
Chapter 6. Common problems and what to do about them (Troubleshooting) 第六章。常见问题及解决方法(故障排除)

6.1. Bochs panics! What can I do?惊慌失措!我能做什么?

Bochs does a very good job in emulating an x86 compatible computer, however, it does not (yet) include a full (100%) emulation of every possible instruction, (BIOS) function call or (hardware) device. Thus, in case something unusual happens, either a not-so-common call to some (BIOS) function or device by some software running inside of it, Bochs has two possibilities to react: If the command doesn’t look important (mainly happens only to non-implemented functions in the BIOS), a notice is logged to the log file and the emulation continues. If, however, the command looks important, Bochs panics, because the software being emulated might depend on the successful execution of the given instruction or behavior of the device.

\qquad Bochs在模拟x86兼容计算机方面做得很好,但它(尚未)包括对所有可能的指令、(BIOS)函数调用或(硬件)设备的完全(100%)模拟。因此,如果发生异常情况,或者是运行在其中的某些软件对某些(BIOS)功能或设备的不太常见的调用,Bochs有两种可能做出反应:如果命令看起来不重要(主要发生在BIOS中未实现的功能上),则会在日志文件中记录一条通知,然后继续模拟。然而,如果命令看起来很重要,Bochs会感到恐慌,因为被仿真的软件可能取决于给定指令或设备行为的成功执行。

A panic does not always mean that the software won’t run inside of Bochs, as the software might just be probing the computer for the presence of some instruction/device, and in case it is not found, it simply won’t be used at all, by the software.

\qquad 恐慌并不总是意味着该软件不会在Bochs内部运行,因为该软件可能只是在探测计算机是否存在某些指令/设备,如果找不到,该软件根本不会使用它。

You can tell Bochs what to do in case of a panic, by re-configuring the panic option. If you change the action to “ask”, Bochs reports what has happened and asks you what to do. The appearance of the “ask” feature depends on the display library used and the platform. Some display libraries don’t support it at all.

\qquad 您可以通过重新配置恐慌选项来告诉Bochs在出现恐慌时该怎么办。如果您将操作更改为“询问”,Bochs会报告发生了什么,并询问您该怎么办。“询问”功能的外观取决于所使用的显示库和平台。有些显示库根本不支持它。

Some of the device names reported in the panic message are abbreviations, since the length of the ‘prefix’ is limited to 6 characters. The log function module table may help you finding out the name of the device that caused the panic. It also gives you a short description of the module.

\qquad 恐慌消息中报告的一些设备名称是缩写,因为“前缀”的长度限制为6个字符。日志功能模块表可以帮助您找出导致死机的设备的名称。它还向您简要介绍了该模块。

6.2. Mouse behavior, enabling and disabling 鼠标行为,启用和禁用

Refer to Section 5.3.2 for information on how to enable or disable the mouse inside of Bochs at run-time.

\qquad 有关如何在运行时启用或禁用Bochs内部鼠标的信息,请参阅第5.3.2节。

The mouse cursor movement speed mostly doesn’t match the real movement. This is caused by the variable emulation speed (from the user’s point of view) and the relative mouse position data that standard PS/2, serial or USB mice are generating. The alternative is the USB tablet emulation that generates absolute mouse position data. We recommend to use it with the display libraries ‘rfb’ and ‘vncsrv’.

\qquad 鼠标光标的移动速度大多与实际移动不匹配。这是由可变的模拟速度(从用户的角度来看)和标准PS/2、串行或USB鼠标生成的相对鼠标位置数据引起的。另一种选择是生成鼠标绝对位置数据的USB平板电脑仿真。我们建议将其与显示库“rfb”和“vncsrv”一起使用。

6.3. Text-mode is broken in some ancient DOS program 一些古老的DOS程序打破了文本模式

If you are using a program written for DOS which seems to use the text-mode but doesn’t display the text properly, you can try the other VGA BIOS, either VGABIOS-lgpl-latest or VGABIOS-elpin-2.40, see the vgaromimage option.

\qquad 如果您使用的是为DOS编写的程序,该程序似乎使用了文本模式,但没有正确显示文本,您可以尝试其他VGA BIOS,无论是最新的VGABIOS lgpl还是VGABIOS-elpin-2.40,请参阅vgaromimage选项。

Maybe it is a bug in the LGPL VGA BIOS, but for now, it seems to work.
\qquad 也许这是LGPL VGA BIOS中的一个错误,但就目前而言,它似乎可以工作。





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