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原创 LeetCode Blind 75 Golang Solutions Part I

【代码】LeetCode Blind 75 Golang Solutions Part I。

2024-01-20 17:31:53 348

原创 Git from Zero to Pro Reference

Git from Zero to Pro Reference。

2024-01-12 02:17:52 328 1

原创 Deploy Flask on Windows Server (Azure Virtual Machine) using Apache & Wsgi

Pre-Preparationopen ports 80, 443, 5000 (Windows logo > Windows Defender Firewall with Advanced Security > Inbound Rules > New Rules …Install Microsoft C++ Build Tools, Please refer to https://github.com/bycloudai/InstallVSBuildToolsWindows f

2024-01-07 23:58:44 829

原创 Django & PythonAnywhere

Deploy a Django application onto PythonAnywhere platform

2023-04-09 21:16:52 54

原创 How to Install and Manage Multiple Python Versions on Windows 10, or 11

【代码】How to Install and Manage Multiple Python Versions on Windows 10, or 11。

2023-04-02 11:09:01 107

原创 MySQL Import & Export

Import & Export DATA with MySQL

2023-04-02 10:46:00 121

原创 Flask deployment with gunicorn and nginx on Linux (Ubuntu)

Flask Deployment with Gunicorn and Nginx

2022-12-13 23:46:55 153

原创 How to Check Wifi Password for Your PC

Title says . . .

2022-07-23 22:34:10 232

原创 How to Use Python Decouple Library for Django Application

An alternative for python-dotenv, django-dotenv, django-environ, etc

2022-07-23 10:18:18 240

原创 Django Order By Empty Value Count

Add a property or a function that will count the total number of pictures for you:# Calculate non-empty fields countclass Picture(models.Model): picture1 = models.CharField(help_text="picture 1", max_length=255, blank=True) picture2 = models.

2022-04-19 23:24:02 939

原创 Custom Template Tags

Create a templatetags folder under any django app folder. It will end up looking like below.app_a|--migrations|--templatetags| __init__.py| group_tag.py|--__init__.py|--admin.py|--apps.py|--models.py|--views.py|--urls.pyInside group..

2022-04-10 01:26:30 84

原创 A Simple Django Signals Example

Supposed we have an app called users under a Django project.We need to create signals.py inside the app folder and code on it the following.# signals.pyfrom django.db.models.signals import post_savefrom django.contrib.auth.models import Userfrom d

2022-04-10 01:00:40 379

原创 Multiple Django Projects on Single Windows Server(Agile Deployment)

1 Copy installers(files end with .exe or whl, etc) and django projectsinto the server machine2Install PHPStudy, Python, Chrome, VSCode3 Open the projects with VSCode and Install Pypi (assuming the server has no internet access)a Install Django &..

2021-09-02 20:04:33 115

转载 Custom Context Processor In Django

Let's say you have a file structure like this for your Django project:├───project│ ├───__init__.py│ ├───asgi.py│ ├───settings.py│ ├───urls.py│ └───wsgi.py├───.env├───manage.py└───db.sqlite31) Create a context_processors.py file in th

2021-09-01 23:01:55 54



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