Jun 08 16:06:14 ip-172-31-4-119 bee[12706]: time="2021-06-08T16:06:14Z" level=info msg="database capacity: 1000000 chunks (approximately 20.3GB)"
Jun 08 16:06:15 ip-172-31-4-119 bee[12706]: time="2021-06-08T16:06:15Z" level=info msg="localstore migration: found current localstore schema code, migrate to yuj, total migrations 2"
Jun 08 16:06:15 ip-172-31-4-119 bee[12706]: time="2021-06-08T16:06:15Z" level=info msg="localstore migration: need to run 1 data migrations on localstore to schema code"
消息提示1:localstore migration: found current localstore schema code, migrate to
yuj, total migrations 2
消息提示2:localstore migration: need to run 1 data migrations on localstore to schema code
解释:/home/.bee 的本地目录 localstore 中的数据块正在被发现,所以需要进行数据迁移。
你可以选择等待,因为迁移 localstore 需要很长时间。
您也可以手动删除 localstore 这个文件夹里面的内容,参考路径:/home/ {Users} /sig/.bee/ localstore