

本文使用的后台是Java。前端为Jsp(前端都一样,后台如果语言不通得自己做 Base64编码解码)

因为公司业务需要支持IE8 ,网上其实有很多富文本框,效果都很好。

例如www.wangEditor.com  但试了一圈都不支持IE8 。

所以回到Ueditor,由于官方没有维护,新的neuditor 也不知道什么时候能支持word自动转存,只能自己想办法。






这里本机测试使用的直接是   http://localhost




到这里 IE 的准备工作完成了。



var imgPath = attrs.src;

var imgUrl = attrs.src;

if (navigator.appName === 'Microsoft Internet Explorer') { //判断是否是IE浏览器

    if (navigator.userAgent.match(/Trident/i) && navigator.userAgent.match(/MSIE 8.0/i)) { //判断浏览器内核是否为Trident内核IE8.0

        var realPath = imgPath.substring(8, imgPath.length);

        var filename = imgPath.substring(imgPath.lastIndexOf('/') + 1, imgPath.length);

        var result = UploadForIE.saveAttachment(filename, realPath);

        if (result) {

            var json = eval('(' + result + ')');

            imgUrl = json.url;





    width: attrs.width,

    height: attrs.height,

    alt: attrs.alt,

    word_img: attrs.src,

    src: imgUrl,

    'style': 'background:url(' + (flag ? opt.themePath + opt.theme + '/images/word.gif': opt.langPath + opt.lang + '/images/localimage.png') + ') no-repeat center center;border:1px solid #ddd'



var UploadForIE = {

    // 保存到xml附件,并且通过ajax 上传

    saveAttachment: function(upload_filename, localFilePath) {


        var upload_target_url = "uploadImg";

        var strTempFile = localFilePath;

        // 创建XML对象,组合XML文档数据

        var xml_dom = UploadForIE.createDocument();

        xml_dom.loadXML('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="GBK" ?> <root/>');

        // 创建ADODB.Stream对象

        var ado_stream = new ActiveXObject("adodb.stream");

        // 设置流数据类型为二进制类型

        ado_stream.Type = 1; // adTypeBinary

        // 打开ADODB.Stream对象


        // 将本地文件装载到ADODB.Stream对象中


        // 获取文件大小(以字节为单位)

        var byte_size = ado_stream.Size;

        // 设置数据传输单元大小为1KB

        var byte_unit = 1024;

        // 获取文件分割数据单元的数量

        var read_count = parseInt((byte_size / byte_unit).toString()) + parseInt(((byte_size % byte_unit) == 0) ? 0 : 1);

        // 创建XML元素节点,保存上传文件名称

        var node = xml_dom.createElement("uploadFilename");

        node.text = upload_filename.toString();

        var root = xml_dom.documentElement;


        // 创建XML元素节点,保存上传文件大小

        var node = xml_dom.createElement("uploadFileSize");

        node.text = byte_size.toString();


        // 创建XML元素节点,保存上传文件内容

        for (var i = 0; i < read_count; i++) {

            var node = xml_dom.createElement("uploadContent");

            // 文件内容编码方式为Base64

            node.dataType = "bin.base64";

            // 判断当前保存的数据节点大小,根据条件进行分类操作

            if ((parseInt(byte_size % byte_unit) != 0) && (i == parseInt(read_count - 1))) {

                // 当数据包大小不是数据单元的整数倍时,读取最后剩余的小于数据单元的所有数据

                node.nodeTypedValue = ado_stream.Read();

            } else {

                // 读取一个完整数据单元的数据

                node.nodeTypedValue = ado_stream.Read(byte_unit);




        // 关闭ADODB.Stream对象


        delete ado_stream;

        // 创建Microsoft.XMLHTTP对象

        // var xmlhttp = new ActiveXObject("microsoft.xmlhttp");

        var xmlhttp = window.XMLHttpRequest ? new XMLHttpRequest() : new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHttp");

        // 打开Microsoft.XMLHTP对象

        xmlhttp.open("post", upload_target_url, false);

        // 使用Microsoft.XMLHTP对象上传文件


        var state = xmlhttp.readyState;

        var success_state = true;

        if (state != 4) {

            success_state = false;


        var result = xmlhttp.responseText;

        delete xmlhttp;

        return result;


    // 创建DOMdocuemnt

    createDocument: function() {

        var xmldom;

        var versions = ["MSXML2.DOMDocument.6.0", "MSXML2.DOMDocument.5.0", "MSXML2.DOMDocument.4.0", "MSXML2.DOMDocument.3.0", "MSXML2.DOMDocument"],



        for (i = 0, len = versions.length; i < len; i++) {

            try {

                xmldom = new ActiveXObject(versions[i]);

                if (xmldom != null) break;

            } catch(ex) {





        return xmldom;





    public void uploadADO(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) {

        String path1 = request.getContextPath();

        String basePath = request.getScheme() + "://" + request.getServerName() + ":" + request.getServerPort() +path1;

        String rootPath = request.getServletContext().getRealPath("/");

        // 设置数据传输单元大小为1KB

        int unit_size = 1024;

        // 初始化xml文件大小(以字节为单位)

        int xmlFileSize = 0;

        // 初始化上传文件名称(完整文件名)

        String xmlFilename = "";

        // 初始化上传文件保存路径(绝对物理路径)

        String xmlFilepath = "";

        // 声明文件存储字节数组

        byte[] xmlFileBytes = null;

        try {

            // 初始化 SAX 串行xml文件解析器

            SAXBuilder builder = new SAXBuilder();

            Document doc = builder.build(request.getInputStream());

            Element eRoot = doc.getRootElement();

            // 获取上传文件的完整名称

            Iterator it_name = eRoot.getChildren("uploadFilename").iterator();

            if (it_name.hasNext()) {

                xmlFilename = ((Element) it_name.next()).getText();



            String  relativePath = "/temp/"+EditorUtil.getToday()+"/";

            xmlFilepath = rootPath+ relativePath;

            // 获取上传文件的大小

            Iterator it_size = eRoot.getChildren("uploadFileSize").iterator();

            if (it_size.hasNext()) {

                xmlFileSize = Integer.parseInt(((Element) it_size.next())


                if (xmlFileSize > 0) {

                    int unit_count = 0;

                    // 为存储文件内容的字节数组分配存储空间

                    xmlFileBytes = new byte[xmlFileSize];

                    // 循环读取文件内容,并保存到字节数组中

                    Iterator it_content = eRoot.getChildren("uploadContent")


                    while (it_content.hasNext()) {

                        // 初始化Base64编码解码器

                        BASE64Decoder base64 = new BASE64Decoder();

                        byte[] xmlNodeByteArray = base64

                                .decodeBuffer(((Element) it_content.next())


                        if (xmlNodeByteArray.length >= unit_size) {

                            // 读取一个完整数据单元的数据

                            System.arraycopy(xmlNodeByteArray, 0, xmlFileBytes,

                                    unit_count * unit_size, unit_size);

                        } else {

                            // 读取小于一个数据单元的所有数据

                            System.arraycopy(xmlNodeByteArray, 0, xmlFileBytes,

                                    unit_count * unit_size, xmlFileSize

                                            % unit_size);


                        // 继续向下读取文件内容





            // 保存路径

            File path = new File(xmlFilepath);




            // 保存文件 word粘贴图片的名称

            File file = new File(path,xmlFilename);

            // 创建文件输入输出流

            FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(file);

            // 写入文件内容



            // 关闭文件输入输出流


            ReturnUploadImage rui = new ReturnUploadImage();




            rui.setUrl(basePath +relativePath+xmlFilename);

            JSONObject json = new JSONObject(rui);

            String result = json.toString();//这边就是为了返回给UEditor做的格式转换


        } catch (Exception e) {






<%@ page language="java" import="java.util.*" pageEncoding="utf-8"%>

<%@ page contentType="text/html;charset=utf-8"%>

<%@ page import = "Xproer.*" %>

<%@ page import="org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils" %>

<%@ page import="org.apache.commons.fileupload.*" %>

<%@ page import="org.apache.commons.fileupload.disk.*" %>

<%@ page import="org.apache.commons.fileupload.servlet.*" %>




        2013-01-25 取消对SmartUpload的使用,改用commons-fileupload组件。因为测试发现SmartUpload有内存泄露的问题。


//String path = request.getContextPath();

//String basePath = request.getScheme()+"://"+request.getServerName()+":"+request.getServerPort()+path+"/";

String uname = "";//        = request.getParameter("uid");

String upass = "";//        = request.getParameter("fid");

// Check that we have a file upload request

boolean isMultipart = ServletFileUpload.isMultipartContent(request);

FileItemFactory factory = new DiskFileItemFactory();  

ServletFileUpload upload = new ServletFileUpload(factory);


List files = null;



    files = upload.parseRequest(request);


catch (FileUploadException e)

{// 处理文件尺寸过大异常 





FileItem imgFile = null;

// 得到所有上传的文件

Iterator fileItr = files.iterator();

// 循环处理所有文件

while (fileItr.hasNext())


    // 得到当前文件

    imgFile = (FileItem) fileItr.next();

    // 忽略简单form字段而不是上传域的文件域(<input type="text" />等)



        String fn = imgFile.getFieldName();

        String fv = imgFile.getString();

        if(fn.equals("uname")) uname = fv;

        if(fn.equals("upass")) upass = fv;







Uploader up = new Uploader(pageContext,request);


String url = up.GetFilePathRel();




剩下的后台功能和js参考下载文件中的UEditorAction 和 uploadForIE.js。







基于springboot 和idea ,这里只提取了自动转存功能出来,功能还没测试,git代码没做公开,等后续测试好了再公开。





mvn install:install-file -DgroupId=com.baidu -DartifactId=ueditor -Dversion=1.1.0 -Dpackaging=jar -Dfile=\ueditor\jsp\lib\ueditor-1.1.0.jar



然后访问http://localhost:8088/ueditor/ 就可以测试了。






Ueditor Word图片转存交互 – 泽优软件博客


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<br/>CuteEditor功能特点 <br/>是什么使CuteEditor成为Html在线编辑器的领航者?除了其强大的功能和方便的使用, 这里还有一些顶尖的技术因素是CuteEditor编辑器成为你编辑和发布Web内容的最佳选择: <br/> 界面简洁加载速度快 <br/><br/>由于才有了很多优化方法,所以CuteEditor非常简单、小巧、装载速度快,但仍然保持功能强大、执行效率高的特点。 <br/> <br/> 跨浏览器,跨平台的所见即所得在线html编辑器 <br/><br/>兼容市面上最流行的ie5.5+,firefox1.0+,mozilla1.3+, netscape7+和Safari(1.3+)浏览器,并且包括Mac和Linux操作平台。 <br/> <br/> CuteEditor遵循Web标准,没有类似 <FONT> 这种标签 <br/><br/>你的Html编辑器还在使用类似 <FONT>这种标签么? CuteEditor会帮助你构建用户最新Web标准的html代码标签,自动生成简洁的HTML/XHTML代码。 为什么要遵循Web标准? <br/><br/>学习应用Web标准有很多益处,下面给几个简单例子:<br/><br/>获得好的搜索引擎排名: The separation of content and presentation makes the content represent a larger part of the total file size. Combined with semantic markup this will improve search engine rankings. <br/>更快的下载和加载网页: Less HTML results in smaller file sizes and quicker downloads. Modern web browsers render pages faster when they are in their standards mode than when they are in their backwards compatible mode. <br/>适应未来网页浏览器: When you use defined standards and valid code you future-proof your documents by reducing the risk of future web browsers not being able to understand the code you have used. <br/>代码编写简单,维护方便: Using more semantic and structured HTML makes it easier and quicker to understand code created by somebody else. <br/>适应其他设备: Semantic HTML, where structure is separated from presentation, makes it easier for screen readers and alternative browsing devices to interpret the content. <br/>非常好的适应性: A semantically marked up document can be easily adapted to print and alternative browsing devices, like handheld computers and cellular phones, just by linking to a different CSS file. You can also make site-wide changes to presentation by editing a single file. <br/>Read more:<br/>我的网页符合Web标准,你的呢? <br/> 能自动清理HTML代码中Word标记 <br/><br/>When text is pasted from Microsoft Word allot of unnecessary word specific markup is carried across. This can result in web pages that take an unnecessarily long time to download. The Paste from Word button solves this by removing word markup before pasting the text into your page. <br/> <br/> 支持W3C WAI和section 508的无障碍引导 <br/><br/>Cute Editor optional accessibility settings ensure your site complies with Section 508, so people with disabilities can have full access to your content.<br/> <br/> 输出的HTML或不错的XHTML供你选择 (Demo)<br/><br/>Cute Editor supports output well-formed XHTML. Your choice of XHTML 1.0 or HTML 4.01 output. <br/><br/> <br/> 无限次的撤销/恢复<br/><br/>Many of the other editors on the market cannot undo or redo certain actions, and certain table operations - such as cell merge or column deletion. Cute Editor 4.0 has a new custom undo/redo implementation to make you can now safely undo those actions. <br/><br/> <br/> 多语言支持,通过简单设置XML即可完成 (Demo)<br/><br/>All labels, buttons, tooltips and messages are located in external XML files, so that the language of the editor can be switched with a single property. You can also create a new language in a matter of minutes. <br/> <br/> 完全支持页面编辑(从 <HTML> 到 </HTML>) (Demo)<br/><br/>Cute Editor 4.0 allows you to edit a full HTML page, including <title>, <!DOCTYPE...> and some other options. You can also insert Form elements (checkbox, button, textarea, etc.) and modify certain properties of the element.<br/> <br/> 默认换行为软回车 (Demo)<br/><br/>Most other editors insert double line returns which can be annoying for clients who are used to editing in Microsoft Word. CuteEditor can be configured to use <div>, <br> or <p> tags when you press enter. In either mode <br> tags can be created by using shift+enter.<br/> <br/> 支持代码缩进和小写字母<br/><br/>Cute Editor displays nicely indented code in the HTML mode and the generating HTML tags and Attributes are in lower case. This is very convenient and important for the advanced users. <br/> <br/> 支持全屏编辑 (Demo)<br/><br/>It does not open a new window, instead it will resize to fit the browser screen. Edit in full screen mode, maximizing your available space. <br/><br/> <br/> 没有打开较慢的Java或ActiveX组件<br/><br/>100% DHTML, JavaScript ASP.Net code. There are no slow Java or ActiveX components to worry about and everything is handled in the browser! <br/><br/> <br/> 支持相对地址和URL自动关联(Demo)<br/><br/>With Cute Editor, you have the choice of using either a relative or absolute URL. <br/> <br/> 部署简单<br/><br/>The perfect addition to your content management system! Only a couple lines of code , you don't need to be an expert. Allows you to add an online HTML editing functionality that works with standard HTML form.<br/> <br/> 可以简单的通过API隐藏按钮和标签 <br/><br/>Cute Editor allows developers to set the image directory, set the controls width, disable image uploading and deleting, restrict access to the source/preview tabs, hide buttons and lists that you don't want your clients to see or access. <br/> <br/> 支持图片的文字环绕 <br/><br/>Locate the image you want to wrap text around, and click any justify button in the toolbar. The image will float to the desired direction. Text will be positioned around the image. <br/> <br/> 支持文件下载 <br/><br/>You can upload document files, create a link from your HTML content to the document files (zip files, ppt files...). <br/> <br/> CSS型皮肤 (Demo)<br/><br/>Cute Editor provides several built in themes that are ready to use. Developers can completely change the appearance of the toolbar and the dialogs by simply modifying the supplied classes and images. <br/> <br/> 高级的表格管理<br/><br/>Create and modify tables and table cells. Set their border color, alignment, cellspacing and more! Once you've created a table, simply right click inside of it and use the handy popup menu to change its attributes. <caption>,<summary>,<thead>,<tfoot>,<th> tags are supported. <br/><br/> <br/> 图片插入和自动上传<br/><br/>Built-in thumbnail generator. Thumbnail images are dynamically created; Supports upload new images. Paging - specify how many images. Support auto resize images.<br/> <br/> 具有特殊的对话框<br/><br/>With Style builder dialog box you can apply CSS style attributes directly to any HTML elements on your Web page.<br/> <br/> 支持内容模板 (Demo)<br/><br/>The basic idea behind a Content Management System (CMS) is to separate the management of content from design. Cute Editor allows the site designer to easily create and establish templates to give the site a uniform look. Templates may be modified when desired. <br/> <br/> 通过限制html和文字的长度来保护你的数据库 (Demo)<br/><br/>If you tried to insert a record whose text length is greater than allowed by your table, an error will be reported. To prevent this type of error from occurring, developers can use MaxHTMLLength or MaxTextLength in the Cute Editor to limit the length of the user抯 input. <br/> <br/> Apply security to control user access to resources <br/><br/>Cute Editor allows developers to assign a pre-defined set of permissions by group or individual. This prevents a normal user to access the administration functionality. <br/><br/>The details of permissions are specified by an XML security policy file. Each level maps to a specific file. The default mappings: <br/><br/>admin设置 admin.config <br/>default设置 default.config <br/>guest设置 guest.config <br/>You can customize and extend each policy file by editing the XML security policy file. You can also create your own policy files that define arbitrary permission sets.<br/><br/>Comparison of the sample security policy file <br/><br/> <br/>Permissions/Resource Setting Admin Default Guest <br/>AllowUpload <br/>AllowDelete <br/>AllowCopy <br/>AllowMove <br/>AllowCreateFolder <br/>AllowDeleteFolder <br/>RestrictUploadedImageDimension <br/>AutoResizeUploadedImages <br/>MaxImageWidth 6400 640 640 <br/>MaxImageHeight 4800 480 480 <br/>MaxImageSize 10000 100 100 <br/>MaxMediaSize 10000 100 100 <br/>MaxFlashSize 10000 100 100 <br/>MaxDocumentSize 10000 100 100 <br/>ImageGalleryPath ~/uploads ~/uploads/member ~/uploads/guest <br/>MediaGalleryPath ~/uploads ~/uploads/member ~/uploads/guest <br/>FlashGalleryPath ~/uploads ~/uploads/member ~/uploads/guest <br/>FilesGallaryPath ~/uploads ~/uploads/member ~/uploads/guest <br/>ImageFilters .jpg <br/>.jpeg <br/>.gif <br/>.png .jpg <br/>.jpeg <br/>.gif <br/> .jpg <br/>.jpeg <br/>.gif <br/> <br/>MediaFilters .avi <br/>.mpg <br/>.mpeg <br/>.mp3 .avi <br/>.mpg <br/>.mpeg <br/> .avi <br/>.mpg <br/>.mpeg <br/> <br/>DocumentFilters .txt, .doc<br/>.pdf, .zip<br/>.rar, .avi<br/>.mpg, .mpeg<br/>.mp3, .jpg<br/>.jpeg,.gif<br/>.png .pdf, .doc<br/> .txt, .doc<br/>.pdf, .zip<br/> <br/> <br/> 在线图片编辑<br/><br/>People that input content on a website are generally not web designers, so most don't have that design & technical fibre in them. With online image editor, you can now edit image file with no image editing software to download or install! Easy drag and drop familiar interface. Resize, change dimensions, scale, crop, add text, optimize, rotate, flip, mirror and add watermark. <br/> <br/> 控制上传文件夹大小<br/><br/>Max Upload Folder size(Including all subfolders and files. A must have feature for people who have limited hosting space.) Dynamic display of available free space in the Upload Folder.Limits the size of your upload folder. If the max is reached uploads will be disabled. <br/> <br/> 支持图片热点<br/><br/>Image maps are pictures with clickable regions also known as "hotspots." When users click on one of the hotspots, they're directed to the page you designate. CuteEditor 5.0 lets you easily create image maps to add fun and excitement to a page<br/> <br/> <div> 的盒模式<br/><br/><div> boxes offer a much greater ability to control the layout of a page. With CuteEditor, you can put any content between <div> tags and then use CSS to style all sorts of borders, backgrounds, etc. <br/> <br/> 通用虚拟键盘<br/><br/>Virtual Keyboard does not require changes to language settings of your system and even speeds up the entire text input process for your customers. It lets your native speaking clients to access your web resources from any location in the world without changing national keyboard layouts and fonts on their machines. <br/> <br/> 把图片存到数据库<br/><br/>With CuteEditor you can easily use a Sql Server database or access database as the file storage. <br/> <br/> RTF和HTML之间互相转换<br/><br/>With CuteEditor you can easily convert an HTML document into an RTF file and RTF file into HTML or XHTML document. <br/> <br/> 生成PDF文件<br/><br/>CuteEditor also allows you dynamically create Adobe PDF documents from ASP.NET.<br/> cuteEditor6.0多语言版(集成lic文件) <br/><br/>目前功能强大,最好的Asp.net编辑器之一 <br/>除了一般html编辑器具有的功能外,还有word过滤、图片在线处理、加水印等实用功能 <br/>使用关键步骤: <br/><br/>1、引用bin下的cuteEditor文件 <br/>2、在aspx页面顶部中添加引用 <br/>3、在aspx页面中加入代码 <br/>4、最后可以在.cs文件中通过来读取Editor1.Text的值来进行任意的扩展和控制了 <br/>具体配置可参照default.aspx和default.aspx.cs <br/><br/>关于cuteEditor6.0的特征及体验请浏览cuteEditor.cn,系统集成了lic授权文件,仅供体验测试使用,请不要用于任何商业用途! <br/><br/> <br/>


  • 非常没帮助
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