


1、Should. Need to.can

The program interface should be easy to use.

You shouldn’t talk with clients like that.

They need to test this code.

We don’t need to run set ups on all servers.

Users can access information in the cloud.

Can you assign different values to a variable?

We should add dialogue windows to the interface.

What algorithm do I need to use?

You can’t divide a number by zero.

We should call a meeting.

You can check who deleted a file on the server.

2、Passvie voice/ active voice

The drivers are installed automatically.

Is the driver installed automatically?

The new feature was added to the program.

What feature was added?

These problems are solved by help desk.

The data was written into a file.

The final version of the program was approved.

These issues will be solved by our support team.

They add new features in Visual Studio regularly.

Our testers found a lot of bugs in the code.


If I didn’t have children, I would work from a home office somewhere in Thailand.

I wouldn’t agree to be a manager even if they offered me a lot of money.

If you didn’t work in IT, what would you do?

If I were you , I wold learn java.

If programming was so easy, everybody could do it.

We would need to hire some remote developers if we wanted to use Angular 4 for this program.

If the app asked for a phone number, a lot of people would not register.

If his English was better, he would get this job.

If I were you, I would apply for this job.

If the UI was simpler, this app would be more popular.

Would you go to that conference if you had to pay by yourself?

4、If + Present,will + verb(条件状语)

If you don’t press save, you will lose all your changes.

If there is a bug in the code, the program won’t work.

Will you agree if the offer to relocate you?

If the program doesn’t work, check the code.

If the program doesn’t work, you can reboot your computer.

Will you leave if they refuse to give you a raise?

Your code won’t compile if you forget the closing bracket.

This line of code won’t give an error if you comment it out.

5、Present Perfect

I have dealt with all kinds of problems in my job.

Has he already debugged the code?

I have bought a new workstation but I haven’t set it up yet.

Have you ever worked abroad?

I started a course on C++ last week.

I have never dealt with this type of problem.

I have just called this function, so the program works properly now.

I’ve declared a function, but I haven’t written it yet.

I have run the code again.

6、Making Suggetsions

How about installing a new driver?

Why don’t you comment out these lines to see how the code works without them?

Let’s stop now and continue tomorrow, it is getting late.

Why don’t you check your code for typing mistakes?

How about restarting your computer?

Let’s store this data on an external drive.

Let’s not waste time on meetings.

Why don’t you check the extension of the file?

7、Past Simple.

I wrote this code in Eclipse.

I implemented this function yesterday.

What number did you assign to the age variable?

In past this program didn’t run on mobile devices.

Was he in a meeting last Friday?

In my previous job I carried out the responsibility of a team leader.

We weren’t ready for a visit from the client.

Did you write the function to compare prices?

I didn’t register on this website but I can use it.

8、job titles

System Administrator: a person who supports company’s computing environment and ensures good performance of IT services and support systems.

Database Administrator(DBA): help store and organize company’s data.protect data from unauthorized users.

Computer Network Architect: design, build, and matin a variety of data communication networks.

Computer Support Specialist: assists users who are having problems with software, computers or peripherals(printers or scanners). Provide help over the phone, via online chat or email.

Software Developer(dev): design, run and test various computer programs and applications. They usually have a bachelor’s degree in computer science or a related filed. They also have strong programming skills.

Quality Assurance Analyst(tester): responsible for creating plans, executing those plans and managing all activities in the plan to ensure that the program works as expected.

Computer Programmer: a person who creates computer software.They write code using computer languages, such as C++,Java,Python etc. Computer programmers create instructions for computers to generate meaningful output.

Web Developer: build and shape a visitor’s experience at a website. They create webpage layouts(headings, paragraphs etc), website styling(color and fonts), and page features(animations and pictures). They use languages like HTML or Javascript to create websites or web applications.

Web Designer:  a web designer is responsible for creating the design and layout of a website or a web page. They can work on a brand new website or update and improve an already existing site.

Our managers deal with all kinds of clients every day. So I can say that we maintain the highest level of service.

In my work I follow the best practices to maintain clean and easy to understand PHP code.

In my previous project I carried out the responsibilities of both the Project Manager ad Team leader.

As a QA specialist I worked with a test environment where I tested many aspects of the platform to ensure that it works as desired.

A cloud architect oversees application architecture and deploys it in cloud environments like public cloud, private cloud and hybrid cloud.

I’m a freelance web developer so I build and deploy all my websites an applications myself.

I took a course where I learned how to design and write programs that are easy to maintain.

I will set up all the necessary equipment in my home office to work remotely on the project.

I am an IT technician, so I install and configure different software on all computes in the office.

I use different plugins and libraries every day, so I often need to install and configure new software. That’s why I read a lot of documentation in English.

Databases are generally protected by copyright.

As a junior software Engineer I assist and participate in the research, design, development and testing of software and tools.

I am a web designer, so I know how to provide the best user experience for your web site visitors.

As a CEO of a big software company I need to manage a lot of creative people.

Project managers usually estimate new projects by analogy, using previous projects and past experience.

Sometimes I need to google my questions, for example:”How to execute the code inside a function in JS”.

Working on my previous project I improved my time management and organizational  skills.

When an application is developed we have to make sure that it runs on different devices and works perfectly.

9、Equipment and tools

Press the F2 key on your computer keyboard.

I prefer working with 2 monitors.

The screen resolution on my laptop is 1366(thirteen six six) x(by) 768(seven sixty eight).

Please send the screenshot of the device manager window.

Desktop processors are more powerful than laptop processors.

Workstation PCs have multiple processor cores.

Today you can find a lot of tablets with a long battery life.

It is easier to hack into a Wi-Fi network than get to Ethernet cable.

There are too many folders on my desktop.

My spellchecker doesn’t work, so I had to look for mistakes myself.

10、common actions

To start computer / to turn on a computer

To shut down a computer / to turn off a computer

Start your computer and run the upgrade process.

Shut down your computer at the end of the day.

My computer freezes up(can’t move ,can’t minimize it) all the time.

After successful installation reboot your computer.

I looked up my IP address.

Double-click your code files to run them.(left click, right click)

To order the files, simply drag and drop into a new position.

Copy paste the code and add to your website’s <head> tag.

I created a code runner file to make the process more simple.

It will take about two hours to key in all this data.

My program asks the user to enter words.

Use Ctrl+L shortcut to see the last saved version.

His background noise was terrible, so I muted him.

To begin registration you just need to press Sign UP button.

You may unsubscribe by clicking the link below.

Use your email address and password to log in.

Log out of your account when you are not using it.

To run a code in Ruby, you have to install Ruby first.

Select the language of your website and integrate the automatically generated  HTML code into your website.

The computer performs instructions written in code.

Technical documentation provides all the necessary information, but ti is sometimes difficult to read it.


Algorithm: An algorithm is a step-by-step procedure which is used to solve problems or to do calculations.

I used a Bubble-Sort algorithm to sort numbers in an array.

Value: a value is a piece of data. Every value has a type. Values represent information and we can work with it using code.

If you write your birth year into the field, the program will use that value to calculate your age.

Variable: a variable is a container for a single value. It is named. Different values can be assigned to a variable.

I created the age and name variables in my JS file.

Assign: to put a value into a variable. The process is called assignment.

I assigned the number 27 to the age variable.

Integer: integer is a type of value that represents whole numbers. It can be positive, negative or zero.

27 is en integer value.

Float: float is a type of value that is a number with fractional part. Short for “floating-point number”.

21.22 is a float.

Double: double is a data type that is a number with decimal points. It is similar to float, but has more precision. Short for “double-precision floating-point number”

String: string is a type of value that represents text.

“English” is a string. It is a sequence of characters “e””n””g”….

Boolean: a boolean is a data type that has two values(that are usually called true and false)

I assigned the boolean values to the variable empty.

Array: an array is a type of value that can contain a sequence other values.

I created an array of strings that contains the names of students.

Function: a function is a piece of code that is run only when the function is called(executed).Functions can take arguments(parameters).when a function finishes running, it returns a certain value.

I wrote a function that calculates the price for discounted products.

To call : to call a function is to run the code in a function.

Your program doesn’t work properly because you forgot to call a function.

Argument: an argument/parameter is a value that is passed into a function when it is called.

The function takes the original price of a product as an argument and returns the discounted price.

Class: a class is a type that can be created by the programmer. We need a class to  create objects of that class.

I made a Student class that will be able to hold student’s name and email address.

Object: an object is a value created from a class. Objects usually contain some variables and values inside and have methods attached to them.

I made a class Student and then created several objects from that class - for every student in the group.

Method: a method is a function that is attached to an object.

The method called length returns the number of characters in a string object.

Bug: a bug is a mistake in a program.

I think there is a bug in your program, because it gives a wrong output.

Debug: to debug is to investigate the program and fix bugs.

Sometimes it takes all day to debug a complicated error.

Comment: a text written around code that is ignored by the computer. It is used for writing extra information about your code to help you(or someone else) understand it later.

The developer didn’t leave any comments in the code. So it’s hard to understand it now.

Comment out: to turn a piece of code into a comment with the help of special character.

When you check your code, you can comment out some lines to see hot it works without them.

Compiler: a compiler is a program that converts your code into a machine-code so that it can be read and executed by a computer.

The compiler gave a error, probably I made a mistake in my code.

Error: an error is a mistake in a computer process.

The compiler gave me a syntax error, so I should check my code carefully to find typing mistakes.

Constant: a constant is a variable that never changes its value.

The PI constant has the value of 3.14.

Crash : a program crashes when it stops running because of an error.

If you try to divide a number by zero, your program will crash.

Executable : an executable is a program which is ready to be run.Short for executable file/program.

A common filename extension .exe means that it is an executable file.

Declare: to declare in programming means to say that something exists. Usually a variable, a function or a class.

I’ve only declared a function but I haven’t written it yet.

Implement: to implement means to write and complete something in code. For example , to implement a function or a class.

I declared a function and implemented it. It works well.

Instantiate: to instantiate means to create on object from a class.

I instantiated another object of the Student class.

To iterate / to loop: a loop is piece of code that runs itself many times. I can also be used as a verb.

I used a “for” loop to run this code for every values in my array. I iterate through every element in the list.

Read: to read means to take some data values from another source. Usually from a file or over the internet.

The function reads the data from a file into a string.

Write : to write is to send the data values to another destination. Usually to a file or over the internet.

When you press the close button, the program writes all your data to a file before it quits.

Syntax: syntax is the grammatical rules of a programming language. Syntax determines if code is written correctly or incorrectly.

12、 symbol

Tilde: ~

Exclamation mark: !

At: @

Number/hash: #

Dollar sign:$

Percent: %

Caret: ^

Ampersand : &

Asterisk :*

Brackets:().   Left/open bracket , right/close bracket

Underscore/horizontal bar: _

Dash/ hyphen:-


Curly braces:{}. Left/open bracket, right/close curly brace

Vertical bar / or : |

Square brackets: []

Forward slash: /

Backslash: \

Colon: : 冒号

Semicolon: ; 分号

Quote/double quote:  引号,双引号

Single quote: 单引号

Less than: <

More than, greater than: >

Question mark:







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