

  • 大数据 big data:A datasets with large data and complex data , which cannot be captured, managed, and processed by conventional software tools within a certain time range. And it needs new processing mode to have some stronger abilities.

  • 云计算 Cloud computing: it is a kind of distributed computing, which decompose huge data computing processing programs into numerous small programs through the network “cloud”, and then process and analyze these small programs through a system composed of multiple servers to get results and return them to users. Nowadays, it is not only a kind of distributed computing, but also computer technology such as parallel computing, network storage, or virtualization.

  • 人工智能 Artificial intelligence:It is a new technology science to develop the theory, method and technology for simulating and expanding human intelligence. It is a branch of computer science, It combines hardware and software to develop intelligent machines and software. Artificial intelligence include language recognition, image recognition, natural language processing, machine learning, etc.

  • 区块链 Block chain:It is a shared and decentralized database. The data or information stored in it has the characteristics of “non forgeable”, “traceable” and “open and transparent”. Based on these characteristics, blockchain technology has laid a solid “trust” foundation and has broad application prospects.

  • 网络爬虫 Internet worm:It is a program or script that automatically grabs World Wide Web information according to certain rules.

  • 微服务 Micro Service:It is a new software architecture, which is to divide a large single application and service into dozens of microservices. It can release versions frequently and deliver requirements quickly; It has small impact, small risk and low cost; And it can adapt to cloud environment.

  • 机器学习 Machine learning:Machine learning is to study how computers simulate or realize human learning behavior, in order to acquire new knowledge or skills, and reorganize the existing knowledge structure to improve its own performance. It involves probability theory, statistics, algorithm complexity theory and other disciplines.

  • 数据挖掘 data mining:It refers to the process of searching information by algorithm which hidden in a large number of data .

  • 数据分析 Data analysis:It refers to use appropriate statistical analysis methods to analyze the collected large amount of data,to summarize, understand and digest them, in order to maximize the value of data.

  • Docker:Docker is a container technology to solve the problem of software migration across environments. Developers package their applications and environments into a portable container and publish them to any popular Linux machine.


  • 什么是软件工程?为什么要把软件工程应用于软件开发中?
    By definition,SE is a method of apply systematic, normative and quantifiable methods to develop and maintenance software, that is, apply engineering to software. And do research on the above methods. Software engineering needs not only engineering thinking, but also scientific research methods. For developers, it can make developers develop software better and improve work efficiency, and save time and money for software projects. For users, it can improve the quality of code, so that users can use better software.

  • 软件工程对现代生活的影响?

For developers, it can make developers develop software better and improve work efficiency. For users, it can improve the quality of code, so that users can use better software. We use the knowledge of software engineering to develop software. and each software has its own functions, such as voice, video, search, map, etc. for example, in this year’s epidemic situation, people pay a new year’s call and give red packets to relatives through wechat video, so that they can improve their family relationship without go out of the house.

  • 对软院的看法?
    As we all know our softball institute of Nanjing university is very famous, it has a high level capacity of scientific research and strong academic atmosphere, it provides a perfect environment for all the students, so I think the school life will accelerate our study process and benefit us a lot.

  • 喜欢的研究方向?
    The research direction I like is dev ops, it is a set of practices that automates the process between software development and IT teams. I think the practice and development of devops will increase productivity of business and save the cost on the maintenance and upgrade. It will become the mainstream of software engineering.

  • 你作为软件工程师,你可以做什么?

I can develop higher quality software by learning software engineering. For example, I can use the current popular agile development model to quickly develop the software that users need. So that users can use software with higher quality, and make people’s work and life more convenient.

  • 你对哪个研究方向感兴趣?然后接着你说的方向展开提问
    I’m interested in big data.
    Plan: first, I will learn the relevant knowledge of Linux, know the basic operation commands of Linux, and then I will learn the relevant knowledge of Hadoop, and learn how to build clusters by myself. Learn knowledge and operation of zookeeper, flume, Kafka and HBase. And spark and Flink is also important.

大数据学习路线:Linux -> Hadoop -> Zookeeper -> Hive -> Flume -> Kafka -> HBase -> Scala -> Spark -> 项目 - > Flink

Linux is a set of UNIX like operating system which is free to use and spread. It is a multi-user, multi task, multi-threaded and multi CPU operating system based on POSIX and UNIX.
Hadoop is a basic framework of distributed system, which is mainly used to solve the storage of massive data and the analysis and calculation of massive data. It is mainly composed of HDFS, MapReduce and yarn.
Zookeeper is an open source distributed Apache project that provides coordination services for distributed applications.-
Hive is a data warehouse tool based on Hadoop, which can map structured data files into a table and provide SQL like query function.
Flume is a highly available, highly reliable and distributed system for massive log collection, aggregation and transmission.-
Kafka is a distributed message queue used to cache data.
HBase is a distributed open source database based on column storage.
Spark is a fast, easy-to-use, general-purpose big data analysis engine.
Flink is a framework and distributed processing engine for stateful computing of unbounded and bounded data streams.


  • 微信给人生活带来的变化(某软件)
    Wechat can make people’s communication more convenient. Compared with the traditional Mobile Message, wechat is cheaper without extra charge. It can also carry out video chat between two or more people, making people’s communication more convenient and effective. For example, in this year’s epidemic situation, people pay a new year’s call and give red packets to relatives through wechat video, so that they can improve their family relationship without go out of the house.

  • 职业目标

First , I want to be a software engineer. After several years of project experience and learning more software engineering knowledge, concept model knowledge and basic programming skills, my goal is to become a software architect or system analyst.

  • 学校能帮助你什么?为什么选择南大

First of all, in Nanjing University, I can learn rich professional knowledge from the excellent teachers here, and have many practical opportunities to improve my professional skills. Besides, our software college of Nanjing University can provide us with a very good employment platform, so that we can better improve ourselves.

  • 学过哪些编程语言:Java is a high-level object-oriented programming language. The programs written in Java language are cross platform, Java is reliable and safe. It includes JVM, JRE and JDK.


  • 软件工程:is a method of apply systematic, normative and quantifiable methods to develop and maintenance software, that is, apply engineering to software. And do research on the above methods. It is not a simple programming solution, but to consider the time, scale and many complex factors. It is a subject that needs multi-dimensional consideration.

  • 面向对象:It includes Object、Class、Inheritance and Communication. It focuses on the properties and methods of objects and ignores the order or process of things. The characteristics of object-oriented are encapsulation, inheritance and polymorphism.

  • 瀑布模型:Waterfall model divides software development activities into requirements development, software design, implementation, testing, delivery, maintenance and other activities according to the software life cycle model, and specifies their order.

  • 没有银弹 No silver bullet:The fundamental difficulty of software development lies in the inherent characteristics of software: complexity (non-linear, non repetitive), consistency (Interface), variability (modification), invisibility, which cannot be avoided.

  • 基线 baseline:A baseline is a specification or product that has been formally reviewed and can be used as a basis for further development, and changes can only be achieved through a formal change control process.

  • 质量保障活动 Quality assurance activities:Including review, measurement and test.

  • 软件需求 Software requirement:A condition required by the user to solve a problem or achieve a goal; a condition required by a system to meet a standard or other requirement; a representation of the above condition.

  • 需求的层次:Business requirements, user requirements, system level requirements.

  • 用例 Use case:Including goal, interaction and scene. It is a technology to obtain requirements through user’s use scenarios, which reflects the system’s response to user’s requests under different conditions.

  • 软件设计的核心 The core of software design:The core of software design is to control the complexity of system. The core idea is decomposition and abstraction. Decomposition is to divide the system into several simple subsystems horizontally and the relationship between them. Abstraction is to focus on the interface between subsystems vertically.

  • 软件体系结构设计 Software architecture design:specifies the interaction between system components and components.

  • 可用性/易用性 usability:Easy to learn, easy to remember, efficiency, error rate, subjective satisfaction

  • 模块化 Modularization

  • 信息隐藏 information hiding

  • 内聚 cohesion:the degree of correlation between components within a module.

  • 耦合 coupling:Tightness between two modules

  • 错误和异常: Both the error class and the exception class inherit the throwable class. Error is a problem occurred during the compilation of a program. Generally, it refers to a problem related to a virtual machine. If an error occurs, the program should be interrupted. Exceptions is the situations that can be captured, processed, and recovered. If an exception occurs, the program should not be interrupted.

  • 多态 polymorphic:The same operation acts on different objects and can produce different effects.

  • 静态变量:Static variables are valid in the whole file.

  • 动态变量: Dynamic variables are valid in the specific functions they are in.

  • java的虚拟机: The Java virtual machine allows the Java language to run across platforms without recompilation.





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