




下载完成后进行解压部署,由于我电脑配置了jdk1.8 和jdk17双环境,我就截图展示一下,具体的配置问题可以百度看看


我的maven配置是3.8.8 ,因为我看官网上的介绍是3.8.0以上的版本,在官网也就3.8.8最显眼,也就懒得找了


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
distributed with this work for additional information
regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
software distributed under the License is distributed on an
KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
specific language governing permissions and limitations
under the License.

 | This is the configuration file for Maven. It can be specified at two levels:
 |  1. User Level. This settings.xml file provides configuration for a single user,
 |                 and is normally provided in ${user.home}/.m2/settings.xml.
 |                 NOTE: This location can be overridden with the CLI option:
 |                 -s /path/to/user/settings.xml
 |  2. Global Level. This settings.xml file provides configuration for all Maven
 |                 users on a machine (assuming they're all using the same Maven
 |                 installation). It's normally provided in
 |                 ${maven.conf}/settings.xml.
 |                 NOTE: This location can be overridden with the CLI option:
 |                 -gs /path/to/global/settings.xml
 | The sections in this sample file are intended to give you a running start at
 | getting the most out of your Maven installation. Where appropriate, the default
 | values (values used when the setting is not specified) are provided.
<settings xmlns=""
  <!-- localRepository
   | The path to the local repository maven will use to store artifacts.
   | Default: ${user.home}/.m2/repository

  <!-- interactiveMode
   | This will determine whether maven prompts you when it needs input. If set to false,
   | maven will use a sensible default value, perhaps based on some other setting, for
   | the parameter in question.
   | Default: true

  <!-- offline
   | Determines whether maven should attempt to connect to the network when executing a build.
   | This will have an effect on artifact downloads, artifact deployment, and others.
   | Default: false

  <!-- pluginGroups
   | This is a list of additional group identifiers that will be searched when resolving plugins by their prefix, i.e.
   | when invoking a command line like "mvn prefix:goal". Maven will automatically add the group identifiers
   | "org.apache.maven.plugins" and "org.codehaus.mojo" if these are not already contained in the list.
    <!-- pluginGroup
     | Specifies a further group identifier to use for plugin lookup.

  <!-- proxies
   | This is a list of proxies which can be used on this machine to connect to the network.
   | Unless otherwise specified (by system property or command-line switch), the first proxy
   | specification in this list marked as active will be used.
    <!-- proxy
     | Specification for one proxy, to be used in connecting to the network.

  <!-- servers
   | This is a list of authentication profiles, keyed by the server-id used within the system.
   | Authentication profiles can be used whenever maven must make a connection to a remote server.
    <!-- server
     | Specifies the authentication information to use when connecting to a particular server, identified by
     | a unique name within the system (referred to by the 'id' attribute below).
     | NOTE: You should either specify username/password OR privateKey/passphrase, since these pairings are
     |       used together.

    <!-- Another sample, using keys to authenticate.
      <passphrase>optional; leave empty if not used.</passphrase>

  <!-- mirrors
   | This is a list of mirrors to be used in downloading artifacts from remote repositories.
   | It works like this: a POM may declare a repository to use in resolving certain artifacts.
   | However, this repository may have problems with heavy traffic at times, so people have mirrored
   | it to several places.
   | That repository definition will have a unique id, so we can create a mirror reference for that
   | repository, to be used as an alternate download site. The mirror site will be the preferred
   | server for that repository.
    <!-- mirror
     | Specifies a repository mirror site to use instead of a given repository. The repository that
     | this mirror serves has an ID that matches the mirrorOf element of this mirror. IDs are used
     | for inheritance and direct lookup purposes, and must be unique across the set of mirrors.
      <name>Human Readable Name for this Mirror.</name>
      <name>Pseudo repository to mirror external repositories initially using HTTP.</name>
        <name>aliyun maven</name>
      <name>aliyun maven</name>

  <!-- profiles
   | This is a list of profiles which can be activated in a variety of ways, and which can modify
   | the build process. Profiles provided in the settings.xml are intended to provide local machine-
   | specific paths and repository locations which allow the build to work in the local environment.
   | For example, if you have an integration testing plugin - like cactus - that needs to know where
   | your Tomcat instance is installed, you can provide a variable here such that the variable is
   | dereferenced during the build process to configure the cactus plugin.
   | As noted above, profiles can be activated in a variety of ways. One way - the activeProfiles
   | section of this document (settings.xml) - will be discussed later. Another way essentially
   | relies on the detection of a system property, either matching a particular value for the property,
   | or merely testing its existence. Profiles can also be activated by JDK version prefix, where a
   | value of '1.4' might activate a profile when the build is executed on a JDK version of '1.4.2_07'.
   | Finally, the list of active profiles can be specified directly from the command line.
   | NOTE: For profiles defined in the settings.xml, you are restricted to specifying only artifact
   |       repositories, plugin repositories, and free-form properties to be used as configuration
   |       variables for plugins in the POM.
    <!-- profile
     | Specifies a set of introductions to the build process, to be activated using one or more of the
     | mechanisms described above. For inheritance purposes, and to activate profiles via <activatedProfiles/>
     | or the command line, profiles have to have an ID that is unique.
     | An encouraged best practice for profile identification is to use a consistent naming convention
     | for profiles, such as 'env-dev', 'env-test', 'env-production', 'user-jdcasey', 'user-brett', etc.
     | This will make it more intuitive to understand what the set of introduced profiles is attempting
     | to accomplish, particularly when you only have a list of profile id's for debug.
     | This profile example uses the JDK version to trigger activation, and provides a JDK-specific repo.


          <name>Repository for JDK 1.4 builds</name>

     | Here is another profile, activated by the system property 'target-env' with a value of 'dev',
     | which provides a specific path to the Tomcat instance. To use this, your plugin configuration
     | might hypothetically look like:
     | ...
     | <plugin>
     |   <groupId>org.myco.myplugins</groupId>
     |   <artifactId>myplugin</artifactId>
     |   <configuration>
     |     <tomcatLocation>${tomcatPath}</tomcatLocation>
     |   </configuration>
     | </plugin>
     | ...
     | NOTE: If you just wanted to inject this configuration whenever someone set 'target-env' to
     |       anything, you could just leave off the <value/> inside the activation-property.


		<!-- maven使用jdk1.8 --> 
			  <!-- 开启jdk --> 
			  <!-- 配置编译器信息 -->

  <!-- activeProfiles
   | List of profiles that are active for all builds.






1、项目打包 安装




<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">


    <description>Base POM for Airlift</description>


            <name>Apache License 2.0</name>

<!--    <scm>-->
<!--        <connection></connection>-->
<!--        <developerConnection></developerConnection>-->
<!--        <url></url>-->
<!--        <tag>130</tag>-->
<!--    </scm>-->

        <!-- see git log -->

            <name>Sonatype Nexus Snapshots</name>

            <name>Sonatype Nexus Snapshots</name>


        <!-- see -->

        <!-- airlift build specific options are prefixed -->

        <!-- Default jvm size for compiler, tests etc. -->

        <!-- whether a release:perform automatically pushes the created files and tags to -->
        <!-- the upstream repository. Default is no. -->
        <air.release.preparation-goals>clean install</air.release.preparation-goals>

        <!-- define the thread count for parallel tests. -->

        <!-- define the parallel mode for tests.  -->
        <!-- Check for the possible values of this setting. -->
        <!-- At the time of this writing, the supported values for parallelism in testng for maven-surefire-plugin are: classes, methods. -->
        <air.test.parallel />

        <!-- define the JVM timezone to use when running tests. Default is 'UTC. -->

        <!-- define the JVM language to use when running tests. Default is 'en'. -->

        <!-- define the JVM region to use when running tests. Default is 'US'. -->

        <!-- define the JVM size for forked tests. Defaults to build JVM size. -->

        <!-- provide additional options for test JVM -->
        <air.test.jvm.additional-arguments />

        <!-- Lint mode for Javadoc. Defaults to 'all'. -->

        <!-- Target Java version for Modernizer -->

        <!-- compiler warnings treated as errors -->

        <!-- Controls all the checkers run when building the project.            -->
        <!-- Can be activated with -Dair.check.skip-all=true on the command line. -->
        <!-- Controls the basic checkers run when building the project.          -->
        <!-- Controls the extended checkers run when building the project.       -->

        <!-- basic checks -->

        <!-- extended checks -->

        <!-- all checks -->

        <!-- basic checks -->

        <!-- extended checks -->

        <!-- minimum maven version to build -->

        <!-- minimum Java version to build -->

        <!-- In Multimodule builds, override this to point at the parent directory for e.g. the license resources. -->
        <!-- See    -->

        <!-- ${argLine} is used by Jacoco to store commands to enable its agent, and then used in Surefire configuration.
             When Jacoco is not enabled, it will stay empty, otherwise it will be overwritten. -->
        <argLine />

        <!-- Plugin versions used in multiple places -->

        <!-- Packaging for the tarball deployment -->

        <!-- Dependency versions that should be the same everywhere. -->

        <!-- license headers -->
        <air.license.default-value>Copyright (C) ${project.inceptionYear} ${air.license.owner}</air.license.default-value>
        <air.license.ensure-match>Copyright \(C\) \d{4} .+</air.license.ensure-match>

        <!-- Checkstyle -->

        <!-- Readme for launcher -->

        <!-- Properties for controlling distributionManagement -->
        <>Sonatype Nexus Snapshots</>
        <>Sonatype Release Snapshots</>







<!--                <plugin>-->
<!--                    <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId>-->
<!--                    <artifactId>maven-enforcer-plugin</artifactId>-->
<!--                    <version>3.0.0</version>-->
<!--                    <dependencies>-->
<!--                        <dependency>-->
<!--                            <groupId>org.codehaus.mojo</groupId>-->
<!--                            <artifactId>extra-enforcer-rules</artifactId>-->
<!--                            <version>1.4</version>-->
<!--                        </dependency>-->
<!--                    </dependencies>-->
<!--                    <executions>-->
<!--                        <execution>-->
<!--                            <id>default</id>-->
<!--                            <phase>validate</phase>-->
<!--                            <goals>-->
<!--                                <goal>enforce</goal>-->
<!--                            </goals>-->
<!--                        </execution>-->
<!--                    </executions>-->
<!--                    <configuration>-->
<!--                        <skip>${air.check.skip-enforcer}</skip>-->
<!--                        <fail>${}</fail>-->
<!--                        <failFast>false</failFast>-->
<!--                        <rules>-->
<!--                            &lt;!&ndash; The following dependencies are hazardous for builds. &ndash;&gt;-->
<!--                            <bannedDependencies>-->
<!--                                <excludes>-->
<!--                                    &lt;!&ndash; clashes with commons-logging:commons-logging &ndash;&gt;-->
<!--                                    <exclude>commons-logging:commons-logging-api</exclude>-->
<!--                                    &lt;!&ndash; old versions of junit repackage hamcrest &ndash;&gt;-->
<!--                                    <exclude>junit:junit</exclude>-->
<!--                                    &lt;!&ndash; use guava &ndash;&gt;-->
<!--                                    <exclude></exclude>-->
<!--                                    &lt;!&ndash; but not the badly numbered ones... &ndash;&gt;-->
<!--                                    <exclude></exclude>-->
<!--                                    &lt;!&ndash; the non-empty verison overlaps with classes in guava &ndash;&gt;-->
<!--                                    <exclude></exclude>-->
<!--                                    &lt;!&ndash; Contains FindBugs annotations, JSR-305 and JCIP annotations &ndash;&gt;-->
<!--                                    <exclude></exclude>-->
<!--                                    &lt;!&ndash; Use the official version at javax.servlet:javax.servlet-api &ndash;&gt;-->
<!--                                    <exclude>org.eclipse.jetty.orbit:javax.servlet</exclude>-->
<!--                                    &lt;!&ndash; Renamed airlift modules &ndash;&gt;-->
<!--                                    <exclude>io.airlift:discovery-experimental</exclude>-->
<!--                                    <exclude>io.airlift:event-experimental</exclude>-->
<!--                                    <exclude>io.airlift:http-client-experimental</exclude>-->
<!--                                    <exclude>io.airlift:jmx-http-experimental</exclude>-->
<!--                                    <exclude>io.airlift:jmx-http-rpc-experimental</exclude>-->
<!--                                    <exclude>io.airlift:rack-experimental</exclude>-->
<!--                                    <exclude>io.airlift:rack-launcher-experimental</exclude>-->
<!--                                    <exclude>io.airlift:rack-packaging-experimental</exclude>-->
<!--                                    <exclude>io.airlift:rack-server-base-experimental</exclude>-->
<!--                                    &lt;!&ndash; log4j2 versions < 2.15.0 are vulnerable to the Log4Shell RCE (CVE-2021-44228) &ndash;&gt;-->
<!--                                    <exclude>org.apache.logging.log4j:log4j-core:(,2.15.0)</exclude>-->
<!--                                </excludes>-->
<!--                                <includes>-->
<!--                                    &lt;!&ndash; whitelist the well numbered guava releases &ndash;&gt;-->
<!--                                    <include>[10.0.1,)</include>-->
<!--                                    &lt;!&ndash; newer versions of junit do not repackage hamcrest &ndash;&gt;-->
<!--                                    <include>junit:junit:[4.11,)</include>-->
<!--                                </includes>-->
<!--                            </bannedDependencies>-->
<!--                            <banDuplicatePomDependencyVersions />-->
<!--                            <requireUpperBoundDeps />-->
<!--                            <requireMavenVersion>-->
<!--                                <version>${air.maven.version}</version>-->
<!--                            </requireMavenVersion>-->
<!--                            <requireJavaVersion>-->
<!--                                <version>${}</version>-->
<!--                            </requireJavaVersion>-->
<!--                            <enforceBytecodeVersion>-->
<!--                                <maxJdkVersion>${}</maxJdkVersion>-->
<!--                                <ignoredScopes>test</ignoredScopes>-->
<!--                                <excludes>-->
<!--                                    <exclude>org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-alpn-java-client</exclude>-->
<!--                                    <exclude>org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-alpn-java-server</exclude>-->
<!--                                </excludes>-->
<!--                            </enforceBytecodeVersion>-->
<!--                        </rules>-->
<!--                    </configuration>-->
<!--                </plugin>-->

<!--                    <executions>-->
<!--                        <execution>-->
<!--                            <id>default</id>-->
<!--                            <phase>process-test-classes</phase>-->
<!--                            <goals>-->
<!--                                <goal>analyze-only</goal>-->
<!--                                <goal>analyze-duplicate</goal>-->
<!--                            </goals>-->
<!--                        </execution>-->
<!--                    </executions>-->

                <!-- Tweak the compiler to use more memory and use UTF-8 for the source code. -->

                <!-- Resource plugins should always use UTF-8 -->

                        <!-- must be true for jar-with-dependencies builds -->
                        <!-- Always use Posix tar mode. -->

                            <java.util.logging.SimpleFormatter.format>%1$tY-%1$tm-%1$tdT%1$tH:%1$tM:%1$tS.%1$tL%1$tz %4$s %5$s%6$s%n</java.util.logging.SimpleFormatter.format>
                        <!-- @{argLine} is for Jacoco: -->

                            <!-- Pass the following three directly to the JVM,
                                 because systemPropertyVariables are not passed correctly by Maven -->




                <!-- Always build a jar with the test classes -->
<!--                    <executions>-->
<!--                        <execution>-->
<!--                            <id>attach-tests</id>-->
<!--                            <phase>package</phase>-->
<!--                            <goals>-->
<!--                                <goal>test-jar</goal>-->
<!--                            </goals>-->
<!--                        </execution>-->
<!--                    </executions>-->
                        <!-- do not build an empty jar if the project is
                             e.g. a pom project -->
                                <!-- This is actually the time when the build was done -->

<!--                <plugin>-->
<!--                    <groupId>pl.project13.maven</groupId>-->
<!--                    <artifactId>git-commit-id-plugin</artifactId>-->
<!--                    <version>4.0.5</version>-->
<!--                    <configuration>-->
<!--                        &lt;!&ndash; Include only properties used above to speed up build ( &ndash;&gt;-->
<!--                        <includeOnlyProperties>-->
<!--                            <includeOnlyProperty>\</includeOnlyProperty>-->
<!--                            <includeOnlyProperty>\</includeOnlyProperty>-->
<!--                            <includeOnlyProperty>\</includeOnlyProperty>-->
<!--                        </includeOnlyProperties>-->
<!--                        <dateFormat>yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssZZ</dateFormat>-->
<!--                        <gitDescribe>-->
<!--                            <tags>true</tags>-->
<!--                        </gitDescribe>-->
<!--                    </configuration>-->
<!--                </plugin>-->

                <!-- bundle up source code into jars for both the main and the test sources -->

<!--                <plugin>-->
<!--                    <groupId>org.basepom.maven</groupId>-->
<!--                    <artifactId>duplicate-finder-maven-plugin</artifactId>-->
<!--                    <version>1.5.0</version>-->
<!--                    <executions>-->
<!--                        <execution>-->
<!--                            <id>default</id>-->
<!--                            <phase>process-test-classes</phase>-->
<!--                            <goals>-->
<!--                                <goal>check</goal>-->
<!--                            </goals>-->
<!--                        </execution>-->
<!--                    </executions>-->
<!--                    <configuration>-->
<!--                        <skip>${air.check.skip-duplicate-finder}</skip>-->
<!--                        <failBuildInCaseOfConflict>${}</failBuildInCaseOfConflict>-->
<!--                        <exceptions>-->
<!--                            &lt;!&ndash; Well done, Apache... &ndash;&gt;-->
<!--                            <exception>-->
<!--                                <conflictingDependencies>-->
<!--                                    <dependency>-->
<!--                                        <groupId>commons-beanutils</groupId>-->
<!--                                        <artifactId>commons-beanutils</artifactId>-->
<!--                                    </dependency>-->
<!--                                    <dependency>-->
<!--                                        <groupId>commons-beanutils</groupId>-->
<!--                                        <artifactId>commons-beanutils-core</artifactId>-->
<!--                                    </dependency>-->
<!--                                    <dependency>-->
<!--                                        <groupId>commons-collections</groupId>-->
<!--                                        <artifactId>commons-collections</artifactId>-->
<!--                                    </dependency>-->
<!--                                </conflictingDependencies>-->
<!--                                <classes>-->
<!--                                    <class>org.apache.commons.collections.ArrayStack</class>-->
<!--                                    <class>org.apache.commons.collections.Buffer</class>-->
<!--                                    <class>org.apache.commons.collections.BufferUnderflowException</class>-->
<!--                                    <class>org.apache.commons.collections.FastHashMap</class>-->
<!--                                </classes>-->
<!--                            </exception>-->
<!--                            <exception>-->
<!--                                <conflictingDependencies>-->
<!--                                    <dependency>-->
<!--                                        <groupId>commons-beanutils</groupId>-->
<!--                                        <artifactId>commons-beanutils</artifactId>-->
<!--                                    </dependency>-->
<!--                                    <dependency>-->
<!--                                        <groupId>commons-beanutils</groupId>-->
<!--                                        <artifactId>commons-beanutils-core</artifactId>-->
<!--                                    </dependency>-->
<!--                                </conflictingDependencies>-->
<!--                                <packages>-->
<!--                                    <package>org.apache.commons.beanutils</package>-->
<!--                                </packages>-->
<!--                            </exception>-->
<!--                        </exceptions>-->
<!--                        &lt;!&ndash; Ruby is hopeless &ndash;&gt;-->
<!--                        <ignoredDependencies>-->
<!--                            <dependency>-->
<!--                                <groupId>org.jruby</groupId>-->
<!--                                <artifactId>jruby-complete</artifactId>-->
<!--                            </dependency>-->
<!--                        </ignoredDependencies>-->
<!--                        <ignoredResourcePatterns>-->
<!--                            <ignoredResourcePattern>.*\.html</ignoredResourcePattern>-->
<!--                            <ignoredResourcePattern>META-INF/.*</ignoredResourcePattern>-->
<!--                            <ignoredResourcePattern>about_files/.*</ignoredResourcePattern>-->
<!--                            <ignoredResourcePattern>plugin\.properties</ignoredResourcePattern>-->
<!--                            <ignoredResourcePattern>.*\.java</ignoredResourcePattern>-->
<!--                            <ignoredResourcePattern>THIRD-PARTY</ignoredResourcePattern>-->
<!--                        </ignoredResourcePatterns>-->
<!--                    </configuration>-->
<!--                </plugin>-->

<!--                        <execution>-->
<!--                            <goals>-->
<!--                                <goal>check</goal>-->
<!--                            </goals>-->
<!--                            <configuration>-->
<!--                                <skip>${air.check.skip-dependency-scope}</skip>-->
<!--                                <fail>${}</fail>-->
<!--                            </configuration>-->
<!--                        </execution>-->

<!--                <plugin>-->
<!--                    <groupId>com.github.spotbugs</groupId>-->
<!--                    <artifactId>spotbugs-maven-plugin</artifactId>-->
<!--                    <version>4.2.3</version>-->
<!--                    <configuration>-->
<!--                        <skip>${air.check.skip-spotbugs}</skip>-->
<!--                        <jvmArgs>-Xmx${}</jvmArgs>-->
<!--                        <failOnError>${}</failOnError>-->
<!--                    </configuration>-->
<!--                    <executions>-->
<!--                        <execution>-->
<!--                            <id>default</id>-->
<!--                            <phase>verify</phase>-->
<!--                            <goals>-->
<!--                                <goal>check</goal>-->
<!--                            </goals>-->
<!--                        </execution>-->
<!--                    </executions>-->
<!--                </plugin>-->


                        <!-- This version must match the Airbase version. It will be updated by -->
                        <!-- the Maven Release plugin. The "project.version" property cannot be -->
                        <!-- used here as it will resolve to the version of the child project.  -->


<!--                <plugin>-->
<!--                    <groupId>org.gaul</groupId>-->
<!--                    <artifactId>modernizer-maven-plugin</artifactId>-->
<!--                    <version>${dep.modernizer.version}</version>-->
<!--                    <configuration>-->
<!--                        <skip>${air.check.skip-modernizer}</skip>-->
<!--                        <failOnViolations>${}</failOnViolations>-->
<!--                        <javaVersion>${}</javaVersion>-->
<!--                    </configuration>-->
<!--                    <executions>-->
<!--                        <execution>-->
<!--                            <id>modernizer</id>-->
<!--                            <goals>-->
<!--                                <goal>modernizer</goal>-->
<!--                            </goals>-->
<!--                        </execution>-->
<!--                    </executions>-->
<!--                </plugin>-->

<!--                <plugin>-->
<!--                    <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId>-->
<!--                    <artifactId>maven-checkstyle-plugin</artifactId>-->
<!--                    <version>3.2.0</version>-->
<!--                    <dependencies>-->
<!--                        <dependency>-->
<!--                            <groupId></groupId>-->
<!--                            <artifactId>checkstyle</artifactId>-->
<!--                            <version>10.3.3</version>-->
<!--                        </dependency>-->
<!--                        &lt;!&ndash; This version must match the Airbase version. It will be updated by &ndash;&gt;-->
<!--                        &lt;!&ndash; the Maven Release plugin. The "project.version" property cannot be &ndash;&gt;-->
<!--                        &lt;!&ndash; used here as it will resolve to the version of the child project.  &ndash;&gt;-->
<!--                        <dependency>-->
<!--                            <groupId>io.airlift</groupId>-->
<!--                            <artifactId>airbase-policy</artifactId>-->
<!--                            <version>130</version>-->
<!--                        </dependency>-->
<!--                    </dependencies>-->
<!--                    <executions>-->
<!--                        <execution>-->
<!--                            <id>checkstyle</id>-->
<!--                            <phase>validate</phase>-->
<!--                            <goals>-->
<!--                                <goal>check</goal>-->
<!--                            </goals>-->
<!--                            <configuration>-->
<!--                                <skip>${air.check.skip-checkstyle}</skip>-->
<!--                                <failOnViolation>${}</failOnViolation>-->
<!--                                <includeTestSourceDirectory>true</includeTestSourceDirectory>-->
<!--                                <configLocation>${air.checkstyle.config-file}</configLocation>-->
<!--                            </configuration>-->
<!--                        </execution>-->
<!--                    </executions>-->
<!--                </plugin>-->




        <!-- This is the list of plugins used for the main build. -->
        <!-- Check plugins (except dependency-plugin) are enabled using profiles. -->








<!--            <plugin>-->
<!--                <groupId>pl.project13.maven</groupId>-->
<!--                <artifactId>git-commit-id-plugin</artifactId>-->
<!--                <executions>-->
<!--                    <execution>-->
<!--                        <id>default</id>-->
<!--                        <phase>initialize</phase>-->
<!--                        <goals>-->
<!--                            <goal>revision</goal>-->
<!--                        </goals>-->
<!--                    </execution>-->
<!--                </executions>-->
<!--            </plugin>-->

    <!-- The following dependency should be the same everywhere. -->
            <!-- Google Guice -->

            <!-- guava -->
                    <!-- this empty dependency is a hack and not needed -->

            <!-- Java APIs -->

            <!-- logging -->


            <!-- jaxrs -->

            <!-- jsr 250 -->

            <!-- jackson -->












            <!-- misc stuff -->


            <!-- FindBugs / SpotBugs -->

            <!-- Modernizer -->

            <!-- JSR-305 -->

            <!-- jmh -->


            <!-- Testing -->



        <!-- All the check plugins below are enabled unless air.check.skip-all is set.
        If other properties are set, like air.check.skip-extended, or air.check.skip-<name>,
        these plugins will be skipped in their configuration.
        Multiple properties cannot be used in activation, and properties are evaluated after activating profiles. -->
<!--        <profile>-->
<!--            <id>modernizer-check</id>-->
<!--            <activation>-->
<!--                <property>-->
<!--                    <name>air.check.skip-all</name>-->
<!--                    <value>!true</value>-->
<!--                </property>-->
<!--            </activation>-->
<!--            <build>-->
<!--                <plugins>-->
<!--                    <plugin>-->
<!--                        <groupId>org.gaul</groupId>-->
<!--                        <artifactId>modernizer-maven-plugin</artifactId>-->
<!--                    </plugin>-->
<!--                </plugins>-->
<!--            </build>-->
<!--        </profile>-->
<!--        <profile>-->
<!--            <id>checkstyle-check</id>-->
<!--            <activation>-->
<!--                <property>-->
<!--                    <name>air.check.skip-all</name>-->
<!--                    <value>!true</value>-->
<!--                </property>-->
<!--            </activation>-->
<!--            <build>-->
<!--                <plugins>-->
<!--                    <plugin>-->
<!--                        <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId>-->
<!--                        <artifactId>maven-checkstyle-plugin</artifactId>-->
<!--                    </plugin>-->
<!--                </plugins>-->
<!--            </build>-->
<!--        </profile>-->
                <!-- tests run in the preparation step of the release -->
                    <!-- oss requires a javadoc jar. Build one when releasing. -->
                    <!-- Sign artifacts using gpg for oss upload -->



        <!-- ======================================================================== -->
        <!-- =                                                                      = -->
        <!-- = Build a tarball with launcher from a module if .build-airlift        = -->
        <!-- = is present                                                           = -->
        <!-- =                                                                      = -->
        <!-- ======================================================================== -->





<!--                    <plugin>-->
<!--                        <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId>-->
<!--                        <artifactId>maven-enforcer-plugin</artifactId>-->
<!--                        <configuration>-->
<!--                            <rules combine.children="append">-->
<!--                                <requireProperty>-->
<!--                                    <property>main-class</property>-->
<!--                                    <message>The main-class property must be specified when building an airlift tarball.</message>-->
<!--                                    <regex>.+</regex>-->
<!--                                    <regexMessage>The main-class property can not be empty.</regexMessage>-->
<!--                                </requireProperty>-->
<!--                            </rules>-->
<!--                        </configuration>-->
<!--                    </plugin>-->



解释完基础的配置后,需要在根目录下注释点配置 (trino-root)项目中的pom文件






  • Main Class: io.trino.server.DevelopmentServer

  • VM Options: -ea -Dconfig=etc/ -Dlog.levels-file=etc/ -Djdk.attach.allowAttachSelf=true

  • Working directory: $MODULE_DIR$

  • Use classpath of module: trino-server-dev

关于Working directory的配置可以看我主页中关于332版本的环境部署










  • 0
  • 1
    觉得还不错? 一键收藏
  • 3


  • 非常没帮助
  • 没帮助
  • 一般
  • 有帮助
  • 非常有帮助
评论 3




当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


