Learn Basic CSS by Building a Cafe Menu(31-61)

Step 31

Starting below the existing coffee/price pair, add the following coffee and prices using article elements with two nested p elements inside each. As before, the first p element's text should contain the coffee flavor and the second p element's text should contain the price.

Caramel Macchiato 3.75
Pumpkin Spice 3.50
Hazelnut 4.00
Mocha 4.50
            <p>French Vanilla</p>
            <p>Caramel Macchiato</p>
            <p>Pumpkin Spice</p>

Step 32

The flavors and prices are currently stacked on top of each other and centered with their respective p elements. It would be nice if the flavor was on the left and the price was on the right.

Add the class name flavor to the French Vanilla p element.

            <p class="flavor">French Vanilla</p>

Step 33

Using your new flavor class as a selector, set the text-align property's value to left.



inherit规定应该从父元素继承 text-align 属性的值。

Step 34

Next, you want to align the price to the right. Add a class named price to your p element that has 3.00 as its text.

           <p class="price">3.00</p>

Step 35

Now align the text to the right for the elements with the price class.


Step 36

That is kind of what you want, but now it would be nice if the flavor and price were on the same line. p elements are block-level elements, so they take up the entire width of their parent element.

To get them on the same line, you need to apply some styling to the p elements, so they behave more like inline elements. Add a class attribute with the value item to the first article element under the Coffee heading.

          <article class="item">
            <p class="flavor">French Vanilla</p>
            <p class="price">3.00</p>

Step 37

The p elements are nested in an article element with the class attribute of item. You can style all the p elements nested anywhere in elements with a class named item like this:

.item p { }

Using the above selector, add a display property with value inline-block so the p elements behave more like inline elements.

.item p{

display 属性规定元素应该生成的框的类型

inline-block行内块元素。(CSS2.1 新增的值)
compactCSS 中有值 compact,不过由于缺乏广泛支持,已经从 CSS2.1 中删除。
markerCSS 中有值 marker,不过由于缺乏广泛支持,已经从 CSS2.1 中删除。
table此元素会作为块级表格来显示(类似 <table>),表格前后带有换行符。
inline-table此元素会作为内联表格来显示(类似 <table>),表格前后没有换行符。
table-row-group此元素会作为一个或多个行的分组来显示(类似 <tbody>)。
table-header-group此元素会作为一个或多个行的分组来显示(类似 <thead>)。
table-footer-group此元素会作为一个或多个行的分组来显示(类似 <tfoot>)。
table-row此元素会作为一个表格行显示(类似 <tr>)。
table-column-group此元素会作为一个或多个列的分组来显示(类似 <colgroup>)。
table-column此元素会作为一个单元格列显示(类似 <col>)
table-cell此元素会作为一个表格单元格显示(类似 <td> 和 <th>)
table-caption此元素会作为一个表格标题显示(类似 <caption>)
inherit规定应该从父元素继承 display 属性的值。

Step 38

That's closer, but the price didn't stay over on the right. This is because inline-block elements only take up the width of their content. To spread them out, add a width property to the flavor and price class selectors that have a value of 50% each.

.flavor {
  text-align: left;

.price {
  text-align: right;

Step 39

Well that did not work. Styling the p elements as inline-block and placing them on separate lines in the code creates an extra space to the right of the first p element, causing the second one to shift to the next line. One way to fix this is to make each p element's width a little less than 50%.

Change the width value to 49% for each class to see what happens.

.flavor {
  text-align: left;
  width: 49%;

.price {
  text-align: right;
  width: 49%;

Step 40

That worked, but there is still a little space on the right of the price.

You could keep trying various percentages for the widths. Instead, use the back space key on your keyboard to move the p element with the class price next to the p element with the class flavor so that they are on the same line in the editor. Make sure there is no space between them.

            <p class="flavor">French Vanilla</p><p class="price">3.00</p>

Step 41

Now go ahead and change both the flavor and price class' widths to be 50% again.

.flavor {
  text-align: left;
  width: 50%;

.price {
  text-align: right;
  width: 50%;

Step 42

Now that you know it works, you can change the remaining article and p elements to match the first set. Start by adding the class item to the other article elements.

          <article class="item">
            <p>Caramel Macchiato</p>
          <article class="item">
            <p>Pumpkin Spice</p>
          <article class="item">
          <article class="item">

Step 43

Next, position the other p elements to be on the same line with no space between them.

          <article class="item">
            <p>Caramel Macchiato</p><p>3.75</p>
          <article class="item">
            <p>Pumpkin Spice</p><p>3.50</p>
          <article class="item">
          <article class="item">

Step 44

To complete the styling, add the applicable class names flavor and price to all the remaining p elements.

          <article class="item">
            <p class="flavor">Caramel Macchiato</p><p class="price">3.75</p>
          <article class="item">
            <p class="flavor">Pumpkin Spice</p><p class="price">3.50</p>
          <article class="item">
            <p class="flavor">Hazelnut</p><p class="price">4.00</p>
          <article class="item">
            <p class="flavor">Mocha</p><p class="price">4.50</p>

Step 45

If you make the width of the page preview smaller, you will notice at some point, some of the text on the left starts wrapping around to the next line. This is because the width of the p elements on the left side can only take up 50% of the space.

Since you know the prices on the right have significantly fewer characters, change the flavor class width value to be 75% and the price class width value to be 25%.

.flavor {
  text-align: left;
  width: 75%;

.price {
  text-align: right;
  width: 25%;

Step 46

You will come back to styling the menu in a few steps, but for now, go ahead and add a second section element below the first for displaying the desserts offered by the cafe.

          <article class="item">
            <p class="flavor">French Vanilla</p><p class="price">3.00</p>
          <article class="item">
            <p class="flavor">Caramel Macchiato</p><p class="price">3.75</p>
          <article class="item">
            <p class="flavor">Pumpkin Spice</p><p class="price">3.50</p>
          <article class="item">
            <p class="flavor">Hazelnut</p><p class="price">4.00</p>
          <article class="item">
            <p class="flavor">Mocha</p><p class="price">4.50</p>

Step 47

Add an h2 element in the new section and give it the text Desserts.


Step 48

Add an empty article element under the Desserts heading. Give it a class attribute with the value item.

          <article class="item"></article>

Step 49

Nest two p elements inside your article element. The first one's text should be Donut, and the second's text 1.50. Put both of them on the same line making sure there is no space between them.

          <article class="item">

Step 50

For the two p elements you just added, add dessert as the value of the first p element's class attribute and the value price as the second p elements class attribute.

            <p class="dessert">Donut</p><p class="price">1.50</p>

Step 51

Something does not look right. You added the correct class attribute value to the p element with Donut as its text, but you have not defined a selector for it.

Since the flavor class selector already has the properties you want, just add the dessert class name to it.

.flavor,.dessert {
  text-align: left;
  width: 75%;

Step 52

Below the dessert you just added, add the rest of the desserts and prices using three more article elements, each with two nested p elements. Each element should have the correct dessert and price text, and all of them should have the correct classes.

Cherry Pie 2.75
Cheesecake 3.00
Cinnamon Roll 2.50
          <article class="item">
            <p class="dessert">Donut</p><p class="price">1.50</p>
          <article class="item">
            <p class="dessert">Cherry Pie</p><p class="price">2.75</p>
          <article class="item">
            <p class="dessert">Cheesecake</p><p class="price">3.00</p>
          <article class="item">
            <p class="dessert">Cinnamon Roll</p><p class="price">2.50</p>

Step 53

You can give your menu some space between the content and the sides with various padding properties.

Give the menu class a padding-left and a padding-right with the same value 20px.

.menu {
  width: 80%;
  background-color: burlywood;
  margin-left: auto;
  margin-right: auto;

Step 54

That looks better. Now try to add the same 20px padding to the top and bottom of the menu.

.menu {
  width: 80%;
  background-color: burlywood;
  margin-left: auto;
  margin-right: auto;
  padding-left: 20px;
  padding-right: 20px;

Step 55

Since all 4 sides of the menu have the same internal spacing, go ahead and delete the four properties and use a single padding property with the value 20px.

.menu {
  width: 80%;
  background-color: burlywood;
  margin-left: auto;
  margin-right: auto;

Step 56

The current width of the menu will always take up 80% of the body element's width. On a very wide screen, the coffee and dessert appear far apart from their prices.

Add a max-width property to the menu class with a value of 500px to prevent it from growing too wide.

.menu {
  width: 80%;
  background-color: burlywood;
  margin-left: auto;
  margin-right: auto;
  padding: 20px;

Step 57

You can change the font-family of text, to make it look different from the default font of your browser. Each browser has some common fonts available to it.

Change all the text in your body, by adding a font-family property with the value sans-serif. This is a fairly common font that is very readable.

body {
  background-image: url(https://cdn.freecodecamp.org/curriculum/css-cafe/beans.jpg);

Step 58

It is a bit boring for all the text to have the same font-family. You can still have the majority of the text sans-serif and make just the h1 and h2 elements different using a different selector.

Style both the h1 and the h2 elements so that only these elements' text use Impact font.


Step 59

You can add a fallback value for the font-family by adding another font name separated by a comma. Fallbacks are used in instances where the initial is not found/available.

Add the fallback font serif after the Impact font.

h1, h2 {
  font-family: Impact,serif;

Step 60

Make the Est. 2020 text italicized by creating an established class selector and giving it the font-style property with the value italic.


Step 61

Now apply the established class to the Est. 2020 text.

        <h1>CAMPER CAFE</h1>
        <p class="established">Est. 2020</p>

font - family属性指定一个元素的字体

font-family 可以把多个字体名称作为一个"回退"系统来保存。如果浏览器不支持第一个字体,则会尝试下一个。


  • family-name - 指定的系列名称:具体字体的名称,比如:"times"、"courier"、"arial"。
  • generic-family - 通常字体系列名称:比如:"serif"、"sans-serif"、"cursive"、"fantasy"、"monospace"。


注意: 每个值用逗号分开。

注意: 如果字体名称包含空格,它必须加上引号。在HTML中使用"style"属性时,必须使用单引号。

  • family-name
  • generic-family






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