1. 导入预设包
import tkinter as tk # 使用Tkinter前需要先导入
import tkinter.messagebox
import pickle
2. 设置窗口
# 第1步,实例化object,建立窗口window
window = tk.Tk()
# 第2步,给窗口的可视化起名字
window.title('Wellcome to Hongwei Website')
# 第3步,设定窗口的大小(长 * 宽)
window.geometry('400x300') # 这里的乘是小x
3. 设置首页界面布局
# 第4步,加载 wellcome image
canvas = tk.Canvas(window, width=400, height=135, bg='green')
image_file = tk.PhotoImage(file='pic.gif')
image = canvas.create_image(200, 0, anchor='n', image=image_file)
tk.Label(window, text='Wellcome',font=('Arial', 16)).pack()
# 第5步,用户信息
tk.Label(window, text='User name:', font=('Arial', 14)).place(x=10, y=170)
tk.Label(window, text='Password:', font=('Arial', 14)).place(x=10, y=210)
# 第6步,用户登录输入框entry
# 用户名
var_usr_name = tk.StringVar()
entry_usr_name = tk.Entry(window, textvariable=var_usr_name, font=('Arial', 14))
# 用户密码
var_usr_pwd = tk.StringVar()
entry_usr_pwd = tk.Entry(window, textvariable=var_usr_pwd, font=('Arial', 14), show='*')
# 第7步,login and sign up 按钮
btn_login = tk.Button(window, text='Login', command=usr_login)
btn_login.place(x=120, y=240)
btn_sign_up = tk.Button(window, text='Sign up', command=usr_sign_up)
btn_sign_up.place(x=200, y=240)
4. 定义登陆功能
def usr_login():
# 这两行代码就是获取用户输入的usr_name和usr_pwd
usr_name = var_usr_name.get()
usr_pwd = var_usr_pwd.get()
# 这里设置异常捕获,当我们第一次访问用户信息文件时是不存在的,所以这里设置异常捕获。
# 中间的两行就是我们的匹配,即程序将输入的信息和文件中的信息匹配。
with open('usrs_info.pickle', 'rb') as usr_file:
usrs_info = pickle.load(usr_file)
except FileNotFoundError:
# 这里就是我们在没有读取到`usr_file`的时候,程序会创建一个`usr_file`这个文件,并将管理员
# 的用户和密码写入,即用户名为`admin`密码为`admin`。
with open('usrs_info.pickle', 'wb') as usr_file:
usrs_info = {'admin': 'admin'}
pickle.dump(usrs_info, usr_file)
usr_file.close() # 必须先关闭,否则pickle.load()会出现EOFError: Ran out of input
# 如果用户名和密码与文件中的匹配成功,则会登录成功,并跳出弹窗how are you? 加上你的用户名。
if usr_name in usrs_info:
if usr_pwd == usrs_info[usr_name]:
tkinter.messagebox.showinfo(title='Welcome', message='How are you? ' + usr_name)
# 如果用户名匹配成功,而密码输入错误,则会弹出'Error, your password is wrong, try again.'
tkinter.messagebox.showerror(message='Error, your password is wrong, try again.')
else: # 如果发现用户名不存在
is_sign_up = tkinter.messagebox.askyesno('Welcome! ', 'You have not sign up yet. Sign up now?')
# 提示需不需要注册新用户
if is_sign_up:
5. 定义注册功能
def usr_sign_up():
def sign_to_Hongwei_Website():
# 以下三行就是获取我们注册时所输入的信息
np = new_pwd.get()
npf = new_pwd_confirm.get()
nn = new_name.get()
# 这里是打开我们记录数据的文件,将注册信息读出
with open('usrs_info.pickle', 'rb') as usr_file:
exist_usr_info = pickle.load(usr_file)
# 这里就是判断,如果两次密码输入不一致,则提示Error, Password and confirm password must be the same!
if np != npf:
tkinter.messagebox.showerror('Error', 'Password and confirm password must be the same!')
# 如果用户名已经在我们的数据文件中,则提示Error, The user has already signed up!
elif nn in exist_usr_info:
tkinter.messagebox.showerror('Error', 'The user has already signed up!')
# 最后如果输入无以上错误,则将注册输入的信息记录到文件当中,并提示注册成功Welcome!,You have successfully signed up!,然后销毁窗口。
exist_usr_info[nn] = np
with open('usrs_info.pickle', 'wb') as usr_file:
pickle.dump(exist_usr_info, usr_file)
tkinter.messagebox.showinfo('Welcome', 'You have successfully signed up!')
# 然后销毁窗口。
# 定义长在窗口上的窗口
window_sign_up = tk.Toplevel(window)
window_sign_up.title('Sign up window')
new_name = tk.StringVar() # 将输入的注册名赋值给变量
new_name.set('example@python.com') # 将最初显示定为'example@python.com'
tk.Label(window_sign_up, text='User name: ').place(x=10, y=10) # 将`User name:`放置在坐标(10,10)。
entry_new_name = tk.Entry(window_sign_up, textvariable=new_name) # 创建一个注册名的`entry`,变量为`new_name`
entry_new_name.place(x=130, y=10) # `entry`放置在坐标(150,10).
new_pwd = tk.StringVar()
tk.Label(window_sign_up, text='Password: ').place(x=10, y=50)
entry_usr_pwd = tk.Entry(window_sign_up, textvariable=new_pwd, show='*')
entry_usr_pwd.place(x=130, y=50)
new_pwd_confirm = tk.StringVar()
tk.Label(window_sign_up, text='Confirm password: ').place(x=10, y=90)
entry_usr_pwd_confirm = tk.Entry(window_sign_up, textvariable=new_pwd_confirm, show='*')
entry_usr_pwd_confirm.place(x=130, y=90)
# 下面的 sign_to_Hongwei_Website
btn_comfirm_sign_up = tk.Button(window_sign_up, text='Sign up', command=sign_to_Hongwei_Website)
btn_comfirm_sign_up.place(x=180, y=120)
6. 实现
# 第10步,主窗口循环显示