编写一个 SQL 来查询 流量最大 的机场的 ID。客流量最大的机场是指从该机场起飞或抵达该机场的航班总数最多的机场。如果有多个机场流量最大,请全部查询出来。
Create table If Not Exists Flights (departure_airport int, arrival_airport int, flights_count int)
Truncate table Flights
insert into Flights (departure_airport, arrival_airport, flights_count) values ('1', '2', '4')
insert into Flights (departure_airport, arrival_airport, flights_count) values ('2', '1', '5')
insert into Flights (departure_airport, arrival_airport, flights_count) values ('2', '4', '5')
1 号机场有 9 个航班 (4 个出发, 5 个到达). 2 号机场有 14 个航班 (10 个出发, 4 个到达). 4 号机场有 5 个航班 (5 个到达). 客流量最大的机场是 2 号机场
第一步:双向选择使用union all实现列转行
select departure_airport,flights_count from flights union all select arrival_airport,flights_count from flights;
with t1 as ( select departure_airport,flights_count from flights union all select arrival_airport,flights_count from flights )select departure_airport,sum(flights_count) cn from t1 group by departure_airport;
with t2 as ( with t1 as ( select departure_airport, flights_count from flights union all select arrival_airport as departure_airport, flights_count from flights ) select departure_airport, sum(flights_count) as cn from t1 group by departure_airport ) select departure_airport as airport_id from t2 where cn = (select max(cn) from t2);
遇见双向选择的情况,可以使用union all实现行转列