根据 https://opensource.stackexchange.com/questions/8674/gpl-with-license-exception-for-ios 以及 https://github.com/wger-project/flutter/issues/10,为了规避 GPL 和应用商店条款的冲突,有些开源软件的作者附加了如下条款:
As additional permission under section 7, you are allowed to distribute the software through an app store, even if that store has restrictive terms and conditions that are incompatible with the GPL, provided that the source is also available under the GPL with or without this permission through a channel without those restrictive terms and conditions.
这段附加条款是为了解决 GPL 协议与应用商店条款之间的冲突,允许在应用商店分发软件,即使应用商店的条款与 GPL 协议不兼容。但是,同时也要求在应用商店之外提供软件的源代码,并且不受应用商店的条款限制。
这样就可以保证用户在使用软件的同时享受到 GPL 协议中的所有权利,同时允许开发者通过应用商店分发软件。
GPL 协议是一种自由软件许可协议,它允许用户自由使用、修改、分发软件。因此,如果一个应用程序遵守 GPL 协议