Kali linux 学习笔记(四十一)Web渗透——扫描工具之w3af 2020.3.18

本文介绍了Kali Linux中用于Web渗透的工具w3af,详细讲解了其安装、基础操作,包括help界面、插件、配置模块和身份认证方法,如基本认证、Windows集成认证、表单认证和HTTP cookie。w3af是一款强大的Web应用漏洞审计和攻击框架,支持多种认证方式,可用于全面扫描和利用目标系统的漏洞。


w3af (web application attack and audit framework)

  • 基于python开发
  • 发现和利用所有web应用程序漏洞
  • 比较重量级


  • audit(审计):该类插件会向Crawl插件爬取出的注入点发送特制的POC数据以确认漏洞是否存在。
  • infrastructure(基础):这类插件用来标识有关目标系统的信息,如安装的WAF,操作系统和HTTP守护进程等。
  • grep(检索):这类插件会分析其他插件发送的HTTP请求和相应并识别漏洞。
  • evasion(绕过):通过修改由其他插件生成的HTTP请求来绕过简单的入侵检测规则。
  • mangle:允许修改基于正则表达式的请求和响应
  • auth:身份认证
  • Mangle:允许修改基于正则表达式的请求和响应。
  • bruteforce:在爬取阶段进行暴力登陆
  • output(输出):这类插件会将插件的数据保存到文本,xml或者是html文件中。调试的信息也会发送到输出Output插件并可保存和分析。如果启用了text_file和xml_file这两个Output插件,则这两个都会记录有Audit插件发现的任何漏洞。
  • crawl(爬取):通过爬取网站站点来获得新的URL地址。如果用户启用了Crawl类型的多个插件,此时将产生一个循环: A插件在第一次运行时发现了一个新的url,w3af会将其发送到插件B。如果插件B发现一个新的url则会发送到插件A。这个过程持续进行直到所有插件都已运行且无法找到更多的新信息。
  • Attack(攻击):如果Audit插件发现了漏洞,Attack将会进行攻击和利用,通常会在远程服务器上返回一个shell或者比如SQL注入则会获取数据库的数据。




root@attacker:~# w3afconsole 
w3af>>> help
    | start             | Start the scan.                                                                                              |
    | plugins           | Enable and configure plugins.                                                                                |
    | exploit           | Exploit the vulnerability.                                                                                   |
    | profiles          | List and use scan profiles.                                                                                  |
    | cleanup           | Cleanup before starting a new scan.                                                               | 
    | ------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------- |
    | help              | Display help. Issuing: help [command] , prints more specific help about "command"                            |
    | version           | Show w3af version information.                                                                               |
    | keys              | Display key shortcuts.                                                                                       |
    | http-settings     | Configure the HTTP settings of the framework.                                                                |
    | misc-settings     | Configure w3af misc settings.                                                                                |
    | target            | Configure the target URL.                                                                                    |
    | back              | Go to the previous menu.                                                                                     |
    | exit              | Exit w3af.                                                                                                   |
    | kb                | Browse the vulnerabilities stored in the Knowledge Base                                                      |
plugins 插件
w3af>>> plugins 
w3af/plugins>>> help
    | list                         | List available plugins.                                                                            |
    | ------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------- | 
    | 返回| 转到上一个菜单。| 
    | 退出| 退出w3af。| 
    | ------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------- | 
    | 回避| 查看,配置和启用evasion插件|
    | auth                         | View, configure and enable auth plugins                                                            |
    | grep                         | View, configure and enable grep plugins                                                            |
    | audit                        | View, configure and enable audit plugins                                                           |
    | bruteforce                   | View, configure and enable bruteforce plugins                                                      |
    | output                       | View, configure and enable output plugins                                                          |
    | crawl                        | View, configure and enable crawl plugins                                                           |
    | infrastructure               | View, configure and enable infrastructure plugins                                                  |
    | mangle                       | View, configure and enable mangle plugins                                                          |
w3af/plugins>>> list auth 
    | Plugin name               | Status        | Conf      | Description                                                             |
    | detailed                  |               | Yes       | Detailed authentication plugin.                                         |
    | generic                   |               | Yes       | Generic authentication plugin.                                          |
w3af/plugins>>> list audit 
    | Plugin name         | Status | Conf | Description                                                                               |
    | blind_sqli          |        | Yes  | Identify blind SQL injection vulnerabilities.                                             |
    | buffer_overflow     |        |      | Find buffer overflow vulnerabilities.                                                     |
    | cors_origin         |        | Yes  | Inspect if application checks that the value of the "Origin" HTTP header isconsistent     |
    |                     |        |      | with the value of the remote IP address/Host of the sender ofthe incoming HTTP request.   |
    | csrf                |        |      | Identify Cross-Site Request Forgery vulnerabilities.                                      |
    | dav                 |        |      | Verify if the WebDAV module is properly configured.                                       |
    | eval                |        | Yes  | Find insecure eval() usage.                                                               |
    | file_upload         |        | Yes  | Uploads a file and then searches for the file inside all known directories.               |
    | format_string       |        |      | Find format string vulnerabilities.                                                       |
    | frontpage           |        |      | Tries to upload a file using frontpage extensions (author.dll).                           |
    | generic             |        | Yes  | Find all kind of bugs without using a fixed error database.                               |
    | global_redirect     |        |      | Find scripts that redirect the browser to any site.                                       |
    | htaccess_methods    |        |      | Find misconfigurations in Apache's "<LIMIT>" configuration.                               |
    | ldapi               |        |      | Find LDAP injection bugs.                                                                 |
    | lfi                 |        |      | Find local file inclusion vulnerabilities.                                                |
    | memcachei           |        |      | No description available for this plugin.                                                 |
    | mx_injection        |        |      | Find MX injection vulnerabilities.                                                        |
    | os_commanding       |        |      | Find OS Commanding vulnerabilities.                                                       |
    | phishing_vector     |        |      | Find phishing vectors.                                                                    |
    | preg_replace        |        |      | Find unsafe usage of PHPs preg_replace.                                                   |
    | redos               |        |      | Find ReDoS vulnerabilities.                                                               |
    | response_splitting  |        |      | Find response splitting vulnerabilities.                                                  |
    | rfd                 |        |      | Identify reflected file download vulnerabilities.                                         |
    | rfi                 |        | Yes  | Find remote file inclusion vulnerabilities.                                               |
    | rosetta_flash       |        |      | Find Rosetta Flash vulnerabilities in JSONP endpoints                                     |
    | shell_shock         |        |      | Find shell shock vulnerabilities.                                                         |
    | sqli                |        |      | Find SQL injection bugs.                                                                  |
    | ssi                 |        |      | Find server side inclusion vulnerabilities.                                               |
    | ssl_certificate     |        | Yes  | Check the SSL certificate validity (if https is being used).                              |
    | un_ssl              |        |      | Find out if secure content can also be fetched using http.                                |
    | websocket_hijacking |        |      | Detect Cross-Site WebSocket hijacking vulnerabilities.                                    |
    | xpath               |        |      | Find XPATH injection vulnerabilities.                                                     |
    | xss                 |        | Yes  | Identify cross site scripting vulnerabilities.                                            |
    | xst                 |        |      | Find Cross Site Tracing vulnerabilities.                                                  |
w3af/plugins>>> audit xss sqli lfi  #开启使用三个插件模块
w3af/plugins>>> list audit #这时候的插件模块状态变为 enabled 
    | Plugin name         | Status  | Conf | Description                                                                               |
    | blind_sqli          |         | Yes  | Identify blind SQL injection vulnerabilities.                                             |
    | buffer_overflow     |         |      | Find buffer overflow vulnerabilities.                                                     |
    | cors_origin         |         | Yes  | Inspect if application checks that the value of the "Origin" HTTP header isconsistent     |
    |                     |         |      | with the value of the remote IP address/Host of the sender ofthe incoming HTTP request.   |
    | csrf                |         |      | Identify Cross-Site Request Forgery vulnerabilities.                                      |
    | dav                 |         |      | Verify if the WebDAV module is properly configured.                                       |
    | eval                |         | Yes  | Find insecure eval() usage.                                                               |
    | file_upload         |         | Yes  | Uploads a file and then searches for the file inside all known directories.               |
    | format_string       |         |      | Find format string vulnerabilities.                                                       |
    | frontpage           |         |      | Tries to upload a file using frontpage extensions (author.dll).                           |
    | generic             |         | Yes  | Find all kind of bugs without using a fixed error database.                               |
    | global_redirect     |         |      | Find scripts that redirect the browser to any site.                                       |
    | htaccess_methods    |         |      | Find misconfigurations in Apache's "<LIMIT>" configuration.                               |
    | ldapi               |         |      | Find LDAP injection bugs.                                                                 |
    | lfi                 | Enabled |      | Find local file inclusion vulnerabilities.                                                |
    | memcachei           |         |      | No description available for this plugin.                                                 |
    | mx_injection        |         |      | Find MX injection vulnerabilities.                                                        |
    | os_commanding       |         |      | Find OS Commanding vulnerabilities.                                                       |
    | phishing_vector     |         |      | Find phishing vectors.                                                                    |
    | preg_replace        |         |      | Find unsafe usage of PHPs preg_replace.                                                   |
    | redos               |         |      | Find ReDoS vulnerabilities.                                                               |
    | response_splitting  |         |      | Find response splitting vulnerabilities.                       




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