07 RTMP Command Messages

RTMP 控制信息


服务器和客户端之间交换的不同类型的消息包括用于发送音频数据的音频消息、用于发送视频数据的视频消息、用于发送任何用户数据的数据消息、共享对象消息和命令消息。共享对象消息提供了一种通用方法来管理多个客户端和服务器之间的分布式数据。命令消息在客户端和服务器之间传输AMF编码的命令。客户机或服务器可以通过使用命令消息与对等方通信的流请求远程过程调用(Remote Procedure Calls,RPC)。



命令消息(Command Message 20 17)


数据消息(Data Message 18 15)

客户端或服务器发送此消息以向对等方发送元数据或任何用户数据。元数据包括有关数据(音频、视频等)的详细信息,如创建时间(creation time)、持续时间(duration)、主题(theme)等。已为这些消息分配了消息类型值18(适用于AMF0)和消息类型值15(适用于AMF3)。

共享对象消息(Shared Object Message 19 16)

共享对象是跨多个客户端、实例等同步的Flash 对象(键值对的集合)。AMF0的消息类型19和AMF3的消息类型16是为共享对象事件保留的。每条消息可以包含多个事件。

                 +------+------+-------+-----+-----+------+-----+ +-----+------+-----+
                 |Header|Shared|Current|Flags|Event|Event |Event|.|Event|Event |Event|
                 |      |Object|Version|     |Type |data  |data |.|Type |data  |data |
                 |      |Name  |       |     |     |length|     |.|     |length|     |
                 +------+------+-------+-----+-----+------+-----+ +-----+------+-----+
                 |                                                                   |
                        |<- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - >|
                        |                 AMF Shared Object Message body             |
                                 The shared object message format


                 |         Event |                   Description                    |
                 | Use(=1)       | The client sends this event to inform the server |
                 |               | about the creation of a named shared object.     |
                 | Release(=2)   | The client sends this event to the server when   |
                 |               | the shared object is deleted on the client side. |
                 | Request Change| The client sends this event to request that the  |
                 | (=3)          | change the value associated with a named         |
                 |               | parameter of the shared object.                  |
                 | Change (=4)   | The server sends this event to notify all        |
                 |               | clients, except the client originating the       |
                 |               | request, of a change in the value of a named     |
                 |               | parameter.                                       |
                 | Success (=5)  | The server sends this event to the requesting    |
                 |               | client in response to RequestChange event if the |
                 |               | request is accepted.                             |
                 | SendMessage   | The client sends this event to the server to     |
                 | (=6)          | broadcast a message. On receiving this event,    |
                 |               | the server broadcasts a message to all the       |
                 |               | clients, including the sender.                   |
                 | Status (=7)   | The server sends this event to notify clients    |
                 |               | about error conditions.                          |
                 | Clear (=8)    | The server sends this event to the client to     |
                 |               | clear a shared object. The server also sends     |
                 |               | this event in response to Use event that the     |
                 |               | client sends on connect.                         |
                 | Remove (=9)   | The server sends this event to have the client   |
                 |               | delete a slot.                                   |
                 | Request Remove| The client sends this event to have the client   |
                 | (=10)         | delete a slot.                                   |
                 | Use Success   | The server sends this event to the client on a   |
                 | (=11)         | successful connection.                           |

音频消息(Audio Message 8)


视频消息(Video Message 9)


聚合消息(Aggregate Message 22)


                 | Header  |  Aggregate Message body |
                     The Aggregate Message format
                 +--------+-------+---------+--------+-------+---------+ - - - -
                 |Header 0|Message|Back     |Header 1|Message|Back     |
                 |        |Data 0 |Pointer 0|        |Data 1 |Pointer 1|
                 +--------+-------+---------+--------+-------+---------+ - - - -
                                 The Aggregate Message body format

聚合消息的消息流(message stream)ID覆盖聚合内子消息的消息流ID。




  • 块流可以近可能地在块内发送一条完整的消息。因此,增加块的大小并且使用聚合消息可以减少发送块的数量。
  • 子消息可以连续存储在内存中。在进行系统调用以在网络上发送数据时效率更高。

用户控制消息事件(User Control Message Events 4)



                 |      Event    |                    Description                   |
                 |Stream Begin   | The server sends this event to notify the client |
                 | (=0)          | that a stream has become functional and can be   |
                 |               | used for communication. By default, this event   |
                 |               | is sent on ID 0 after the application connect    |
                 |               | command is successfully received from the        |
                 |               | client. The event data is 4-byte and represents  |
                 |               | the stream ID of the stream that became          |
                 |               | functional.                                      |
                 | Stream EOF    | The server sends this event to notify the client |
                 | (=1)          | that the playback of data is over as requested   |
                 |               | on this stream. No more data is sent without     |
                 |               | issuing additional commands. The client discards |
                 |               | the messages received for the stream. The        |
                 |               | 4 bytes of event data represent the ID of the    |
                 |               | stream on which playback has ended.              |
                 | StreamDry     | The server sends this event to notify the client |
                 | (=2)          | that there is no more data on the stream. If the |
                 |               | server does not detect any message for a time    |
                 |               | period, it can notify the subscribed clients     |
                 |               | that the stream is dry. The 4 bytes of event     |
                 |               | data represent the stream ID of the dry stream.  |
                 | SetBuffer     | The client sends this event to inform the server |
                 | Length (=3)   | of the buffer size (in milliseconds) that is     |
                 |               | used to buffer any data coming over a stream.    |
                 |               | This event is sent before the server starts      |
                 |               | processing the stream. The first 4 bytes of the  |
                 |               | event data represent the stream ID and the next  |
                 |               | 4 bytes represent the buffer length, in          |
                 |               | milliseconds.                                    |
                 | StreamIs      | The server sends this event to notify the client |
                 | Recorded (=4) | that the stream is a recorded stream. The        |
                 |               | 4 bytes event data represent the stream ID of    | 
                 |               | the recorded stream.                             |
                 | PingRequest   | The server sends this event to test whether the  |
                 | (=6)          | client is reachable. Event data is a 4-byte      |
                 |               | timestamp, representing the local server time    |
                 |               | when the server dispatched the command. The      |
                 |               | client responds with PingResponse on receiving   |
                 |               | MsgPingRequest.                                  |
                 | PingResponse  | The client sends this event to the server in     |
                 | (=7)          | response to the ping request. The event data is  |
                 |               | a 4-byte timestamp, which was received with the  |
                 |               | PingRequest request.                             |

命令类型(Types of Commands)

客户端和服务器交换AMF编码的命令。发送方发送一条命令消息,该消息由命令名(command name)、事务ID(transaction ID)和包含相关参数的命令对象(command object)组成。


网络连接命令(NetConnection Commands)

NetConnection管理客户端应用程序和服务器之间的双向连接。此外,它还支持异步远程方法调用(remote method calls)。


  • connect
  • call
  • close
  • createStream



                 |   Field Name   |   Type  |                Description            |
                 +--------------- +---------+---------------------------------------+
                 |   Command Name |  String | Name of the command. Set to "connect".|
                 | Transaction ID | Number  | Always set to 1.                      |
                 | Command Object | Object  | Command information object which has  |
                 |                |         | the name-value pairs.                 |
                 | Optional User  | Object  | Any optional information              |
                 | Arguments      |         |                                       |


                 |  Property |   Type |          Description        |  Example Value |
                 | app       | String | The Server application name | testapp        |
                 |           |        | the client is connected to. |                |
                 | flashver  | String | Flash Player version. It is | FMSc/1.0       |
                 |           |        | the same string as returned |                |
                 |           |        | by the ApplicationScript    |                |
                 |           |        | getversion () function.     |                |
                 | swfUrl    | String | URL of the source SWF file  | file://C:/     |
                 |           |        | making the connection.      | FlvPlayer.swf  |
                 | tcUrl     | String | URL of the Server.          | rtmp://local   |
                 |           |        | It has the following format.| host:1935/test |
                 |           |        | protocol://servername:port/ | app/instance1  |
                 |           |        | appName/appInstance         |                |
                 | fpad      | Boolean| True if proxy is being used.| true or false  |
                 |audioCodecs| Number | Indicates what audio codecs | SUPPORT_SND    |
                 |           |        | the client supports.        | _MP3           |
                 |videoCodecs| Number | Indicates what video codecs | SUPPORT_VID    |
                 |           |        | are supported.              | _SORENSON      |
                 |videoFunct-| Number | Indicates what special video| SUPPORT_VID    |
                 |ion        |        | functions are supported.    | _CLIENT_SEEK   |
                 | pageUrl   | String | URL of the web page from    | http://        |
                 |           |        | where the SWF file was      | somehost/      |
                 |           |        | loaded.                     | sample.html    |
                 | object    | Number | AMF encoding method.        | AMF3           |
                 | Encoding  |        |                             |                |


                 |       Codec Flag     |           Usage            |     Value    |
                 |  SUPPORT_SND_NONE    | Raw sound, no compression  | 0x0001       |
                 |  SUPPORT_SND_ADPCM   | ADPCM compression          | 0x0002       |
                 |  SUPPORT_SND_MP3     | mp3 compression            | 0x0004       |
                 |  SUPPORT_SND_INTEL   | Not used                   | 0x0008       |
                 |  SUPPORT_SND_UNUSED  | Not used                   | 0x0010       |
                 |  SUPPORT_SND_NELLY8  | NellyMoser at 8-kHz        | 0x0020       | 
                 |                      | compression                |              |
                 |  SUPPORT_SND_NELLY   | NellyMoser compression     | 0x0040       |
                 |                      | (5, 11, 22, and 44 kHz)    |              |
                 |  SUPPORT_SND_G711A   | G711A sound compression    | 0x0080       |
                 |                      | (Flash Media Server only)  |              |
                 |  SUPPORT_SND_G711U   | G711U sound compression    | 0x0100       |
                 |                      | (Flash Media Server only)  |              | 
                 |  SUPPORT_SND_NELLY16 | NellyMouser at 16-kHz      | 0x0200       |
                 |                      | compression                |              |
                 |  SUPPORT_SND_AAC     | Advanced audio coding      | 0x0400       |
                 |                      | (AAC) codec                |              |
                 |  SUPPORT_SND_SPEEX   | Speex Audio                | 0x0800       |
                 |  SUPPORT_SND_ALL     | All RTMP-supported audio   | 0x0FFF       |
                 |                      | codecs                     |              |


                 |        Codec Flag    |             Usage          |     Value    |
                 | SUPPORT_VID_UNUSED   | Obsolete value             | 0x0001       |
                 | SUPPORT_VID_JPEG     | Obsolete value             | 0x0002       |
                 | SUPPORT_VID_SORENSON | Sorenson Flash video       | 0x0004       |
                 | SUPPORT_VID_HOMEBREW | V1 screen sharing          | 0x0008       |
                 | SUPPORT_VID_VP6 (On2)| On2 video (Flash 8+)       | 0x0010       |
                 | SUPPORT_VID_VP6ALPHA | On2 video with alpha       | 0x0020       |
                 | (On2 with alpha      | channel                    |              |
                 | channel)             |                            |              |
                 | SUPPORT_VID_HOMEBREWV| Screen sharing version 2   | 0x0040       |
                 | (screensharing v2)   | (Flash 8+)                 |              |
                 | SUPPORT_VID_H264     | H264 video                 | 0x0080       |
                 | SUPPORT_VID_ALL      | All RTMP-supported video   | 0x00FF       |
                 |                      | codecs                     |              |


                 |    Function Flag     |             Usage          |     Value    |
                 | SUPPORT_VID_CLIENT   | Indicates that the client  | 1            |
                 | _SEEK                | can perform frame-accurate |              |
                 |                      | seeks.                     |              |


                 |     Encoding Type    |            Usage           |     Value    |
                 | AMF0                 | AMF0 object encoding       | 0            |
                 |                      | supported by Flash 6 and   |              |
                 |                      | later                      |              |
                 | AMF3                 | AMF3 encoding from         | 3            |
                 |                      | Flash 9 (AS3)              |              |


                 | Field Name   | Type     | Description                            |
                 | Command Name | String   | _result or _error; indicates whether   |
                 |              |          | the response is result or error.       |
                 | Transaction  | Number   | Transaction ID is 1 for connect        |
                 | ID           |          | responses                              |
                 |              |          |                                        |
                 | Properties   | Object   | Name-value pairs that describe the     |
                 |              |          | properties(fmsver etc.) of the         |
                 |              |          | connection.                            |
                 | Information  | Object   | Name-value pairs that describe the     |
                 |              |          | response from|the server. ’code’,      |
                 |              |          | ’level’, ’description’ are names of few|
                 |              |          | among such information.                |
                 +--------------+                              +-------------+
                 |    Client    |            |                 |    Server   |
                 +------+-------+            |                 +------+------+
                        |            Handshaking done                 |
                        |                    |                        |
                        |                    |                        |
                        |                    |                        |
                        |                    |                        |
                        |----------- Command Message(connect) ------->|
                        |                                             |
                        |<------- Window Acknowledgement Size --------|
                        |                                             |
                        |<----------- Set Peer Bandwidth -------------|
                        |                                             |
                        |-------- Window Acknowledgement Size ------->|
                        |                                             |
                        |<------ User Control Message(StreamBegin) ---|
                        |                                             |
                        |<------------ Command Message ---------------|
                        |        (_result- connect response)          |
                        |                                             |
                             Message flow in the connect command


  1. 客户端向服务器发送connect命令,请求与服务器应用程序实例连接。
  2. 在接收到connect命令后,服务器向客户端发送协议消息(protocol message)“窗口确认大小(Window Acknowledgement Size)”。服务器还连接到connect命令中提到的应用程序。
  3. 服务器向客户端发送协议消息(protocol message)“设置对等带宽(Set Peer Bandwidth)”。
  4. 在处理协议消息“设置对等带宽”后,客户端向服务器发送协议消息(protocol message)“窗口确认大小(Window Acknowledgement Size)”。
  5. 服务器将用户控制消息(StreamBegin)类型(属于另一个协议信息)发送到客户端。
  6. 服务器发送结果命令消息,通知客户端连接状态(connection status)(成功/失败)。该命令指定事务ID(transaction ID)(connect命令始终等于1)。该消息还指定属性(properties),例如闪存媒体服务器版本(Flash Media Server version)(字符串, string)。此外,它还指定了其他与连接响应相关的信息,如级别(level)(字符串, string)、代码(code)(字符串, string)、描述(description)(字符串, string)、对象编码(objectencoding)(编号, number)等。

NetConnection对象的调用(call)方法使接收端运行远程过程调用(remote procedure calls, RPC)。被调用的RPC名称作为参数传递给call命令。


                 |  Field Name  | Type     |              Description               |
                 | Procedure    | String   | Name of the remote procedure that is   |
                 | Name         |          | called.                                |
                 | Transaction  | Number   | If a response is expected we give a    |
                 |              |          | transaction Id. Else we pass a value of|
                 | ID           |          | 0                                      |
                 | Command      | Object   | If there exists any command info this  |
                 | Object       |          | is set, else this is set to null type. |
                 | Optional     | Object   | Any optional arguments to be provided  |
                 | Arguments    |          |                                        |


                 | Field Name   | Type     | Description                            |
                 | Command Name | String   | Name of the command.                   |
                 |              |          |                                        |
                 | Transaction  | Number   | ID of the command, to which the        |
                 | ID           |          | response belongs.                      |
                 | Command      | Object   | If there exists any command info this  |
                 | Object       |          | is set, else this is set to null type. |
                 | Response     | Object   | Response from the method that was      |
                 |              |          | called.                                |




                 | Field Name   | Type     |            Description                 |
                 | Command Name | String   | Name of the command. Set to            |
                 |              |          | "createStream".                        |
                 | Transaction  | Number   | Transaction ID of the command.         |
                 | ID           |          |                                        |
                 | Command      | Object   | If there exists any command info this  |
                 | Object       |          | is set, else this is set to null type. |


                | Field Name   | Type     |              Description               |
                | Command Name | String   | _result or _error; indicates whether   |
                |              |          | the response is result or error.       |
                | Transaction  | Number   | ID of the command that response belongs|
                | ID           |          | to.                                    |
                | Command      | Object   | If there exists any command info this  |
                | Object       |          | is set, else this is set to null type. |
                | Stream       | Number   | The return value is either a stream ID |
                | ID           |          | or an error information object.        |


NetStream定义了一个通道,通过该通道,流式音频(audio)、视频(video)和数据消息(data messages)可以通过连接客户端和服务器的网络连接进行传输。NetConnection对象可以支持多个NetStream以支持多个数据流。


  • play
  • play2
  • deleteStream
  • closeStream
  • receiveAudio
  • receiveVideo
  • publish
  • seek
  • pause


                | Field Name   | Type     |              Description               |
                | Command Name | String   | The command name "onStatus".           |
                | Transaction  | Number   | Transaction ID set to 0.               |
                | ID           |          |                                        |
                | Command      | Null     | There is no command object for         |
                | Object       |          | onStatus messages.                     |
                | Info Object  | Object   | An AMF object having at least the      |
                |              |          | following three properties: "level"    |
                |              |          | (String): the level for this message,  |
                |              |          | one of "warning", "status", or "error";|
                |              |          | "code" (String): the message code, for |
                |              |          | example "NetStream.Play.Start"; and    | 
                |              |          | "description" (String): a human-       |
                |              |          | readable description of the message.   |
                |              |          | The Info object MAY contain other      |
                |              |          | properties as appropriate to the code. |
                       Format of NetStream status message commands.




                 | Field Name   | Type     |                 Description             |
                 | Command Name | String   | Name of the command. Set to "play".     |
                 | Transaction  | Number   | Transaction ID set to 0.                |
                 | ID           |          |                                         |
                 | Command      | Null     | Command information does not exist.     |
                 | Object       |          | Set to null type.                       |
                 | Stream Name  | String   | Name of the stream to play.             |
                 |              |          | To play video (FLV) files, specify the  |
                 |              |          | name of the stream without a file       |
                 |              |          | extension (for example, "sample"). To   |
                 |              |          | play back MP3 or ID3 tags, you must     |
                 |              |          | precede the stream name with mp3:       |
                 |              |          | (for example, "mp3:sample". To play     |
                 |              |          | H.264/AAC files, you must precede the   |
                 |              |          | stream name with mp4: and specify the   |
                 |              |          | file extension. For example, to play the|
                 |              |          | file sample.m4v,specify "mp4:sample.m4v"|
                 |              |          |                                         |
                 | Start        | Number   | An optional parameter that specifies    |
                 |              |          | the start time in seconds. The default  |
                 |              |          | value is -2, which means the subscriber |
                 |              |          | first tries to play the live stream     |
                 |              |          | specified in the Stream Name field. If a|
                 |              |          | live stream of that name is not found,it|
                 |              |          | plays the recorded stream of the same   |
                 |              |          | name. If there is no recorded stream    |
                 |              |          | with that name, the subscriber waits for|
                 |              |          | a new live stream with that name and    |
                 |              |          | plays it when available. If you pass -1 |
                 |              |          | in the Start field, only the live stream|
                 |              |          | specified in the Stream Name field is   |
                 |              |          | played. If you pass 0 or a positive     |
                 |              |          | number in the Start field, a recorded   |
                 |              |          | stream specified in the Stream Name     |
                 |              |          | field is played beginning from the time |
                 |              |          | specified in the Start field. If no     |
                 |              |          | recorded stream is found, the next item |
                 |              |          | in the playlist is played.              |
                 | Duration     | Number   | An optional parameter that specifies the|
                 |              |          | duration of playback in seconds. The    |
                 |              |          | default value is -1. The -1 value means |
                 |              |          | a live stream is played until it is no  |
                 |              |          | longer available or a recorded stream is|
                 |              |          | played until it ends. If you pass 0, it |
                 |              |          | plays the single frame since the time   |
                 |              |          | specified in the Start field from the   |
                 |              |          | beginning of a recorded stream. It is   |
                 |              |          | assumed that the value specified in     |
                 |              |          | the Start field is equal to or greater  |
                 |              |          | than 0. If you pass a positive number,  |
                 |              |          | it plays a live stream for              |
                 |              |          | the time period specified in the        |
                 |              |          | Duration field. After that it becomes   |
                 |              |          | available or plays a recorded stream    |
                 |              |          | for the time specified in the Duration  |
                 |              |          | field. (If a stream ends before the     |
                 |              |          | time specified in the Duration field,   |
                 |              |          | playback ends when the stream ends.)    |
                 |              |          | If you pass a negative number other     |
                 |              |          | than -1 in the Duration field, it       |
                 |              |          | interprets the value as if it were -1.  |
                 | Reset        | Boolean  | An optional Boolean value or number     |
                 |              |          | that specifies whether to flush any     |
                 |              |          | previous playlist.                      |
                       +-------------+                             +----------+
                       | Play Client |             |               | Server   |
                       +------+------+             |               +-----+----+
                              |           Handshaking and Application    |
                              |                connect done              |
                              |                    |                     |
                              |                    |                     |
                              |                    |                     |
                              |                    |                     |
                    ---+----  |------Command Message(createStream) ----->|
                 Create|      |                                          |
                 Stream|      |                                          |
                    ---+----  |<---------- Command Message --------------|
                              |     (_result- createStream response)     |
                              |                                          |
                    ---+----  |------ Command Message (play) ----------->|
                       |      |                                          |
                       |      |<------------ SetChunkSize ---------------|
                       |      |                                          |
                       |      |<---- User Control (StreamIsRecorded) ----|
                  Play |      |                                          |
                       |      |<---- UserControl (StreamBegin) ----------|
                       |      |                                          |
                       |      |<--Command Message(onStatus-play reset) --|
                       |      |                                          |
                       |      |<--Command Message(onStatus-play start) --|
                       |      |                                          |
                       |      |<-------------Audio Message---------------|
                       |      |                                          |
                       |      |<-------------Video Message---------------|
                       |      |                   |                      | 
                         Keep receiving audio and video stream till finishes
                                 Message flow in the play command


  1. 客户端在从服务器接收到createStream命令的结果作为成功后发送play命令。
  2. 在接收到play命令时,服务器发送一条协议消息来设置块大小。
  3. 服务器发送另一个协议消息(user control),指定该消息中的事件“StreamIsRecorded”和流ID。消息在前2个字节中包含事件类型,在后4个字节中包含流ID。
  4. 服务器发送另一个协议消息(user control),指定事件“StreamBegin”,以指示流媒体开始传输到客户端。
  5. 如果客户端发送的播放命令成功,服务器将发送onStatus命令消息 NetStream.Play.Start 以及 NetStream.Play.Reset。只有当客户端发送的播放命令设置了重置标志时,服务器才会发送NetStream.Play.Reset。如果未找到要播放的流,服务器将发送onStatus消息 NetStream.Play.StreamNotFound 。


播放2 (play2)



                 | Field Name   | Type     |            Description                 |
                 | Command Name | String   | Name of the command, set to "play2".   |
                 | Transaction  | Number   | Transaction ID set to 0.               |
                 | ID           |          |                                        |
                 | Command      | Null     | Command information does not exist.    |
                 | Object       |          | Set to null type.                      |
                 | Parameters   | Object   | An AMF encoded object whose properties |
                 |              |          | are the public properties described    |
                 |              |          | for the flash.net.NetStreamPlayOptions |
                 |              |          | ActionScript object.                   |

NetStreamPlayOptions对象的公共属性在ActionScript 3语言参考[AS3]中有描述。

                     +--------------+                          +-------------+
                     | Play2 Client |             |            | Server      |
                     +--------+-----+             |            +------+------+
                              |       Handshaking and Application     |
                              |            connect done               |
                              |                   |                   |
                              |                   |                   |
                              |                   |                   |
                              |                   |                   |
                     ---+---- |---- Command Message(createStream) --->|
                 Create |     |                                       |
                 Stream |     |                                       |
                     ---+---- |<---- Command Message (_result) -------|
                              |                                       |
                     ---+---- |------ Command Message (play) -------->|
                        |     |                                       |
                        |     |<------------ SetChunkSize ------------|
                        |     |                                       |
                        |     |<--- UserControl (StreamIsRecorded)----|
                   Play |     |                                       |
                        |     |<------- UserControl (StreamBegin)-----|
                        |     |                                       |
                        |     |<--Command Message(onStatus-playstart)-|
                        |     |                                       |
                        |     |<---------- Audio Message -------------|
                        |     |                                       |
                        |     |<---------- Video Message -------------|
                        |     |                                       |
                              |                                       |
                     ---+---- |-------- Command Message(play2) ------>|
                        |     |                                       |
                        |     |<------- Audio Message (new rate) -----|
                  Play2 |     |                                       |
                        |     |<------- Video Message (new rate) -----|
                        |     |                 |                     |
                        |     |                 |                     |
                        |  Keep receiving audio and video stream till finishes
                             Message flow in the play2 command



                 | Field Name   | Type     |             Description                |
                 | Command Name | String   | Name of the command, set to            |
                 |              |          | "deleteStream".                        |
                 | Transaction  | Number   | Transaction ID set to 0.               |
                 | ID           |          |                                        |
                 | Command      | Null     | Command information object does not    |
                 | Object       |          | exist. Set to null type.               |
                 | Stream ID    | Number   | The ID of the stream that is destroyed |
                 |              |          | on the server.                         |





                 | Field Name   | Type     |             Description                |
                 | Command Name | String   | Name of the command, set to            |
                 |              |          | "receiveAudio".                        |
                 | Transaction  | Number   | Transaction ID set to 0.               |
                 | ID           |          |                                        |
                 | Command      | Null     | Command information object does not    |
                 | Object       |          | exist. Set to null type.               | 
                 | Bool Flag    | Boolean  | true or false to indicate whether to   |
                 |              |          | receive audio or not.                  |

如果在发送receiveAudio命令时bool标志设置为false,则服务器不发送任何响应。如果此标志设置为true,服务器将以状态消息 NetStream.Seek.Notify 和 NetStream.Play.Start 响应。




                 | Field Name   | Type     |          Description                   |
                 | Command Name | String   | Name of the command, set to            |
                 |              |          | "receiveVideo".                        |
                 | Transaction  | Number   | Transaction ID set to 0.               |
                 | ID           |          |                                        |
                 | Command      | Null     | Command information object does not    |
                 | Object       |          | exist. Set to null type.               |
                 | Bool Flag    | Boolean  | true or false to indicate whether to   |
                 |              |          | receive video or not.                  |

如果发送receiveVideo命令时bool标志设置为false,则服务器不发送任何响应。如果此标志设置为true,服务器将以状态消息 NetStream.Seek.Notify 和 NetStream.Play.Start 响应。




                 | Field Name   | Type     | Description                            |
                 | Command Name | String   | Name of the command, set to "publish". |
                 | Transaction  | Number   | Transaction ID set to 0.               |
                 | ID           |          |                                        |
                 | Command      | Null     | Command information object does not    |
                 | Object       |          | exist. Set to null type.               |     
                 | Publishing   | String   | Name with which the stream is          |
                 | Name         |          | published.                             |
                 | Publishing   | String   | Type of publishing. Set to "live",     |
                 | Type         |          | "record", or "append".                 |
                 |              |          | record: The stream is published and the|
                 |              |          | data is recorded to a new file.The file|
                 |              |          | is stored on the server in a           |
                 |              |          | subdirectory within the directory that |
                 |              |          | contains the server application. If the|
                 |              |          | file already exists, it is overwritten.|
                 |              |          | append: The stream is published and the|
                 |              |          | data is appended to a file. If no file |
                 |              |          | is found, it is created.               |
                 |              |          | live: Live data is published without   |
                 |              |          | recording it in a file.                |





                 | Field Name   | Type     |            Description                 |
                 | Command Name | String   | Name of the command, set to "seek".    |
                 | Transaction  | Number   | Transaction ID set to 0.               |
                 | ID           |          |                                        |
                 | Command      | Null     | There is no command information object |
                 | Object       |          | for this command. Set to null type.    |
                 | milliSeconds | Number   | Number of milliseconds to seek into    |
                 |              |          | the playlist.                          |

当搜索成功时,服务器发送状态消息 NetStream.Seek.Notify 。如果失败,它将返回一条 _error 消息。




                 | Field Name   | Type     |             Description                |
                 | Command Name | String   | Name of the command, set to "pause".   |
                 | Transaction  | Number   | There is no transaction ID for this    |
                 | ID           |          | command. Set to 0.                     |
                 | Command      | Null     | Command information object does not    |
                 | Object       |          | exist. Set to null type.               |
                 |Pause/Unpause | Boolean  | true or false, to indicate pausing or  |
                 | Flag         |          | resuming play                          |
                 | milliSeconds | Number   | Number of milliseconds at which the    |
                 |              |          | the stream is paused or play resumed.  |
                 |              |          | This is the current stream time at the |
                 |              |          | Client when stream was paused. When the|
                 |              |          | playback is resumed, the server will   |
                 |              |          | only send messages with timestamps     |
                 |              |          | greater than this value.               |

当流暂停时,服务器发送状态消息NetStream.Pause.Notify。NetStream.Unpause.Notify在取消暂停中的流时发送。如果失败,它将返回一条 _error 消息。

消息交换示例(Message Exchange Examples)


发布录制的视频(Publish Recorded Video)


          +--------------------+                     +-----------+
          | Publisher Client   |      |              | Server    |
          +----------+---------+      |              +-----+-----+
                     |         Handshaking Done            |
                     |                |                    |
                     |                |                    |
          ---+----   |----- Command Message(connect) ----->|
             |       |                                     | 
             |       |<----- Window Acknowledge Size ------|
     Connect |       |                                     |
             |       |<-------Set Peer BandWidth ----------|
             |       |                                     |
             |       |------ Window Acknowledge Size ----->|
             |       |                                     |
             |       |<------User Control(StreamBegin)-----|
             |       |                                     |
          ---+----   |<---------Command Message -----------|
                     |     (_result- connect response)     |
                     |                                     |
         ---+----    |--- Command Message(createStream)--->|
     Create |        |                                     |
     Stream |        |                                     |
         ---+----    |<------- Command Message ------------|
                     |    (_result- createStream response) |
                     |                                     |
         ---+----    |---- Command Message(publish) ------>|
            |        |                                     |
            |        |<------User Control(StreamBegin)-----|
            |        |                                     |
            |        |-----Data Message (Metadata)-------->|
            |        |                                     |
  Publishing|        |------------ Audio Data ------------>|
  Content   |        |                                     |
            |        |------------ SetChunkSize ---------->|
            |        |                                     |
            |        |<----------Command Message ----------|
            |        |      (_result- publish result)      |
            |        |                                     |
            |        |------------- Video Data ----------->|
            |        |                  |                  |
            |        |                  |                  |
                     |      Until the stream is complete   |
                     |                  |                  |
                Message flow in publishing a video stream

广播共享对象消息(Broadcast a Shared Object Message)


                     +----------+                 +----------+
                     | Client   |       |         | Server   |
                     +-----+----+       |         +-----+----+
                     |     Handshaking and Application  |
                     |           connect done           |
                     |                  |               |
                     |                  |               |
                     |                  |               |
                     |                  |               |
 Create and ---+---- |---- Shared Object Event(Use)---->|
 connect       |     |                                  |
 Shared Object |     |                                  |
            ---+---- |<---- Shared Object Event---------|
                     |        (UseSuccess,Clear)        |
                     |                                  |
            ---+---- |------ Shared Object Event ------>|
 Shared object |     |         (RequestChange)          |
  Set Property |     |                                  |
            ---+---- |<------ Shared Object Event ------|
                     |              (Success)           |
                     |                                  |
            ---+---- |------- Shared Object Event ----->|
  Shared object|     |             (SendMessage)        |
  Message      |     |                                  |
  Broadcast ---+---- |<------- Shared Object Event -----|
                     |          (SendMessage)           |
                     |                                  |
                     |                                  |
                         Shared object message broadcast

从记录的流发布元数据(Publish Metadata from Recorded Stream)


       +------------------+                       +---------+
       | Publisher Client |        |              |    FMS  |
       +---------+--------+        |              +----+----+
                 |  Handshaking and Application        |
                 |  connect done                       |
                 |                 |                   |
                 |                 |                   |
         ---+--- |---Command Messsage(createStream) -->|
     Create |    |                                     |
     Stream |    |                                     |
         ---+--- |<---------Command Message------------|
                 |    (_result - command response)     |
                 |                                     |
         ---+--- |---- Command Message(publish) ------>|
 Publishing |    |                   |
 metadata   |    |<------ UserControl(StreamBegin)-----|
 from file  |    |                                     |
            |    |-----Data Message (Metadata) ------->|
                 |                                     |
                           Publishing metadata
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