Privacy policy

In order to effectively protect the privacy rights and interests of users and optimize the user experience, we formulate this privacy protection policy in accordance with the current laws and policies. This privacy policy will show you how to collect, use and store your personal information and what rights you have.

If you have any questions about this privacy policy or related matters, you can contact us at any time by calling customer service.

This privacy policy will help you understand:

Information we collect

Storage of information

How do we use information

External supply


Protection of minors

Dispute resolution

1. Information we collect

In the process of using the service, we will collect the information that you actively provide or generated by using the service in the following ways, so as to provide you with the service, optimize our service and ensure the security of your account:

1.1 when you register for the service, you need to fill in the mobile phone number, nickname, gender and constellation. The purpose of filling in these information is to help you complete the registration and protect the security of your account. Mobile phone numbers are sensitive information, and the purpose of collecting such information is to meet the requirements of network real name system of relevant laws and regulations. If you do not provide such information, you may not be able to use our service normally.

1.2 When you register for the service, in order to ensure your normal use of our service, maintain the normal operation of our service, improve and optimize our service experience and ensure the security of your account, we will collect the device model, operating system, unique device identifier, software version number, access mode, type and status, network quality data, device accelerator (such as gravity) This kind of information is the basic information that must be collected to provide services.

1.3 when you use dynamic, channel and other functions, your uploaded photos, comments, likes and other information will be stored in our server, because storage is necessary to realize this function. We will store it in an encrypted way, and you can apply to delete it at any time. Unless you choose or comply with the relevant laws and regulations, we will not provide the above information or use it for other purposes than this function.

1.4 when you use search dynamic, search chat room, view Plaza dynamic and other functions, we will collect your search records, reading records and visit time, comments and interaction records, in order to provide you with more accurate and personalized services and content.

1.5 the third-party service in the service is provided by an external third-party entity, so you cannot obtain the information generated when you use the third-party service. If you refuse to provide the information required by the third party, you will not be able to use the third party service, but your normal functions will not be affected.

In addition, according to relevant laws, regulations and national standards, we may collect and use your personal information in the following situations without your authorization and consent:

  1. It is directly related to national security, national defense security and other national interests; it is directly related to major public interests such as public security, public health and public information;

  2. Directly related to criminal investigation, prosecution, trial and execution of judgment, etc;

  3. In order to protect your or other personal life, property, reputation and other major legitimate rights and interests, but it is difficult to get my consent;

  4. the personal information you collect is disclosed to the public by yourself;

  5. Collect personal information from legal and public information, such as legal news reports, government information disclosure and other channels;

  6. necessary for signing and performing contracts according to your requirements;

  7. It is necessary to maintain the safe and stable operation of the products or services provided, such as finding and handling the faults of products or services;

  8. It is necessary to carry out legal news reports;

  9. It is necessary for the public interest to carry out statistical or academic research, and when it provides the results of academic research or description, it de identifies the personal information contained in the results;

  10. Other circumstances stipulated by laws and regulations.

Please understand that the functions and services we provide to you are constantly updated and developed. If a certain function or service is not included in the above description and your information is collected, we will separately explain the content, scope and purpose of information collection to you through page prompt, interactive process, website announcement, etc., so as to obtain your consent.

Please note that you will not actively obtain your personal information from a third party at present. If we need to obtain your personal information indirectly from a third party for business development in the future, we will make clear to you the source, type and scope of use of your personal information before obtaining it. If the personal information processing activities required for business development exceed the scope of your original authorized consent when providing personal information to a third party, we will seek your express consent before processing your personal information In addition, we will strictly abide by the relevant laws and regulations, and require the third party to guarantee the legality of the information provided.

2. Information storage

2.1 location of information storage

We will store the personal information collected in China in accordance with laws and regulations.

2.2 term of information storage

Generally speaking, we only keep your personal information for the time necessary for the purpose, such as:

Mobile phone number: if you need to use the service, we need to keep your mobile phone number all the time to ensure your normal use of the service. When you log off your account, we will delete the corresponding information;

Dynamic information: when you send dynamic information, we need to save your dynamic information to ensure your normal use of dynamic functions. When you apply to delete dynamic information, we will delete the corresponding information.

When our products or services stop operation, we will inform you in the form of push notice, announcement, etc., and delete your personal information or anonymize it within a reasonable period of time.

3. How do we use information

We may use the information collected through certain functions for our other services. For example, we may use the information we collect when you use one of our functions or services to provide you with specific content in another function or service, including but not limited to displaying advertisements, giving information security prompts for the content you have read, making indirect crowd portraits based on feature tags, and providing more accurate and personalized services and content, etc.

In order to ensure the security of the service and help us better understand the operation of our application, we may record relevant information, such as the frequency of your application, crash data, overall usage, performance data, and the source of the application. We will not combine the information we store in our analysis software with any personally identifiable information you provide in your application.

If we use your personal information beyond the purpose claimed at the time of collection and the scope of direct or reasonable connection, we will inform you again and obtain your express consent before using your personal information.

4. external provision

At present, we will not actively share or transfer your personal information to a third party. If there is any other sharing or transfer of your personal information or if you need us to share or transfer your personal information to a third party, we will directly or confirm that the third party will obtain your express consent to the above-mentioned behavior.

We will not disclose the personal information collected by it publicly. If it is necessary to disclose it publicly, we will inform you of the purpose, type of disclosure and sensitive information that may be involved, and obtain your express consent.

With the continuous development of our business, we may conduct merger, acquisition, asset transfer and other transactions. We will inform you of the relevant circumstances, and continue to protect or require new controllers to continue to protect your personal information in accordance with laws and regulations and standards not lower than those required by this guideline.

In addition, according to relevant laws and regulations and national standards, we may share, transfer and publicly disclose personal information without prior authorization of the personal information subject:

  1. Directly related to national security and national defense security;

  2. Directly related to public safety, public health and major public interests

  3. Directly related to criminal investigation, prosecution, trial and execution of judgment;

  4. It is difficult to get my consent for safeguarding the vital legal rights and interests of the personal information subject or other individuals’ life and property;

  5. Personal information that the subject of personal information has made public by itself;

  6. Collecting personal information from the legally disclosed information, such as legal news reports, government information disclosure and other channels.

5. Change

We may revise the guidelines from time to time. When the terms of the guidelines are changed, we will show you the changed guidelines in the form of push notification and pop-up window when you log in and update the version. Please note that we will collect, use and store your personal information according to the updated guidelines only after you click the Agree button in the pop-up window.

6. protection of minors

We attach great importance to the protection of minors’ personal information. According to the relevant laws and regulations, if you are a minor under 18, you should obtain the written consent of your parent or legal guardian before using the service. If you are the guardian of a minor, please contact us through customer service if you have any questions about the personal information of the minors you are monitoring.

7. Dispute resolution

In case of any dispute between you and US due to the implementation of this policy, both parties shall first settle the dispute through friendly negotiation; if no settlement can be reached through negotiation, both parties have the right to file a lawsuit to the court with jurisdiction.

If you have any questions about this privacy policy, please contact customer service, we will solve your problem in time.





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