





(1)设置命令参数:-k opts1.conf -o mypos.pos hksl3570.21o brdm3570.21p

int main(int argc, char **argv)
    prcopt_t prcopt=prcopt_default;
    solopt_t solopt=solopt_default;
    filopt_t filopt={""};
    gtime_t ts={0},te={0};
    double tint=0.0,es[]={2000,1,1,0,0,0},ee[]={2000,12,31,23,59,59},pos[3];
    int i,j,n,ret;
    char *infile[MAXFILE],*outfile="",*p;
    prcopt.mode  =PMODE_KINEMA;
    sprintf(solopt.prog ,"%s ver.%s %s",PROGNAME,VER_RTKLIB,PATCH_LEVEL);
    /* load options from configuration file */
    for (i=1;i<argc;i++) {
        if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-k")&&i+1<argc) {
            if (!loadopts(argv[++i],sysopts)) return -1;//从文件中配置选项
    for (i=1,n=0;i<argc;i++) {
        if      (!strcmp(argv[i],"-o")&&i+1<argc) outfile=argv[++i];
        else if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-ts")&&i+2<argc) {
        else if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-te")&&i+2<argc) {
        else if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-ti")&&i+1<argc) tint=atof(argv[++i]);
        else if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-k")&&i+1<argc) {++i; continue;}
        else if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-p")&&i+1<argc) prcopt.mode=atoi(argv[++i]);
        else if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-f")&&i+1<argc) prcopt.nf=atoi(argv[++i]);
        else if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-sys")&&i+1<argc) {
            for (p=argv[++i];*p;p++) {
                switch (*p) {
                    case 'G': prcopt.navsys|=SYS_GPS;
                    case 'R': prcopt.navsys|=SYS_GLO;
                    case 'E': prcopt.navsys|=SYS_GAL;
                    case 'J': prcopt.navsys|=SYS_QZS;
                    case 'C': prcopt.navsys|=SYS_CMP;
                    case 'I': prcopt.navsys|=SYS_IRN;
                if (!(p=strchr(p,','))) break;
        else if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-m")&&i+1<argc) prcopt.elmin=atof(argv[++i])*D2R;
        else if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-v")&&i+1<argc) prcopt.thresar[0]=atof(argv[++i]);
        else if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-s")&&i+1<argc) strcpy(solopt.sep,argv[++i]);
        else if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-d")&&i+1<argc) solopt.timeu=atoi(argv[++i]);
        else if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-b")) prcopt.soltype=1;
        else if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-c")) prcopt.soltype=2;
        else if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-i")) prcopt.modear=2;
        else if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-h")) prcopt.modear=3;
        else if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-t")) solopt.timef=1;
        else if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-u")) solopt.times=TIMES_UTC;
        else if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-e")) solopt.posf=SOLF_XYZ;
        else if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-a")) solopt.posf=SOLF_ENU;
        else if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-n")) solopt.posf=SOLF_NMEA;
        else if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-g")) solopt.degf=1;
        else if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-r")&&i+3<argc) {
            for (j=0;j<3;j++) prcopt.rb[j]=atof(argv[++i]);
        else if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-l")&&i+3<argc) {
            for (j=0;j<3;j++) pos[j]=atof(argv[++i]);
            for (j=0;j<2;j++) pos[j]*=D2R;
        else if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-y")&&i+1<argc) solopt.sstat=atoi(argv[++i]);
        else if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-x")&&i+1<argc) solopt.trace=atoi(argv[++i]);
        else if (*argv[i]=='-') printhelp();
        else if (n<MAXFILE) infile[n++]=argv[i];
    if (!prcopt.navsys) {
    if (n<=0) {
        showmsg("error : no input file");
        return -2;
    if (!ret) fprintf(stderr,"%40s\r","");
    return ret;


int main() {
	char* infile[] = { {"hksl3570.21o"},
				{"brdm3570.21p"} };
	char* ofile = { "myposbyVS.pos" };
	gtime_t ts = { 0 }, te = { 0 };
	double ti = 0.0;      //  processing interval(s) (0:all) 时间间隔
	double tu = 0.0;    //   processing unit time(s) (0:all)
	prcopt_t opt = prcopt_default;  //processing options
	solopt_t sopt = solopt_default; //solution options
	filopt_t fopt = { 0 }; //file options
	int n = 2;  //number of input files
	opt.navsys = SYS_GPS;
	opt.mode = PMODE_SINGLE; // PMODE_SINGLE; // PMODE_MOVEB; // ; PMODE_FIXED           
	opt.nf = 2;             /* number of frequencies (1:L1,2:L1+L2,3:L1+L2+L5) */
	opt.elmin = 10 * D2R;
	opt.ionoopt = IONOOPT_IFLC;       /* ionosphere option (IONOOPT_???) */
	opt.tropopt = TROPOPT_EST;       /* troposphere option (TROPOPT_???) */
	opt.sateph = EPHOPT_BRDC;
	sopt.posf = SOLF_XYZ; // SOLF_XYZ; //  SOLF_ENU;
	sopt.times = TIMES_GPST; /* time system: gps time */
	sopt.timef = 1; /* time format (0:sssss.s,1:yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss.s) */
	sopt.timeu = 3; /* time digits under decimal point */
	sopt.degf = 0; /* latitude/longitude format (0:ddd.ddd,1:ddd mm ss) */
	sopt.outhead = 1;        /* output header (0:no,1:yes) */
	sopt.outopt = 1;         /* output processing options (0:no,1:yes) */
	sopt.outvel = 1;         /* output velocity options (0:no,1:yes) */
	sopt.datum = 0;          /* datum (0:WGS84,1:Tokyo) */
	sopt.height = 0;         /* height (0:ellipsoidal,1:geodetic) */
	sopt.geoid = 0;          /* geoid model (0:EGM96,1:JGD2000) */
	sopt.solstatic = 0;      /* solution of static mode (0:all,1:single) */
	sopt.sstat = 1;          /* solution statistics level (0:off,1:states,2:residuals) */
	sopt.trace = 3;          /* debug trace level (0:off,1-5:debug) */




typedef struct {        /* processing options type */
    int mode;           /* positioning mode (PMODE_???) */
    int soltype;        /* solution type (0:forward,1:backward,2:combined) */
    int nf;             /* number of frequencies (1:L1,2:L1+L2,3:L1+L2+L5) */
    int navsys;         /* navigation system */
    double elmin;       /* elevation mask angle (rad) */
    snrmask_t snrmask;  /* SNR mask */
    int sateph;         /* satellite ephemeris/clock (EPHOPT_???) */
    int modear;         /* AR mode (0:off,1:continuous,2:instantaneous,3:fix and hold,4:ppp-ar) */
    int glomodear;      /* GLONASS AR mode (0:off,1:on,2:auto cal,3:ext cal) */
    int bdsmodear;      /* BeiDou AR mode (0:off,1:on) */
    int maxout;         /* obs outage count to reset bias */
    int minlock;        /* min lock count to fix ambiguity */
    int minfix;         /* min fix count to hold ambiguity */
    int armaxiter;      /* max iteration to resolve ambiguity */
    int ionoopt;        /* ionosphere option (IONOOPT_???) */
    int tropopt;        /* troposphere option (TROPOPT_???) */
    int dynamics;       /* dynamics model (0:none,1:velociy,2:accel) */
    int tidecorr;       /* earth tide correction (0:off,1:solid,2:solid+otl+pole) */
    int niter;          /* number of filter iteration */
    int codesmooth;     /* code smoothing window size (0:none) */
    int intpref;        /* interpolate reference obs (for post mission) */
    int sbascorr;       /* SBAS correction options */
    int sbassatsel;     /* SBAS satellite selection (0:all) */
    int rovpos;         /* rover position for fixed mode */
    int refpos;         /* base position for relative mode */
                        /* (0:pos in prcopt,  1:average of single pos, */
                        /*  2:read from file, 3:rinex header, 4:rtcm pos) */
    double eratio[NFREQ]; /* code/phase error ratio */
    double err[5];      /* measurement error factor */
                        /* [0]:reserved */
                        /* [1-3]:error factor a/b/c of phase (m) */
                        /* [4]:doppler frequency (hz) */
    double std[3];      /* initial-state std [0]bias,[1]iono [2]trop */
    double prn[6];      /* process-noise std [0]bias,[1]iono [2]trop [3]acch [4]accv [5] pos */
    double sclkstab;    /* satellite clock stability (sec/sec) */
    double thresar[8];  /* AR validation threshold */
    double elmaskar;    /* elevation mask of AR for rising satellite (deg) */
    double elmaskhold;  /* elevation mask to hold ambiguity (deg) */
    double thresslip;   /* slip threshold of geometry-free phase (m) */
    double maxtdiff;    /* max difference of time (sec) */
    double maxinno;     /* reject threshold of innovation (m) */
    double maxgdop;     /* reject threshold of gdop */
    double baseline[2]; /* baseline length constraint {const,sigma} (m) */
    double ru[3];       /* rover position for fixed mode {x,y,z} (ecef) (m) */
    double rb[3];       /* base position for relative mode {x,y,z} (ecef) (m) */
    char anttype[2][MAXANT]; /* antenna types {rover,base} */
    double antdel[2][3]; /* antenna delta {{rov_e,rov_n,rov_u},{ref_e,ref_n,ref_u}} */
    pcv_t pcvr[2];      /* receiver antenna parameters {rov,base} */
    uint8_t exsats[MAXSAT]; /* excluded satellites (1:excluded,2:included) */
    int  maxaveep;      /* max averaging epoches */
    int  initrst;       /* initialize by restart */
    int  outsingle;     /* output single by dgps/float/fix/ppp outage */
    char rnxopt[2][256]; /* rinex options {rover,base} */
    int  posopt[6];     /* positioning options */
    int  syncsol;       /* solution sync mode (0:off,1:on) */
    double odisp[2][6*11]; /* ocean tide loading parameters {rov,base} */
    int  freqopt;       /* disable L2-AR */
    char pppopt[256];   /* ppp option */
} prcopt_t;
const prcopt_t prcopt_default={ /* defaults processing options */
    PMODE_SINGLE,0,2,SYS_GPS,   /* mode,soltype,nf,navsys */
    15.0*D2R,{{0,0}},           /* elmin,snrmask */
    0,1,1,1,                    /* sateph,modear,glomodear,bdsmodear */
    5,0,10,1,                   /* maxout,minlock,minfix,armaxiter */
    0,0,0,0,                    /* estion,esttrop,dynamics,tidecorr */
    1,0,0,0,0,                  /* niter,codesmooth,intpref,sbascorr,sbassatsel */
    0,0,                        /* rovpos,refpos */
    {100.0,100.0},              /* eratio[] */
    {100.0,0.003,0.003,0.0,1.0}, /* err[] */
    {30.0,0.03,0.3},            /* std[] */
    {1E-4,1E-3,1E-4,1E-1,1E-2,0.0}, /* prn[] */
    5E-12,                      /* sclkstab */
    {3.0,0.9999,0.25,0.1,0.05}, /* thresar */
    0.0,0.0,0.05,               /* elmaskar,almaskhold,thresslip */
    30.0,30.0,30.0,             /* maxtdif,maxinno,maxgdop */
    {0},{0},{0},                /* baseline,ru,rb */
    {"",""},                    /* anttype */
    {{0}},{{0}},{0}             /* antdel,pcv,exsats */
#define SYS_NONE    0x00                /* navigation system: none */
#define SYS_GPS     0x01                /* navigation system: GPS */
#define SYS_SBS     0x02                /* navigation system: SBAS */
#define SYS_GLO     0x04                /* navigation system: GLONASS */
#define SYS_GAL     0x08                /* navigation system: Galileo */
#define SYS_QZS     0x10                /* navigation system: QZSS */
#define SYS_CMP     0x20                /* navigation system: BeiDou */
#define SYS_IRN     0x40                /* navigation system: IRNS */
#define SYS_LEO     0x80                /* navigation system: LEO */
#define SYS_ALL     0xFF                /* navigation system: all */

#define PMODE_SINGLE 0                  /* positioning mode: single */
#define PMODE_DGPS   1                  /* positioning mode: DGPS/DGNSS */
#define PMODE_KINEMA 2                  /* positioning mode: kinematic */
#define PMODE_STATIC 3                  /* positioning mode: static */
#define PMODE_MOVEB  4                  /* positioning mode: moving-base */
#define PMODE_FIXED  5                  /* positioning mode: fixed */
#define PMODE_PPP_KINEMA 6              /* positioning mode: PPP-kinemaric */
#define PMODE_PPP_STATIC 7              /* positioning mode: PPP-static */
#define PMODE_PPP_FIXED 8               /* positioning mode: PPP-fixed */

#define EPHOPT_BRDC 0                   /* ephemeris option: broadcast ephemeris */
#define EPHOPT_PREC 1                   /* ephemeris option: precise ephemeris */
#define EPHOPT_SBAS 2                   /* ephemeris option: broadcast + SBAS */
#define EPHOPT_SSRAPC 3                 /* ephemeris option: broadcast + SSR_APC */
#define EPHOPT_SSRCOM 4                 /* ephemeris option: broadcast + SSR_COM */

#define IONOOPT_OFF 0                   /* ionosphere option: correction off */
#define IONOOPT_BRDC 1                  /* ionosphere option: broadcast model */
#define IONOOPT_SBAS 2                  /* ionosphere option: SBAS model */
#define IONOOPT_IFLC 3                  /* ionosphere option: L1/L2 iono-free LC */
#define IONOOPT_EST 4                   /* ionosphere option: estimation */
#define IONOOPT_TEC 5                   /* ionosphere option: IONEX TEC model */
#define IONOOPT_QZS 6                   /* ionosphere option: QZSS broadcast model */
#define IONOOPT_STEC 8                  /* ionosphere option: SLANT TEC model */

#define TROPOPT_OFF 0                   /* troposphere option: correction off */
#define TROPOPT_SAAS 1                  /* troposphere option: Saastamoinen model */
#define TROPOPT_SBAS 2                  /* troposphere option: SBAS model */
#define TROPOPT_EST 3                   /* troposphere option: ZTD estimation */
#define TROPOPT_ESTG 4                  /* troposphere option: ZTD+grad estimation */
#define TROPOPT_ZTD 5                   /* troposphere option: ZTD correction */



typedef struct {        /* solution options type */
    int posf;           /* solution format (SOLF_???) */
    int times;          /* time system (TIMES_???) */
    int timef;          /* time format (0:sssss.s,1:yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss.s) */
    int timeu;          /* time digits under decimal point */
    int degf;           /* latitude/longitude format (0:ddd.ddd,1:ddd mm ss) */
    int outhead;        /* output header (0:no,1:yes) */
    int outopt;         /* output processing options (0:no,1:yes) */
    int outvel;         /* output velocity options (0:no,1:yes) */
    int datum;          /* datum (0:WGS84,1:Tokyo) */
    int height;         /* height (0:ellipsoidal,1:geodetic) */
    int geoid;          /* geoid model (0:EGM96,1:JGD2000) */
    int solstatic;      /* solution of static mode (0:all,1:single) */
    int sstat;          /* solution statistics level (0:off,1:states,2:residuals) */
    int trace;          /* debug trace level (0:off,1-5:debug) */
    double nmeaintv[2]; /* nmea output interval (s) (<0:no,0:all) */
                        /* nmeaintv[0]:gprmc,gpgga,nmeaintv[1]:gpgsv */
    char sep[64];       /* field separator */
    char prog[64];      /* program name */
    double maxsolstd;   /* max std-dev for solution output (m) (0:all) */
} solopt_t;

const solopt_t solopt_default={ /* defaults solution output options */
    SOLF_LLH,TIMES_GPST,1,3,    /* posf,times,timef,timeu */
    0,1,0,0,0,0,0,              /* degf,outhead,outopt,outvel,datum,height,geoid */
    0,0,0,                      /* solstatic,sstat,trace */
    {0.0,0.0},                  /* nmeaintv */
    " ",""                      /* separator/program name */

#define SOLF_LLH    0                   /* solution format: lat/lon/height */
#define SOLF_XYZ    1                   /* solution format: x/y/z-ecef */
#define SOLF_ENU    2                   /* solution format: e/n/u-baseline */
#define SOLF_NMEA   3                   /* solution format: NMEA-183 */
#define SOLF_STAT   4                   /* solution format: solution status */
#define SOLF_GSIF   5                   /* solution format: GSI F1/F2 */

#define TIMES_GPST  0                   /* time system: gps time */
#define TIMES_UTC   1                   /* time system: utc */
#define TIMES_JST   2                   /* time system: jst */


typedef struct {        /* file options type */
    char satantp[MAXSTRPATH]; /* satellite antenna parameters file */
    char rcvantp[MAXSTRPATH]; /* receiver antenna parameters file */
    char stapos [MAXSTRPATH]; /* station positions file */
    char geoid  [MAXSTRPATH]; /* external geoid data file */
    char iono   [MAXSTRPATH]; /* ionosphere data file */
    char dcb    [MAXSTRPATH]; /* dcb data file */
    char eop    [MAXSTRPATH]; /* eop data file */
    char blq    [MAXSTRPATH]; /* ocean tide loading blq file */
    char tempdir[MAXSTRPATH]; /* ftp/http temporaly directory */
    char geexe  [MAXSTRPATH]; /* google earth exec file */
    char solstat[MAXSTRPATH]; /* solution statistics file */
    char trace  [MAXSTRPATH]; /* debug trace file */
} filopt_t;




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