Flowable 6.6.0 Eclipse设计器 - 5.扩展Flowable设计器 - 5.1定制调色板(3)

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《Flowable 6.6.0 Eclipse设计器》

1 安装(Installation
2 Flowable 设计器编辑器特性(Flowable Designer editor features)
3 Flowable设计器BPMN 特性(Flowable Designer BPMN features)
4 Flowable设计器部署特性(Flowable Designer deployment features)
5 扩展Flowable设计器(Extending Flowable Designer)

5 扩展Flowable设计器(Extending Flowable Designer)

5.1 定制调色板(Customizing the palette)

5.1.3 向调色板增加形状(Adding shapes to the palette)

With your project set up, you can now easily add shapes to the palette. Each shape you wish to add is represented by a class in your JAR. Take note that these classes are not the classes that will be used by the Flowable engine during runtime. In your extension you describe the properties that can be set in Flowable Designer for each shape. From these shapes, you can also define the runtime characteristics that should be used by the engine when a process instance reaches the node in the process. The runtime characteristics can use any of the options that Flowable supports for regular ServiceTasks. See this section for more details.

设置好项目后,现在可以轻松地将形状添加到调色板。每个您希望添加的形状都由JAR中的一个类表示。请注意,这些类不是Flowable引擎在运行时使用的类。在您的扩展中,您描述了可在Flowable 设计器中为每个形状设置的属性。从这些形状中,您还可以定义流程实例到达流程中的节点时引擎应使用的运行时特性。运行时特性可以使用Flowable支持的各种选项来支持常规服务任务(ServiceTasks)。有关更多详细信息,请参阅此节( this section)。

A shape’s class is a simple Java class, to which a number of annotations are added. The class should implement the CustomServiceTask interface, but you shouldn’t implement this interface yourself. Extend the AbstractCustomServiceTask base class instead (at the moment you MUST extend this class directly, so no abstract classes in between). In the Javadoc for that class you can find instructions on the defaults it provides and when you should override any of the methods it already implements. Overrides allow you to do things such as providing icons for the palette and in the shape on the canvas (these can be different) and specifying the base shape you want the node to have (activity, event, gateway).


 * @author John Doe
 * @version 1
 * @since 1.0.0
public class AcmeMoneyTask extends AbstractCustomServiceTask {

You will need to implement the getName() method to determine the name the node will have in the palette. You can also put the nodes in their own drawer and provide an icon. Override the appropriate methods from AbstractCustomServiceTask. If you want to provide an icon, make sure it’s in the src/main/resources package in your JAR and is about 16x16 pixels and in JPEG or PNG format. The path you supply is relative to that folder.
You can add properties to the shape by adding members to the class and annotating them with the @Property annotation like this:

@Property(type = PropertyType.TEXT, displayName = "Account Number")
@Help(displayHelpShort = "Provide an account number", displayHelpLong = HELP_ACCOUNT_NUMBER_LONG)
private String accountNumber;

There are several PropertyType values you can use, which are described in more detail in this section. You can make a field required by setting the required attribute to true. A message and red background will appear if the user doesn’t fill in the field.
If you want to fix the order of the various properties in your class as they appear in the property screen, you should specify the order attribute of the @Property annotation.

如果您想修正在属性屏幕(property screen)上类中各种属性出现的顺序,您应该指定@property注解的order属性。

As you can see, there’s also a @Help annotation that’s used to provide the user some guidance when filling in the field. You can also use the @Help annotation on the class itself - this information is shown at the top of the property sheet presented to the user.
Below is the listing for further elaboration of the MoneyTask. A comment field has been added and you can see an icon is included for the node.

如您所见,还有一个@Help注解,用于在填充字段时为用户提供一些指导。您还可以在类本身上使用@Help注解—此信息显示在呈现给给用户的属性清单(property sheet)的顶部。

 * @author John Doe
 * @version 1
 * @since 1.0.0
@Runtime(javaDelegateClass = "org.acme.runtime.AcmeMoneyJavaDelegation")
@Help(displayHelpShort = "Creates a new account", displayHelpLong =
    "Creates a new account using the account number specified")
public class AcmeMoneyTask extends AbstractCustomServiceTask {

  private static final String HELP_ACCOUNT_NUMBER_LONG =
      "Provide a number that is suitable as an account number.";

  @Property(type = PropertyType.TEXT, displayName = "Account Number", required = true)
  @Help(displayHelpShort = "Provide an account number", displayHelpLong = HELP_ACCOUNT_NUMBER_LONG)
  private String accountNumber;

  @Property(type = PropertyType.MULTILINE_TEXT, displayName = "Comments")
  @Help(displayHelpShort = "Provide comments", displayHelpLong =
      "You can add comments to the node to provide a brief description.")
  private String comments;

  public String contributeToPaletteDrawer() {
    return "Acme Corporation";

  public String getName() {
    return "Money node";

  public String getSmallIconPath() {
    return "icons/coins.png";

If you extend Flowable Designer with this shape, the palette and corresponding node will look like this:

The properties screen for the money task is shown below. Note the required message for the accountNumber field.
Users can enter static text or use expressions that use process variables in the property fields when creating diagrams (for example, “This little piggy went to ${piggyLocation}”). Generally, this applies to text fields where users are free to enter any text. If you expect users to want to use expressions and you apply runtime behavior to your CustomServiceTask (using @Runtime), make sure to use Expression fields in the delegate class so the expressions are correctly resolved at runtime. More information on runtime behavior can be found in this section.

用户可以在创建图时输入静态文本或表达式,可在其属性字段中使用流程变量(例如,“This little piggy went to ${piggyLocation}”)。通常,这适用于用户可以自由输入文本的文本字段。如果希望用户使用表达式,并且将运行时行为应用于CustomServiceTask(使用@ Runtime),请确保在委托类中使用表达式字段,以便在运行时正确解析表达式。有关运行时行为的更多信息,请参阅this section。

The help for fields is offered by the buttons to the right of each property. Clicking on the button shows a popup as displayed below.






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