高级 SQL查询,如分组,统计,两个字段的差比运算

高级 SQL查询,如分组,统计,两个字段的差比运算

select  * from tb_gdp g , tb_province p   where  g.provinceId=p.id and p.pnum > 10 and p.pnum<200000 and   provinceId=1 

select  * from tb_gdp g , tb_province p   where  g.provinceId=p.id and p.pnum > 10 and p.pnum<200000 and   provinceId=1 

// 根据计算字段进行范围查询
select  *, (g.agIncome + g.industryIncome - g.agInvest - g.industryInvest)/( g.agInvest + g.industryInvest )*100 as rate  
  from tb_gdp g , tb_province p   
  where  g.provinceId=p.id and p.pnum > 10 and p.pnum<200000 and   provinceId=1 
        and ((g.agIncome + g.industryIncome - g.agInvest - g.industryInvest)/( g.agInvest + g.industryInvest )*100) > 1 and  ( (g.agIncome + g.industryIncome - g.agInvest - g.industryInvest)/( g.agInvest + g.industryInvest )*100 )< 100
 select  * from  ( select  g.*, p.`name` ,p.pnum, (g.agIncome + g.industryIncome - g.agInvest - g.industryInvest)/( g.agInvest + g.industryInvest )*100 as rate  
     from tb_gdp g , tb_province p   
      where  g.provinceId=p.id   )  as myview
where   pnum > 10 and pnum<200000 and   provinceId=1 
        and rate > 1 and  rate < 100
 select  * from  ( select  g.*, p.`name` ,p.pnum, (g.agIncome + g.industryIncome - g.agInvest - g.industryInvest)/( g.agInvest + g.industryInvest )*100 as rate  
     from tb_gdp g , tb_province p   
      where  g.provinceId=p.id   )  as myview
 select  * from  ( select  g.*, p.`name` ,p.pnum, (g.agIncome + g.industryIncome - g.agInvest - g.industryInvest)/( g.agInvest + g.industryInvest )*100 as rate  
     from tb_gdp g , tb_province p   
      where  g.provinceId=p.id   )  as myview 
WHERE provinceId in ( 
   SELECT g.provinceId from tb_gdp  g GROUP BY g.provinceId HAVING sum(g.agIncome + g.industryIncome)  > 1000 

select  sum(pnum),sum(industryIncome),sum(agInvest) sum_ai,  myview.month  from  ( select  g.*, p.`name` ,p.pnum, (g.agIncome + g.industryIncome - g.agInvest - g.industryInvest)/( g.agInvest + g.industryInvest )*100 as rate  
     from tb_gdp g , tb_province p   
      where  g.provinceId=p.id   )  as myview
WHERE   myview.month >2 and myview.month < 4
  GROUP BY myview.month 
having sum_ai>100 and sum_ai<200000



package com.bawei.pojo;

import java.io.Serializable;

public class Gdp implements Serializable{
	private static final long serialVersionUID = 6040188117289196519L;
	private Integer id;
	private Integer provinceId;
	private Integer month;
	private Integer industryInvest;
	private Integer industryIncome;
	private Integer industryProfits;//工业利润
	private Double industryProfitsMargin;//工业利润率
	private Double industryBiZhong;//工业收入比重
	private Integer eConsumer;
	private Integer agInvest;
	private Integer agIncome;
	private Integer agProfits;//农业利润
	private Double agProfitsMargin;//农业利润率
	private Province pro;
	private Integer pid;
	private String name;
	private Integer pnum;
	private Integer pnumMin;//最小人数
	private Integer pnumMax;//最大人数
	private Integer profitsMin;//最小总利润率
	private Integer profitsMax;//最大总利润率
	private Integer industryInvestMin;//最小工业投入
	private Integer industryInvestMax;//最大工业投入
	private Integer agIncomeMin;//最小农业收入
	private Integer agIncomeMax;//最大农业收入
	private Integer monthMin;//最小月份
	private Integer monthMax;//最大月份
	private Integer yearMin;//最小全年收入
	private Integer yearMax;//最大全年收入
	public Integer getId() {
		return id;
	public void setId(Integer id) {
		this.id = id;
	public Integer getProvinceId() {
		return provinceId;
	public void setProvinceId(Integer provinceId) {
		this.provinceId = provinceId;
	public Integer getMonth() {
		return month;
	public void setMonth(Integer month) {
		this.month = month;
	public Integer getIndustryInvest() {
		return industryInvest;
	public void setIndustryInvest(Integer industryInvest) {
		this.industryInvest = industryInvest;
	public Integer getIndustryIncome() {
		return industryIncome;
	public void setIndustryIncome(Integer industryIncome) {
		this.industryIncome = industryIncome;
	public Double getIndustryProfitsMargin() {
		return industryProfitsMargin;
	public void setIndustryProfitsMargin(Double industryProfitsMargin) {
		this.industryProfitsMargin = industryProfitsMargin;
	public Double getIndustryBiZhong() {
		return industryBiZhong;
	public void setIndustryBiZhong(Double industryBiZhong) {
		this.industryBiZhong = industryBiZhong;
	public Integer geteConsumer() {
		return eConsumer;
	public void seteConsumer(Integer eConsumer) {
		this.eConsumer = eConsumer;
	public Integer getAgInvest() {
		return agInvest;
	public void setAgInvest(Integer agInvest) {
		this.agInvest = agInvest;
	public Integer getAgIncome() {
		return agIncome;
	public void setAgIncome(Integer agIncome) {
		this.agIncome = agIncome;
	public Integer getIndustryProfits() {
		return industryProfits;
	public void setIndustryProfits(Integer industryProfits) {
		this.industryProfits = industryProfits;
	public Integer getAgProfits() {
		return agProfits;
	public void setAgProfits(Integer agProfits) {
		this.agProfits = agProfits;
	public Double getAgProfitsMargin() {
		return agProfitsMargin;
	public void setAgProfitsMargin(Double agProfitsMargin) {
		this.agProfitsMargin = agProfitsMargin;
	public Province getPro() {
		return pro;
	public void setPro(Province pro) {
		this.pro = pro;
	public Integer getPid() {
		return pid;
	public void setPid(Integer pid) {
		this.pid = pid;
	public String getName() {
		return name;
	public void setName(String name) {
		this.name = name;
	public Integer getPnum() {
		return pnum;
	public void setPnum(Integer pnum) {
		this.pnum = pnum;
	public Integer getPnumMin() {
		return pnumMin;
	public void setPnumMin(Integer pnumMin) {
		this.pnumMin = pnumMin;
	public Integer getPnumMax() {
		return pnumMax;
	public void setPnumMax(Integer pnumMax) {
		this.pnumMax = pnumMax;
	public Integer getProfitsMin() {
		return profitsMin;
	public void setProfitsMin(Integer profitsMin) {
		this.profitsMin = profitsMin;
	public Integer getProfitsMax() {
		return profitsMax;
	public void setProfitsMax(Integer profitsMax) {
		this.profitsMax = profitsMax;
	public Integer getIndustryInvestMin() {
		return industryInvestMin;
	public void setIndustryInvestMin(Integer industryInvestMin) {
		this.industryInvestMin = industryInvestMin;
	public Integer getIndustryInvestMax() {
		return industryInvestMax;
	public void setIndustryInvestMax(Integer industryInvestMax) {
		this.industryInvestMax = industryInvestMax;
	public Integer getAgIncomeMin() {
		return agIncomeMin;
	public void setAgIncomeMin(Integer agIncomeMin) {
		this.agIncomeMin = agIncomeMin;
	public Integer getAgIncomeMax() {
		return agIncomeMax;
	public void setAgIncomeMax(Integer agIncomeMax) {
		this.agIncomeMax = agIncomeMax;
	public Integer getMonthMin() {
		return monthMin;
	public void setMonthMin(Integer monthMin) {
		this.monthMin = monthMin;
	public Integer getMonthMax() {
		return monthMax;
	public void setMonthMax(Integer monthMax) {
		this.monthMax = monthMax;
	public Integer getYearMin() {
		return yearMin;
	public void setYearMin(Integer yearMin) {
		this.yearMin = yearMin;
	public Integer getYearMax() {
		return yearMax;
	public void setYearMax(Integer yearMax) {
		this.yearMax = yearMax;
	public String toString() {
		return "Gdp [id=" + id + ", provinceId=" + provinceId + ", month=" + month + ", industryInvest="
				+ industryInvest + ", industryIncome=" + industryIncome + ", industryProfits=" + industryProfits
				+ ", industryProfitsMargin=" + industryProfitsMargin + ", industryBiZhong=" + industryBiZhong
				+ ", eConsumer=" + eConsumer + ", agInvest=" + agInvest + ", agIncome=" + agIncome + ", agProfits="
				+ agProfits + ", agProfitsMargin=" + agProfitsMargin + ", pro=" + pro + ", pid=" + pid + ", name="
				+ name + ", pnum=" + pnum + ", pnumMin=" + pnumMin + ", pnumMax=" + pnumMax + ", profitsMin="
				+ profitsMin + ", profitsMax=" + profitsMax + ", industryInvestMin=" + industryInvestMin
				+ ", industryInvestMax=" + industryInvestMax + ", agIncomeMin=" + agIncomeMin + ", agIncomeMax="
				+ agIncomeMax + ", monthMin=" + monthMin + ", monthMax=" + monthMax + ", yearMin=" + yearMin
				+ ", yearMax=" + yearMax + "]";

package com.bawei.pojo;

import java.io.Serializable;

public class Province implements Serializable{
	private static final long serialVersionUID = -4629196124178013745L;
	private Integer pid;
	private String name;
	private Integer pnum;
	public Integer getPid() {
		return pid;
	public void setPid(Integer pid) {
		this.pid = pid;
	public String getName() {
		return name;
	public void setName(String name) {
		this.name = name;
	public Integer getPnum() {
		return pnum;
	public void setPnum(Integer pnum) {
		this.pnum = pnum;
	public String toString() {
		return "Province [pid=" + pid + ", name=" + name + ", pnum=" + pnum + "]";


package com.bawei.service;

import com.bawei.pojo.Gdp;
import com.github.pagehelper.PageInfo;

public interface GdpService {
	PageInfo<Gdp> findAll(Gdp gdp,Integer pageNum,Integer pageSize);


package com.bawei.dao;

import java.util.List;

import com.bawei.pojo.Gdp;

public interface GdpDao {
	List<Gdp> findAll(Gdp gdp);


package com.bawei.service.impl;

import java.util.List;

import org.apache.dubbo.config.annotation.Service;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;

import com.bawei.dao.GdpDao;
import com.bawei.pojo.Gdp;
import com.bawei.service.GdpService;
import com.github.pagehelper.PageHelper;
import com.github.pagehelper.PageInfo;
public class GdpServiceImpl implements GdpService{
	GdpDao gdpDao;
	public PageInfo<Gdp> findAll(Gdp gdp, Integer pageNum, Integer pageSize) {
		PageHelper.startPage(pageNum, pageSize);
		List<Gdp> list = gdpDao.findAll(gdp);
		return new PageInfo<Gdp>(list);



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<!DOCTYPE mapper
PUBLIC "-//mybatis.org//DTD Mapper 3.0//EN"
<!-- 命名空间的值为dao层接口的权限定名 -->
<mapper namespace="com.bawei.dao.GdpDao" >
	<select id="findAll" resultMap="maps">
		select *,(g.industryIncome-g.industryInvest) as industryProfits, 
			((g.industryIncome-g.industryInvest)/g.industryIncome*100) as industryProfitsMargin,
			(g.agIncome-g.agInvest) as agProfits,
			((g.agIncome-g.agInvest)/g.agIncome*100) as agProfitsMargin,
			(g.industryIncome/(g.industryIncome+g.agIncome)*100) as industryBiZhong
			from tb_gdp g LEFT JOIN tb_province p ON g.provinceId=p.pid
				<if test="provinceId!=null and provinceId!=0 ">
					and provinceId=#{provinceId}
				<if test="pnumMin!=null ">
					and pnum &gt;= #{pnumMin}
				<if test="pnumMax!=null ">
					and pnum &lt;= #{pnumMax}
				<if test="profitsMin!=null ">
					and ((g.agIncome+g.industryIncome-g.agInvest-g.industryInvest)/(g.agIncome+g.industryIncome)*100) &gt;= #{profitsMin}
				<if test="profitsMax!=null ">
					and ((g.agIncome+g.industryIncome-g.agInvest-g.industryInvest)/(g.agIncome+g.industryIncome)*100) &gt;= #{profitsMax}
				<if test="industryInvestMin!=null ">
					and g.industryInvest &gt;= #{industryInvestMin}
				<if test="industryInvestMax!=null ">
					and g.industryInvest &lt;= #{industryInvestMax}
				<if test="agIncomeMin!=null ">
					and g.agIncome &gt;= #{agIncomeMin}
				<if test="agIncomeMax!=null ">
					and g.agIncome &lt;= #{agIncomeMax}
				<if test="monthMin!=null ">
					and g.month &gt;= #{monthMin}
				<if test="monthMax!=null ">
					and g.month &lt;= #{monthMax}
 		GROUP BY g.id
 			<trim prefix="having" prefixOverrides="and" >
 				<if test="yearMin!=null ">
					and SUM(g.agIncome+g.industryIncome) &gt;= #{yearMin}
				<if test="yearMax!=null ">
					and SUM(g.agIncome+g.industryIncome) &lt;= #{yearMax}
	<resultMap type="Gdp" id="maps">
		<id property="id" column="id" />
		<result property="provinceId" column="provinceId" />
		<result property="month" column="month" />
		<result property="industryInvest" column="industryInvest" />
		<result property="industryIncome" column="industryIncome" />
		<result property="eConsumer" column="eConsumer" />
		<result property="agInvest" column="agInvest" />
		<result property="agIncome" column="agIncome" />
		<result property="industryProfits" column="industryProfits" />
		<result property="industryProfitsMargin" column="industryProfitsMargin" />
		<result property="agProfits" column="agProfits" />
		<result property="agProfitsMargin" column="agProfitsMargin" />
		<result property="industryBiZhong" column="industryBiZhong" />
		<association property="pro" javaType="Province">
			<id property="pid" column="pid" />
			<result property="name" column="name" />
			<result property="pnum" column="pnum" />


package com.bawei.controller;

import org.apache.dubbo.config.annotation.Reference;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Controller;
import org.springframework.ui.Model;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestParam;

import com.bawei.pojo.Gdp;
import com.bawei.service.GdpService;
import com.github.pagehelper.PageInfo;

public class GdpController {
	GdpService gdpService;
	public String findAll(Model model,Gdp gdp,@RequestParam(defaultValue = "1")Integer pageNum,@RequestParam(defaultValue = "5")Integer pageSize) {
		PageInfo<Gdp> info = gdpService.findAll(gdp, pageNum, pageSize);
		model.addAttribute("info", info);
		model.addAttribute("gdp", gdp);
		return "list";


<%@ page language="java" contentType="text/html; charset=utf-8"
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<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>Insert title here</title>
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<script type="text/javascript" src="${pageContext.request.contextPath}/resource/jquery/jquery-3.4.1.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="${pageContext.request.contextPath}/resource/bootstrap4/js/bootstrap.min.js"></script>

<form action="findAll" method="post">
	省份:<select name="provinceId">
			<option value="0">请选择</option>
			<option ${gdp.provinceId==1?"selected":"" } value="1">辽宁</option>
			<option ${gdp.provinceId==2?"selected":"" } value="2">山西</option>
			<option ${gdp.provinceId==3?"selected":"" } value="3">河南</option>
			<option ${gdp.provinceId==4?"selected":"" } value="4">吉林</option>
			<option ${gdp.provinceId==5?"selected":"" } value="5">黑龙江</option>
	人口数量:<input type="text" name="pnumMin" value="${gdp.pnumMin }" >--<input type="text" name="pnumMax" value="${gdp.pnumMax }" >
	总利润率:<input type="text" name="profitsMin" value="${gdp.profitsMin }" >--<input type="text" name="profitsMax" value="${gdp.profitsMax }" >
	工业投入:<input type="text" name="industryInvestMin" value="${gdp.industryInvestMin }" >--<input type="text" name="industryInvestMax" value="${gdp.industryInvestMax }" >
	农业收入:<input type="text" name="agIncomeMin" value="${gdp.agIncomeMin }" >--<input type="text" name="agIncomeMax" value="${gdp.agIncomeMax }" >
	月份:<input type="text" name="monthMin" value="${gdp.monthMin }" >--<input type="text" name="monthMax" value="${gdp.monthMax }" >
	整月收入:<input type="text" name="yearMin" value="${gdp.yearMin }" >--<input type="text" name="yearMax" value="${gdp.yearMax }" >
	<input type="submit" value="查询" >

<table class="table">
	<c:forEach items="${info.list }" var="g">
			<td>${g.pro.name }</td>
			<td>${g.month }</td>
			<td>${g.pro.pnum }</td>
			<td>${g.industryIncome }</td>
			<td>${g.industryInvest }</td>
			<td>${g.industryProfits }</td>
			<td>${g.industryProfitsMargin }%</td>
			<td>${g.eConsumer }</td>
			<td>${g.agInvest }</td>
			<td>${g.agIncome }</td>
			<td>${g.agProfits }</td>
			<td>${g.agProfitsMargin }%</td>
			<td>${g.industryBiZhong }%</td>
<a href="findAll?pageNum=${info.pageNum==1?info.pageNum:info.pageNum-1 }">上一页</a>
<a href="findAll?pageNum=${info.pageNum==info.pages?info.pageNum:info.pageNum+1 }">下一页</a>







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