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原创 SocketAsyncEventArgs Class

【代码】SocketAsyncEventArgs Class。

2023-08-12 17:13:47 212 1

原创 Java卸载删除(2023最强版)


2023-03-14 11:12:17 5985 1

原创 H100 and Hopper

英伟达近期发布了名为霍普的下一代GPU架构以及最新的H100 GPU。H100&HopperGPU SPCNVIDIA DEVELOPERNVIDIA GPU H100CUDA事实上GPU的发展一直保持着非常告诉的推进,从开始的开普勒到上一代安培,再到最新的霍普,10年里GPU在AI应用里的性能提升超过了300倍。GPU SPCAI的发展和GPU的发展其实是交织在一起不断螺旋前进的过程,这个特点贯穿了英伟达GPU发展的整个阶段.GPU的全名叫Graphic Processing Un

2022-05-24 14:51:57 650 1

原创 NVIDIA GTC主题演讲内容学习<6-end>

这是我们的梅赛德斯Hyperion 8行驶在我们总部附近的城市街道和高速公路上。您会看到梅赛德斯如何应对并线、人行横道、交叉路口、四叶型立交桥,车辆并线、加塞和避让行人等路况,敬请欣赏。自动驾驶将彻底改变汽车的驾驶方式并将极大地提高道路安全,车座内舱也将发生革命性变化。Maxine的技术将重塑我们与汽车的交互方式,有了Maxine,您的车将成为私人管家。Maxine会准确地向您展示“司机”的想法,使用神经图形重建3D环绕视图,让您可以对自动驾驶充满信心。Maxine会启动代客泊车模式寻找停车位.

2021-12-02 11:08:30 3474

原创 NVIDIA GTC主题演讲内容学习<5>


2021-12-02 09:00:22 448

原创 NVIDIA GTC主题演讲内容学习<4>


2021-11-23 17:19:28 4178

原创 NVIDIA GTC主题演讲内容学习<3>

宝马每分钟生产一辆汽车,每辆车大约有25000个零件,工厂车间随时都会有500玩件零件。在今年4月的GTC大会上,宝马曾向我们展示了如何构建雷根斯堡工厂的数字孪生,此后,他们已扩展到其他三家工厂,总面积达1000万平方米。他们的工程师正在使用基于Omniverse构建的Isaac Gym来教授他们机器新技能,让我们来看看宝马公司正在建设的数字孪生工厂,宝马工厂正在持续构建中,我们在今年早些时候向您展示的其工厂未来计划,他们平均每分钟生产一辆新的汽车这一计划扩展到现在,涵盖其他三家工厂的数字孪生项

2021-11-22 16:01:17 668

原创 NVIDIA GTC主题演讲内容学习<2>

接上篇我们很高兴地宣布,领先的网络安全公司正在与我们合作,将他们的下一代防火墙(NGFW)服务部署在BlueField上,如Checkpoint、F5、Frontinet、Juniper、Guardicore、Palo Alto Networks、Thend Micro和VMwareBlueField生态系统也在不断扩大云数据中心的变化影响着每一家计算公司,目前有1400名开发者正在BlueField上进行开发。现在,采用BlueField的网络安全公司已可提供零信任安全即服务。在确认每个攻击点都

2021-11-14 01:39:55 739 1

原创 NVIDIA GTC主题演讲内容学习<1>

57s,黄哥开始第一个主题为 I AM AII am an explorer 我是探索者 -极地冰川探索,月球寻水I am a guardian 我是守护者 -天空观测污染痕迹I am a visionary 我是元件者 -以过往为师,模拟地球2100I am a helper 我是助力者 -让珍贵的物种健康续存,使农作物保持丰饶I am a healer 我是治疗者 -让医院更加智能,满足未来需求->HeratFlowI am a creator 我是创造者

2021-11-12 11:02:56 3172 5

原创 C4996问题处理(C++)


2021-09-16 15:31:48 132

原创 Appium-iOS-Low-Leavel Insights on iOS Input Events(ios输入事件的详解)


2021-05-21 10:19:05 378 2

原创 Appium-Image Comparison(图像对比)

Image Comparison FeaturesPrerequisitesThis article describes the set of image comparison features available in Appium. These features are available in all drivers and require OpenCV 3 native libs. Also, each feature is able to visualize the comparison res

2021-05-19 10:43:58 1488 1

原创 Appium-Using Chromedriver(使用谷歌设备)

ChromedriverWhen installing the serverWhen starting the serverAppium supports automating Android web pages (in Chrome and the built-in Browser) and hybrid apps that are Chrome-backed, by managing a Chromedriver instance and proxying commands to it when ne

2021-05-14 17:26:16 888

原创 Appium-Using ios-webkit-debug-proxy(使用iOS-webkit调试代理)

iOS WebKit Debug ProxyInstallationUsing HomebrewBuilding ios-webkit-debug-proxy from sourceRunning ios-webkit-debug-proxychange the udidnote, this is run from an Appium repositoryFor accessing web views on real iOS device appium uses ios_webkit_debug_prox

2021-05-13 10:47:20 582 2

原创 Appium-Automating hybrid apps(自动化混合应用程序)

Automating hybrid appsEntering the web view contextOne of the core principles of Appium is that you shouldn’t have to change your app to test it. In line with that methodology, it is possible to test hybrid apps the same way you can with Selenium for web

2021-05-12 13:42:34 276 10

原创 Appium-Web/Web Views-Mobile Web Testing(web视图移动测试)

Automating mobile web appsiOS mobile web automationIf you’re interested in automating your web app in Mobile Safari on iOS or Chrome on Android, Appium can help you. Basically, you write a normal WebDriver test, and use Appium as the Selenium server with

2021-05-08 17:50:40 196

原创 Appium-Server Security(服务器安全)

SecuritySecurity Server ArgsThe Appium team makes every effort to ensure the security of the Appium server. This is especially important when Appium is run in a multitenant environment, or when multiple users are running sessions on the same Appium server

2021-05-07 16:53:35 507

原创 Appium-CLI Arguments(命令行参数)

这里是介绍命令行参数总结Appium server argumentsServer flagsSince Appium 1.5, many server arguments have been deprecated in favor of the --default-capabilities flag.自Appium 1.5以来,在--default-capabilities flag中许多服务器参数都被弃用Usage: node . [flags]Server flagsAll flag

2021-04-27 09:34:31 608 1

原创 appium install for windows10

目录1.[appium官网](http://appium.io/)2.implement install3.wait![在这里插入图片描述](https://img-blog.csdnimg.cn/20210311092941456.png?x-oss-process=image/watermark,type_ZmFuZ3poZW5naGVpdGk,shadow_10,text_aHR0cHM6Ly9ibG9nLmNzZG4ubmV0L3dlaXhpbl80NTU3NjE0Ng==,size_16,colo

2021-04-23 22:17:41 94

原创 MySQL-数据类型(二)

数据类型二2.3 date类型2.3 date类型date类型表示日期,没有时间部分,格式为YYYY-MM-DD,YYYY表示年份;MM表示月份;DD表示日期;需要三个字节的存储空间以YYYY-MM-DD格式或者YYMMDD格式表示的字符串日期,其中最小取值为1000-01-01,最大取值为9999-12-03以YY-MM-DD格式或者YYMMDD格式表示的字符串日期,此格式中,年份为两位数值或者字符串满足YEAR类型格式条件为:当年份取值为00到69时,会被转化为2000~ 2069;当年份取值

2021-04-23 22:17:11 67

原创 Appium-Touch Actions(触屏动作)

Automating mobile gesturesNote for W3C actionsAn Overview of the TouchAction / MultiAction APITouchActionMultiTouchBugs and WorkaroundsScrollingWhile the Selenium WebDriver spec has support for certain kinds of mobile interaction, its parameters are not a

2021-04-23 22:03:09 1448

原创 Appium-Finding Elements(查找元素)

Finding and interacting with elementsIssuesUsing Appium Desktop To Locate ElementsOverviewExampleREPLAppium supports a subset of the WebDriver locator strategies such as:Appium支持WebDriver定位策略的子集例如:find by “class” (i.e., ui component type)find by “xpa

2021-04-23 11:33:22 602 2

原创 Appium-The --default-capabilities flag

The --default-capabilities flagAppium 1.5 does away with most CLI flags that existed previously; the remainder can be converted into JSON and made part of the --default-capabilities flag. For example:Appium1.5去掉了以前存在的多数CLI标志其余可以转换为JSON和制造为'--default-cap

2021-04-23 11:02:11 159

原创 Appium-Running Tests

StatusRetrieve the server’s current statusExample UsageJavaPythonJavascriptRubyC#PHPdriver.getStatus();DescriptionReturns information about whether a remote end is in a state in which it can create new sessions and can additionally include arbit

2021-04-23 10:20:01 125

原创 Appium-Drivers-Mac2

The Mac2DriverRequirements and SupportUsageCapabilitiesMac2Driver has been added to Appium since version 1.20. This driver is for automating macOS applications using Apple’s XCTest framework. It provides more flexibility and features in comparison to the

2021-04-23 08:38:47 440

原创 Appium-Drivers-Mac

The Mac Driver for OS XRequirements and SupportUsageGetting AppiumForMacAppium has beta support for automation of OS X desktop applications. Development of this driver happens at the appium-mac-driver, and relies on a native OS X binary called AppiumForMa

2021-04-23 08:38:40 249

原创 Appium-Drivers-Gecko(Firefox)

这是一款基于Firefox内核的排版引擎(页面渲染引擎)能在Microsoft Windows、Linux和Mac OS X等主要操作系统上运行它是最流行的排版引擎之一,其流行程度仅次于TridenThe Gecko DriverRequirements and SupportUsageCapabilitiesGecko driver has been added to Appium since version 1.20. This driver is a wrapper over Mozilla

2021-04-23 08:38:33 276

原创 Appium-Drivers-Safari(Mac/iOS)

The Safari DriverSafari driver has been added to Appium since version 1.20. This driver is a wrapper over Apple’s safaridriver binary, which is included to the standard macOS distribution and implements communication with either desktop or mobile Safari b

2021-04-22 15:08:58 370

原创 Appium-Drivers-Windows

The Windows DriverRequirements and SupportUsageCapabilitiesSetupWriting Tests for the Windows DriverJava SamplesC# SamplesJavascript/node SamplesCreate Test ProjectUniversal Windows Platform App TestingClassic Windows App TestingStarting a SessionInspectin

2021-04-22 11:47:49 410

原创 Appium-Drivers-Espresso(Android)

这是一款用于Android的谷歌官方的测试框架The Espresso Driver for AndroidRequirements and SupportUsageCapabilitiesSetupAppium currently has support for the Espresso automation technology via its own Espresso driver. This driver works by kicking off an Espresso run on a de

2021-04-22 10:32:09 420

原创 Appium-Drivers-UIAutomator2(Android)

经仔细对比,UIAutomator与UIAutomator2内容基本一致The UiAutomator2 Driver for AndroidRequirements and SupportUsageCapabilitiesCommandsBasic SetupEmulator SetupReal Device SetupAppium’s flagship support for automating Android apps is via the UiAutomator2 driver. (New

2021-04-22 09:34:20 385

原创 Appium-Drivers-XCUITest Real Devices(iOS)

iOS真机测试Appium XCUITest Driver Real Device SetupInstalling dependenciesBasic (automatic) configurationBasic (manual) configurationFull manual configurationConfiguring the app under testTroubleshooting ideasInstalling dependencies//安装依赖项From Appium 1.15

2021-04-22 08:34:16 521

原创 Appium-Drivers-UIAutomation Safari Launcher(iOS)

SafariLauncher Setup InstructionsAutomatic SafariLauncher configurationManual SafariLauncher configurationRunning mobile web tests on iOS real devices with iOS 9.3 or below, using Instruments, requires the introduction of a third-party app, SafariLauncher

2021-04-22 08:32:20 147

原创 Appium-Drivers-UIAutomator2(Android)

自动化测试AndroidThe UiAutomator2 Driver for AndroidRequirements and SupportUsageCapabilitiesCommandsBasic SetupEmulator SetupAppium’s flagship support for automating Android apps is via the UiAutomator2 driver. (New to Appium? Read our introduction to Appiu

2021-04-22 08:32:04 510

原创 Appium-Drivers-UIAutomation(iOS)

iOS自动化测试The UIAutomation Drivers for iOSRequirements and SupportUsageCapabilitiesCommandsSimulator SetupReal Device SetupReal Device Hybrid / Web TestingFiles generated by iOS test runsRunning iOS tests using JenkinsNote: This driver is DEPRECATED and s

2021-04-22 08:30:21 389

原创 Appium-Button UP(按钮向上)

这里指鼠标的按下后向上返回Button UpExample UsageSupportAppium ServerAppium ClientsHTTP API SpecificationsEndpointURL ParametersJSON ParametersResponseReleases the mouse button previously held //释放先前按住的鼠标按钮Example UsageJavaActions action = new Actions(dr

2021-04-22 08:29:48 182

原创 Appium-Drivers-XCUITest(Xcode UI Test)

XCUITest:Xcode User Interface TestingThe XCUITest Driver for iOSRequirements and SupportMigrating from the UIAutomation DriverUsageCapabilitiesCommandsBasic SetupReal Device SetupOptional SetupFiles generated by test runsConfigure keyboardsAccessibility

2021-04-22 08:29:31 761

原创 Appium-Performance Data Types(性能数据类型)

Get Performance Data TypesSupportAppium ServerSupportAppium ServerAppium ClientsHTTP API SpecificationsEndpointURL ParametersJSON ParametersResponseReturns the information types of the system state which is supported to read as like cpu, memory, network t

2021-04-21 08:54:51 221

原创 Appium-Execute(执行)

Execute ScriptExample UsageDescriptionSupportAppium ServerAppium ClientsHTTP API SpecificationsEndpointURL ParametersJSON ParametersResponseInject a snippet of JavaScript into the page for execution in the context of the currently selected frame (Web cont

2021-04-21 08:54:03 493

原创 Appium-Execute Async(执行异步)

Execute Async ScriptExample UsageDescriptionSupportAppium ServerAppium ClientsHTTP API SpecificationsEndpointURL ParametersJSON ParametersResponseInject a snippet of JavaScript into the page for execution in the context of the currently selected frame (We

2021-04-21 08:53:56 681





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