u, body, headers) return request_uri(u, { method = "PUT", headers = headers or {}, source = socket.source("string", body), }) end function delete(u, headers) return request_uri(u, { method = "DELETE", headers = headers or {} }) end function options(u, headers) return request_uri(u, { method = "OPTIONS", headers = headers or {} }) end function trace(u, headers) return request_uri(u, { method = "TRACE", headers = headers or {} }) end -- exports _headers_to_string = headers_to_string _headers_from_string = headers_from_string ``` 该模块提供了一系列 HTTP 请求方法,可以根据需要进行调用。其中,`request_uri` 方法可以实现对 URL 的请求,`get`、`post`、`put`、`delete`、`options`、`trace` 方法则分别对应了 HTTP 协议中的常见请求方法。




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