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原创 XDU软工概论(一) Why Software Engineering?
What is software? Method, tool, procedure and paradigm. 【例题】 Software is a set of instructions (programs), (data), and documents. What is software engineering? Software engineering Solving problems Where does the software engineer fit in? 【例题】 Software e
2021-07-07 21:40:47 584 1
原创 基于阿里云轻量应用级服务器(BT面板)搭建WorkPress
基于阿里云轻量应用级服务器(BT面板)搭建WorkPress 一、申请阿里云轻量应用级服务器 申请阿里云轻量应用级服务器,应用镜像选用宝塔面板。 二、进入BT-Panel ![在这里插入图片描述](https://img-blog.csdnimg.cn/20210117093744321.png#pic_center) 点击应用详情进入面板。 ![在这里插入图片描述](https://img-blog.csdnimg.cn/20210117093858929.png) 根据系统提示步骤进行。 登录面板。
2021-01-17 09:55:47 436 2
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