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原创 【无标题】

A burglar got into a matches warehouse and wants to steal as many matches as possible. In the warehouse there aremcontainers, in thei-th container there areaimatchboxes, and each matchbox containsbimatches. All the matchboxes are of the same size. T...

2022-02-11 20:14:58 86

原创 【无标题】

Mihai plans to watch a movie. He only likes palindromic movies, so he wants to skip some (possibly zero) scenes to make the remaining parts of the movie palindromic.You are given a list s of n non-empty strings of length at most 3, representing the scene

2022-02-11 20:01:40 227

原创 【无标题】

Mihai has just learned about theMEXconcept and since he liked it so much, he decided to use it right away.Given an arrayaaofnnnon-negative integers, Mihai wants to createa new arraybbthat is formed in the following way:Whileaais not empty:...

2022-02-11 19:58:32 77

原创 【无标题】

Mihai has just learned about theMEXconcept and since he liked it so much, he decided to use it right away.Given an arrayaaofnnnon-negative integers, Mihai wants to createa new arraybbthat is formed in the following way:Whileaais not empty:...

2022-02-10 18:10:29 417

原创 【无标题】

Consider the arrayaacomposed of all the integers in the range[l,r]. For example, ifl=3 andr=7, thena=[3,4,5,6,7].Givenl,rr, andk, is it possible forgcd(a)gcd(a)to be greater than11after doing the following operation at mostkktimes?Choose...

2022-02-10 18:08:17 1526

原创 【无标题】

Download More RAM描述:Did you know you can download more RAM? There is a shop withndifferent pieces of software that increase your RAM. Theii-th RAM increasing software takesaGB of memory to run (temporarily, once the program is done running, you g...

2022-02-10 17:51:39 261

原创 Not Shading

描述:There is a grid withnnrows andmmcolumns. Some cells are colored black, and the rest of the cells are colored white.In one operation, you can select someblackcell and doexactly oneof the following:color all cells in its row black, or color...

2022-01-30 13:15:32 228628 2

原创 Chinese Valentine‘s Day

Chinese Valentine's Day1000ms262144K描述:Recently, God Liu has been so absorbed in the Pac-Man game that he has even neglected his young fans.So before Chinese valentine's day,in order to have time for him to accompany the girls, while God Liu went ...

2022-01-26 21:51:02 2025

原创 【无标题】

Apple描述:There are a box of apples,which contains N apples. You're going to give them to M person. It is required that everyone must be given a positiver a integepple, and no one must have the same amount. If it can be done, output possible; otherwise o

2022-01-26 15:40:55 5852

原创 A Simple Math Problem

描述:Huanhuan challenges you to a simple math problem.Define F(x) as the sum of the decimal digits of xx.For example: F(123)=1+2+3=6, F(700)=7+0+0=7.Huanhuan wants you to calculate the sum of F(j) for every i,j that satisfy 1≤j≤i≤n andi,j are coprime

2022-01-20 18:18:33 335



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