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原创 网安期末总结

服务访问点 提供服务的基础,服务在节点上实现,每一层都包含一个或多个节点协议 相同层之间通信的规则其提供额外信息协议中揭示了何时发送数据,以什么方式发送数据一个分层规范定义 应该使用什么协议,需要什么输入 提供 什么函数分层规范运行多个不同成员有相同的函数PDU协议数据单元式 来自高层的数据与协议或者控制信息的结合。某一层创建的协议或者控制信息被称为头部每一层都有自己的头部...

2021-12-25 09:20:26 1055

原创 吴恩达机器学习笔记

机器学习week1Introduction1.Supervised Learning 监督学习给定一个数据集,并且知道其一些正确输出,能够明确知道是不是正确或者错误回归问题: 预测一个连续的值的输出分类问题: 根据输入给出一个离散的结果输出2.Unsupervised Learning 无监督学习只给出一个数据集,并没有给出其关系,需要我们自行寻找其结构Model and Cost FunctionModel representionm = number of examples

2021-09-15 21:32:50 161

原创 XCTF-如来十三掌


2021-01-09 11:11:09 273

原创 XCTF sherlock WP


2020-12-28 20:35:31 409

原创 XCTF 告诉你个秘密 WP


2020-12-28 20:12:40 472

原创 XCTF flag_in_your_hand1 WP


2020-12-28 19:55:58 232

原创 XCTF easy_ECC WP

ECC第一次做椭圆曲线公钥加密方法,了解了一些ECC公钥加密的原理,已知椭圆曲线加密Ep(a,b)参数为p = 15424654874903a = 16546484b = 4548674875G(6478678675,5636379357093)私钥为k = 546768求公钥K(x,y)根据博客学习了ECC公钥的加密原理ECC根据题目与ECC的性质,可以构建脚本实现解密过程:Gx = 6478678675Gy = 5636379357093a = 16546484 b

2020-12-22 19:50:12 421

原创 XCTF Normal_RSA WP

Normal RSA得到的附件为如图:.pem为存放密钥的文件,.enc为加密文件使用openssl rsa -text -modulus -pubin -in pubkey.pem得到n后使用factordb分解得到p和q.在进行正常的RSA操作。并利用crypto库中的构造输出密钥的方法,输出对应的privatekey.pem实现过程的脚本 如下:import gmpy2from Crypto.PublicKey import RSAp=gmpy2.mpz(275127

2020-12-22 19:31:00 273

原创 XCTF-转轮机加密-WP


2020-12-22 18:49:02 252

原创 XCTF easychallenge WP

easychallenge下载附件得到是一个pyc文件,对pyc代码反编译,可以得到其python代码# !/usr/bin/env python# visit http://tool.lu/pyc/ for more informationimport base64def encode1(ans): s = '' for i in ans: x = ord(i) ^ 36 x = x + 25 s += chr(x)

2020-12-13 20:28:18 193

原创 XCTF 混合编码 WP


2020-12-13 20:21:53 414

原创 XCTF 幂数加密 WP

原题目链接-幂数加密思路下载附件得到一串数字8842101220480224404014224202480122没有头绪,于是采用”题目攻击“搜索幂数加密得到二进制加密方法,得到二进制幂数加密法就是应用这个原理,由于英文字母只有26个字母,由公式可知,只要2的0、1、2、3、4、5次幂就可以表示31个单元。通过用二进制幂数表示字母序号数来加密。例如明文: d o n o t p u l l a l l y o u r e g g s i n o n e b a s k e t字母序号:4

2020-12-13 20:07:16 1717

原创 数据结构与算法实验:用栈实现后缀表达式计算

#include<iostream>using namespace std;template <class T>class Stack{ public: void clear(); bool push(); bool pop(T& item); bool ttop(T& item); bool isEmpty(); bool isFull();};tem.

2020-09-18 08:44:30 364

原创 数据结构与算法实验一:链表实现多项式相加

#include<iostream>using namespace std;int sz1,sz2,c,d;template <class T>class List{ void clear(); bool isempty(); bool append(const T value); bool insert(const int p,const T value); bool Delete(const int p); bool get

2020-09-16 21:44:57 502

原创 K - Repeated Substrings

题目Given an input string composed solely of lowercase English letters, find the longest substring that occurs more than once in the input string. The two occurrences are allowed to partially overlap.InputThe input is a single line containing a string of

2020-08-10 10:18:08 82

原创 网络流二十四题:飞行员配对方案问题

飞行员配对方案问题题目背景第二次世界大战期间,英国皇家空军从沦陷国征募了大量外籍飞行员。由皇家空军派出的每一架飞机都需要配备在航行技能和语言上能互相配合的两名飞行员,其中一名是英国飞行员,另一名是外籍飞行员。在众多的飞行员中,每一名外籍飞行员都可以与其他若干名英国飞行员很好地配合。题目描述一共有 n个飞行员,其中有 mm 个外籍飞行员和 (n - m)(n−m) 个英国飞行员,外籍飞行员从 11 到 mm 编号,英国飞行员从 m + 1 到 n编号。 对于给定的外籍飞行员与英国飞行员的配合情况,试

2020-08-03 16:34:57 357

原创 HDU4089Activation&概率dp总结

problemAfter 4 years’ waiting, the game “Chinese Paladin 5” finally comes out. Tomato is a crazy fan, and luckily he got the first release. Now he is at home, ready to begin his journey.But before starting the game, he must first activate the product on

2020-07-25 09:12:50 104

原创 B - The more, The Better 树形dp水题 HDU-1561

problemACboy很喜欢玩一种战略游戏,在一个地图上,有N座城堡,每座城堡都有一定的宝物,在每次游戏中ACboy允许攻克M个城堡并获得里面的宝物。但由于地理位置原因,有些城堡不能直接攻克,要攻克这些城堡必须先攻克其他某一个特定的城堡。你能帮ACboy算出要获得尽量多的宝物应该攻克哪M个城堡吗?Input每个测试实例首先包括2个整数,N,M.(1 <= M <= N <= 200);在接下来的N行里,每行包括2个整数,a,b. 在第 i 行,a 代表要攻克第 i 个城堡必须先攻

2020-07-16 09:42:41 170

原创 热身赛补题 Gym 101490J Programming Tutors

题目J Programming TutorsPicture by Damien Pollet via Flickr You are the founder of the Bruce Arden Programming Collective, which is a tutoring programme that matches experienced programmers with newbies to teach them.You have N students and N tutors, but

2020-07-15 10:24:12 134

原创 补题 C - CodeCoder vs TopForces Gym - 101142C

题目Competitive programming is very popular in Byteland. In fact, every Bytelandian citizen is registeredat two programming sites — CodeCoder and TopForces. Each site maintains its own proprietary ratingsystem. Each citizen has a unique integer rating at

2020-07-12 08:11:44 176

原创 补题 dsu on tree CodeForces 600E Lomsat gelral

题目You are given a rooted tree with root in vertex 1. Each vertex is coloured in some colour.Let’s call colour c dominating in the subtree of vertex v if there are no other colours that appear in the subtree of vertex v more times than colour c. So it’s

2020-07-11 16:25:35 128

原创 热身赛补题A - Rush Hour Puzzle Gym - 102460A

原题Rush Hour is a puzzle game invented by Nob Yoshigahara in the 1970s. It is now beingmanufactured by ThinkFun. The board is a 6 × 6 grid with grooves in the tiles to allowvehicles to slide. Cars and trucks are both one square wide, but cars are two sq

2020-07-09 08:47:15 582

原创 补题 热身七 D - Dull Chocolates Gym - 101991D

原题Problem A. Dull ChocolatesInput file: dull.inOutput file: standard outputTime limit: 9 secondsMemory limit: 1024 megabytesFouad wants to eat a chocolate bar, so he bought a rectangular chocolate bar that has N rows and Mcolumns of chocolate.Foua

2020-07-08 09:43:47 135

原创 热身赛 I - Ice-cream Knapsack Gym - 101991I

题目There is a wonderful ice-cream shop that contains N ice-creams, such that each ice-cream is represented by two numbers Ci and Hi denoting the number of calories and the happiness value, respectively.You want to buy exactly K ice-creams such that the c

2020-07-07 20:55:19 207

原创 热身赛 J - Automatic Control Machine Gym - 102460J

原题Automatic Control MachineTime limit: 2 secondsMemory limit: 1024 megabytesProblem DescriptionThe company has produced an Automatic Control Machine (ACM for short) that is very popular. Due to its complete and powerful features, the company is prepa

2020-07-07 09:41:47 339

原创 热身二 E - Mr. Frog’s Game HDU - 5926

原题One day, Mr. Frog is playing Link Game (Lian Lian Kan in Chinese).In this game, if you can draw at most three horizontal or vertical head-and-tail-connected lines over the empty grids(the lines can be out of the whole board) to connect two non-empty g

2020-07-06 10:17:41 110

原创 暑假补题 热身赛(一)A - Abandoned country

原题An abandoned country has n(n≤100000) villages which are numbered from 1 to n. Since abandoned for a long time, the roads need to be re-built. There are m(m≤1000000) roads to be re-built, the length of each road is wi(wi≤1000000). Guaranteed that any tw

2020-07-06 09:36:29 118

原创 Kattis - detour 题解

题意After last year’s edition of the BAPC, you are still stuck in Delft. In order to participate again this year, you are going to Amsterdam by bus. During the journey you look out of the window and l...

2020-05-06 21:57:00 329

原创 Gym 101064 A - Renzo and the lost artifact 题解

题意After unfolding the mysteries of the palindromic decorations in the Thai ruins, the famous researcher Renzo “the fearless” Morales is searching for a Sioux artifact. Some people believe that such ...

2020-05-06 18:05:33 187

原创 Common Subsequence Gym - 102307C 题解

题目Manuel thinks that Diego is his long lost brother. But Diego thinks Manuel is wrong, and to prove it, he got DNA samples from himself and Manuel. Now Diego has given you the DNA samples and it is ...

2020-05-01 21:41:06 250

原创 POJ 2288(状态压缩经典(巨坑)例题)

写了一天,还是WA,后来看了大佬的题解,贴一下链接https://blog.csdn.net/ouqingliang/article/details/70134970AC代码#include<iostream>#include<cstring>#include<cstdio>//POJ不能用 #include<bits/stdc++.h> ...

2020-04-24 23:00:48 147

原创 Kattis 2019 ICPC Mid-Central Regional C convoy

题解二分答案(最初想用优先队列没有成功)对时间T二分下界为0上界为1e12(大概)每次判断为该时间能否运完最优为O(1)最差为O(k)总时间复杂的O(klog(1e12))可以接受AC代码#include<bits/stdc++.h>using namespace std;const long long N=20001;long long a[N];lon...

2020-04-19 20:31:51 632

原创 F - Super Jaber CodeForces - 1301F

#include<bits/stdc++.h>using namespace std;const int N = 1010;int a[N][N],dis[50][N][N],vis[N][N],used[50];//dis[k][x] 表示第 k 类颜色的所有点到 x 的最短距离//used表示颜色是否用过 int n,m,k;int mov[4][2]={{0,1}...

2020-04-13 16:49:21 105



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