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原创 字符数字转换-2019蓝桥B题

年号字串:小明用字母A 对应数字1,B 对应2,以此类推,用Z 对应26。对于27以上的数字,小明用两位或更长位的字符串来对应,例如AA 对应27,AB 对应28,AZ 对应52,LQ 对应329。请问2019 对应的字符串是什么?运用进制来写,有26个字母,用26进制计算,但是要注意,当被26整除时并不需要进位,应用Z表示具体如下#include<stdio.h>#include<string.h>void dfs(int m){ if(m==0) ...

2020-09-28 18:37:00 731

原创 数学题-2019蓝桥d题

数的分解:把 2019 分解成 3 个各不相同的正整数之和,并且要求每个正整数都不包含数字 2 和 4,一共有多少种不同的分解方法?注意交换 3 个整数的顺序被视为同一种方法,例如 1000+1001+18 和1001+1000+18 被视为同一种题解:注意要求,三个数不同,正整数,数字中不包含2或者4代码:#include<stdio.h>#include<string.h>int judge(int m){ int flag=1; while(...

2020-09-28 18:19:42 171

原创 容器-set

Valera the Horse is going to the party with friends. He has been following the fashion trends for a while, and he knows that it is very popular to wear all horseshoes of different color. Valera has got four horseshoes left from the last year, but maybe som

2020-09-28 08:37:27 80

原创 欧拉回路-有向图-B - Play on Words

Some of the secret doors contain a very interesting word puzzle. The team of archaeologists has to solve it to open that doors. Because there is no other way to open the doors, the puzzle is very important for us.There is a large number of magnetic pl...

2020-09-26 21:30:08 166

原创 数论-折线分割问题

我们看到过很多直线分割平面的题目,今天的这个题目稍微有些变化,我们要求的是n条折线分割平面的最大数目。比如,一条折线可以将平面分成两部分,两条折线最多可以将平面分成7部分,具体如下所示。Input输入数据的第一行是一个整数C,表示测试实例的个数,然后是C 行数据,每行包含一个整数n(0<n<=10000),表示折线的数量。Output对于每个测试实例,请输出平面的最大分割数,每个实例的输出占一行。Sample Input212Sample Outp...

2020-09-26 19:24:24 429

原创 kmp- Oulipo-模式串主串匹配问题

The French author Georges Perec (1936–1982) once wrote a book, La disparition, without the letter 'e'. He was a member of the Oulipo group. A quote from the book:Tout avait Pair normal, mais tout s’affirmait faux. Tout avait Fair normal, d’abord, puis su.

2020-09-26 18:45:46 113

原创 动态规划-字符删除问题

Keeping track of all the cows can be a tricky task so Farmer John has installed a system to automate it. He has installed on each cow an electronic ID tag that the system will read as the cows pass by a scanner. Each ID tag's contents are currently a singl

2020-09-26 09:59:00 261

原创 最短路问题-最小生成树-通信问题

The Department of National Defence (DND) wishes to connect several northern outposts by a wireless network. Two different communication technologies are to be used in establishing the network: every outpost will have a radio transceiver and some outposts w

2020-09-26 09:22:46 308

原创 二分图- Oil Skimming

Thanks to a certain "green" resources company, there is a new profitable industry of oil skimming. There are large slicks of crude oil floating in the Gulf of Mexico just waiting to be scooped up by enterprising oil barons. One such oil baron has a special

2020-09-26 09:02:15 71

原创 并查集-wireless network

An earthquake takes place in Southeast Asia. The ACM (Asia Cooperated Medical team) have set up a wireless network with the lap computers, but an unexpected aftershock attacked, all computers in the network were all broken. The computers are repaired one b

2020-09-25 15:22:48 56

原创 贪心-区间覆盖-喷水装置

n sprinklers are installed in a horizontal strip of grass l meters long and w meters wide. Each sprinkler is installed at the horizontal center line of the strip. For each sprinkler we are given its position as the distance from the left end of the center

2020-09-25 14:59:27 130

原创 搜索-原始木棒的最小长度

George took sticks of the same length and cut them randomly until all parts became at most 50 units long. Now he wants to return sticks to the original state, but he forgot how many sticks he had originally and how long they were originally. Please help hi

2020-09-25 14:30:01 392



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