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转载 Pycharm安装paddle报错:For instance, download cudnn-10.0-windows10-x64-v7.6.5.32.zip from NVIDIA‘s
报错内容:For instance, download cudnn-10.0-windows10-x64-v7.6.5.32.zip from NVIDIA's official website, then, unzip it and copy it into C:\Program Files\NVIDIA GPU Computing Toolkit\CUDA\v10.0You should do this according to your CUDA installation directory
2022-04-07 22:39:20 3187
转载 Pycharm 运行paddle报错 Error: (External) CUDA error(35), CUDA driver version is insufficient for CUDA
报错内容:UserWarning: You are using GPU version Paddle, but your CUDA device is not set properly. CPU device will be used by default. "You are using GPU version Paddle, but your CUDA device is not set properly. CPU device will be used by default."Traceba
2022-04-07 22:03:45 1672
原创 pycharm运行paddle报错:In PaddlePaddle 2.x, we turn on dynamic graph mode by default, and ‘data()‘
报错内容:In PaddlePaddle 2.x, we turn on dynamic graph mode by default, and 'data()' is only supported in static graph mode. So if you want to use this api, please call 'paddle.enable_static()' before this api to enter static graph mode.解决方法:训练代码之前加入:pad
2022-04-07 21:55:19 1391 2
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