CTE 使用案例:
with cte_value as (
select dept_id,month,value,count(1) isum
from eom_coefficient_submit
where dept_id = 500
and month = '2022-04'
GROUP BY dept_id,month,value
cte_total as (
select gr.dept_id,count(1) total
from eom_message_employee_dlms em
left join eom_group_message_dlms gr
on em.department_id = gr.group_id
where gr.dept_id = 500
and user_status = 1
GROUP BY gr.dept_id
cte_submit as (
select dept_id,count(1) sum
from eom_coefficient_submit
where dept_id = 500
and month = '2022-04'
GROUP BY dept_id
select a.dept_id,a.month,tol.total,su.sum,a.value,a.isum
from cte_value a
left join cte_total tol on a.dept_id = tol.dept_id
left join cte_submit su on a.dept_id = su.dept_id
order by a.value