

package com.yiju.bean;

import java.math.BigDecimal;

 * 房屋表
public class House {

    private int houseId; //房源表唯一标识ID
    private int userId; //发布此房源的用户ID
    private int houseType; //房源类型 0:新房 1:旧房 2:租房
    private String houseTitle; //房源帖子标题
    private String houseHeadimg; //房源帖子头像
    private String housePlanimg1; //房屋户型平面图1 外键
    private String housePlanimg2; //房屋户型平面图2 外键
    private String houseImg1; //房源室内图1
    private String houseImg2; //房源室内图2
    private String houseImg3; //房源室内图3
    private String houseImg4; //房源室内图4
    private String houseImg5; //房源室内图5
    private String houseImg6; //房源室内图6
    private BigDecimal housePrice; //房源预计售价
    private String priceUnit; //售价单位 元/每月 元/每套 元/每年
    private String houseAddress; //房源地址
    private int isDelete; //0:未删除 1:已删除
    private long createTime; //创建时间
    private long updateTime; //更新时间

    public int getHouseId() {
        return houseId;

    public void setHouseId(int houseId) {
        this.houseId = houseId;

    public int getUserId() {
        return userId;

    public void setUserId(int userId) {
        this.userId = userId;

    public int getHouseType() {
        return houseType;

    public void setHouseType(int houseType) {
        this.houseType = houseType;

    public String getHouseTitle() {
        return houseTitle;

    public void setHouseTitle(String houseTitle) {
        this.houseTitle = houseTitle;

    public String getHouseHeadimg() {
        return houseHeadimg;

    public void setHouseHeadimg(String houseHeadimg) {
        this.houseHeadimg = houseHeadimg;

    public String getHousePlanimg1() {
        return housePlanimg1;

    public void setHousePlanimg1(String housePlanimg1) {
        this.housePlanimg1 = housePlanimg1;

    public String getHousePlanimg2() {
        return housePlanimg2;

    public void setHousePlanimg2(String housePlanimg2) {
        this.housePlanimg2 = housePlanimg2;

    public String getHouseImg1() {
        return houseImg1;

    public void setHouseImg1(String houseImg1) {
        this.houseImg1 = houseImg1;

    public String getHouseImg2() {
        return houseImg2;

    public void setHouseImg2(String houseImg2) {
        this.houseImg2 = houseImg2;

    public String getHouseImg3() {
        return houseImg3;

    public void setHouseImg3(String houseImg3) {
        this.houseImg3 = houseImg3;

    public String getHouseImg4() {
        return houseImg4;

    public void setHouseImg4(String houseImg4) {
        this.houseImg4 = houseImg4;

    public String getHouseImg5() {
        return houseImg5;

    public void setHouseImg5(String houseImg5) {
        this.houseImg5 = houseImg5;

    public String getHouseImg6() {
        return houseImg6;

    public void setHouseImg6(String houseImg6) {
        this.houseImg6 = houseImg6;

    public BigDecimal getHousePrice() {
        return housePrice;

    public void setHousePrice(BigDecimal housePrice) {
        this.housePrice = housePrice;

    public String getPriceUnit() {
        return priceUnit;

    public void setPriceUnit(String priceUnit) {
        this.priceUnit = priceUnit;

    public String getHouseAddress() {
        return houseAddress;

    public void setHouseAddress(String houseAddress) {
        this.houseAddress = houseAddress;

    public int getIsDelete() {
        return isDelete;

    public void setIsDelete(int isDelete) {
        this.isDelete = isDelete;

    public long getCreateTime() {
        return createTime;

    public void setCreateTime(long createTime) {
        this.createTime = createTime;

    public long getUpdateTime() {
        return updateTime;

    public void setUpdateTime(long updateTime) {
        this.updateTime = updateTime;

    public String toString() {
        return "House{" +
                "houseId=" + houseId +
                ", userId=" + userId +
                ", houseType=" + houseType +
                ", houseTitle='" + houseTitle + '\'' +
                ", houseHeadimg='" + houseHeadimg + '\'' +
                ", housePlanimg1='" + housePlanimg1 + '\'' +
                ", housePlanimg2='" + housePlanimg2 + '\'' +
                ", houseImg1='" + houseImg1 + '\'' +
                ", houseImg2='" + houseImg2 + '\'' +
                ", houseImg3='" + houseImg3 + '\'' +
                ", houseImg4='" + houseImg4 + '\'' +
                ", houseImg5='" + houseImg5 + '\'' +
                ", houseImg6='" + houseImg6 + '\'' +
                ", housePrice=" + housePrice +
                ", priceUnit='" + priceUnit + '\'' +
                ", houseAddress='" + houseAddress + '\'' +
                ", isDelete=" + isDelete +
                ", createTime=" + createTime +
                ", updateTime=" + updateTime +


package com.yiju.bean;

 * 房屋信息表
public class HouseInfo {

    private int infoId; //房源详细信息表唯一标识ID
    private int houseId; //对应房源表唯一ID
    private String houseNature; //房源性质:商品房 住宅房
    private String houseModel; //普通式住宅 公寓式住宅 别墅 独栋
    private int houseYear; //房源建造时间
    private String houseValid; //房源期限: 70年、100年、永久
    private String houseLayout; //房源户型:几室几厅几卫
    private String houseArea; //房源面积
    private String houseTurn; //朝向
    private int houseFloor; //楼层
    private int floorAll; //总楼层
    private String houseDecorate; //装饰类型:精装 简装
    private String houseLift; //是否有电梯: 0无 1有
    private long createTime; //创建时间
    private long updateTime; //更新时间

    public int getInfoId() {
        return infoId;

    public void setInfoId(int infoId) {
        this.infoId = infoId;

    public int getHouseId() {
        return houseId;

    public void setHouseId(int houseId) {
        this.houseId = houseId;

    public String getHouseNature() {
        return houseNature;

    public void setHouseNature(String houseNature) {
        this.houseNature = houseNature;

    public String getHouseModel() {
        return houseModel;

    public void setHouseModel(String houseModel) {
        this.houseModel = houseModel;

    public int getHouseYear() {
        return houseYear;

    public void setHouseYear(int houseYear) {
        this.houseYear = houseYear;

    public String getHouseValid() {
        return houseValid;

    public void setHouseValid(String houseValid) {
        this.houseValid = houseValid;

    public String getHouseLayout() {
        return houseLayout;

    public void setHouseLayout(String houseLayout) {
        this.houseLayout = houseLayout;

    public String getHouseArea() {
        return houseArea;

    public void setHouseArea(String houseArea) {
        this.houseArea = houseArea;

    public String getHouseTurn() {
        return houseTurn;

    public void setHouseTurn(String houseTurn) {
        this.houseTurn = houseTurn;

    public int getHouseFloor() {
        return houseFloor;

    public void setHouseFloor(int houseFloor) {
        this.houseFloor = houseFloor;

    public int getFloorAll() {
        return floorAll;

    public void setFloorAll(int floorAll) {
        this.floorAll = floorAll;

    public String getHouseDecorate() {
        return houseDecorate;

    public void setHouseDecorate(String houseDecorate) {
        this.houseDecorate = houseDecorate;

    public String getHouseLift() {
        return houseLift;

    public void setHouseLift(String houseLift) {
        this.houseLift = houseLift;

    public long getCreateTime() {
        return createTime;

    public void setCreateTime(long createTime) {
        this.createTime = createTime;

    public long getUpdateTime() {
        return updateTime;

    public void setUpdateTime(long updateTime) {
        this.updateTime = updateTime;

    public String toString() {
        return "HouseInfo{" +
                "infoId=" + infoId +
                ", houseId=" + houseId +
                ", houseNature='" + houseNature + '\'' +
                ", houseModel='" + houseModel + '\'' +
                ", houseYear=" + houseYear +
                ", houseValid='" + houseValid + '\'' +
                ", houseLayout='" + houseLayout + '\'' +
                ", houseArea='" + houseArea + '\'' +
                ", houseTurn='" + houseTurn + '\'' +
                ", houseFloor=" + houseFloor +
                ", floorAll=" + floorAll +
                ", houseDecorate='" + houseDecorate + '\'' +
                ", houseLift='" + houseLift + '\'' +
                ", createTime=" + createTime +
                ", updateTime=" + updateTime +


package com.yiju.controller;

import com.github.pagehelper.PageInfo;
import com.yiju.pojo.HouseView;
import com.yiju.service.IHouseViewService;
import org.apache.ibatis.annotations.Param;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Controller;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestParam;
import org.springframework.web.servlet.ModelAndView;

import java.util.List;

public class HouseViewController {

    private IHouseViewService houseViewService;

    public ModelAndView findFourHouse(){
        ModelAndView mv=new ModelAndView();
        List<HouseView> newHouses=houseViewService.findFourHouseByType(0);
        List<HouseView> oldHouses=houseViewService.findFourHouseByType(1);
        List<HouseView> rentHouses=houseViewService.findFourHouseByType(2);
        return mv;

    public ModelAndView findHouseById(int houseId){
        HouseView house=houseViewService.findHouseByHouseId(houseId);
        ModelAndView mv=new ModelAndView();
        return mv;

    public ModelAndView findHouseByType(@RequestParam(defaultValue = "1") int currentPage, int houseType){
        ModelAndView mv=new ModelAndView();
        List<HouseView> houses=houseViewService.findHouseByType(currentPage,houseType);
        List<HouseView> fh=houseViewService.findFourHouseByType(houseType);
        PageInfo<HouseView> pageInfo=new PageInfo<>(houses);
        if (houseType==0){
        }else if (houseType==1){
        }else {
        return mv;


package com.yiju.dao;

import com.yiju.pojo.HouseView;
import org.apache.ibatis.annotations.Param;

import java.util.List;

public interface IHouseViewDao {
    List<HouseView> findFourHouseByType(@Param("houseType") int houseType);
    HouseView findHouseByHouseId(int houseId);
    List<HouseView> findHouseByType(int houseType);


package com.yiju.pojo;

import java.math.BigDecimal;

public class HouseView {
    private int houseId; //房源ID
    private String trueName; //发布人
    private String houseTitle; //房源标题
    private String houseHeadimg; //房源帖子头像
    private BigDecimal housePrice; //房屋价格
    private String priceUnit; //售价单位:元/每月 元/套 元/年
    private int houseFloor; //楼层
    private int floorAll; //全部楼层
    private String houseAddress; //房源地址
    private String houseLayout; //几室几厅几卫
    private String houseDecorate; //精装,简装
    private String houseArea; //房间面积
    private long createTime; //创建时间
    private String houseTurn; //房屋朝向
    private String houseNature; //房屋性质
    private String houseModel; //房屋类型
    private String houseYear; //建造年份
    private String houseValid; //有效期
    private int houseLift; //是否有电梯
    private String housePlanimg1;
    private String housePlanimg2;
    private String houseImg1; //房源室内图1
    private String houseImg2; //房源室内图2
    private String houseImg3; //房源室内图3
    private String houseImg4; //房源室内图4
    private String houseImg5; //房源室内图5
    private String houseImg6; //房源室内图6
    private String date; //获取年月日
    private int bed; //床:0无 1有
    private int washing; //洗衣机:0无 1有
    private int air; //空调: 0无 1有
    private int balcony; //阳台:0无 1有
    private int ice; //冰箱:0无 1有
    private int toilet; //卫生间:0无 1有
    private int kitchen; //厨房:0无 1有
    private int tv; //电视:0无 1有
    private int heater; //热水器:0无 1有
    private int wardrobe; //衣柜:0无 1有
    private int heating; //暖气:0无 1有
    private int internet; //宽带:0无 1有
    private int sofa; //沙发:0无 1有
    private int houseType;

    public int getHouseType() {
        return houseType;

    public void setHouseType(int houseType) {
        this.houseType = houseType;

    public int getHouseId() {
        return houseId;

    public void setHouseId(int houseId) {
        this.houseId = houseId;

    public String getTrueName() {
        return trueName;

    public void setTrueName(String trueName) {
        this.trueName = trueName;

    public String getHouseTitle() {
        return houseTitle;

    public void setHouseTitle(String houseTitle) {
        this.houseTitle = houseTitle;

    public String getHouseHeadimg() {
        return houseHeadimg;

    public void setHouseHeadimg(String houseHeadimg) {
        this.houseHeadimg = houseHeadimg;

    public BigDecimal getHousePrice() {
        return housePrice;

    public void setHousePrice(BigDecimal housePrice) {
        this.housePrice = housePrice;

    public String getPriceUnit() {
        return priceUnit;

    public void setPriceUnit(String priceUnit) {
        this.priceUnit = priceUnit;

    public int getHouseFloor() {
        return houseFloor;

    public void setHouseFloor(int houseFloor) {
        this.houseFloor = houseFloor;

    public int getFloorAll() {
        return floorAll;

    public void setFloorAll(int floorAll) {
        this.floorAll = floorAll;

    public String getHouseAddress() {
        return houseAddress;

    public void setHouseAddress(String houseAddress) {
        this.houseAddress = houseAddress;

    public String getHouseLayout() {
        return houseLayout;

    public void setHouseLayout(String houseLayout) {
        this.houseLayout = houseLayout;

    public String getHouseDecorate() {
        return houseDecorate;

    public void setHouseDecorate(String houseDecorate) {
        this.houseDecorate = houseDecorate;

    public String getHouseArea() {
        return houseArea;

    public void setHouseArea(String houseArea) {
        this.houseArea = houseArea;

    public long getCreateTime() {
        return createTime;

    public void setCreateTime(long createTime) {
        this.createTime = createTime;

    public String getHouseTurn() {
        return houseTurn;

    public void setHouseTurn(String houseTurn) {
        this.houseTurn = houseTurn;

    public String getHouseNature() {
        return houseNature;

    public void setHouseNature(String houseNature) {
        this.houseNature = houseNature;

    public String getHouseModel() {
        return houseModel;

    public void setHouseModel(String houseModel) {
        this.houseModel = houseModel;

    public String getHouseYear() {
        return houseYear;

    public void setHouseYear(String houseYear) {
        this.houseYear = houseYear;

    public String getHouseValid() {
        return houseValid;

    public void setHouseValid(String houseValid) {
        this.houseValid = houseValid;

    public int getHouseLift() {
        return houseLift;

    public void setHouseLift(int houseLift) {
        this.houseLift = houseLift;

    public String getHousePlanimg1() {
        return housePlanimg1;

    public void setHousePlanimg1(String housePlanimg1) {
        this.housePlanimg1 = housePlanimg1;

    public String getHousePlanimg2() {
        return housePlanimg2;

    public void setHousePlanimg2(String housePlanimg2) {
        this.housePlanimg2 = housePlanimg2;

    public String getHouseImg1() {
        return houseImg1;

    public void setHouseImg1(String houseImg1) {
        this.houseImg1 = houseImg1;

    public String getHouseImg2() {
        return houseImg2;

    public void setHouseImg2(String houseImg2) {
        this.houseImg2 = houseImg2;

    public String getHouseImg3() {
        return houseImg3;

    public void setHouseImg3(String houseImg3) {
        this.houseImg3 = houseImg3;

    public String getHouseImg4() {
        return houseImg4;

    public void setHouseImg4(String houseImg4) {
        this.houseImg4 = houseImg4;

    public String getHouseImg5() {
        return houseImg5;

    public void setHouseImg5(String houseImg5) {
        this.houseImg5 = houseImg5;

    public String getHouseImg6() {
        return houseImg6;

    public void setHouseImg6(String houseImg6) {
        this.houseImg6 = houseImg6;

    public String getDate() {
        return date;

    public void setDate(String date) { = date;

    public int getBed() {
        return bed;

    public void setBed(int bed) {
        this.bed = bed;

    public int getWashing() {
        return washing;

    public void setWashing(int washing) {
        this.washing = washing;

    public int getAir() {
        return air;

    public void setAir(int air) {
        this.air = air;

    public int getBalcony() {
        return balcony;

    public void setBalcony(int balcony) {
        this.balcony = balcony;

    public int getIce() {
        return ice;

    public void setIce(int ice) { = ice;

    public int getToilet() {
        return toilet;

    public void setToilet(int toilet) {
        this.toilet = toilet;

    public int getKitchen() {
        return kitchen;

    public void setKitchen(int kitchen) { = kitchen;

    public int getTv() {
        return tv;

    public void setTv(int tv) { = tv;

    public int getHeater() {
        return heater;

    public void setHeater(int heater) {
        this.heater = heater;

    public int getWardrobe() {
        return wardrobe;

    public void setWardrobe(int wardrobe) {
        this.wardrobe = wardrobe;

    public int getHeating() {
        return heating;

    public void setHeating(int heating) {
        this.heating = heating;

    public int getInternet() {
        return internet;

    public void setInternet(int internet) {
        this.internet = internet;

    public int getSofa() {
        return sofa;

    public void setSofa(int sofa) {
        this.sofa = sofa;

    public String toString() {
        return "HouseView{" +
                "houseId=" + houseId +
                ", trueName='" + trueName + '\'' +
                ", houseTitle='" + houseTitle + '\'' +
                ", houseHeadimg='" + houseHeadimg + '\'' +
                ", housePrice=" + housePrice +
                ", priceUnit='" + priceUnit + '\'' +
                ", houseFloor=" + houseFloor +
                ", floorAll=" + floorAll +
                ", houseAddress='" + houseAddress + '\'' +
                ", houseLayout='" + houseLayout + '\'' +
                ", houseDecorate='" + houseDecorate + '\'' +
                ", houseArea='" + houseArea + '\'' +
                ", createTime=" + createTime +
                ", houseTurn='" + houseTurn + '\'' +
                ", houseNature='" + houseNature + '\'' +
                ", houseModel='" + houseModel + '\'' +
                ", houseYear='" + houseYear + '\'' +
                ", houseValid='" + houseValid + '\'' +
                ", houseLift=" + houseLift +
                ", housePlanimg1='" + housePlanimg1 + '\'' +
                ", housePlanimg2='" + housePlanimg2 + '\'' +
                ", houseImg1='" + houseImg1 + '\'' +
                ", houseImg2='" + houseImg2 + '\'' +
                ", houseImg3='" + houseImg3 + '\'' +
                ", houseImg4='" + houseImg4 + '\'' +
                ", houseImg5='" + houseImg5 + '\'' +
                ", houseImg6='" + houseImg6 + '\'' +
                ", date='" + date + '\'' +
                ", bed=" + bed +
                ", washing=" + washing +
                ", air=" + air +
                ", balcony=" + balcony +
                ", ice=" + ice +
                ", toilet=" + toilet +
                ", kitchen=" + kitchen +
                ", tv=" + tv +
                ", heater=" + heater +
                ", wardrobe=" + wardrobe +
                ", heating=" + heating +
                ", internet=" + internet +
                ", sofa=" + sofa +
                ", houseType=" + houseType +


package com.yiju.service;

import com.yiju.pojo.HouseView;

import java.util.List;

public interface IHouseViewService {
    List<HouseView> findFourHouseByType(int houseType);
    HouseView findHouseByHouseId(int houseId);
    List<HouseView> findHouseByType(int currentPage,int houseType);


package com.yiju.service.Impl;

import com.github.pagehelper.PageHelper;
import com.yiju.dao.IHouseViewDao;
import com.yiju.pojo.HouseView;
import com.yiju.service.IHouseViewService;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Service;

import java.util.List;

public class HouseViewService implements IHouseViewService {

    private IHouseViewDao houseViewDao;

    public List<HouseView> findFourHouseByType(int houseType) {
        return houseViewDao.findFourHouseByType(houseType);

    public HouseView findHouseByHouseId(int houseId) {
        return houseViewDao.findHouseByHouseId(houseId);

    public List<HouseView> findHouseByType(int currentPage,int houseType) {
        return houseViewDao.findHouseByType(houseType);


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    SELECT * FROM tb_house a,tb_house_info b WHERE a.house_id=b.house_id AND a.is_delete=0
    AND a.house_type=#{houseType} order by rand() limit 4;
<select id="findHouseByHouseId" parameterType="int" resultType="com.yiju.pojo.HouseView">
    SELECT * FROM tb_house a,tb_house_info b WHERE a.house_id=b.house_id AND a.is_delete=0
    AND a.house_id=#{houseId}
<select id="findHouseByType" parameterType="int" resultType="com.yiju.pojo.HouseView">
    SELECT * FROM tb_house a,tb_house_info b WHERE a.house_id=b.house_id AND a.is_delete=0
    AND a.house_type=#{houseType}



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                            <strong class="red">${house.houseAddress}</strong>
                        <div class="pro-fang">${house.houseLayout} ${house.houseArea}平 ${house.houseTurn} ${house.houseFloor}层/${house.floorAll}层</div>
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