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原创 LeetCode-21. Merge Two Sorted Lists

文章目录题目描述自己的解法参考答案1. New ListNode总结Reference题目描述You are given the heads of two sorted linked lists list1 and list2.Merge the two lists in a one sorted list. The list should be made by splicing together the nodes of the first two lists.Return the head o

2022-05-22 13:07:29 251

原创 LeetCode-20. Valid Parentheses

文章目录题目描述自己的解法参考答案1. Hash Table2. One-way Hash Table总结Reference题目描述Given an array of integers nums and an integer target, return indices of the two numbers such that they add up to target.You may assume that each input would have exactly one solution, a

2022-05-22 00:00:54 838

原创 LeetCode-14. Longest Common Prefix

文章目录题目描述自己的解法参考答案1. Horizontal scanning2. One-way Hash Table总结Reference题目描述Write a function to find the longest common prefix string amongst an array of strings.If there is no common prefix, return an empty string “”Example 1:Input: strs = ["flower",

2022-05-21 00:53:11 454

原创 LeetCode-13. Roman to Integer

文章目录题目描述自己的解法参考答案Four Lines总结Reference题目描述Roman numerals are represented by seven different symbols: I, V, X, L, C, D and M.Symbol ValueI 1V 5X 10L 50C 100D 500M

2022-05-05 16:31:36 216

原创 LeetCode-9-Palindrome Number

文章目录题目描述自己的解法参考答案Early Stop总结Reference题目描述Given an integer x, return true if x is palindrome integer.An integer is a palindrome when it reads the same backward as forward.For example, 121 is a palindrome while 123 is not.Example 1:Input: x = 121Out

2022-05-04 13:31:42 419

原创 LeetCode-1-Two Sum

提示:文章写完后,目录可以自动生成,如何生成可参考右边的帮助文档文章目录题目自己的解法参考答案总结题目Given an array of integers nums and an integer target, return indices of the two numbers such that they add up to target.You may assume that each input would have exactly one solution, and you may n.

2022-05-04 11:34:52 178

原创 随便听听 Day3: The Economist

随便听听 Day3: The Economistrepercussion 反响deputy 代理的,代理人contest 比赛,争辩appalling 可怕的,震惊的evoke 唤起,博得radiant 光芒四射的exonerate 使免罪patriot 爱国者circle the wagons 抱团 (为了保护利益)complicit 串谋的oversee 监管fall foul of 发生矛盾,冲突be implicated in 涉嫌sabotage 蓄意破坏oligar

2021-02-15 22:52:06 133

原创 随便听听 Day 3:News podcast

随便听听 Day 3:Global News podcast1. Myanmar protestersparamedics 医护人员footage 电影片段,镜头civil disobedience 公民不服从resurgence 死灰复燃persecute 政治迫害unsanctioned 未经批准的mob 一群人(搞破坏的)...

2021-02-15 18:31:50 71

原创 随便听听 Day 3:VOA 2021-2-15

随便听听 Day 3:VOA 2021-2-15underscore 强调patrol 巡逻stoke 搅旺火stoke unrest 煽动骚乱out in force 大批出动walkie talkies 对讲机reprisal 报复inoculate 接种,打预防针hesitancy 犹豫hurdle 障碍apprehension 理解,恐惧dip 下降stiff 顽强的commemoration 纪念会immensely 极度地credited sb with sth

2021-02-15 16:40:30 185 1

原创 随便听听 Day 3:Scam Calls

随便听听 Day 3:Scam Callsreiterate 重申mystify 使困惑ire 愤怒perpetrator 犯罪者,行凶者obsession 痴迷fraudster 行骗者torrent 连续不断的流水,滔滔不绝elicit 引起retaliatory 报复性的expatriate 移民nunsolicited 未主动请求的solicit 征求stumble 绊倒masquerade 伪装,冒充cursory 粗略的...

2021-02-15 14:18:32 205

原创 随便听听 Day 2 :Wall Street What‘s News

随便听听 Day 2 :Wall Street What’s Newsacquit 无罪释放incite 煽动law enforcement 法律的执行patriotic 爱国主义venue 会场purge 清除censure 谴责indictment 指控provoke 驱使煽动blast 爆炸,强劲气流grip 掌控,支配Tonight, a dangerous blast of winter weather gripping the country.spin out 抛锚s

2021-02-14 23:56:42 85

原创 随便听听 Day 2:US ‘smart bombs‘ hit an Iraqi air raid shelter.

随便听听 Day 2:US ‘smart bombs’ hit an Iraqi air raid shelter.sortie 架次(军用的飞机或者船只)civil defence 民防draining 疲惫的,枯竭的projectile 抛物,抛射炮弹pentagon 五角大楼flabbergast 使大吃一惊intelligence 情报工作gut wrenching 揪心的 (gut肠道 wrenching 扭动)horrendous 可怕的tapestry 挂毯verdict

2021-02-14 10:21:06 104

原创 随便听听 Day 1:Up first

随便听听 Day 1:Up firstcontentious 容易引起争论的preposterous 荒唐的congressional 国会的allegation 指控prosecution 检方partisan 偏护的lengthy 漫长的ovation 喝彩senate 参议院unanimously 全体一致同意地arsenal 军工厂bank on sth 完全依赖于某事inflammatory 炎症性的tally 计数lymph nodes 淋巴节s

2021-02-14 00:26:53 196

原创 随便听听 Day 1: The Burma protest of 1988

随便听听 Day 1: The Burma protest of 1988ludicrous 不合理的,可笑的Eurostar train 欧洲之星列车circus 马戏团Burma 缅甸coup 政变curfew 宵禁tuberculosis 肺结核flash in the pen 昙花一现(指开始预料取得重大成功,结果失败);淘金盆里的反光(形容空欢喜一场,好景不长)tentacles 触角taint 玷污,污染illicit 违法的,不正当的cylindrical 圆柱形的v

2021-02-13 21:08:54 128 2

原创 随便听听:Day 1 TED Radio Hour

随便听听:Day 1 TED Radio HourEpisode: How to choose TED talks speakers.keep our ears on the ground 高度警觉dirty laundry 某人不可告人的秘密或者是家丑hypocrisy 伪善 n.Africa is a sleeping giant. lol.Nigeria 尼日利亚targeted demographic 目标人群 (demographic居然还有这意思)medical touris

2021-02-13 19:08:45 455

原创 机器学习读书笔记(十一):Clustering Analysis

Clustering Analysis

2020-02-01 13:22:44 741

原创 Python 建模各类绘图总结(based on matplotlib)

Python 建模各类绘图总结前言参考:数据来源1.饼状图1.1 Baisc pie plot1.1.1 代码1.1.2 图示效果1.2 NB pie plot1.2.1 数据修改1.2.2 整体代码1.2.3 图示效果前言建模比赛大多情况下我们会使用Excel绘图傻瓜操作,但是在熟练掌握Python的情况下,我们的绘图有时可以更简单、更高效。参考:Matplotlib 官网(matpl...

2020-01-28 19:39:06 1080

原创 机器学习读书笔记(十)Regression Analysis

Regression AnalysisIntroductionHouse DatasetVisualizing datasetExploratory Data Analysis1. Scatterplot matrix2.Heat mapImplement by yourselfregression model via scikit-learnFitting a robust regression...

2020-01-24 19:13:17 557

原创 机器学习读书笔记(八):Sentiment Analysis (Natural Language Processing i.e. NLP)

Sentiment Analysis

2020-01-24 15:31:58 996

原创 机器学习读书笔记(七):Combining Different Models for Ensemble Learning

机器学习读书笔记(七):Combining Different Models for Ensemble Learning

2020-01-23 16:41:35 618

原创 加州大学伯克利分校暑课爬虫

加州大学伯克利分校暑课爬虫⊂(ο・㉨・ο)⊃嗯mmmm,暑假要去伯克利上课,于是在伯克利的官网上找找想要上的课,但是选课的过程中发现伯克利官网不愧是外网,虽然没被墙但是略感有点慢。。。于是就想着用爬虫把所有的暑课信息都扒拉到Excel里自己看看!!! (`・ω・´)如图:伯克利的选课网站本来的想法很简单,就是通过循环控制遍历所有网页并且将网页上有的选课信息全部给放到excel里就ok,但...

2020-01-22 15:05:40 588

原创 机器学习读书笔记(六)Model Evaluation and Hyperparameter Tuning

python机器学习读书笔记读书笔记(六)Model Evaluation and Hyperparameter Tuning一、Pipeline一体化操作二、Holdout cross-validation and K-fold cross-validation1. Holdout cross-validation2.K-fold cross-validation3.Stratified k-f...

2020-01-22 12:09:03 777



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