Introduction to fuzzy logic

Fuzzy control is a close-to-human-reasoning process from some inputs to an output. Take band credit score as an example. Rather than thinking a score below 550 is a bad credit but 551 is neutral, fuzzy computes the output based on how close the input is to both conditions.

Fuzzy logic is a close-to-human-reasoning process from some inputs to an output. Rather than thinking of y = c when a < x < b for an input x, an output y, and some constants a, b and c; fuzzy computes the output based on how close the input is to some conditions. Consider a similar setup to the system: fuzzy is driving a car toward certain destination. The raw input is distance to destination and car velocity.

To allow tuning of fuzzy gains, it is best to remap raw input between certain constraints. Say a car is 30m away from target, and fuzzy thinks 100m away is the largest viewable distance; then car has an error of 0.3, which is relatively small but still touches the definition of medium distance. This remapping is called fuzzification.

Before fuzzy starts running, it defines a series of logic rules. For instance, if car is far from destination, move quickly; otherwise, gradually slows down until car reaches the final point. Now, consider velocity of car as the second input. Think of how a person drives the car, if car is close to target but is moving quickly, merely slowing down is not enough. That is, car should try to brake hard. The amount of moving and braking speed are calculated from rules. To simplify the process, interpret fuzzy logic as a table. This table contains multiple fuzzy outputs, each of which corresponds to one combination of fuzzy input values.

Finally, let fuzzy output goes through defuzzification. Say a fuzzy input combination of 0.3 distance and 0.1 speed gives a fuzzy output of 0.2 (car wants to move slow but not stopping). Let maximum allowable speed of car be 10m/s,  then defuzzification gives an output of 2 m/s.

模糊集合、模糊逻辑和模糊控制系统是一种处理不确定和模糊信息的数学工具和方法。模糊集合是一种广义的集合,它允许一个对象具有不完全明确定义的成员关系。与传统的二进制逻辑相比,模糊逻辑在处理不确定性和模糊性方面更加灵活。 模糊逻辑是一种处理模糊信息的推理系统,它使用模糊集合来表示不确定的概念和关系,以及处理模糊规则的推理过程。模糊逻辑可以用于模糊推理、模糊分类、模糊控制等各种应用领域。模糊逻辑中使用了模糊if-then规则,其中模糊if部分描述条件,模糊then部分描述结论。 模糊控制系统是一种使用模糊逻辑进行控制的系统。它采用了模糊规则和模糊推理来处理不确定性和模糊性,从而实现对复杂系统的控制。模糊控制系统有很强的适应性,它可以应对模糊的输入和输出,以及不确定和变化的环境条件。 模糊控制系统的基本原理是将输入变量模糊化成模糊集合,使用模糊规则进行推理,然后将输出变量进行去模糊化得到精确的控制命令。模糊控制系统常用于控制工程、人工智能、机器人学等领域,在一些复杂、模糊或难以建模的情况下取得了明显的优势。 总之,模糊集合、模糊逻辑和模糊控制系统为我们处理不确定和模糊信息提供了有效的工具和方法,它们在各个领域的应用越来越广泛,为解决实际问题提供了一种灵活和适应性强的方法。




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