X METAVERSE PRO, a video-centric, user-driven and decentralized Web3 platform

With the development of various websites, applications and self-media, various forms of information dissemination have considerable influenced the society. Currently, applications such as Tiktok, Kuaishou, Tencent Video and Youku are popular and occupy the majority of traffic in the market, and live commerce and advertising implantation has become the main way of revenue. The launch of X METAVERSE PRO is to break the monopoly of social media platforms.

X METAVERSE PRO is a blockchain-based decentralized video platform with key features of autonomy and sharing

Innovation in the field of Internet video

X METAVERSE PRO is a blockchain-based decentralized video platform with key features of autonomy and sharing, attempting to revolutionize Internet video by transforming it from platform-driven to creator-driven. Anyone is allowed to upload videos and the ownership of videos is open and transparent in the platform. Users have full rights to their data and are rewarded with XMETA Token for the number of reads and likes they receive. In this way, the users are more encouraged to make superior products and the readers can have better experiences.

s a native asset on the X METAVERSE PRO chain

The project is governed by DAO and started by a group of like-minded partners, with team members from around the world who share a passion for open source, blockchain technology, distributed systems, accurate recommendations, distributed storage, privacy and building a new Internet based on accountable and forkable institutions. With a majority of engineers, the team as a whole behaves as a technology-focused type with more active code development. The team attracts quality projects and talent by holding frequent hackathons and developer events.

XMETA is the governance token of the platform, with the main functions of pledge, governance and payment. As a native asset on the X METAVERSE PRO chain, various roles are rewarded by this Token. It is obtained by making quality contributions to the platform and community by becoming a founding member. In other words, registering an account on the X METAVERSE PRO platform and posting videos or watching videos will get you XMETA.

The Next Generation Web3 Internet of Value

X METAVERSE PRO takes blockchain’s advantage of immutability, and anonymity to achieve Web3 and formed a new business model that promises to have a disruptive impact. Firstly, the decentralization of blockchain does not have a mandatory central control function, which can effectively remove third-party constraints and is jointly led by countless nodes. Secondly, the operational security of the system is fully protected owing to the characteristics of traceability and non-tamperability, and the users can participate in the benefits owing to the consensus mechanism. Finally, it relies on anonymity to provide protection for users’ privacy and avoid network trackers for data correlation.

Based on blockchain network, X METAVERSE PRO uses Web3 interactive technology to create a new generation of Internet of value, empowering creators to profit directly from their content without giving a share of benefits to the platform.

X METAVERSE PRO allows users to generate interactive interfaces for text,

Platform Features Overview

The X METAVERSE PRO platform opens up the video upload function and sets up categories such as technology, music, dance, game, knowledge, life, food, documentary, cartoon, hipster, finance, etc. Creators can sell their content as NFT and tokenize their personal channels, and anyone can invest in creators and earn a share of their income.

X METAVERSE PRO allows users to generate interactive interfaces for text, video, music, external links and other functions with only simple configuration, which increases the fun and interactivity of videos. editing, and users can develop it online anytime, anywhere.

X METAVERSE PRO is a pioneer in this practice, taking the lead in addressing the issues of user information security and content ownership.

As a video-centric blockchain, X METAVERSE PRO , not only provides a decentralized video service for users, but also allows developers and entrepreneurs to build video applications on it and creators can autonomously develop the platform. The NFTs generated by publishing and selling videos can also be shared and crowdfunded to the community. In this way, X METAVERSE PRO is not only a powerful tool to enable video creation and distribution for creators, but also a decentralized Web3 platform that closes the loop of dissemination and commercialization in an epochal way.

Web3.0 era creator platform representative

From the search-only Web1 to the read-write Web2, the Internet gives us more personalization and interaction rights. Along the trend of accessibility, content has become easier to find, produce and share. Web3 is widely favored for its ability to better reflect the value of Internet users’ labor and achieve a balanced distribution of value. In this Web3 revolution, X METAVERSE PRO is a pioneer in this practice, taking the lead in addressing the issues of user information security and content ownership. Based on this, we are surprised to find that X METAVERSE PRO has a certain novelty in the field of content creation and video distribution in the Web3 era, and will play a greater role in the Web3 model in the future.

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AWS Metaverse从认知到落地,《元宇宙应用实践》是一本与AWS Metaverse相关的实践指南。本书详细介绍了AWS Metaverse的概念、原理、架构和落地方法。 AWS Metaverse是亚马逊网络服务(AWS)提供的一种基于云计算的元宇宙技术框架。它为开发者提供了构建、管理和运营元宇宙平台的工具和服务。AWS Metaverse可以帮助开发者快速搭建具备高性能、低延迟、可扩展性和可靠性的元宇宙应用。 《元宇宙应用实践》这本书首先介绍了元宇宙的概念和发展趋势,然后详细讲解了AWS Metaverse的基本原理和架构。读者可以了解到AWS Metaverse是如何利用云计算、物联网、人工智能等先进技术实现元宇宙的。 接下来,本书从实践的角度出发,指导读者如何使用AWS Metaverse构建元宇宙应用。包括如何选择合适的AWS服务、设计元宇宙的架构、管理元宇宙的数据和内容、实现用户体验等等。每个步骤都有具体的实例和案例,读者可以通过实践来深入理解。 在最后一部分,本书介绍了AWS Metaverse的部署和运维。这包括如何进行性能优化、扩展性设计、安全管理和故障恢复等方面的内容。读者可以学习到如何确保元宇宙应用在高效、安全、稳定的状态下运行。 《元宇宙应用实践》是一本非常实用的指南,无论是对于云计算领域的专业人士还是对于元宇宙应用感兴趣的读者来说,都是一本必备的参考书。通过该书的学习和实践,读者可以更好地理解AWS Metaverse,从而能够更有效地在实际项目中应用元宇宙技术。


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