2021-11-11 jQuery的文档处理












  • attr() 添加设置属性

  • removeAttr() 删除属性

              $("div.chapter a").attr({rel:"external"});
              $("div.chapter a").attr({
                title: "Learn more at Wikipedia"//title鼠标移入时显示提示框
        //需求3,再给链接添加id "wikilink序号"
              $("div.chapter a").attr({
                title:"Learn more at Wikipedia",
                id: function(index,oldValue){
                  return "wikilink-" + index;
              $("div.chapter a").click(function(e) {


  • 目标.append(内容) 内部,后面

  • 内容.appendTo(目标) 内部,后面

  • 目标.prepend(内容) 内部,前面

  • 内容.prependTo(目标) 内部,前面

   //需求8 将锚记插入到body起始标记之后         
             $("<a href='#top'>back to top</a>").insertAfter("div.chapter p");
              $("body").prepend($("<a id='top'></a>"));//prepend插入到内部文本之前


  • 目标.after(内容) 外部,后面

  • 内容.insertAfter(目标) 外部,后面

  • 目标.before(内容) 外部,前面

  • 内容.insertBefore(目标) 外部,前面

              $("<a href='#top'>back to top</a>")
              $("<a id='top'></a>");
              $("<a href='#top'>back to top</a>").insertAfter("div.chapter p");
               $("<a id='top'></a>");
               //insertBefore();  //插入到标签外部之前
                 //需求12 为span原有的位置加入脚注编号
              var $notes = $("<ol id='notes'></ol>").insertBefore("#footer");
              $("span.footnote").each(function(index, element) {
                $("<sup>"+(index + 1)+"</sup>").insertBefore($(this));
             //需求13 使用反向插入方法before() 代替 insertBefore()
             var $notes = $("<ol id='notes'></ol>").insertBefore("#footer");
              $("span.footnote").each(function(index, element) {
                //此处变成了 目标.before(内容)
                $(this).before("<sup>"+ (index+1) +"</sup>")
             //insert  , xxTo  都是 内容 目标,目标通常是已经存在的,所以可以传字符串


  • 集合.wrap(对象) 每个元素外部 使用该对象

  • 集合.wrapAll(对象) 所有元素外部 使用该对象

  • 集合.wrapInner(对象) 在每个元素的"内容上" 使用该对象

              //需求10 将上面3个span 加到<ol>中,再给每个span 加到<li>中
                      .wrapAll("<ol id='notes'></ol>")


  • html() 替换、获取html代码, //html()函数可以获取或者设置网页代码,会执行

  • text() 设置、获取 标记文本,//text()函数会自动过滤掉标签和样式

  • end() 返回最初的连缀对象

              $("span.pull-quote").each(function (index,element) {
                    var $p = $(this).parent('p');
                    $cloneSpan = $(this).clone();
                //获取 设置对象的html代码
                $("h1").html('<i> hello xxx </i>');
              $('span.pull-quote').each(function(index, element) {
                var $p = $(this).parent('p');
                var $s = $(this).clone();
                        .text($s.text())    //获取文本时没有任何标记


  • 内容.replaceAll(目标) 替换

  • 目标.replaceWith(内容) 替换


  • 对象.empty() 移除对象的内容,包括子节点(删除匹配的元素集合中所有的子节点。)

  • 对象.remove() 移除对象,但不会在jQuery对象中删除,可恢复,


  • 对象.detach() 移除对象,不同于remove(),保留JQuery数据




   //需求14: 使用join()解决字符串追加
              var $notes = $("<ol id='notes'></ol>")
              $("span.footnote").each(function(index, element) {
              $('span.pull-quote').each(function(index, element) {
                var $p = $(this).parent('p');
                var $cloneSpan = $(this).clone();


<!DOCTYPE html>

<html lang="en">
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      <h1 id="f-title">Flatland: A Romance of Many Dimensions</h1>
      <div id="f-author">by Edwin A. Abbott</div>
      <h2>Part 1, Section 3</h2>
      <h3 id="f-subtitle">Concerning the Inhabitants of Flatland</h3>
      <div id="excerpt">an excerpt</div>

      <div class="chapter">
        <p class="square">Our Professional Men and Gentlemen are Squares (to which class I myself belong) and Five-Sided Figures or <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pentagon">Pentagons</a>.</p>

        <p class="nobility hexagon">Next above these come the Nobility, of whom there are several degrees, beginning at Six-Sided Figures, or <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hexagon">Hexagons</a>, and from thence rising in the number of their sides till they receive the honourable title of <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polygon">Polygonal</a>, or many-Sided. Finally when the number of the sides becomes so numerous, and the sides themselves so small, that the figure cannot be distinguished from a <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Circle">circle</a>, he is included in the Circular or Priestly order; and this is the highest class of all.</p>

        <p><span class="pull-quote">It is a Law of Nature <span class="drop">with us</span> that a male child shall have <strong>one more side</strong> than his father</span>, so that each generation shall rise (as a rule) one step in the scale of development and nobility. Thus the son of a Square is a Pentagon; the son of a Pentagon, a Hexagon; and so on.</p>

        <p>But this rule applies not always to the Tradesman, and still less often to the Soldiers, and to the Workmen; who indeed can hardly be said to deserve the name of human Figures, since they have not all their sides equal. With them therefore the Law of Nature does not hold; and the son of an Isosceles (i.e. a Triangle with two sides equal) remains Isosceles still. Nevertheless, all hope is not such out, even from the Isosceles, that his posterity may ultimately rise above his degraded condition.&hellip;</p>

        <p>Rarely&mdash;in proportion to the vast numbers of Isosceles births&mdash;is a genuine and certifiable Equal-Sided Triangle produced from Isosceles parents. <span class="footnote">"What need of a certificate?" a Spaceland critic may ask: "Is not the procreation of a Square Son a certificate from Nature herself, proving the Equal-sidedness of the Father?" I reply that no Lady of any position will marry an uncertified Triangle. Square offspring has sometimes resulted from a slightly Irregular Triangle; but in almost every such case the Irregularity of the first generation is visited on the third; which either fails to attain the Pentagonal rank, or relapses to the Triangular.</span> Such a birth requires, as its antecedents, not only a series of carefully arranged intermarriages, but also a long-continued exercise of frugality and self-control on the part of the would-be ancestors of the coming Equilateral, and a patient, systematic, and continuous development of the Isosceles intellect through many generations.</p>

        <p><span class="pull-quote">The birth  of a True Equilateral Triangle from Isosceles parents is the subject of rejoicing in our country <span class="drop">for many furlongs round</span>.</span> After a strict examination conducted by the Sanitary and Social Board, the infant, if certified as Regular, is with solemn ceremonial admitted into the class of Equilaterals. He is then immediately taken from his proud yet sorrowing parents and adopted by some childless Equilateral. <span class="footnote">The Equilateral is bound by oath never to permit the child henceforth to enter his former home or so much as to look upon his relations again, for fear lest the freshly developed organism may, by force of unconscious imitation, fall back again into his hereditary level.</span></p>

        <p>How admirable is the Law of Compensation! <span class="footnote">And how perfect a proof of the natural fitness and, I may almost say, the divine origin of the aristocratic constitution of the States of Flatland!</span> By a judicious use of this Law of Nature, the Polygons and Circles are almost always able to stifle sedition in its very cradle, taking advantage of the irrepressible and boundless hopefulness of the human mind.&hellip;</p>

        <p>Then the wretched rabble of the Isosceles, planless and leaderless, are ether transfixed without resistance by the small body of their brethren whom the Chief Circle keeps in pay for emergencies of this kind; or else more often, by means of jealousies and suspicious skillfully fomented among them by the Circular party, they are stirred to mutual warfare, and perish by one another's angles. No less than one hundred and twenty rebellions are recorded in our annals, besides minor outbreaks numbered at two hundred and thirty-five; and they have all ended thus.</p>
      <div id="footer">
        <p>Read the <a href="http://web.archive.org/web/20050208012252/http://www.ibiblio.org/eldritch/eaa/FL.HTM">complete text of <i>Flatland</i></a>.</p>
   Default Styles

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   Chapter Styles

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