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安装平台软件使用Windowsce6系统<?xml version="1.0" ?> - <doc> - <assembly> <name>Symbol</name> </assembly> - <members> - <member name="T:Symbol.Marshaller.Accessor"> <summary>Accessor base class provides access to an entry within an Accessable object.</summary> </member> - <member name="M:Symbol.Marshaller.Accessor.#ctor(System.Int32)"> <summary>Accessor constructor.</summary> <param name="i">The index for an entry within an Accessable object.</param> </member> - <member name="F:Symbol.Marshaller.Accessor.m_i"> <summary>An integer field that contains the location of the entry within an Accessable object.</summary> </member> - <member name="P:Symbol.Marshaller.Accessor.i"> <summary>Get the index of the Accessor.</summary> </member> - <member name="T:Symbol.Marshaller.UintAccessor"> <summary>UintAccessor class provides access to a uint within an Accessable object.</summary> </member> - <member name="M:Symbol.Marshaller.UintAccessor.#ctor(System.Int32)"> <summary>UintAccessor constructor.</summary> <param name="i">The index of the Accessor.</param> </member> - <member name="T:Symbol.Marshaller.BoolAccessor"> <summary>BoolAccessor class provides access to a bool within an Accessable object.</summary> </member> - <member name="M:Symbol.Marshaller.BoolAccessor.#ctor(System.Int32)"> <summary>BoolAccessor constructor.</summary> <param name="i">The index of the Accessor.</param> </member> - <member name="T:Symbol.Marshaller.ObjectAccessor"> <summary>ObjectAccessor class provides access to a generic object within an Accessable object.</summary> </member> - <member name="M:Symbol.Marshaller.ObjectAccessor.#ctor(System.Int32)"> <summary>ObjectAccessor constructor.</summary> <param name="i">The index of the Accessor.</param> </member> - <member name="T:Symbol.Marshaller.StringObjectAccessor"> <summary>StringObjectAccessor class provides access to a string object within an Accessable object.</summary> </member> - <member name="M:Symbol.Marshaller.StringObjectAccessor.#ctor(System.Int32)"> <summary>StringObjectAccessor constructor.</summary> <param name="i">The index of the Accessor.</param> </member> - <member name="T:Symbol.Marshaller.UintObjectAccessor"> <summary>UintObjectAccessor class provides access to a uint object within an Accessable object.</summary> </member> - <member name="M:Symbol.Marshaller.UintObjectAccessor.#ctor(System.Int32)"> <summary>UintObjectAccessor constructor.</summary> <param name="i">The index of the Accessor.</param> </member> - <member name="T:Symbol.Marshaller.FloatObjectAccessor"> <summary>FloatObjectAccessor class provides access to a Float object within an Accessable object.</summary> </member> - <member name="M:Symbol.Marshaller.FloatObjectAccessor.#ctor(System.Int32)"> <summary>FloatObjectAccessor constructor.</summary> <param name="i">The index of the Accessor.</param> </member> - <member name="T:Symbol.API"> <summary>The API Base class provides a common foundation for all classes that in the SMDK for .NET class libraries that will work with the StandardForms functionality.</summary> <remarks>The API class provides the capability of "reflecting" through objects to gain information at runtime about their properties. This capability provides an excellent way for application developers to create UI for parameters they may not necessarilly be familiar with. This class is abstract and as such may never be instantiated as is.</remarks> </member> - <member name="M:Symbol.API.#ctor"> <summary>Default API constructor.</summary> </member> - <member name="M:Symbol.API.Save(System.Boolean)"> <summary>Abstract method that provides the capability of saving an API objects properties/parameters.</summary> <param name="bRecurseIntoSubClasses">A boolean flag that when true performs a deep copy of the parameters, otherwise a shallow copy is performed.</param> <returns>An object that represents the saved parameters is returned.</returns> </member> - <member name="M:Symbol.API.Restore(System.Object)"> <summary>Abstract method provides the capability to restore previously saved API object parameters.</summary> <param name="SaveInfo">An object that represents the saved API parameters.</param> </member> - <member name="M:Symbol.API.GetProperties"> <summary>Returns all parameter/property information for the API object.</summary> <returns>An array of PropertyAttributes are returned. The array contains all the properties with meta-data that can be used for UI purposes.</returns> </member> - <member name="M:Symbol.API.GetProperties(System.Boolean)"> <summary>Returns all parameter/property information for the API object.</summary> <param name="bAllowOptionalProperties">A boolean flag that specifies whether or not to return optional parameters in the PropertyAttribute array.</param> <returns>An array of PropertyAttributes are returned. The array contains all the properties with meta-data that can be used for UI purposes.</returns> </member> - <member name="M:Symbol.API.GetPropertyClass(System.Type,System.Type)"> <summary>This method can be used to obtain subclass information for nested API derived objects within an API object.</summary> <param name="tParent">The class type of the Parent Class.</param> <param name="tChild">The class type of the Child Class.</param> <returns>Returns an PropertyClassAttribute object for a given class type.</returns> </member> - <member name="P:Symbol.API.Text"> <summary>The text property provides a inherited class specific string.</summary> <value>A string that describes the API object.</value> </member> - <member name="P:Symbol.API.IsSupported"> <summary>A virtual property that may or may not be overridden for a derived API object.</summary> <value>A boolean flag. Returns true if not overridden.</value> </member> - <member name="P:Symbol.API.Changes"> <summary>Provides the ability to saving and restoring of API object parameters.</summary> <value>An InfoChanges object that performs actions on the API object.</value> </member> - <member name="T:Symbol.API.InfoChanges"> <summary>The InfoChanges class is used internally to help with the saving and restoring process.</summary> <remarks>The InfoChanges class is created by the API abstract class and is used to provide the recursive save feature. The InfoChanges object can be access using API.Changes property.</remarks> </member> - <member name="M:Symbol.API.InfoChanges.#ctor(Symbol.API)"> <summary>InfoChanges constructor is called internally to the class libraries.</summary> <param name="a">An API based object to save and restore information.</param> </member> - <member name="M:Symbol.API.InfoChanges.Save"> <summary>Saves all properties/parameters for the given API object recursively.</summary> <returns>An object that represents the saved parameters.</returns> </member> - <member name="M:Symbol.API.InfoChanges.SaveEx(System.Boolean)"> <summary>Saves all properties/parameters for the given API object.</summary> <param name="bRecurseIntoSubClasses">A boolean flag. If true a deep copy of the parameters will be made, otherwise a shallow copy will be made.</param> <returns>An object that represents the saved parameters.</returns> </member> - <member name="M:Symbol.API.InfoChanges.Restore(System.Object)"> <summary>Abstract method provides the capability to restore previously saved API object parameters.</summary> <param name="SaveInfo">An object that represents the saved API parameters.</param> </member> - <member name="T:Symbol.Attributes.PropertyNameAttribute"> <summary>The PropertyNameAttribute class is an attribute that is used to tag properties in API objects with a friendly name for use with the UI.</summary> <remarks>The StandardForms classes use the information provided by this attribute for user interface purposes.</remarks> </member> - <member name="M:Symbol.Attributes.PropertyNameAttribute.#ctor(System.String)"> <summary>PropertyNameAttribute constructor with settable name. Optional flag is set to false.</summary> <param name="s">A string that contains the name of the property.</param> </member> - <member name="M:Symbol.Attributes.PropertyNameAttribute.#ctor(System.String,System.Boolean)"> <summary>PropertyNameAttribute constructor with settable name and optional flag.</summary> <param name="s">A string that contains the name of the property.</param> <param name="b">A boolean flag that determines whether or not the property is optional.</param> </member> - <member name="M:Symbol.Attributes.PropertyNameAttribute.#ctor(System.String,System.String)"> <summary>PropertyNameAttribute constructor with settable name and resource information.</summary> <param name="s">A string that contains the name of the property.</param> <param name="srb">A string that contains the location of the resource file with name information.</param> </member> - <member name="M:Symbol.Attributes.PropertyNameAttribute.#ctor(System.String,System.String,System.Boolean)"> <summary>PropertyNameAttribute constructor with settable name, optional flag, and resource file information.</summary> <param name="s">A string that contains the name of the property.</param> <param name="srb">A string that contains the location of the resource file with name information.</param> <param name="b">A boolean flag that determines


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