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AAAS – American Association for the Advancement of Science 
AACG – Addis Ababa City Government 
AAEPA – Addis Ababa Environmental Protection Authority 
AASBPDA – Addis Ababa Sanitation, Beautification and Park’s Development 
AAU – Addis Ababa University 
AAUAD – Addis Ababa City Administration Urban Agriculture Department 
ADB – African Development Bank 
ADR – age dependency ratio 
ALRI – Acute Lower Respiratory Infection 
ANRS –Amhara National Regional State 
AR – Afforestation/Reforestation 
BBC – British Broadcasting Corporation 
BoARD – Bureau of Agriculture and Rural Development 
BOD – Burden of Disease 
BPR – Business Process Re-Engineering 
BWUD – Bureau of Works and Urban Development 
CBD – Convention on Biological Diversity 
CBO – community-based organisation 
CDG – Climate and Disaster Governance 
CDM – Clean Development Mechanisms (CDM)  
CEINFMP – Cooking Efficiency Improvement and New Fuels Marketing Project 
CEPPE – Cooking Efficiency Planning Program in Ethiopia 
CFSCDD – Community Forestry and Soil Conservation and Development 
CGAA – Clean and Green Addis Ababa  
CGAAS – Clean and Green Addis Ababa Society 

CO2 – carbon dioxide 
CO2e – carbon dioxide carbon emission reductions 
COPD – Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease 
CORH – Consortium for Reproductive Health 
CRDA – Christian Relief and Development Association 
CSA – Central Statistics Agency/Authority) 
CSD – Commission on Sustainable Development 
CSE – Conservation Strategy of Ethiopia 
CSO – civil society organisation 
DALY – Disability Adjusted Life Year 
DCG – Drylands Coordination Group 
DDCA – Dire Dawa City Administration 
DfID – Department for International Development 

DSM – Demand Side Management 
DSM – demand-side management 
EAEDPC – Ethiopian Alternative Energy Development and Promotion Center, 
formerly EREDPC 
EARO – Ethiopian Agricultural Research Organization 
EC – Ethiopian Calendar 
EDR – economic dependency ratio 
EDRI – Ethiopian Development Research Institute 
EEA – Ethiopian Economics Association  
EEA – Ethiopian Energy Authority, formerly Ethiopian Electricity Agency 
EEC – European Economic Commission 
EELPA – Ethiopian Electric Light and Power Authority (now EEPCO) 
EEPCO – Ethiopian Electric Power Corporation 
EFAP – Ethiopian Forestry Action Program 
EFY – Ethiopian Fiscal Year 
EIA – Environmental Impact Assessment 
EIAR – Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research (formerly EARO) 
ENDA – Environment and Development Action 
EPA – Environmental Protection Authority 
ER – emissions reduction 
ERA – Ethiopian Roads Authority 
ERCS – Ethiopian Red Cross Society 
EREDPC – Ethiopian Rural Energy Development and Promotion Center (now 
ERTTP – Ethiopian Rural Travel and Transport Program 
ESCRP – Environmental Change and Security Project 
ESIF – Ethiopian Strategic Investment Framework 
ESIF – Ethiopian Sustainable Land Management Investment Framework  
ETB – Ethiopian Birr 
EVDA – Ethiopian Valleys Development Authority 
EWCO – Ethiopian Wildlife Conservation Organisation 
EWDCA – Ethiopian Wildlife Development and Conservation Authority 
EWNHS – Ethiopian Wildlife and Natural History Society 
EWNRA – Ethiopian Wetlands and Natural Resources Association 
FAO – Food and Agriculture Organisation (of the United Nations) 
FARM-Africa – Food and Agriculture Research Management-Africa 
FaWCDA – Forestry and Wildlife Conservation and Development Authority 
FDRE – Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia 
FfE – Forum for Environment 
FFW – Food for Work 
FGAE – Family Guidance Association of Ethiopia 
FINNIDA – Finish International Development Authority 
FIT – Feed-in Tariff 

FP – family planning 
FSS – Forum for Social Studies  
GC – Gregorian Calendar 
GDP – gross domestic product 
GEF – Global Environmental Facility 
GF – Global (Fund) Mechanisms 
GHG – Green House Gas 
GJ – Giga Joule 
GSE – Geological Survey of Ethiopia 
GTZ – Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbit 
GWh – Giga Watt hour 
GWhe – Giga Watt hour electricity 
ha – hectare 
HAPCO – HIV/AIDS Prevention and Control Office  
HSDP – Health Sector Development Program 
IAEA – International Atomic Energy Agency 
IAP – Indoor Air Pollution 
IBC – Institute of Biodiversity Conservation 
ICRAF – World Agroforestry Centre (formerly International Centre for Research in 
ICS – Interconnected System 
IDR – International Development Research (Institute) 
IFAD – International Fund for Agricultural Development 
IFPRI – International Food Policy Research Institute 
IHDP – International Human Dimensions Program 
IIED – International Institute for Environment and Development  
ILO – International Labour Organisation 
ILRI – International Livestock Research Institute  
IPCC – Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change  
IPP – Independent Power Producer 
ISD – Institute for Sustainable Development 
IUCC – Information Unit for Climate Change  
IUCN – International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources 
JICA – Japanese International Cooperation Association 
kWh – kilo Watt hour 
LPG – Liquefied Petroleum Gas 
LRM – Land Resources Management 
m asl – metres above sea level 
M&E – Monitoring and Evaluation 
MAI – mean annual wood increment  
MDGs – Millennium Development Goals 
MEAs – Multilateral Environmental Agreements 

MELCA – Movement for Ecological Learning and Community Action 
MER – Main Ethiopian Rift 
MME – Ministry of Mines and Energy 
MoARD – Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development 
MoCT – Ministry of Culture and Tourism 
MoE – Ministry of Education 
MoFED – Ministry of Finance & Economic Development  
MoH – Ministry of Health 
MoME – Ministry of Mines and Energy 
MoPED – Ministry of Planning and Economic Development (now MoFED) 
MoWR – Ministry of Water Resources 
MW – Mega Watt 
MWR – Ministry of Water Resources 
NAP – National Action Programme 
NAP – National Adaptation Programme 
NAPA – National Adaptation Programme of Action 
NFPA – National Forest Priority Area 
NGO – Non-Governmental Organization 
NHP – National Health Policy 
NMA – National Meteorological Agency 
NMSA – National Meteorological Services Agency 
NOC – National Oil Company 
NOP – National Office of Population 
NORAD – Norwegian Agency for Development and Cooperation  
NPoW – National Policy on Women 
NPRDA – National Petroleum Reserve Depots Administration 
NRM – Natural Resource Management 
NTFPs – non-tree forest products 
NWFPs – non-wood forest products 
NYZS – The Wildlife Conservation Society International (New York Zoological 
OEPO – Oromia/Oromiya Environmental Protection Office 
OFWE – Oromia/Oromiya Forestry and Wildlife Enterprises 
ONRS – Oromia/Oromiya National Regional State 
ORDA – Organization for Rehabilitation  and Development in Amhara 
ORSFE – Oromia/Oromiya Regional State Forest Enterprises  
ORSFESA – Oromia/Oromiya Regional State Forest Enterprises Supervising Agency 
OSSREA – Organization for Social Studies Research in Eastern Africa 
PASDEP – Plan for Accelerated and Sustained Development to End Poverty  
PCC – Population Census Commission 
PDRG – Population Dynamics Research Group 
PES – payment for environmental services 


PFM – Participatory Forest Management 
PHCC – Population and Housing Census Commission 
PPA – Power Purchase Agreement 
PROLINNOVA – Promoting Local Innovation (in ecologically-oriented agriculture 
and natural resource management) 
PV – photovoltaic 
REDD – Reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation 
REF – Rural Electrification Fund 
RELMA – Regional Land Management Unit 
REST – Relief Society of Tigray 
RET – Renewable Energy Technology 
RH – reproductive health 
SCS – Self Contained System 
SFCDD – State Forestry Conservation and Development Department  
Sida – Swedish International Development Agency  
SLM – Sustainable Land Management  
SLMP – Sustainable Land Management Program  
SLU – Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences 
SLUF – Sustainable Land Use Forum 
SNNP – Southern Nations, Nationalities and Peoples (Region)  
SNNPRS – Southern Nations, Nationalities and Peoples Regional State  
SOS Sahel – “Save Our Souls” Sahel Ethiopia 
SSRC – Social Science Research Council  
SWC – soil and water conservation 
SWCD – Soil and Water Conservation Department 
SWM – solid waste management 
TCBFM – traditional community-based forest management  
TCF – Trillion Cubic Feet (1,012 Cubic feet) 
TFR – total fertility rate 
TGE – Transitional Government of Ethiopia 
TWh – Terra Watt hour 
UEAP – Universal Electricity Access Program 
UN – United Nations 
UNCCD – United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification 
UNCED – United Nations Conference on Environment and Development 
UNDP – United Nations Development Programme 
UNECA – United Nations Economic Commission for Africa 
UNEP – United Nations Environment Programme 
UNESA – United Nations (Department of) Economic and Social Affairs 
UNFCCC – United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change  
UNFPA – United Nations Population Fund (formerly United National Fund for 
Population Activities) 
UN-HABITAT – United Nations Human Settlement Program  

UNICEF – United Nations (International) Children’s (Emergency) Fund 
UNIDO – United Nations Industrial Development Organisation 
UNPA – United Nations (Office for) Population Affairs 
UNSCEAR – United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic 
UNSO – United Nations Sahelian Office 
USAID – United States Agency for International Development  
USD – United States Dollar 
WASH – Water Supply, Sanitation and Hygiene 
WB – World Bank 
WBISPP – Woody Biomass Inventory and Strategic Planning Project 
WFP – World Food Programme 
WGCF – Wondo Genet College of Forestry and Natural Resources 
WHO – World Health Organisation 
WMERDB – Water, Mines and Energy Resources Development Bureau 
WSDP – Water Sector Development Program 
WSSD – World Summit on Sustainable Development 
WWSDE – Water Works Design and Supervision Enterprise 







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