



  1. start_xact_command():开始一个事务。
  2. pg_parse_query():对查询语句进行词法和语法分析,生成一个或者多个初始的语法分析树。
  3. 进入foreach (parsetree_item, parsetree_list)循环,对每个语法分析树执行查询。
  4. pg_analyze_and_rewrite():根据语法分析树生成基于Query数据结构的逻辑查询树,并进行重写等操作。
  5. pg_plan_queries():对逻辑查询树进行优化,生成查询计划。
  6. CreatePortal():创建Portal, Portal是执行SQL语句的载体,每一条SQL对应唯一的Portal。
  7. PortalStart():负责进行Portal结构体初始化工作,包括执行算子初始化、内存上下文分配等。
  8. PortalRun():负责真正的执行和运算,它是执行器的核心。
  9. PortalDrop():负责最后的清理工作,主要是数据结构、缓存的清理。
  10. finish_xact_command():完成事务提交。
  11. EndCommand():通知客户端查询执行完成。



parse_analyze(Node* parseTree, const char* sourceText, Oid* paramTypes, int numParams, bool isFirstNode, bool isCreateView)




Query* parse_analyze(
	Node* parseTree, const char* sourceText, Oid* paramTypes, int numParams, bool isFirstNode, bool isCreateView)//parseTree是语法分析后的语法树,sourceText是整个sql语句(即使是嵌套查询),Oid* paramTypes, int numParams见补充部分,isFirstNode表示当前解析的节点是否是整个查询中的第一个节点???,isCreateView即是否创建视图
    ParseState* pstate = make_parsestate(NULL);//为语义分析的状态结构体分配内存且初始化
    Query* query = NULL;
    pstate->p_sourcetext = sourceText;
    query = transformTopLevelStmt(pstate, parseTree, isFirstNode, isCreateView);

    pstate->rightRefState = nullptr;

    query->fixed_paramTypes = paramTypes;
    query->fixed_numParams = numParams;

    return query;

入参中的Oid* paramTypes, int numParams是什么?

举个例子,在C++中使用类似于 PostgreSQL 的 libpq 客户端库执行查询时,可以通过绑定变量的方式来提供参数值。示例代码可能如下:

PGresult* result;
const char* paramValues[1];
paramValues[0] = "some_value";  // 用实际的参数值替代占位符
result = PQexecParams(conn, "SELECT column1 FROM table1 WHERE column2 = $1;", 1, NULL, paramValues, NULL, NULL, 0);

具体来说,$1 是一个编号为 1 的参数占位符,表示在实际执行查询时,需要提供一个对应的值作为参数。这个值需要动态地提供。

Oid paramTypes[] = { TEXTOID };  // 数据类型为文本(字符串)
int numParams = 1;               // 参数数量为 1


#define FLOAT4OID 700
#define FLOAT8OID 701
#define INTERVALOID 1186
#define BOOLOID 16
#define INT8OID 20
#define INT2OID 21
#define INT4OID 23
#define TEXTOID 25
#define VARCHAROID 1043
#define NUMERICOID 1700
#define INT1OID 5545
#define CSTRINGOID 2275
#define FLOAT8ARRAYOID 1022
#define BOOLARRAYOID 1000
#define TEXTARRAYOID 1009
#define INT4ARRAYOID 1007
#define TIMESTAMPOID 1114
#define BPCHAROID 1042

transformTopLevelStmt(ParseState* pstate, Node* parseTree, bool isFirstNode, bool isCreateView)




Query* transformTopLevelStmt(ParseState* pstate, Node* parseTree, bool isFirstNode, bool isCreateView)
    if (IsA(parseTree, SelectStmt)) {

        SelectStmt* stmt = (SelectStmt*)parseTree;

          SELECT column1 FROM table1
		  SELECT column2 FROM table2
		  SELECT column3 FROM table3;
		在这个例子中,UNION 先于 INTERSECT 执行,因为它们从左到右结合。在处理这样的查询时,通常需要先处理最左边的 SELECT 语句,然后逐步处理右侧的语句,而生成的语法树中,intersect操作是union操作的父,union左右孩子对应着上面的select语句。*/
        while (stmt != NULL && stmt->op != SETOP_NONE)
            stmt = stmt->larg;

        if (stmt->intoClause) {
            parseTree = parse_into_claues(parseTree, stmt->intoClause);//将into语句等价转换为CREATE TABLE AS,因为into功能上本就是将结果放到into后面跟的名字的表中,通常是临时生成的存在于内存的表,所以就需要创建一个表
            stmt->intoClause = NULL;

    if (u_sess->hook_cxt.transformStmtHook != NULL) {
            ((transformStmtFunc)(u_sess->hook_cxt.transformStmtHook))(pstate, parseTree, isFirstNode, isCreateView);

    return transformStmt(pstate, parseTree, isFirstNode, isCreateView);

transformStmt(ParseState* pstate, Node* parseTree, bool isFirstNode, bool isCreateView)




Query* transformStmt(ParseState* pstate, Node* parseTree, bool isFirstNode, bool isCreateView)
    Query* result = NULL;

    switch (nodeTag(parseTree)) {

        case T_InsertStmt:
            result = transformInsertStmt(pstate, (InsertStmt*)parseTree);
        case T_DeleteStmt:
            result = transformDeleteStmt(pstate, (DeleteStmt*)parseTree);

        case T_UpdateStmt:
            result = transformUpdateStmt(pstate, (UpdateStmt*)parseTree);

        case T_MergeStmt:
            result = transformMergeStmt(pstate, (MergeStmt*)parseTree);

        case T_SelectStmt: {
            SelectStmt* n = (SelectStmt*)parseTree;

    		(1, 'John Doe', 50000),
    		(2, 'Jane Smith', 60000),
    		(3, 'Bob Johnson', 55000)
			) AS employees(id, name, salary);
			在这个例子中,valuesLists 是一个包含了三个子链表的主链表。
			每个子链表表示 VALUES 子句中的一行值*/
            if (n->valuesLists) {
                result = transformValuesClause(pstate, n);
			else if (n->op == SETOP_NONE) {
                result = transformSelectStmt(pstate, n, isFirstNode, isCreateView);
			else {
                result = transformSetOperationStmt(pstate, n);
        } break;

             * Special cases
        case T_DeclareCursorStmt:
            result = transformDeclareCursorStmt(pstate, (DeclareCursorStmt*)parseTree);

        case T_ExplainStmt:
            result = transformExplainStmt(pstate, (ExplainStmt*)parseTree);

#ifdef PGXC
        case T_ExecDirectStmt:
            result = transformExecDirectStmt(pstate, (ExecDirectStmt*)parseTree);

        case T_CreateTableAsStmt:
            result = transformCreateTableAsStmt(pstate, (CreateTableAsStmt*)parseTree);

        case T_CreateModelStmt:
            result = transformCreateModelStmt(pstate, (CreateModelStmt*) parseTree);

        case T_PrepareStmt: {
            PrepareStmt* n = (PrepareStmt *)parseTree;
            if (IsA(n->query, UserVar)) {
                Node *uvar = transformExpr(pstate, n->query, EXPR_KIND_OTHER);
                n->query = (Node *)copyObject((UserVar *)uvar);
            result = makeNode(Query);
            result->commandType = CMD_UTILITY;
            result->utilityStmt = (Node*)parseTree;
        } break;

        case T_VariableSetStmt: {
                VariableSetStmt* stmt = (VariableSetStmt*)parseTree;

                if (DB_IS_CMPT(B_FORMAT) && stmt->kind == VAR_SET_VALUE &&
                    (u_sess->attr.attr_common.enable_set_variable_b_format || ENABLE_SET_VARIABLES)) {
                    transformVariableSetValueStmt(pstate, stmt);
                result = makeNode(Query);
                result->commandType = CMD_UTILITY;
                result->utilityStmt = (Node*)parseTree;
            } break;

        case T_VariableMultiSetStmt: 
            result = transformVariableMutiSetStmt(pstate, (VariableMultiSetStmt*)parseTree);

        case T_CreateEventStmt:
            result = transformVariableCreateEventStmt(pstate, (CreateEventStmt*) parseTree);

        case T_AlterEventStmt:
            result = transformVariableAlterEventStmt(pstate, (AlterEventStmt*) parseTree);

        case T_CompositeTypeStmt:
            result = TransformCompositeTypeStmt(pstate, (CompositeTypeStmt*) parseTree);


             * other statements don't require any transformation; just return
             * the original parsetree with a Query node plastered on top.
            result = makeNode(Query);
            result->commandType = CMD_UTILITY;
            result->utilityStmt = (Node*)parseTree;

    /* To be compatible before multi-relation modification supported. */
    result->resultRelation = linitial2_int(result->resultRelations);
    /* Mark as original query until we learn differently */
    result->querySource = QSRC_ORIGINAL;
    result->canSetTag = true;

    /* Mark whether synonym object is in rtables or not. */
    result->hasSynonyms = pstate->p_hasSynonyms;

    result->is_flt_frame = pstate->p_is_flt_frame && !IS_ENABLE_RIGHT_REF(pstate->rightRefState);

    if (nodeTag(parseTree) != T_InsertStmt) {
        result->rightRefState = nullptr;

    return result;

transformSelectStmt(ParseState* pstate, SelectStmt* stmt, bool isFirstNode, bool isCreateView)




static Query* transformSelectStmt(ParseState* pstate, SelectStmt* stmt, bool isFirstNode, bool isCreateView)
    Query* qry = makeNode(Query);
    Node* qual = NULL;
    ListCell* l = NULL;

    qry->commandType = CMD_SELECT;

	其实postgres正式支持的是with recursive,
	不过也兼容了oracle原本特有的start with
	因此当用户用了start with
    if (stmt->startWithClause != NULL) {
    	/*用于指示是否要在解析 SELECT 语句时
    	添加(作为start with的)起始条件信息*/
        pstate->p_addStartInfo = true;
        pstate->p_sw_selectstmt = stmt;
        pstate->origin_with = (WithClause *)copyObject(stmt->withClause);

    if (stmt->withClause) {
    	//stmt->withClause->recursive在语法分析时(具体可见gram.y文件)根据WITH RECURSIVE语句设置为true,WITH时为false
        qry->hasRecursive = stmt->withClause->recursive;
        /*使用 transformWithClause 函数处理 WITH 子句,
    		cte1 AS (SELECT * FROM table1),
    		cte2 AS (SELECT * FROM table2)*/
        qry->cteList = transformWithClause(pstate, stmt->withClause);

		/*p_hasModifyingCTE 表示 WITH 子句中是否包含修改数据的 CTE
    	inserted_employee AS (
        	INSERT INTO employees (name, 	
        	department_id) VALUES 
        	('John Doe', 1) RETURNING *
        qry->hasModifyingCTE = pstate->p_hasModifyingCTE;

    //将查询的锁定子句(FOR UPDATE 或 FOR SHARE)存储在解析状态的上下文中,以便后续处理。tbc
    pstate->p_locking_clause = stmt->lockingClause;

    pstate->p_windowdefs = stmt->windowClause;

    解析from从句即from后面跟的若干个表 */
    transformFromClause(pstate, stmt->fromClause, isFirstNode, isCreateView);

    qry->indexhintList = lappend3(qry->indexhintList, pstate->p_indexhintLists);

    /* 处理oracle的START WITH从句*/
    if (shouldTransformStartWithStmt(pstate, stmt, qry)) {
        transformStartWith(pstate, stmt, qry);

    /* transform targetlist */
    qry->targetList = transformTargetList(pstate, stmt->targetList, EXPR_KIND_SELECT_TARGET);

    /* Transform operator "(+)" to outer join */
    if (stmt->hasPlus && stmt->whereClause != NULL) {
        transformOperatorPlus(pstate, &stmt->whereClause);

    qry->starStart = list_copy(pstate->p_star_start);
    qry->starEnd = list_copy(pstate->p_star_end);
    qry->starOnly = list_copy(pstate->p_star_only);

    /* mark column origins */
    markTargetListOrigins(pstate, qry->targetList);

    /* transform WHERE
     * Only "(+)" is valid when  it's in WhereClause of Select, set the flag to be trure
     * during transform Whereclause.
    setIgnorePlusFlag(pstate, true);
    qual = transformWhereClause(pstate, stmt->whereClause, EXPR_KIND_WHERE, "WHERE");
    setIgnorePlusFlag(pstate, false);

     * Initial processing of HAVING clause is just like WHERE clause.
    qry->havingQual = transformWhereClause(pstate, stmt->havingClause, EXPR_KIND_HAVING, "HAVING");

    pstate->shouldCheckOrderbyCol = (!ALLOW_ORDERBY_UNDISTINCT_COLUMN &&
                                    stmt->distinctClause && linitial(stmt->distinctClause) == NULL &&
                                    !IsInitdb && DB_IS_CMPT(B_FORMAT));

     * Transform sorting/grouping stuff.  Do ORDER BY first because both
     * transformGroupClause and transformDistinctClause need the results. Note
     * that these functions can also change the targetList, so it's passed to
     * them by reference.
    qry->sortClause = transformSortClause(
        pstate, stmt->sortClause, &qry->targetList, EXPR_KIND_ORDER_BY, true /* fix unknowns */, false /* allow SQL92 rules */);

    pstate->shouldCheckOrderbyCol = false;

     * Transform A_const to columnref type in group by clause, So that repeated group column
     * will deleted in function transformGroupClause. If not to delete repeated column, for
     * group by rollup can have error result, because we need set null to non- group column.
     * select a, b, b
     *	from t1
     *	group by rollup(1, 2), 3;
     * To this example, column b should not be set to null, but if not to delete repeated column
     * b will be set to null and two b value is not equal.
    if (include_groupingset((Node*)stmt->groupClause)) {
        transformGroupConstToColumn(pstate, (Node*)stmt->groupClause, qry->targetList);

    qry->groupClause = transformGroupClause(pstate,
        false /* allow SQL92 rules */);

    if (stmt->distinctClause == NIL) {
        qry->distinctClause = NIL;
        qry->hasDistinctOn = false;
    } else if (linitial(stmt->distinctClause) == NULL) {
        /* We had SELECT DISTINCT */
        qry->distinctClause = transformDistinctClause(pstate, &qry->targetList, qry->sortClause, false);
        qry->hasDistinctOn = false;
    } else {
        /* We had SELECT DISTINCT ON */
        qry->distinctClause =
            transformDistinctOnClause(pstate, stmt->distinctClause, &qry->targetList, qry->sortClause);
        qry->hasDistinctOn = true;

    /* transform LIMIT */
    qry->limitOffset = transformLimitClause(pstate, stmt->limitOffset, EXPR_KIND_OFFSET, "OFFSET");
    qry->limitCount = transformLimitClause(pstate, stmt->limitCount, EXPR_KIND_LIMIT, "LIMIT");

    /* transform window clauses after we have seen all window functions */
    qry->windowClause = transformWindowDefinitions(pstate, pstate->p_windowdefs, &qry->targetList);

    /* resolve any still-unresolved output columns as being type text */
    if (pstate->p_resolve_unknowns) {
        resolveTargetListUnknowns(pstate, qry->targetList);

    qry->rtable = pstate->p_rtable;
    qry->jointree = makeFromExpr(pstate->p_joinlist, qual);

    qry->hasSubLinks = pstate->p_hasSubLinks;
    qry->hasWindowFuncs = pstate->p_hasWindowFuncs;
    if (pstate->p_hasWindowFuncs) {
        parseCheckWindowFuncs(pstate, qry);
    qry->hasTargetSRFs = pstate->p_hasTargetSRFs;
    qry->hasAggs = pstate->p_hasAggs;

    foreach (l, stmt->lockingClause) {
        transformLockingClause(pstate, qry, (LockingClause*)lfirst(l), false);

    qry->hintState = stmt->hintState;

     * If query is under one insert statement and include a foreign table,
     * then set top level parsestate p_is_foreignTbl_exist to true.
    if (u_sess->attr.attr_sql.td_compatible_truncation && u_sess->attr.attr_sql.sql_compatibility == C_FORMAT &&
        pstate->p_is_in_insert && checkForeignTableExist(pstate->p_rtable))

    assign_query_collations(pstate, qry);

    /* this must be done after collations, for reliable comparison of exprs */
    if (pstate->p_hasAggs || qry->groupClause || qry->groupingSets || qry->havingQual) {
        parseCheckAggregates(pstate, qry);

     * If SelectStmt has been rewrite by startwith/connectby, it should
     * return as With-Recursive for upper level. So we need to fix fromClause.
    if (pstate->p_addStartInfo) {
        AdaptSWSelectStmt(pstate, stmt);

    return qry;


CTE是Common Table Expression,在 SQL 查询中定义临时结果集的方式,类似于一个命名的子查询,可以在查询的其他部分引用

start with类型语句用于处理递归查询,START WITH是Oracle特有的,WITH RECURSIVE这个称呼更常见,如PostgreSQL 和 MySQL,因为是 SQL 标准的一部分,二者功能相似


emp_id |  name   | manager_id
      1 | David   | 2
      2 | Bob     | 1
      3 | Eve     | 2
      4 | Alice   | NULL
      5 | Charlie | 1


WITH RECURSIVE EmployeeHierarchy AS (
    SELECT emp_id, name, manager_id
    FROM employees
    WHERE manager_id IS NULL//这里代表将临时表EmployeeHierarchy初始化为该select语句的结果


    SELECT e.emp_id,, e.manager_id
    FROM employees e, EmployeeHierarchy eh 
    ON e.manager_id = eh.emp_id
SELECT * FROM EmployeeHierarchy;


emp_id |  name   | manager_id
      4 | Alice   | NULL
      2 | Bob     | 1
      5 | Charlie | 1
      1 | David   | 2
      3 | Eve     | 2

transformFromClause(ParseState* pstate, List* frmList, bool isFirstNode, bool isCreateView, bool addUpdateTable)




WITH cte1 AS (
    SELECT column1
    FROM table1
    WHERE condition1
), cte2 AS (
    SELECT column2 FROM table2
    SELECT cte1.column1
    FROM cte1


    WITH cte1 AS (
        SELECT column1
        FROM table1
    SELECT cte1.column1
    FROM cte1


void transformFromClause(ParseState* pstate, List* frmList, bool isFirstNode, bool isCreateView, bool addUpdateTable)
    ListCell* fl = NULL;

     * copy original fromClause for future start with rewrite
    if (pstate->p_addStartInfo) {
        pstate->sw_fromClause = (List *)copyObject(frmList);

    foreach (fl, frmList) {
        Node* n = (Node*)lfirst(fl);
        RangeTblEntry* rte = NULL;
        int rtindex;
        List* relnamespace = NIL;
        n = transformFromClauseItem(
            pstate, n, &rte, &rtindex, NULL, NULL, &relnamespace, isFirstNode, isCreateView, false, addUpdateTable);

        /* Mark the new relnamespace items as visible to LATERAL */
        setNamespaceLateralState(relnamespace, true, true);

        checkNameSpaceConflicts(pstate, pstate->p_relnamespace, relnamespace);
        pstate->p_joinlist = lappend(pstate->p_joinlist, n);
        pstate->p_relnamespace = list_concat(pstate->p_relnamespace, relnamespace);
        pstate->p_varnamespace = lappend(pstate->p_varnamespace, makeNamespaceItem(rte, true, true));

     * We're done parsing the FROM list, so make all namespace items
     * unconditionally visible.  Note that this will also reset lateral_only
     * for any namespace items that were already present when we were called;
     * but those should have been that way already.
    setNamespaceLateralState(pstate->p_relnamespace, false, true);
    setNamespaceLateralState(pstate->p_varnamespace, false, true);

transformFromClauseItem(ParseState* pstate, Node* n, RangeTblEntry** top_rte, int* top_rti, RangeTblEntry** right_rte, int* right_rti, List** relnamespace, bool isFirstNode, bool isCreateView, bool isMergeInto, bool addUpdateTable)




Node* transformFromClauseItem(ParseState* pstate, Node* n, RangeTblEntry** top_rte, int* top_rti,
    RangeTblEntry** right_rte, int* right_rti, List** relnamespace, bool isFirstNode,
    bool isCreateView, bool isMergeInto, bool addUpdateTable)


    if (IsA(n, RangeVar)) {
        /* Plain relation reference, or perhaps a CTE reference */
        RangeVar* rv = (RangeVar*)n;
        RangeTblRef* rtr = NULL;
        RangeTblEntry* rte = NULL;

        if (!rv->schemaname) {
            CommonTableExpr* cte = NULL;
            Index levelsup;
			CommonTableExpr* scanNameSpaceForCTE(ParseState* pstate, const char* refname, Index* ctelevelsup)
			    Index levelsup;
			    for (levelsup = 0; pstate != NULL; pstate = pstate->parentParseState, levelsup++) {
			        ListCell* lc = NULL;
			        foreach (lc, pstate->p_ctenamespace) {
			            CommonTableExpr* cte = (CommonTableExpr*)lfirst(lc);
			            if (strcmp(cte->ctename, refname) == 0) {
			                *ctelevelsup = levelsup;
			                return cte;
			    return NULL;
			(即with table_name as的table_name,
            cte = scanNameSpaceForCTE(pstate, rv->relname, &levelsup);

            if (cte != NULL) {
                rte = transformCTEReference(pstate, rv, cte, levelsup);

        /* if not found as a CTE, must be a table reference */
        if (rte == NULL) {
            rte = transformTableEntry(pstate, rv, isFirstNode, isCreateView);

        rtr = transformItem(pstate, rte, top_rte, top_rti, relnamespace);

        /* If UPDATE multiple relations in sql_compatibility B, add target table here. */
        if (addUpdateTable) {
            pstate->p_updateRelations = lappend_int(pstate->p_updateRelations,
                setTargetTable(pstate, rv, interpretInhOption(rv->inhOpt), true, ACL_UPDATE, true));
        /* add startinfo if needed */
        if (pstate->p_addStartInfo) {
            AddStartWithTargetRelInfo(pstate, n, rte, rtr);

        return (Node*)rtr;
    } else if (IsA(n, RangeSubselect)) {
        /* sub-SELECT is like a plain relation */
        RangeTblRef* rtr = NULL;
        RangeTblEntry* rte = NULL;
        Node *sw_backup = NULL;

        if (pstate->p_addStartInfo) {
             * In start with case we should back up SubselectStmt for further
             * SW Rewrite.
             * */
            sw_backup = (Node *)copyObject(n);

        rte = transformRangeSubselect(pstate, (RangeSubselect*)n);
        rtr = transformItem(pstate, rte, top_rte, top_rti, relnamespace);

        /* add startinfo if needed */
        if (pstate->p_addStartInfo) {
            AddStartWithTargetRelInfo(pstate, sw_backup, rte, rtr);

             * (RangeSubselect*)n is mainly related to RTE during whole transform as pointer,
             * so anything fixed on sw_backup could also fix back to (RangeSubselect*)n.
             * */
            ((RangeSubselect*)n)->alias->aliasname = ((RangeSubselect*)sw_backup)->alias->aliasname;
            rte->eref->aliasname = ((RangeSubselect*)sw_backup)->alias->aliasname;

        return (Node*)rtr;
    } else if (IsA(n, RangeFunction)) {
        /* function is like a plain relation */
        RangeTblRef* rtr = NULL;
        RangeTblEntry* rte = NULL;

        rte = transformRangeFunction(pstate, (RangeFunction*)n);
        rtr = transformItem(pstate, rte, top_rte, top_rti, relnamespace);
        return (Node*)rtr;
    } else if (IsA(n, RangeTableSample)) {
        /* TABLESAMPLE clause (wrapping some other valid FROM NODE) */
        RangeTableSample* rts = (RangeTableSample*)n;
        Node* rel = NULL;
        RangeTblRef* rtr = NULL;
        RangeTblEntry* rte = NULL;

        /* Recursively transform the contained relation. */
        rel = transformFromClauseItem(pstate, rts->relation, top_rte, top_rti, NULL, NULL, relnamespace);
        if (unlikely(rel == NULL)) {
                ERROR, (errmodule(MOD_OPT), errcode(ERRCODE_UNEXPECTED_NULL_VALUE), errmsg("rel should not be NULL")));

        /* Currently, grammar could only return a RangeVar as contained rel */
        Assert(IsA(rel, RangeTblRef));
        rtr = (RangeTblRef*)rel;
        rte = rt_fetch(rtr->rtindex, pstate->p_rtable);

        /* We only support this on plain relations */
        if (rte->relkind != RELKIND_RELATION) {
                    errmsg("TABLESAMPLE clause can only be applied to tables."),
                    parser_errposition(pstate, exprLocation(rts->relation))));

        if (REL_COL_ORIENTED != rte->orientation && REL_ROW_ORIENTED != rte->orientation) {
                    (errmsg("TABLESAMPLE clause only support relation of oriented-row, oriented-column and oriented-inplace."))));

        /* Transform TABLESAMPLE details and attach to the RTE */
        rte->tablesample = transformRangeTableSample(pstate, rts);
        return (Node*)rtr;
    } else if (IsA(n, RangeTimeCapsule)) {
        /* TABLECAPSULE clause (wrapping some other valid FROM NODE) */
        RangeTimeCapsule* rtc = (RangeTimeCapsule *)n;
        Node* rel = NULL;
        RangeTblRef* rtr = NULL;
        RangeTblEntry* rte = NULL;

        /* Recursively transform the contained relation. */
        rel = transformFromClauseItem(pstate, rtc->relation, top_rte, top_rti, NULL, NULL, relnamespace);
        if (unlikely(rel == NULL)) {
                ERROR, (errmodule(MOD_OPT), errcode(ERRCODE_UNEXPECTED_NULL_VALUE),
                errmsg("Range table with timecapsule clause should not be null")));

        /* Currently, grammar could only return a RangeVar as contained rel */
        Assert(IsA(rel, RangeTblRef));
        rtr = (RangeTblRef*)rel;
        rte = rt_fetch(rtr->rtindex, pstate->p_rtable);


        /* Transform TABLECAPSULE details and attach to the RTE */
        rte->timecapsule = transformRangeTimeCapsule(pstate, rtc);
        return (Node*)rtr;
    } else if (IsA(n, JoinExpr)) {
        /* A newfangled join expression */
        JoinExpr* j = (JoinExpr*)n;
        RangeTblEntry* l_rte = NULL;
        RangeTblEntry* r_rte = NULL;
        int l_rtindex;
        int r_rtindex;
        List* l_relnamespace = NIL;
        List* r_relnamespace = NIL;
        List* my_relnamespace = NIL;
        List* l_colnames = NIL;
        List* r_colnames = NIL;
        List* res_colnames = NIL;
        List* l_colvars = NIL;
        List* r_colvars = NIL;
        List* res_colvars = NIL;
        bool lateral_ok = false;
        int sv_relnamespace_length, sv_varnamespace_length;
        RangeTblEntry* rte = NULL;
        int k;

         * Recursively process the left and right subtrees
         * For merge into clause, left arg is alse the target relation, which has been
         * added to the range table. Here, we only build RangeTblRef.
        if (isMergeInto == false) {
            j->larg = transformFromClauseItem(pstate, j->larg, &l_rte, &l_rtindex, NULL, NULL, &l_relnamespace,
                                              true, false, false, addUpdateTable);
        } else {
            RangeTblRef* rtr = makeNode(RangeTblRef);
            rtr->rtindex = list_length(pstate->p_rtable);
            j->larg = (Node*)rtr;
            l_rte = (RangeTblEntry*)linitial(pstate->p_target_rangetblentry);
            l_rtindex = rtr->rtindex;
            l_relnamespace = list_make1(makeNamespaceItem(l_rte, false, true));

         * Make the left-side RTEs available for LATERAL access within the
         * right side, by temporarily adding them to the pstate's namespace
         * lists.  Per SQL:2008, if the join type is not INNER or LEFT then
         * the left-side names must still be exposed, but it's an error to
         * reference them.  (Stupid design, but that's what it says.)  Hence,
         * we always push them into the namespaces, but mark them as not
         * lateral_ok if the jointype is wrong.
         * NB: this coding relies on the fact that list_concat is not
         * destructive to its second argument.
        lateral_ok = (j->jointype == JOIN_INNER || j->jointype == JOIN_LEFT);
        setNamespaceLateralState(l_relnamespace, true, lateral_ok);
        sv_relnamespace_length = list_length(pstate->p_relnamespace);
        pstate->p_relnamespace = list_concat(pstate->p_relnamespace,
        sv_varnamespace_length = list_length(pstate->p_varnamespace);
        pstate->p_varnamespace = lappend(pstate->p_varnamespace,
                                 makeNamespaceItem(l_rte, true, lateral_ok));

        /* And now we can process the RHS */
        j->rarg = transformFromClauseItem(pstate, j->rarg, &r_rte, &r_rtindex, NULL, NULL, &r_relnamespace,
                                          true, false, false, addUpdateTable);

        /* Remove the left-side RTEs from the namespace lists again */
        pstate->p_relnamespace = list_truncate(pstate->p_relnamespace,sv_relnamespace_length);
        pstate->p_varnamespace = list_truncate(pstate->p_varnamespace, sv_varnamespace_length);

         * Check for conflicting refnames in left and right subtrees. Must do
         * this because higher levels will assume I hand back a self-
         * consistent namespace subtree.
        checkNameSpaceConflicts(pstate, l_relnamespace, r_relnamespace);

         * Generate combined relation membership info for possible use by
         * transformJoinOnClause below.
        my_relnamespace = list_concat(l_relnamespace, r_relnamespace);

         * Extract column name and var lists from both subtrees
         * Note: expandRTE returns new lists, safe for me to modify
        expandRTE(l_rte, l_rtindex, 0, -1, false, &l_colnames, &l_colvars);
        expandRTE(r_rte, r_rtindex, 0, -1, false, &r_colnames, &r_colvars);

        if (right_rte != NULL) {
            *right_rte = r_rte;

        if (right_rti != NULL) {
            *right_rti = r_rtindex;

         * Natural join does not explicitly specify columns; must generate
         * columns to join. Need to run through the list of columns from each
         * table or join result and match up the column names. Use the first
         * table, and check every column in the second table for a match.
         * (We'll check that the matches were unique later on.) The result of
         * this step is a list of column names just like an explicitly-written
         * USING list.
        if (j->isNatural) {
            List* rlist = NIL;
            ListCell* lx = NULL;
            ListCell* rx = NULL;

            /* shouldn't have USING() too */
            Assert(j->usingClause == NIL);

            foreach (lx, l_colnames) {
                char* l_colname = strVal(lfirst(lx));
                Value* m_name = NULL;

                foreach (rx, r_colnames) {
                    char* r_colname = strVal(lfirst(rx));

                    if (strcmp(l_colname, r_colname) == 0) {
                        m_name = makeString(l_colname);

                /* matched a right column? then keep as join column... */
                if (m_name != NULL) {
                    rlist = lappend(rlist, m_name);

            j->usingClause = rlist;

         * Now transform the join qualifications, if any.
        res_colnames = NIL;
        res_colvars = NIL;

        if (j->usingClause) {
             * JOIN/USING (or NATURAL JOIN, as transformed above). Transform
             * the list into an explicit ON-condition, and generate a list of
             * merged result columns.
            List* ucols = j->usingClause;
            List* l_usingvars = NIL;
            List* r_usingvars = NIL;
            ListCell* ucol = NULL;

            /* shouldn't have ON() too */
            Assert(j->quals == NULL);

            foreach (ucol, ucols) {
                char* u_colname = strVal(lfirst(ucol));
                ListCell* col = NULL;
                int ndx;
                int l_index = -1;
                int r_index = -1;
                Var *l_colvar = NULL;
                Var *r_colvar = NULL;

                /* Check for USING(foo,foo) */
                foreach (col, res_colnames) {
                    char* res_colname = strVal(lfirst(col));

                    if (strcmp(res_colname, u_colname) == 0) {
                                errmsg("column name \"%s\" appears more than once in USING clause", u_colname)));

                /* Find it in left input */
                ndx = 0;
                foreach (col, l_colnames) {
                    char* l_colname = strVal(lfirst(col));

                    if (strcmp(l_colname, u_colname) == 0) {
                        if (l_index >= 0)
                                        "common column name \"%s\" appears more than once in left table", u_colname)));
                        l_index = ndx;
                if (l_index < 0) {
                            errmsg("column \"%s\" specified in USING clause does not exist in left table", u_colname)));

                /* Find it in right input */
                ndx = 0;
                foreach (col, r_colnames) {
                    char* r_colname = strVal(lfirst(col));

                    if (strcmp(r_colname, u_colname) == 0) {
                        if (r_index >= 0) {
                                        "common column name \"%s\" appears more than once in right table", u_colname)));
                        r_index = ndx;
                if (r_index < 0) {
                                "column \"%s\" specified in USING clause does not exist in right table", u_colname)));

                l_colvar = (Var*)list_nth(l_colvars, l_index);
                l_usingvars = lappend(l_usingvars, l_colvar);
                r_colvar = (Var*)list_nth(r_colvars, r_index);
                r_usingvars = lappend(r_usingvars, r_colvar);

                res_colnames = lappend(res_colnames, lfirst(ucol));
                res_colvars = lappend(res_colvars, buildMergedJoinVar(pstate, j->jointype, l_colvar, r_colvar));

            j->quals = transformJoinUsingClause(pstate, l_rte, r_rte, l_usingvars, r_usingvars);
        } else if (j->quals) {
            /* User-written ON-condition; transform it */
            j->quals = transformJoinOnClause(pstate, j, l_rte, r_rte, my_relnamespace);
        } else {
            /* CROSS JOIN: no quals */

        /* Add remaining columns from each side to the output columns */
        extractRemainingColumns(res_colnames, l_colnames, l_colvars, &l_colnames, &l_colvars);
        extractRemainingColumns(res_colnames, r_colnames, r_colvars, &r_colnames, &r_colvars);
        res_colnames = list_concat(res_colnames, l_colnames);
        res_colvars = list_concat(res_colvars, l_colvars);
        res_colnames = list_concat(res_colnames, r_colnames);
        res_colvars = list_concat(res_colvars, r_colvars);

         * Check alias (AS clause), if any.
        if (j->alias) {
            if (j->alias->colnames != NIL) {
                if (list_length(j->alias->colnames) > list_length(res_colnames))
                            errmsg("column alias list for \"%s\" has too many entries", j->alias->aliasname)));

         * Now build an RTE for the result of the join
        rte = addRangeTableEntryForJoin(pstate, res_colnames, j->jointype, res_colvars, j->alias, true);

        /* assume new rte is at end */
        j->rtindex = list_length(pstate->p_rtable);
        Assert(rte == rt_fetch(j->rtindex, pstate->p_rtable));

        *top_rte = rte;
        *top_rti = j->rtindex;

        /* make a matching link to the JoinExpr for later use */
        for (k = list_length(pstate->p_joinexprs) + 1; k < j->rtindex; k++) {
            pstate->p_joinexprs = lappend(pstate->p_joinexprs, NULL);
        pstate->p_joinexprs = lappend(pstate->p_joinexprs, j);
        Assert(list_length(pstate->p_joinexprs) == j->rtindex);

         * Prepare returned namespace list.  If the JOIN has an alias then it
         * hides the contained RTEs as far as the relnamespace goes;
         * otherwise, put the contained RTEs and *not* the JOIN into
         * relnamespace.
        if (j->alias) {
            *relnamespace = list_make1(makeNamespaceItem(rte, false, true));
        } else
            *relnamespace = my_relnamespace;

        return (Node*)j;
    } else
            ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_UNRECOGNIZED_NODE_TYPE), errmsg("unrecognized node type: %d", (int)nodeTag(n))));
    return NULL; /* can't get here, keep compiler quiet */

transformCTEReference(ParseState* pstate, RangeVar* r, CommonTableExpr* cte, Index levelsup)




addRangeTableEntryForCTE(ParseState* pstate, CommonTableExpr* cte, Index levelsup, RangeVar* rv, bool inFromCl)




WITH my_cte (alias_col1, alias_col2) AS (
    SELECT column1, column2
    FROM my_table
SELECT alias_col1, alias_col2
FROM my_cte;

以及ctequery赋值为AS后面的select语句,需要注意,这里的AS不同于SELECT *
FROM table_name AS alias_name;中的AS,后者的AS是会为表table_name的alias属性的aliasname赋值为alias_name的


RangeTblEntry* addRangeTableEntryForCTE(
    ParseState* pstate, CommonTableExpr* cte, Index levelsup, RangeVar* rv, bool inFromCl)
	PostgreSQL 使用 RTE 对象来管理与表格相关的信息,
    RangeTblEntry* rte = makeNode(RangeTblEntry);
    Alias* alias = rv->alias;

    char* refname = alias ? alias->aliasname : cte->ctename;
    Alias* eref = NULL;
    int numaliases;
    int varattno;
    ListCell* lc = NULL;

    rte->rtekind = RTE_CTE;
    rte->ctename = cte->ctename;

    rte->ctelevelsup = levelsup;

    if (levelsup > 0) {
        cte->referenced_by_subquery = true;

    /* Self-reference if and only if CTE's parse analysis isn't completed */
    rte->self_reference = !IsA(cte->ctequery, Query);
    cte->self_reference = rte->self_reference;
    rte->cterecursive = cte->cterecursive;

    /*引用计数表示有多少个查询正在引用相同的 CTE 定义,
    如果不是自引用的 CTE则引用有效,于是自增*/
    if (!rte->self_reference) {

     * We throw error if the CTE is INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE without RETURNING.
     * This won't get checked in case of a self-reference, but that's OK
     * because data-modifying CTEs aren't allowed to be recursive anyhow.
    if (IsA(cte->ctequery, Query)) {
        Query* ctequery = (Query*)cte->ctequery;

        if (ctequery->commandType != CMD_SELECT && ctequery->returningList == NIL) {
                    errmsg("WITH query \"%s\" does not have a RETURNING clause", cte->ctename),
                    parser_errposition(pstate, rv->location)));

    rte->ctecoltypes = cte->ctecoltypes;
    rte->ctecoltypmods = cte->ctecoltypmods;
    rte->ctecolcollations = cte->ctecolcollations;

    rte->alias = alias;
    if (alias != NULL) {
        eref = (Alias*)copyObject(alias);
    } else {
        eref = makeAlias(refname, NIL);
    numaliases = list_length(eref->colnames);

    /* fill in any unspecified alias columns */
    varattno = 0;
	WITH my_cte (col1, col2) AS (
    	SELECT column1, column2 FROM my_table
	SELECT col1 AS new_name1, col2 FROM my_cte;
    foreach (lc, cte->ctecolnames) {
        if (varattno > numaliases) {
            eref->colnames = lappend(eref->colnames, lfirst(lc));
    if (varattno < numaliases) {
                    "table \"%s\" has %d columns available but %d columns specified", refname, varattno, numaliases)));

    rte->eref = eref;

    /* ----------
     * Flags:
     * - this RTE should be expanded to include descendant tables,
     * - this RTE is in the FROM clause,
     * - this RTE should be checked for appropriate access rights.
     * Subqueries are never checked for access rights.
     * ----------
    rte->lateral = false;
    rte->inh = false; /* never true for subqueries */
    rte->inFromCl = inFromCl;

    rte->requiredPerms = 0;
    rte->checkAsUser = InvalidOid;
    rte->selectedCols = NULL;
    rte->insertedCols = NULL;
    rte->updatedCols = NULL;
    rte->extraUpdatedCols = NULL;
    rte->orientation = REL_ORIENT_UNKNOWN;

     * Add completed RTE to pstate's range table list, but not to join list
     * nor namespace --- caller must do that if appropriate.
    if (pstate != NULL) {
        pstate->p_rtable = lappend(pstate->p_rtable, rte);

     * If the CTE is rewrited from startwith/connectby. We need to add pseudo columns
     * because it return parser tree from sub level and don't have pseudo column infos.
    if (cte->swoptions != NULL && IsA(cte->ctequery, Query) && pstate != NULL) {
        AddStartWithCTEPseudoReturnColumns(cte, rte, list_length(pstate->p_rtable));

    return rte;




struct ParseState {
    struct ParseState* parentParseState;//嵌套查询的时候,内部的是子查询,外部的查询是其父查询,于是外部查询的解析状态就是内部查询的父解析状态
    const char* p_sourcetext;            /* source text, or NULL if not available */
    List* p_rtable;                      /* range table so far */
    List* p_joinexprs;                   /* JoinExprs for RTE_JOIN p_rtable entries */
    List* p_joinlist;                    /* join items so far (will become FromExpr
                                            node's fromlist) */
    List* p_relnamespace;                /* current namespace for relations */
    List* p_varnamespace;                /* current namespace for columns */
    bool  p_lateral_active;              /* p_lateral_only items visible? */
    bool  p_is_flt_frame;                /* Indicates whether it is a flattened expr frame */
    List* p_ctenamespace;                /* current namespace for common table exprs */
    List* p_future_ctes;                 /* common table exprs not yet in namespace */
    CommonTableExpr* p_parent_cte;       /* this query's containing CTE */
    List* p_windowdefs;                  /* raw representations of window clauses */
    ParseExprKind p_expr_kind;           /* what kind of expression we're parsing */
    List* p_rawdefaultlist;              /* raw default list */
    int p_next_resno;                    /* next targetlist resno to assign */
    List* p_locking_clause;              /* raw FOR UPDATE/FOR SHARE info */
    Node* p_value_substitute;            /* what to replace VALUE with, if any */

    /* Flags telling about things found in the query: */
    bool p_hasAggs;
    bool p_hasWindowFuncs;
    bool p_hasTargetSRFs;
    bool p_hasSubLinks;
    bool p_hasModifyingCTE;
    bool p_is_insert;
    bool p_locked_from_parent;
    bool p_resolve_unknowns; /* resolve unknown-type SELECT outputs as type text */
    bool p_hasSynonyms;
    List* p_target_relation;
    List* p_target_rangetblentry;
    bool p_is_decode;

    Node *p_last_srf; /* most recent set-returning func/op found */

     * used for start with...connect by rewrite
    bool p_addStartInfo;
    List *p_start_info;
    int sw_subquery_idx; /* given unname-subquery unique name when sw rewrite */
    SelectStmt *p_sw_selectstmt;
    List *sw_fromClause;
    WithClause *origin_with;
    bool p_hasStartWith;
    bool p_has_ignore;  /* whether SQL has ignore hint */

     * Optional hook functions for parser callbacks.  These are null unless
     * set up by the caller of make_parsestate.
    PreParseColumnRefHook p_pre_columnref_hook;
    PostParseColumnRefHook p_post_columnref_hook;
    PreParseColumnRefHook p_bind_variable_columnref_hook;
    PreParseColumnRefHook p_bind_describe_hook;
    ParseParamRefHook p_paramref_hook;
    CoerceParamHook p_coerce_param_hook;
    CreateProcOperatorHook p_create_proc_operator_hook;
    CreateProcInsertrHook p_create_proc_insert_hook;
    void* p_ref_hook_state; /* common passthrough link for above */
    void* p_cl_hook_state; /* cl related state - SQLFunctionParseInfoPtr  */
    List* p_target_list;
    void* p_bind_hook_state;
    void* p_describeco_hook_state;

     * star flag info
     * create table t1(a int, b int);
     * create table t2(a int, b int);
     * For query:  select * from t1
     * star_start = 1;
     * star_end = 2;
     * star_only = 1;
     * For query:  select t1.*, t2.* from t1, t2
     * star_start = 1, 3;
     * star_end =  2, 4;
     * star_only =  -1, -1;
    List* p_star_start;
    List* p_star_end;
    List* p_star_only;

     * The 	p_is_in_insert will indicate the sub link is under one top insert statement.
     * When p_is_in_insert is true, then we will check if sub link include foreign table,
     * If foreign is found, we will set top level insert ParseState's p_is_foreignTbl_exist to true.
     * Finially, we will set p_is_td_compatible_truncation to true if the td_compatible_truncation guc
     * parameter is on, no foreign table involved in this insert statement.
    bool p_is_foreignTbl_exist;          /* make there is foreign table founded. */
    bool p_is_in_insert;                 /* mark the subquery is under one insert statement. */
    bool p_is_td_compatible_truncation;  /* mark the auto truncation for insert statement is enabled. */
    TdTruncCastStatus tdTruncCastStatus; /* Auto truncation Cast added, only used for stmt in stored procedure or
                                            prepare stmt. */
    bool isAliasReplace;                 /* Mark if permit replace. */

     * Fields for transform "(+)" to outerjoin
    bool ignoreplus;   /*
                        * Whether ignore "(+)" during transform stmt? False is default,
                        * report error when found "(+)". Only true when transform WhereClause
                        * in SelectStmt.

    bool use_level; /* When selecting a column with the same name in an RTE list, whether to consider the
                     * priority of RTE.
                     * The priority refers to the index of RTE in the list. The smaller the index value, the
                     * higher the priority.

    PlusJoinRTEInfo* p_plusjoin_rte_info; /* The RTE info while processing "(+)" */
    List* p_updateRelations; /* For multiple-update, this is used to record the target table in the
                              * update statement, then assign to qry->resultRelations.
    List* p_updateRangeVars; /* For multiple-update, use relationClase to generate RangeVar list. */

    RightRefState* rightRefState;

     * whether to record the columns referenced by the ORDER BY statement
     * when transforming the SortClause.
    bool shouldCheckOrderbyCol;
     * store the columns that ORDER BY statement referencing
     * if shouldCheckOrderbyCol is true else NIL.
    List* orderbyCols; 
    List* p_indexhintLists; /*Force or use index in index hint list*/


typedef struct Query {
    NodeTag type;

    CmdType commandType; /* select|insert|update|delete|merge|utility */

    QuerySource querySource; /* where did I come from? */

    uint64 queryId; /* query identifier (can be set by plugins) */

    bool canSetTag; /* do I set the command result tag? */

    bool is_flt_frame; /* Indicates whether it is a flattened expr frame */

    Node* utilityStmt; /* non-null if this is DECLARE CURSOR or a
                        * non-optimizable statement */

    int resultRelation;   /* instead by resultRelations */

    bool hasAggs;         /* has aggregates in tlist or havingQual */
    bool hasWindowFuncs;  /* has window functions in tlist */
    bool hasTargetSRFs;	  /* has set-returning functions in tlist */
    bool hasSubLinks;     /* has subquery SubLink */
    bool hasDistinctOn;   /* distinctClause is from DISTINCT ON */
    bool hasRecursive;    /* WITH RECURSIVE was specified */
    bool hasModifyingCTE; /* has INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE in WITH */
    bool hasForUpdate;    /* FOR [KEY] UPDATE/SHARE was specified */
    bool hasRowSecurity;  /* rewriter has applied some RLS policy */
    bool hasSynonyms;     /* has synonym mapping in rtable */
    bool hasIgnore;       /* has keyword ignore in query string */

    List* cteList; /* WITH list (of CommonTableExpr's) */

    List* rtable;       /* list of range table entries */
    FromExpr* jointree; /* table join tree (FROM and WHERE clauses) */

    List* targetList; /* target list (of TargetEntry) */

    List* starStart; /* Corresponding p_star_start in ParseState */

    List* starEnd; /* Corresponding p_star_end in ParseState */

    List* starOnly; /* Corresponding p_star_only in ParseState */

    List* returningList; /* return-values list (of TargetEntry) */

    List* groupClause; /* a list of SortGroupClause's */

    List* groupingSets; /* a list of GroupingSet's if present */

    Node* havingQual; /* qualifications applied to groups */

    List* windowClause; /* a list of WindowClause's */

    List* distinctClause; /* a list of SortGroupClause's */

    List* sortClause; /* a list of SortGroupClause's */

    Node* limitOffset; /* # of result tuples to skip (int8 expr) */
    Node* limitCount;  /* # of result tuples to return (int8 expr) */

    List* rowMarks; /* a list of RowMarkClause's */

    Node* setOperations; /* set-operation tree if this is top level of
                          * a UNION/INTERSECT/EXCEPT query */

    List *constraintDeps; /* a list of pg_constraint OIDs that the query
                           * depends on to be semantically valid */
    HintState* hintState;
#ifdef PGXC
    /* need this info for PGXC Planner, may be temporary */
    char* sql_statement;                 /* original query */
    bool is_local;                       /* enforce query execution on local node
                                          * this is used by EXECUTE DIRECT especially. */
    bool has_to_save_cmd_id;             /* true if the query is such an INSERT SELECT
                                          * that inserts into a child by selecting
                                          * from its parent OR a WITH query that
                                          * updates a table in main query and inserts
                                          * a row to the same table in WITH query */
    bool vec_output;                     /* true if it's vec output. this flag is used in FQS planning	*/
    TdTruncCastStatus tdTruncCastStatus; /* Auto truncation Cast added, only used for stmt in stored procedure or
                                            prepare stmt. */
    List* equalVars;                     /* vars appears in UPDATE/DELETE clause */
    ParamListInfo boundParamsQ;

    int mergeTarget_relation;
    List* mergeSourceTargetList;
    List* mergeActionList; /* list of actions for MERGE (only) */
    Query* upsertQuery;    /* insert query for INSERT ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE (only) */
    UpsertExpr* upsertClause; /* DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE [NOTHING | ...] */
    bool isReplace;
    bool isRowTriggerShippable; /* true if all row triggers are shippable. */
    bool use_star_targets;      /* true if use * for targetlist. */

    bool is_from_full_join_rewrite; /* true if the query is created when doing
                                     * full join rewrite. If true, we should not
                                     * do some expression processing.
                                     * Please refer to subquery_planner.
    bool is_from_inlist2join_rewrite; /* true if the query is created when applying inlist2join optimization */
    bool is_from_sublink_rewrite;     /* true if the query is created when applying pull sublink optimization */
    bool is_from_subquery_rewrite;    /* true if the query is created when applying pull subquery optimization */

    uint64 uniqueSQLId;             /* used by unique sql id */
    char* unique_sql_text;            /* used by unique sql plain text */
    bool can_push;
    bool        unique_check;               /* true if the subquery is generated by general
                                             * sublink pullup, and scalar output is needed */
    Oid* fixed_paramTypes; /* For plpy CTAS query. CTAS is a recursive call.CREATE query is the first rewrited.
                            * thd 2nd rewrited query is INSERT SELECT.whithout this attribute, DB will have
                            * an error that has no idea about $x when INSERT SELECT query is analyzed. */
    int fixed_numParams;
    List* resultRelations; /* rtable index list of target relation for INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE/MERGE. */
    RightRefState* rightRefState;
    List* withCheckOptions; /* a list of WithCheckOption's */
    List* indexhintList;   /* a list of b mode index hint members */
#ifdef USE_SPQ
    void* intoPolicy;
    ParentStmtType parentStmtType;
} Query;
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opengauss-jdbc-3.0.0.jar 是一个用于连接和操作 OpenGauss 数据库的 Java JDBC 驱动程序。OpenGauss 是一款开源的关系型数据库管理系统,它提供了高性能、高可靠性和高安全性的数据存储和管理解决方案。opengauss-jdbc-3.0.0.jar 包含了与 OpenGauss 数据库进行交互所需的类和方法,可以帮助开发人员轻松地在他们的 Java 应用程序中使用 OpenGauss 数据库。 使用 opengauss-jdbc-3.0.0.jar,开发人员可以通过 Java 语言与 OpenGauss 数据库进行通信,执行 SQL 查询、更新和删除操作,管理数据库连接和事务等。这个 JDBC 驱动程序还支持连接池和多种高级特性,可以帮助开发人员优化他们的应用程序性能并提高数据库的可用性。 为了使用 opengauss-jdbc-3.0.0.jar,开发人员需要在他们的 Java 项目中引入该 JAR 文件,并在代码中使用相应的类和方法来连接和操作 OpenGauss 数据库。对于有经验的开发人员来说,这并不复杂,他们可以很快地上手并开始利用 OpenGauss 数据库的优势来构建他们的应用程序。 总而言之,opengauss-jdbc-3.0.0.jar 是 OpenGauss 数据库的 Java JDBC 驱动程序,可以帮助开发人员在他们的 Java 应用程序中方便地使用 OpenGauss 数据库。通过这个开源的 JDBC 驱动程序,开发人员可以更加轻松地利用 OpenGauss 数据库的高性能和高可靠性,从而提升他们应用程序的质量和稳定性。


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