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原创 [JavaScript] Javascript 读取 XML String 或 XML File

这段代码是我在回复一个帖子时写的,觉得有一定的收藏价值function listAllStates(){ var xmlDoc;var xmlString = wei;    // Mozilla and Netscape browsers    if (document.implementation.createDocument) {        var parser = new 

2008-05-11 14:13:00 1105

原创 [SQL模板] 避免使用游标 cursor 的最佳方法

很多数据管理员DBA会告诉你尽量避免使用cursor. 它会锁住读取的数据甚至表单。经过搜索和研究,觉得用以下方法作为替代最好。代码是我用模板(Template)的形式写的。将代码粘贴到SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS), 按住Ctl + Shilft + M, 然后点击OK, 就可以运行了。-- ============================

2008-05-09 21:36:00 1044

原创 [必备工具] SQL2005 Management Studio 之 SSMS Tools Pack

绝对值得一试!下载地址:http://www.ssmstoolspack.com/Download.aspxSearch Results in Grid Mode and Execution PlansFind all occurrences of your search string in the execution plans or in the results in datagrid mod

2008-05-05 21:33:00 1667

原创 使用 HybridDictionary 类

看到 CSLA.NET3.5 中很多次使用了HybridDictionary,性能极佳,就研究了一下。其定义如下:[Serializable]public class HybridDictionary : IDictionary, ICollection, IEnumerableHybridDictionary 类特别适合在不清楚集合大小的情况下使用。它利用了 ListDictio

2008-05-05 21:09:00 1260

原创 必备 VS2008 辅助工具之 PowerCommands

下载地址(含源码):http://code.msdn.microsoft.com/PowerCommands/Release/ProjectReleases.aspx?ReleaseId=559Below is a list of the included in PowerCommands for Visual Studio 2008 version 1.1. Refer to the Rea

2008-05-02 21:14:00 1868

Profession ASP NET MVC 2 Framework Second Edition

最新最好的ASP.NET MVC书籍. Pro ASP.NET MVC 2 Framework. This book is for professional software developers who already have a working understanding of C# and general web development concepts such as HTML and HTTP. Many readers will have background knowledge of traditional ASP.NET (now known as Web Forms, to distinguish it from MVC), so in many places I point out the similarities of and differences between the two ASP.NET technologies. But if you’ve used PHP, Rails, or another web development platform, that’s fine too. To get this most out of this book, you’ll need to have a fair level of passion and enthusiasm for your craft. I hope you’re not satisfied just to throw together any old code that appears at first to work, but instead would prefer to hone your skills by learning the design patterns, goals, and principles underpinning ASP.NET MVC. This book frequently compares your architectural options, aspiring to help you create the highest quality, most robust, simple, and maintainable code possible. You Don’t Need to Know ASP.NET MVC 1 Already This book primarily targets developers who are new to ASP.NET MVC; it doesn’t assume any existing knowledge of ASP.NET MVC 1. Most readers won’t care whether a given feature is new in version 2 or already existed in version 1, so this book is structured to best teach the whole of ASP.NET MVC 2 in the most approachable order, not in the order of when each framework feature was first invented. This is a new edition of a 2009 book about ASP.NET MVC 1. Much of the material is based on the original book—thoroughly updated and revised, of course, to account for the latest technologies and developments in industry best practices. If you have already read the previous edition of this book, you may wish to skim Part 1 of this new book and then go more slowly over the details in Parts 2 and 3.


CSharp 3.0 Design Patterns

设计模式参考书,C#3.0 If you are a programmer who loves your code, for whom every line has a precise meaning and every feature has a correct place, this book is for you. It will help you with your primary job of making your code correct, elegant, extensible, and effi- cient. If you serve the business ends of your organization by focusing on the quality of your code, you need a book like C# 3.0 Design Patterns. Knowledge about design patterns is also a big stepforward for those working upfrom low-level programmers to software engineers and architects. Through reading this book, you will acquire skills in: • Programming design patterns • Basic UML modeling notation for representing patterns • Selecting patterns appropriate for given scenarios and comparing alternative implementations • Using advanced language features of C# 3.0 to realize patterns efficiently and elegantly






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