
本文介绍了使用C语言编写的时域有限差分法(FDTD)程序,用于仿真电磁波在自由空间中的传播。计算区域包含200个电场和磁场点,程序应用高斯激励源,并提供MATLAB作图代码,展示Ez[50]随时间变化的情况。参考文献提及了John B. Schneider的《Understanding the Finite-Difference Time-Domain Method》。




/* 硬源激励的基本FDTD仿真 */
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <math.h>

#define SIZE 200

int main ()
	double ez[SIZE] = {0.}, hy[SIZE] = {0.}, imp0 = 377.0;  //{0.}保证数组初始化为0
	int qTime, maxTime = 250, mm; //qTime为时间步,总步数为maxTime
	FILE *fp;
	fp = fopen("1.txt", "w+");

/* 开始时间循环 */
for (qTime = 0; qTime < maxTime; qTime++)
	/* 递推磁场 */
	for (mm = 0; mm < SIZE - 1; mm++)
	hy[mm] = hy[mm] + (ez[mm + 1] - ez [mm]) / imp0;
	/* 递推电场 */
	for (mm = 1; mm < SIZE; mm++)
	ez[mm] = ez[mm] + (hy[mm] - hy[mm - 1]) * imp0;
	fprintf(fp, "%.6g\n", ez[50]); //记录50时刻的电场值并打印到txt文件 
	ez[0] = exp(-(qTime - 30.) * (qTime - 30.) / 100.); //高斯脉冲源 

%*********************************************************************** % 3-D FDTD code with PEC boundaries %*********************************************************************** % % Program author: Susan C. Hagness % Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering % University of Wisconsin-Madison % 1415 Engineering Drive % Madison, WI 53706-1691 % 608-265-5739 % hagness@engr.wisc.edu % % Date of this version: February 2000 % % This MATLAB M-file implements the finite-difference time-domain % solution of Maxwell's curl equations over a three-dimensional % Cartesian space lattice comprised of uniform cubic grid cells. % % To illustrate the algorithm, an air-filled rectangular cavity % resonator (充气矩形空腔谐振器) is modeled. The length, width, and height of the % cavity are 10.0 cm (x-direction), 4.8 cm (y-direction), and % 2.0 cm (z-direction), respectively. % % The computational domain is truncated using PEC boundary % conditions: % ex(i,j,k)=0 on the j=1, j=jb, k=1, and k=kb planes % ey(i,j,k)=0 on the i=1, i=ib, k=1, and k=kb planes % ez(i,j,k)=0 on the i=1, i=ib, j=1, and j=jb planes % These PEC boundaries form the outer lossless walls of the cavity. % % The cavity is excited by an additive current source oriented % along the z-direction. The source waveform is a differentiated % Gaussian pulse given by % J(t)=-J0*(t-t0)*exp(-(t-t0)^2/tau^2), % where tau=50 ps. The FWHM ( 半最大值全宽度(full width at half maximum)) % spectral bandwidth of this zero-dc- % content pulse is approximately 7 GHz. The grid resolution (分辨率) % (dx = 2 mm) was chosen to provide at least 10 samples per % wavelength up through 15 GHz. % % To execute this M-file, type "fdtd3D" at the MATLAB prompt. % This M-file displays the FDTD-computed Ez fields at every other % time step (第一个时间步), and records those frames in a movie matrix, M, which % is played at the end of the simulation using the "movie" command. % %*********************************************************************** clear %*********************************************************************** % Fundamental constants %*********************************************************************** cc=2.99792458e8; %speed of light in free space muz=4.0*pi*1.0e-7; %permeability of free space epsz=1.0/(cc*cc*muz); %permittivity of free space %*********************************************************************** % Grid parameters %*********************************************************************** ie=50; %number of grid cells in x-direction je=24; %number of grid cells in y-direction ke=10; %number of grid cells in z-direction ib=ie+1; jb=je+1; kb=ke+1; is=26; %location of z-directed current source js=13; %location of z-directed current source kobs=5; dx=0.002; %space increment of cubic lattice dt=dx/(2.0*cc); %time step nmax=500; %total number of time steps %*********************************************************************** % Differentiated Gaussian pulse excitation %*********************************************************************** rtau=50.0e-12; tau=rtau/dt; ndelay=3*tau; srcconst=-dt*3.0e+11; %*********************************************************************** % Material parameters %*********************************************************************** eps=1.0; %相对介电常数 epsz,真空介电常数 sig=0.0; %相对电阻率 %*********************************************************************** % Updating coefficients %*********************************************************************** ca=(1.0-(dt*sig)/(2.0*epsz*eps))/(1.0+(dt*sig)/(2.0*epsz*eps)); cb=(dt/epsz/eps/dx)/(1.0+(dt*sig)/(2.0*epsz*eps)); da=1.0; db=dt/muz/dx; %*********************************************************************** % Field arrays %*********************************************************************** ex=zeros(ie,jb,kb); ey=zeros(ib,je,kb); ez=zeros(ib,jb,ke); hx=zeros(ib,je,ke); hy=zeros(ie,jb,ke); hz=zeros(ie,je,kb); %*********************************************************************** % Movie initialization %*********************************************************************** tview(:,:)=ez(:,:,kobs); sview(:,:)=ez(:,js,:); subplot('position',[0.15 0.45 0.7 0.45]), pcolor(tview'); %shading flat; %caxis([-1.0 1.0]); %colorbar; %axis image; title(['Ez(i,j,k=5), time step = 0']); xlabel('i coordinate'); ylabel('j coordinate'); subplot('position',[0.15 0.10 0.7 0.25]), pcolor(sview'); %shading flat; %caxis([-1.0 1.0]); %colorbar; %axis image; title(['Ez(i,j=13,k), time step = 0']); xlabel('i coordinate'); ylabel('k coordinate'); rect=get(gcf,'Position'); rect(1:2)=[0 0]; M=moviein(nmax/2,gcf,rect); %*********************************************************************** % BEGIN TIME-STEPPING LOOP %*********************************************************************** for n=1:nmax %*********************************************************************** % Update electric fields %*********************************************************************** ex(1:ie,2:je,2:ke)=ca*ex(1:ie,2:je,2:ke)+... cb*(hz(1:ie,2:je,2:ke)-hz(1:ie,1:je-1,2:ke)+... hy(1:ie,2:je,1:ke-1)-hy(1:ie,2:je,2:ke)); ey(2:ie,1:je,2:ke)=ca*ey(2:ie,1:je,2:ke)+... cb*(hx(2:ie,1:je,2:ke)-hx(2:ie,1:je,1:ke-1)+... hz(1:ie-1,1:je,2:ke)-hz(2:ie,1:je,2:ke)); ez(2:ie,2:je,1:ke)=ca*ez(2:ie,2:je,1:ke)+... cb*(hx(2:ie,1:je-1,1:ke)-hx(2:ie,2:je,1:ke)+... hy(2:ie,2:je,1:ke)-hy(1:ie-1,2:je,1:ke)); ez(is,js,1:ke)=ez(is,js,1:ke)+... srcconst*(n-ndelay)*exp(-((n-ndelay)^2/tau^2)); % J(t)=-J0*(t-t0)*exp(-(t-t0)^2/tau^2) %*********************************************************************** % Update magnetic fields %*********************************************************************** hx(2:ie,1:je,1:ke)=hx(2:ie,1:je,1:ke)+... db*(ey(2:ie,1:je,2:kb)-ey(2:ie,1:je,1:ke)+... ez(2:ie,1:je,1:ke)-ez(2:ie,2:jb,1:ke)); hy(1:ie,2:je,1:ke)=hy(1:ie,2:je,1:ke)+... db*(ex(1:ie,2:je,1:ke)-ex(1:ie,2:je,2:kb)+... ez(2:ib,2:je,1:ke)-ez(1:ie,2:je,1:ke)); hz(1:ie,1:je,2:ke)=hz(1:ie,1:je,2:ke)+... db*(ex(1:ie,2:jb,2:ke)-ex(1:ie,1:je,2:ke)+... ey(1:ie,1:je,2:ke)-ey(2:ib,1:je,2:ke)); %*********************************************************************** % Visualize fields %*********************************************************************** if mod(n,2)==0; timestep=int2str(n); tview(:,:)=ez(:,:,kobs); sview(:,:)=ez(:,js,:); subplot('position',[0.15 0.45 0.7 0.45]), pcolor(tview'); % shading flat; % caxis([-1.0 1.0]); % colorbar; % axis image; title(['Ez(i,j,k=5), time step = ',timestep]); xlabel('i coordinate'); ylabel('j coordinate'); subplot('position',[0.15 0.10 0.7 0.25]), pcolor(sview'); % shading flat; % caxis([-1.0 1.0]); % colorbar; % axis image; title(['Ez(i,j=13,k), time step = ',timestep]); xlabel('i coordinate'); ylabel('k coordinate'); nn=n/2; M(:,nn)=getframe(gcf,rect); end; %*********************************************************************** % END TIME-STEPPING LOOP %*********************************************************************** end movie(gcf,M,0,10,rect);
评论 1




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